
Black Ops 6 Devs Have Been Playtesting for "2 Years," Possible References to Gulf War, 9/11 Spotted

Treyarch has been playtesting Black Ops 6 for over two years, as references possibly pointing to the Gulf War and 9/11 have been spotted.

Huey_My_D_Long122d ago

Ok, definitely more interested in the Gulf war setting, I wonder if we will ever see a call of duty game set in Iraq war, outside of "6 Days in Fallujah" since it wasn't cod.


WOW another original game, I didn't see this coming at all.😑 They can't make anything new, guess they don't know how.


We don't need another COD, Assassin's Creed, Far Cry every fucking year. It's like the game industry only knows these franchises. I'm a big fan of Zelda, Mario, Metroid but I do not want a new game from either of them every year. Look at GTA while I think that's way too long between 5 and 6 (it should be at the most 4-5yrs) at least it's not every year.

fsfsxii120d ago

Make an original game then, because it sounds like all you di is complain like a man child about an entertainment industry.

PRIMORDUS120d ago (Edited 120d ago )

That's their job, they are not paying me. What about Beyond Good and Evil 2, also that Splinter Cell remake should been out and done and put Assassin's Creed & Far Cry on back burner for a few more years. They all can make original open world games but they want to make the same thing over and over. This industry needs new IP's not the same stale shit every yr. If I had the chance to tell them off in their face, I wouldn't hesitate for a second.

Tankbusta40121d ago

Coming at you 140gbs day 1.....and wait there is more!!!! 50gb day one patch!

dveio121d ago

Yeah, obviously playtesting the shit out of crappy lastgen versions, because it's four years into PS5 and Series already.

You know what I have thought about lately?

What IF Sony (if Sony is legally allowed to do that ofc), what if Sony counters and announces the Xbox day-one strategy for select titles such as CoD?

Putting CoD for free on PS Plus lowest tier. And just earning from the microtransaction revenues.

With ONE simple move an aquisition worth $70bn would have been beat.

FPS_D3TH121d ago

This take screams idk wtf I’m talking about

dveio121d ago

Why? Just explain. You seem confident in your judgement.

Slootyscooty7777121d ago

You don't understand much about media rights do ya lol

dveio121d ago

I understand the difference between an explanation and just a statement, that's for sure.

You came back replying. Why not use the time then at least for explaining your argument to people?

Maybe this time?

Ra3030121d ago

"Black Ops 6 Devs Have Been Playtesting for 2 Years"

Well this is total BS "if" the Black OPS devs are playtesting a Call d Duty game. They been been playtesting this since 2005'ish when they where making Call of Duty Modern Warfare 4 for 2007 release. Whatever they release in the fall 2024 if its called Call of Duty its nothing more than a remaster of the same game that was released in 2007 and its sad the
"Black Ops 6 Devs Have Been Playtesting for 2 Years" like its something new like using your controller and aiming your weapon and firing said weapon mechanics have changed and its all new........its all BS....the same game for almost 20yrs now.....nothing new!

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