
Uncharted 5 – Where is It?

Naughty Dog's acclaimed action-adventure franchise has remained dormant for quite some time but may be due for a resurgence.

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MaximusPrime_63d ago

Uncharted 4 meant to be the last. Did anyone play that game?

ravens5263d ago

Yes it is. Think he just meant, didn't they see the ending and that Drake was done done.

Nacho_Z63d ago

The ending of U4 was about as satisfying and definitive as it's possible for a piece of media to be.

That was the conclusion of the series, yes a spinoff is possible but if there's a straight U5 featuring the old gang then ND have lost their way and I don't see that happening.

shinoff218363d ago

They did say that was a wrap on uncharted. Clearly people cant read or listen.

bunt-custardly63d ago

Yeh but "Uncharted" is very much a franchise now, and much like Resident Evil series could have multiple lead characters like it already does. So Uncharted 5 doesn't have to even feature Nate.

Perhaps we can get a Tom Holland character that plays a new treasure hunter. Or...better yet, a buxom female who wears tight shorts and skimpy clothes regardless of the location whose more badass than any man could ever be.

northpaws63d ago

No all companies milk a franchise until they are not even relevant.

bunt-custardly63d ago

@northpaws, great they stopped at 5 games then.

anast63d ago

I'm good. But if they brought it out of storage, I would day 1 it.

repsahj62d ago

I am satisfied with the outcome of the story of uncharted 4. even if it is a new game or a sequel to 4, I will buy it day one.

anast62d ago

This is the where I'm at too.

cthulhucultist63d ago

Amazing series! I only wish they could reverse their decision and release a new entry.

Played them on Steamdeck (UC 4 and Lost Odyssey) and both performed very good and looked stunning.

It is amazing that those games were released on previous gen system

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Uncharted’s Loss Is Tomb Raider's Gain

Given that Naughty Dog is giving up on one of its staple franchises, now is the best time for Tomb Raider games to capitalize on that.

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jambola505d ago

It's not a loss to move on?

SullysCigar505d ago

This nonsense article also neatly sidesteps the fact that just because Naughty Dog are moving on from the franchise, that doesn't mean the franchise stops. ALL of the Uncharted games were amazing and the last one was a moving finale for Drake, but you can bet your bottom dollar the franchise will return after a well-earned hiatus with a BANG, even if it's handed to one of Sony's other studios to develop.

VenomUK504d ago

I love Uncharted (2 and 1 are my favourites). But there is such a thing as franchise fatigue especially with story or character driven games. So it makes sense to let a series rest, it’s good for the audience and it’s good for the developers who get to express their creativity on new projects. Like he⬆ said, it will return and if the gap is long enough that will be exciting for everyone.

Flawlessmic504d ago

Yea I don't see how naughty dog possibly giving us a new ip is a loss at all, it's exactly what I and most others want.

All the uncharted were awesome bit that series had its time now it's onto bigger and better things.

In 10 yrs time then sure I'd be up for another one but not now.

senorfartcushion504d ago

To some live service nonsense most likely.

I’ll be screencapping this reply for the time they do announce their new game.

It’ll be an open world Souls ripoff with microtransactions and events

KeeseToast504d ago (Edited 504d ago )

Sony Bend did great work on Uncharted: Golden Abyss. Since it is unlikely we are getting a Days Gone 2 I would like Bend to continue the franchise (and finally port over Golden Abyss to any other platform then Vita 😞)

_SilverHawk_504d ago

It's silly to think that one of Playstations most successful franchise sony will stop making even after making a blockbuster film about it.

badz149503d ago


heck yeah! more of Eddie Raja please

fr0sty503d ago

Since when is not milking a franchise until it's diluted down to garbage like Call of Duty a bad thing? They have a golden franchise full of amazing games, no need to keep trying to squeeze more money out of it at expense of the quality of the game.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 503d ago
CobraKai503d ago

I agree. I’m actually glad that they’re not just making more Uncharted titles just to keep the franchise going. It ended. It was great. Let it rest.

isarai505d ago

"Loss"? "Giving up"? Bowing out after 6 extremely successful entries is not a loss, nor is it giving up. It's a well earned retirement. And honestly i dont have much hope in TR anymore, especially after being bought by Amazon.

jambola505d ago

Yeah, especially from a team like naughty dog who are well known to change it up from generation to generation

robtion504d ago

Naughty dog have amazing talent and I traditionally bought all of their games day 1. That is until TLOU2 (which I bought and enjoyed until 1/2 way through). Woke garbage.

