
Dragon Age: The Veilguard Visuals Deemed Too Cartoony by Fans, BioWare Releases Gameplay Sneak Peek

BioWare's Dragon Age: The Veilguard visual style knocked by fans as too cartoony. Studio releases gameplay sneak peek to assuage concerns.

Seth_hun46d ago

The actual gameplay looks good, im interested in the combat side of things. Are the PR guys a little bit lost on what you need to show first in a big event? Not that trailer what we saw

just_looken46d ago

The leaks last year it looks to be dragon age 3 style combat.

RaidenBlack46d ago

Looks soo good!
Why the heck did they use that weird reveal trailer?

-Foxtrot46d ago

I’m flabbergasted with it

They know how people have lost faith in the studio over the years with Anthem being their biggest failure so why do a trailer like that when the gameplay looks completely different

You want to reassure people not put them off even more unless they thought the trailer would lower expectations and the gameplay would then look even better when we saw it next

just_looken46d ago

Well this is ea that toss titanall fall 2 to the shredder and killed battlefield

The the whole origin launcher that worked to ea play that still does not work at all.

just_looken46d ago

Gaint green symbol;'s like your in the fade and that interact popup

I am still not at all hyped for this game

Software_Lover46d ago

These types of articles need to say "some fans". Some of us just want working, smooth games. We don't need photorealistic graphics.

robtion46d ago

Yep I agree. I think the visuals are great, they are stylised. Not sure who is writing these articles with the sweeping generalisations.

ZeekQuattro46d ago

These days a lot articles like this are based on a handful of comments the author perused on social media.

neutralgamer199245d ago (Edited 45d ago )

I personally like cartoony art style but it seems everything now a days has to be photo realistic

EternalTitan46d ago

No nothing is too cartoony. Keep it up.
I hope EA has the axe ready.

PapaBop46d ago

I can certainly see why fans would think that but I think it still has a distinct visual style that gives it it's own charm. I'm usually sensitive to generic cartoony looking games but thought this looked really good. The tone of that trailer though certainly didn't help.

enkiduxiv46d ago (Edited 46d ago )

I don’t think it’s the cartoony quality of the trailer that upset people, it was the tone the trailer set. The trailer, from the design of the characters to the style of fonts it employed, looked cheap. If I didn’t know it was Dragon Age, I would have immediately thought live service mobile game.

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anast4d ago

I'm on the fence but leaning more toward the fail category.


I Think It's About Time I Accept That The Dragon Age We All Knew Is Long Gone

Hanzala from eXputer: "With Dragon Age: The Veilguard beginning a new, action-focused, hero-style era, it's clear that Dragon Age is no longer what I remember."

VincentVanBro35d ago

“ beginning a new, action-focused, hero-style era”
This isn’t the beginning of any new era, it will be DOA like the Dungeon’s and Dragons Dark Alliance reboot train wreck in 2021

just_looken33d ago

I agree but unlike that game were no talent hack's were used this game will fail because its going by the clipboard and is being made by people that got the job for who they are instead of what they know/can do.

Look at the game director's vision here official blog 2nd game sense left collage was in diapers when the first one was being thought of during kotar days.

Did they hire vets na this person the esg said so.

You can tell no one in bioware knows what dragon age keep is and no one played the old games back in the pre 2010 era.

Everyone should watch the netflix anime that is cannon which happens before this game in fact the gameplay of this game shows some stuff from that show. That netflix show reveals just how few left knows the lore/art style/combat

bababooiy33d ago (Edited 33d ago )

That is such a great comparison, especially when it comes to the combat. Like when you look at whats going on it may be action but it definitly is no God of War, it aint flashy combo based like Devil May Cry either. And it definitly isnt slow methodical like the Souls games it just looked very spammy and shallow by comparison to any of those great titles weve seen in recent years.

Scissorman33d ago

Bioware is Bioware in name alone.


It's been dying since the end of ME3... The last two founding members were more interested in hobbies than the day to day so we got that shitty endibg... I can't say I blame them, they had become wealthy beyond their wildest dreams and working for EA (though that was their fault/choice) had to be depressing...

Anyhow, it's a bloated corpse now... EA won't kill it because they paid too much for it.

RiseNShine33d ago

it looked pretty underwhelming in every sense, graphics were sub par for current gen, gameplay looked average, combat showed the main thief character doing the same jump move attack a million times, boring, and the whole plot didn't seem very interesting.

I remember watching Dragon Age Inquisition trailer graphics and thought that they were mindblowing for their time, it's been 10 years now and this looks such a minor improvement, and then the cartoony look and it just kills it completely. Finally, add that Bioware latest releases have been terrible, this looks like a shipwreck in the making.

INMATEofARKHAM33d ago (Edited 33d ago )

Not to defend it but the combat was a lvl one character so that made for limited moves... so it likely gets better..? Agree with everything else. I don't see a compelling Dragon Age game...


Dragon Age: The Veilguard Faces A Giant In Baldur's Gate 3

Salman from Tech4Gamers writes "I am waiting for a new adventure in Thedas, but I have some worries, especially considering the huge success of Baldur's Gate 3."

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