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meepmoopmeep (4) - 5728d ago Cancel
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Pedophile lures 7 year old boy with his Xbox 360.

An HIV-positive pedophile threatened to kill a 7-year-old boy's mom if he disclosed the sordid abuse inflicted for months, court heard yesterday.

In a videotaped statement played in court, the articulate boy wept as he recalled Donald Mumford vowing to kill his mom or injure him in 2007 if he told police.

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Mis-spelt Paedophile... There is only 1 English language, learn to use it American is NOT a language... its a slang.
r3xmund15728d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
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Damn, accidentally approved, if a mod gets this, original title please.
Elven65728d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
meepmoopmeep5728d ago

that's creepy and gross,
i hope that bastard dies painfully and slowly from A.I.D.S

LeSouteneur5728d ago

Jail time isn't enough. These people need to be beaten down, flogged, and painfully tortured throughout their sentence.

Elven65728d ago

Send em to one of those hardcore Chinese jails or let a hardened Red Army vet take care of them, that will teach scum like this.

MNicholas5728d ago

the vast majority of children, particularly girls, with single moms get sexually abused by friends, neighbors, relatives, boyfriends, and any others who the single mom might be dependent on.

It's one of the great tragedies of our times yet the subject rarely gains mention in the mainstream press.

Consoldtobots5728d ago (Edited 5728d ago )

agreed but this mother needs her head examined,who in their right mind lets a 7 year old sleep at a grown strangers house? Are people really that stupid?

ZootHornRollo5728d ago

reason one to buy an xbox360.

access to your pedoS at high speed

TOO PAWNED5728d ago (Edited 5728d ago )

Worst thing in all of this is that now this 7 year old is HIV positive and who knows what other diseased he got from this man?!

AND one more thing. This kind of people get so soft jail sentences in Europe. I see it all the time. I READ that one man was raping one boy for years and forced him to steal and once police found this out he got like less than 3 years! Young boy is destroyed for ever and this guy gets 3 years? How cute. I have sen even softer jail sentences for like less than a year.
I on purpose don't want to say name of this nations, just not to insult anyone, but thats how it is in most EU countries, that's a fact!
But i have to say this. In Holland, there is pedophile political party that wants to get in government(don't know proper name in English, you know place where all political parties get together and talk, sometimes they put it on TV).
In 20-30 years you might see pedophilia as something "normal". It seems like this world is going in that direction.

meepmoopmeep5728d ago

i know my comment is cruel,

but seriously, you cannot rehabilitate these sorts of people
by traditional means.

it's their natural instinct.
you have to cut out whatever part of their brains
makes them like children sexually.

it's just the way it is.
no amount of jail time will change
what their brain receptors tell them.

Blitzed5728d ago

Although chemical castration is a lot cheaper and more effective than a lobotomy.

TheDude2dot05728d ago

AIDS isn't really painful. If you are going for pain, try to give him Melanoma.

LeShin5728d ago

Agreed, however, I have a pair of swords which could do the job more cost effectively and more painfully.

Anything to save wasting the tax payers money.....

theKiller5728d ago

from being extreme fanboys
to being jealous
to being haters
to being rude with all the swearing going on in LIVE
to theifs
and now pedophiles.

dudes, for ur own safety and the safety of ur children stay away from Xbox LIVE, u can play 360 but NO online!

cayal5728d ago

"the vast majority of children, particularly girls, with single moms get sexually abused by friends, neighbors, relatives, boyfriends, and any others who the single mom might be dependent on."

That's fair to suggest? Are you an idiot?

That wouldn't even be close to be correct.

Bathyj5728d ago

Dexter knows how to deal with this people. No one touches his kids.

Hundred bucks says it was Capital G.

TheDude2dot05728d ago

I think Monk is more practical than Dexter. Dexter just kills a ton of people.

memots5728d ago (Edited 5728d ago )

but but but i tough Teh cell and home wurd teh only place that would lure little kids ..

/end sarcasm

Any of you still Surprised with these articles? That has come to be expected from the online community be it on computers or any console.

Creeps are all around us, and online environment just facilitate access to kids by theses waste of space and oxygen on this planet.

Drakol5727d ago

... is to kill him. There are no cures or preventions. No doctor in the world can say that they have fully cured a pedo. They are the scum of the earth and should be rid of for the sake of our children.

aliveinboston5727d ago

Seriously dude, I saw a presentation in school on this stuff and it's really scary. MNicholas definitely sounds a little paranoid but really it's a lot worse than people think. If I had kids, I'd probably be paranoid too.

@Mnicholas, I feel you dude, it's a bad situation. Do you have kids? I've dated a lot of girls (probably more than you and that other guy combined! kidding) and for some reason they all tell me their back story so I know that this is not something unusual. Maybe I just get the wierd ones but it's definitely not as uncommon as people like to believe.

I wish someone would do something about it once and for all.

TheDude2dot05727d ago

These people are messed up. They not only ruin little boy's lives, they murder and do crazy stuff. Pedophiles should be jailed for the rest of their lives so they see how hard it is to be raped.

