
Blu-Ray Sales Developing Nicely

The Blu-ray Disc player industry is seeing increased sales over the past two and a half years. Since the technology was unveiled, 10.7 million players (including Playstation 3s) have been shipped to retail stores across the US. The 2008 sales have increased three-fold compared to 2007 estimates.

According to Adams Media Research, the household penetration for Blu-ray Disc players is 8% after slightly less than three years on the market. Compare this to the three-year estimates of about 3% for Color TV, 2% for CDs and 4% for DVDs, and Blu-rays are looking to be a rapidly growing industry.

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Simon_Brezhnev5632d ago

lets see how long it takes a good blu-ray article 2 get approved if this was doom i give it .5 seconds and its approved and on front page

MegaMohsi5632d ago

adoption rate of HDTV after 2 years? That should give us a good comparison of what to expect from Blu Ray

butterfinger5632d ago

Classy, Nineball, classy. I agree with MegaMohsi.

Nineball21125632d ago (Edited 5632d ago )

See butterfinger? ;-)

Good and bad...

Sony is going to get the last laugh out of this generation, I think. They took some major risks, but it's going to pay off for them in the long run.

Oh, and I thought about submitting this one, just for balance... but I'll give it a rest for today. :-)



Bots don't know what tru HD is..........

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Infamous Franchise Deserves Another Chance From PlayStation

Sucker Punch rejuvenated the superhero genre with Infamous, a series that focused on the pure fun of wielding destructive powers.

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shinoff218310h ago

Atleast release a remaster trilogy or something to gage interest. I'd buy it. With that said I'm pretty over superheroes at this point. Infamous is still dope as fk though so it'd be a buy

jznrpg9h ago

I agree but games take 4-6 years to make so who knows when they would do it? After Ghost of Tsushima2? They could have something else in the world as well in early production who knows.

mkis0078h ago

It's a shame Sucker Punch finally figured out a good open world formula only while making Ghost of Tsushima. Infamous 1 and 2 were great for their time, but Second son felt too much like a checklist in It's design. I love the hell out of all 3 games (2 and 3 are just so damn good, while 1 shows it's age and the ps3 struggles), but I would love to see how they would do another infamous with all they have learned. Wouldn't hurt to release a remastered collection either.

Demetrius21m ago(Edited 21m ago)

This series, days gone, will continue to get ignored by sony, luckily we still have the horizon series, sly cooper not getting pushed anymore, speaking of that I'm bout to get on my ps2 and play some sly 2 anyways lol, but seriously I never woulda thought back then sony would ever cold shoulder most of their franchises I'm actually surprised they're still letting ratchet&clank be around


Fortnite Summer Event: Release date, free rewards, map changes, and more

Another Fortnite Summer event is around the corner! Its release date has been leaked, and once again, it will bring new skins and rewards.

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Fear Effect coming to PS5, PS4, Switch, and PC in 2025

Limited Run Games, in cooperation with Square Enix, will release action adventure game Fear Effect for PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Switch, and PC via Steam in 2025, the company announced.

CrimsonWing692d ago (Edited 2d ago )

What!? That is freaking great!!!! I really loved this game back in the day and was so pissed the Remake got changed and then eventually canceled. This is such great news that it’s the original. Will definitely get the plat for it.

Mr Pumblechook2d ago

The article mentions:

* PC
* Nintendo Switch
* PlayStation 4
* PlayStation 5

But why isn’t there a mention of the Xbox Series version?

CrimsonWing692d ago

Yea that’s a Limited Run Games thing like what @Scissorman showed in the article. They’ve tried selling the physical versions of Xsex games, but they just don’t sell. But I’m fairly sure this should be digital for Xbox, if not, then it’s time to drop Xbox and come to greener pastures.

wesnytsfs2d ago

@CrimsonWing69, greener pastures.. Yep moved to mainly PC now myself get all the good games from both companies now if only Nintendo would release games on PC too.

RiseNShine2d ago

so a ps1 game launched in modern platformos, mmmkay. I can play it already in emulators with high res, retroachievements support and more, doesn't make much sense.