MadLad504d ago

They've been making the same two IPs since the PS3.
What exactly have then been switching up.

And I actually love their games; just trying to see what they've been actually switching up.

jambola503d ago

ps1, crash bandicoot
ps2, jak and daxter
ps3, uncharted / tlou

NecrumOddBoy504d ago (Edited 504d ago )

Are people just going to ignore the last PlayStation games medley commercial? There is a new Uncharted game coming; it’s just not created by Naughty Dog.


Chevalier504d ago (Edited 504d ago )

"They've been making the same two IPs since"

Same guy who never criticizes Xbox for Halo, Forza, Forza Horizon, Gears studios for only ever having worked a single IP EVER. Hypocrite much?

Naughty Dog at least is working on a new IP and will average 1 new IP each generation. Which Xbox studios even make 1 new IP each gen?

MadLad504d ago (Edited 504d ago )

Literally always gives credit to Sony where I feel it's due.
Said I really enjoyed Halo Infinite's campaign, but acknowledge that they dropped the ball with the online.
Loves Forza Horizon, yet don't have any interest in the original series.
Yes I do love Gears of War.
I also love Uncharted and the Last of Us (mainly the first one).

What does that have to do with me asking someone who claims Naughty Dog switches up their stuff every generation, when all they have made over three generations have been two IPs?

Please tell me how I'm wrong. I'll wait.

GotGame818504d ago

I agree with you first and foremost! This year is different though, because Microsoft bought Bethesda.

Hi-Fi, Redfall, and Starfield are all new IP'S. Without Bethesda, Microsoft would have nothing new as far as IP'S this year. Hi-Fi is fantastic. Redfall I am not getting a good vibe from, and doubt it will be nearly as good as Deathloop. That leaves Starfield. I am taking a wait and see attitude. If it's a buggy mess that will suck. With 1000 planets, are they going to be empty?

All that said. Uncharted is probably my favorite Playstation IP. Fantastic story telling with top notch graphics!



Uncharted and TLOU were on ps3 and ps4 so that's two generations not three. They're making a new ip for ps 5 right?

"What does that have to do with me asking someone who claims Naughty Dog switches up their stuff every generation, when all they have made over three generations have been two IPs?

Please tell me how I'm wrong. I'll wait. "

SDuck503d ago

you're counting re-releases in those 6 entries, right? Otherwise, what am I missing?

Zhipp503d ago

I think he's including the uncharted 4 dlc.

isarai503d ago

Golden abyss
Lost Legacy

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 503d ago
Snookies12505d ago

I was quite frankly happy to hear they're not going to milk this franchise. I absolutely love it, and would hate to see it fall into Assassin's Creed territory. Another series I loved so much back in the day, I got a tattoo for it. At this point, I haven't even played half the AC games and never will. They hit it out of the park time and time again with Uncharted. Let it rest with dignity and on a really high note.

SoulWarrior505d ago (Edited 505d ago )

Uncharted 4 finished Drake's story perfectly, and after the medoicre 3rd entry in the TR reboot series I don't see how ND lost anything personally.

zsquaresoff505d ago

Pretty sure there will be another Uncharted game. It's Tomb Raider that has to actually prove itself as the last game in the series IMO, was not very good.

Sonic1881504d ago

Because the last game was not developed by Crystal Dynamics

Pocahontas504d ago

I actually enjoy shadow the most but CD has the polish and feel.

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Naughty Dog's Uncharted Might be Dead & That's Ok

Devin Rardin: Leaving the Uncharted series behind is a good move for Naughty Dog, allowing them to move forward and explore broader horizons.