Xandet5727d ago

Ah hall nah.. that OCD weirdo has nothing on Dexter. He gets the job done.

Unfortunately though, that's all just in fiction. :(
Guess we'll just have to be satisfied in knowing he'll be painfully tortured in prison. Child molesters always go first.

-EvoAnubis-5727d ago

Wouldn't even have to pay me. Damn death row.

Edit: "Dexter knows how to deal with this people. No one touches his kids."

Damn right. Let Dexter handle it.

hermie5727d ago

If this guy were to go to jail in the US he'd be screwed. Child molesters are considered the lowest of the low in US jails and are targeted by all the convicts.

jovherye5727d ago (Edited 5727d ago )

There's a special brand of justice for a$$holes like this in prison! I hope he suffers every second of it!!!

Edit: I guess this isn't in the US, so I don't know how prisoners deal with lowlifes like this in other countries. Hopefully they castrate him Hostel (movie) style!!

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krouse935728d ago

What the F is wrong with People you know it just pisses me off that we have to deal with A holes like this.

Sanzee5728d ago (Edited 5728d ago )

Lately I've been seeing alot of Xbox articles involving crime or extreme behavior.

No, it doesn't make me think Xbox Fans are all pedophiles. It's somewhere more on the lines of... how long did this kid have to spend googling "ps3 crime" and "xbox pedophiles" until he came across this article? Come on guys. Have some dignity. Grow some balls. Fight like a man. Throwing rocks and running away doesn't count.

SinnedNogara5728d ago

I hope this guy gets life sentence. This type of situation makes me slightly glad that the Wii has friend codes. They should send that guy to Guantanamo Bay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

CliffyBee5727d ago

It was pp and me! Sorry again pp. Even though you love the Microcock.

Stubacca5727d ago


Seriously though, this sort of stuff IS kinda silly. If there's a reason to not own a 360, it's because it's relatively crap next to Sony's latest, not because it's the console of choice for pedophiles and convicted sex offenders.

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rucky5728d ago

Sick sick world we live in although it's still best to be aware on these kind of things.

005728d ago

man this city is getting worse by the day.

lord_of_balrogs5728d ago

Try going to downtown Vancouver at nightime. I actually like Calgary, the times I've been there have generally been fun. The city is incredibly beautiful as I like the beige/sandstone color of the buildings.

I hope this pedophile serves the rest of his life in prison. What he did was truly disgusting. He should face castration.

Elven65728d ago

Fellow Calgaryian? Bubbles for you for realizing the struggle!!

Blitzed5728d ago (Edited 5728d ago )

How about those Flames! Try being a Leaf fan right now.

They should put this fu*k in net with no pads and have Iginla shoot pucks at him for an hour!

solsub5728d ago

A Leafs fan huh? Man I feel bad for you guys.

But on topic, this guy deserves the worst.

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Amplitude5728d ago

Wow. That's 2 X-Box 360 related pedophile news items in less than 6 hours.

krouse935728d ago

i know it seems that pedophiles are cheap bastards only buying XBOX's

pixelsword5728d ago (Edited 5728d ago )

This was a horrible crime committed by a diseased low-life with a perverted, immature, malfunctioning mind. What console he owned is irrelevant.

socomnick5728d ago

what are you talking about, everyone knows pedophiles love the ps3, it has home. Thats what home is pedophile heaven.

hippo245728d ago

Really why would this even be posted on a gaming thread, This is a terrible crime and I take comfort in knowing this man will die an agonizing and terrible death from his contracted aids while alone in a jail cell with the only people to care about his death being the ones planning a celebration for his demise.

The only people that will remember him after his death are the ones who despise him. His name will be cursed and the only prayers toward him will be ones of damnation.

Blitzed5728d ago (Edited 5728d ago )

You really have problems to be making light of a 7yr old being rapped (because thats what you just did). God forbid somehting like this ever happens to one of your children.

InMyOpinion5728d ago

I think pedophiles choose the console with the most online activity.

Amplitude5727d ago

Indeed. The most online child activity. What the hell was a 7 year old doing online anyway?

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Comparing Galen Marek and Cal Kestis: Star Wars Force Users

Compare Star Wars' Galen Marek and Cal Kestis—two powerful Force users with unique journeys, combat styles, and roles in the galaxy far, far away.

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Star Wars: The Force Unleashed Was Released 16 Years Ago Today.

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Another possible title - Slow News Day.

darthv726d ago

force unleashed is a great game. Thankfully the 360 version is bc on the XBO/Series. It looks and plays even better than on original hardware.

ZoboomafooFan6d ago (Edited 6d ago )

A true classic. Recently I was experimenting with injecting ray tracing into this game using nvidia’s SSRTGI. The results were pretty slick!

5d ago

I played the Halo Mega Bloks game, and it was truly Killtacular

Lewis writes: "We played a build of the cancelled Halo Mega Bloks game, and it was a brilliant scrapped Xbox exclusive that should've been made."

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Microsoft are just batting a hundred. Can they screw up anymore? Wait, don’t answer that.