
Mega Man Dark Force 3 New Screenshots

Alex Negron from GamesOnSmash writes "Capcom release some screenshots for their new Mega Man Dark Force 3 for the DS. Here are some of them".

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LBD_Nytetrayn5726d ago

"Dark" Force?

Think harder, Homer.

Under Review: Episode 1

Gaming Union writes: "Darryl and Kyle kick off Gaming Union's debut weekly review show! Jumping into the past week in reviews done by GU, Darryl and Kyle cover Fat Prince, Mega Man Star Force 3, Colorz and Grand Slam Tennis. Miss a review or don't care to read it yourself? Listen to Darryl and I discuss the games and question each other's opinions."

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Gaming Union: Mega Man Star Force 3 Review

Gaming Union writes: "Continuing the long running Mega Man series, Capcom has brought their latest action role-playing entry in the franchise to North America on the Nintendo DS, Mega Man Star Force 3. Once again players suit up as lead Geo Stelar with partner Omega-Xis in tow, together transforming into Mega Man to defend the world from new evils and protect their close friends when they find themselves sandwiched in the middle."

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ShawnCollier5531d ago

I liked the Battle Network series, seems like this sounds just as good.

somekyle5531d ago

Yeah, this is like, the successor series to Battle Network, just 200 years in the future or something crazy.

mephman5531d ago

Haha, whatever works for them, I guess. There have been so many Mega Man games it's hard to keep count.


Destructoid: Mega Man Starforce 3 Review

Ultimately, if you play RPGs for their story value only, this game might not appeal to you. It really is some of the most convoluted and shark-jumping nonsense that Destructoid has ever seen in a game, and they play Metal Gear Solid. However, the gameplay is its own reward and once one gets into it, one finds it quite hard to get back out. It's a shame that the plot holds it back, but otherwise Megaman Starforce 3 is pretty bloody good, and well worth your time if you like your roleplayers with a little more action in them.

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G4drake5559d ago

3 is the charm, might get the game