
Barack Obama Inauguration Site, Rendered Via 'Fallout 3'

Barack Obama becomes the United States of America's 44th President today, or hadn't you heard? Video games aren't expected to play much of a role - if any - in the Inauguration Day festivities, but video games are still an ideal way to get in Obama's shoes for a glimpse of what the new President is seeing today.

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Rockox5723d ago

That's awesome. I'm nearing the end of the Galaxy News Radio quest, so I'll be sure to give that a peek. Thanks for this!

Mindboggle5723d ago (Edited 5723d ago )

I think you need to be a bit further than the first quest...I think, dont quote me on it though.

BLuKhaos5723d ago


Foxgod5723d ago (Edited 5723d ago )

are they afraid he will get shot, because hes black ?
How many death president where black in the past ?
How many whites ?

Bush was hated way more then Obama, if there was someone that needed tight security, it was him.

I think al this worrying and panicking is getting silly.

MegaMohsi5723d ago

Only 1 of the presidents killed was under the protection of the Secret Service, so their track record is pretty good.

uxo225723d ago

Dude, you really should stick to video games. I won't even indulge you any further.

Graphics Whore5723d ago

Well said, I second that notion.

bpac1234567895723d ago

I hate to say it but if your serious than your an idiot or have been living under a whole for a long...long time.

"How many death president where black in the past ?"
- did you really ask this question...REALLY... There was never a black president before, nobody even came close. Why do you think that Obama represents change in America?

-Now that i think of it i probably shouldn't have bothered replying to his comment but its amazing how clueless some people are.

theKiller5723d ago

Fox(Fox news)God!

brainless brainwashed person is a good reply

Foxgod5723d ago (Edited 5723d ago )

well doh, sarcasm is hard isnt it people, everybody knows that obama is the first black president.
what i meant that taking all these security measures is redicilous, they think hes in danger because of his skin color.

thats called reverse discrimination.
Oh, and expecting change because someone has a different color, prffrt, cant get any more redicilous then that.

And il discuss any matter i want, its called freedom of expression, i am not just gonna talk about things because you prever to be deaf on the other half of the truth.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 5723d ago
Crazyglues5723d ago

I was watching the Inauguration, and when bush got in the chopper I was automatically thinking that looks like a scene out of fallout 3...LoL

Because the game has that same chopper in it..

...then I come to N4G.com and it looks like someone else had too much fallout 3 on the brain too. ..LoL

Halochampian5723d ago

oh the wonders of Fallout 3 :)

Obama5723d ago

You bots will never get me!

BLUR1115723d ago (Edited 5723d ago )

But Obama sony fans need you too!
Give the droids a chance. come on!

Graphics Whore5723d ago

He said (bots) not (droids).

You're not helping the stereotype.

JasonPC360PS3Wii5723d ago

Even Droids like Obama, even if they don't understand anything he says, because it's like WAY over thier head...:)

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Cancelled Fallout game gets turned into mod while everyone waits for London's release

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I Have A Confession, I Like The Fallout 3 Green Filter

The game looks too clean without it.

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isarai126d ago

How about you actually SHOW wtf you're talking about

Nacho_Z125d ago

Always annoying when articles do that.

I agree with them that the tv show was a bit on the clean side. They got loads right regarding set design etc but there's room for improvement.

gold_drake125d ago

i dont. it hurts my eyes. but im fairly ssensitive when it comes to that sort of stuff.

RyanWritesGood85d ago (Edited 85d ago )

Every Fallout seems to have their own color palate... New Vegas is basically brown, while 3 is green and gray. It's only 76 that has a robust color palate.

3 just isn't 3 without the green.


Amazon Prime Gaming May 2024 Games Lineup Looks Highly Promising

Amazon has announced its gaming lineup for May 2024 and it is one of the better months especially if you are an Amazon Prime subscriber.

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Retroman139d ago

I have Amazon Prime hardly ever use it and these games will not make me jump back to Prime.
Only use Prime for discounts on shipping.

Retroman139d ago

Games line-up looks Highly Promising.
Yeah if you Never played those games before.
or you just started gaming for the First time in your life it would seem "Promising "