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blackblades538d ago

Its not dead, it's retired theres a difference.

LeeFender538d ago

Naughty Dog's Uncharted is dead. Not the franchise, the franchise is being worked on by another studio now. We never claimed that the franchise was dead.

blackblades538d ago

I missed read but still lets just say its retired. You never know they might one day not in our lifetime go back to it.

_SilverHawk_538d ago

Why would any company shelve a very successful franchise now especially the uncharted series that also had a successful film. Uncharted isn't gone

smolinsk537d ago (Edited 537d ago )

It's Dead when it's Dead but naughty dog as said my very likely one Day make another one. Absolutely not off the tabel. It's retired that's it.

You should know better then to call something Dead. With all the feeling's around this Game.

sammarshall102538d ago

Whoever makes Uncharted 5 will have great support from Sony's Visual Arts studio who helps with every Naughty Dog game so the IP will be fine indeed

wiz7191537d ago

It won’t be the same , Naughty Dog has a certain charm to them ..

Thundercat77537d ago

Uncharted will be back with a new saga and probably new protagonist.

S2Killinit537d ago

Uncharted will live long in my memory.

TheEnigma313537d ago (Edited 537d ago )

It finished strong and didn't overstay it's welcome. ND needs to work on something else anyways. Just hopefully Drakes story is done. I would love a young sully though.

Unknown_Gamer5794537d ago

That’s ND’s MO, and I respect that. After the 6th gen, many were put out that Jak and Daxter was retired, but if ND kept focusing on that we likely wouldn’t have gotten Uncharted. I respect a company who knows when to end a series so they can focus on something new, and here’s hoping whatever they create next will be just as amazing.

Retroman536d ago

Jax and Daxter 4 be nice

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Can Uncharted 5 Work Without Naughty Dog?

The torch must be passed, but can Uncharted work without Naughty Dog?

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sammarshall102543d ago

Yes! One think about Sony is their studios help each other and they have the best support studios in the business

A few Naughty Dog's wouldn't have any issue helping with the project

-Foxtrot543d ago

I think it can

I just want Chloe and Charlie to lead the franchise going forward

I don’t want Sam, Cassy or Nadine…however with how things have changed in the voice acting industry recently I don’t think Laura Bailey could come back anyway

McMahonme7542d ago

I agree, though I think I could also work perfectly to eventually bring Cassie into the fold under Chloe and Charlie’s tutelage

Andy_Dee541d ago

Based on what? Have I missed something??

Actor Who Voices Abby Is Happy To Return In TLoU 3
In a recent interview with comicbookmovie.com, voice actor Laura Bailey has confirmed that she would happily reprise the role of Abby if Naughty Dog asked her to.

I think TLoU 3 will def go with they Abby route and maybe include some other characters. Ellie maybe or someone new to follow from another perspective.

-Foxtrot541d ago

What’s the Last of Us got to do with this or Abby?

We’re talking about Uncharted and Nadine

My point above is Nadine is black, Laura Bailey is white and if you remember two years ago there was a huge controversy where people were going on about ho black roles were being voiced by white people, a lot of people stepped down and they got new actors. So I’m saying I doubt she’d come back anyway based on the current climate, it would be a controversy waiting to happen knowing what people are like

Andy_Dee541d ago

Hahaha, missed that, thought of Abby since it's the same voice actor! :D hahaha my bad!

isarai542d ago

Sony bend and Golden Abyss proved it can.

Snookies12542d ago

Super glad to hear they're stepping away from Uncharted! It's had enough time as a franchise. I absolutely adore every one of them. But, it's refreshing to see a studio move on from their "golden goose" essentially. Looking forward to whatever they cook up next!

darthv72542d ago

ND are no stranger to hanging up a successful series on a high to do something else. It's how we got Uncharted in the first place. I wish them the best in whatever new idea they have in the wings.

MrNinosan541d ago

Crash - Jak & Daxter - Uncharted - Last of Us.

ND has moved on after successful series before and every new project have been better and better.

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