
Sony Commits to PS5 and PC FPS Concord Coming Out in 2024

While Sony has said there are no plans to release sequels in its major franchises this financial year, ruling out new games in the Spider-Man and God of War series until at least April 2025, we do know of one new first-party PlayStation game coming out this year: Concord.

Sonic188173d ago (Edited 73d ago )

Is this a live service multiplayer game like Helldivers 2? Never heard of this game

romulus2373d ago

Multiplayer, pvp, fps. As far as live service I can't confirm but it most likely is just based on the type of game it is.


I do believe it's a live service game. Sony doesn't release day and date on PC if it's not.

XiNatsuDragnel73d ago

Very interesting I hope we learn about concord

Kurisu73d ago

Yeah I'm intrigued by it. We keep hearing about the game, but we've seen very little so I can't work out what it actually is.

jznrpg73d ago

This is good for PS as a whole but I have been done with PVP shooters for about a decade now.

phoenixwing72d ago

They died for me when the ps3 was phased out.

MrBaskerville72d ago

I would be so hyped if it was some kind of singleplayer title. But it's not. Still curious, that image is very cool.


Concord’s second free weekend on PS5 defies logic with 8% player drop

The Concord PS5 beta player count is bizarre given that the first Early Access beta for players who preordered collected 8% more players than the Open Beta.

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Preview: Concord | Console Creatures

Console Creatures writes, "After almost two dozen hours with Concord, there's a lot to love, but also some caveats Firewalk needs to address."

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pwnmaster30001d 3h ago

I was really skeptical about this game but after sinking 4 hours into the game. I actually really enjoy it.
I was surprised how much I liked it after downplaying it. Gameplay was fun. I might have to buy it.

_SilverHawk_13h ago

whats funny is the game wasnt on my radar until i saw a lot of people bashing it calling it rubbish before theyve played it. i played it when the beta came out and thought it was amazing. i didnt go into it thinking anything much other than its just another thing ill probably like or dislike

StormSnooper11h ago

People who have played it love it. People on internet insist it’s horrible. 😆

shinoff218310h ago

I think alot of us just don't want it. This isn't the type of games we want to see from Sony and it's talking sht sure but in the end we will show em with our wallets. I'm sure this will sell but they probably expected more in the end. I've always stuck with Sony cause I prefer their games and rpgs. In real life Sony let Ms buy up a huge chunk of the wrpg market and their giving us this to play.

On the bright side I like jrpgs the most and alot of devs won't even touch Xbox so ps is the winner by default.

StormSnooper10h ago(Edited 10h ago)

Sony didn’t let MS buy a huge chunk of the industry, MS and their lobbyists did that. Also, Sony will not be able to compete with MS if MS gets a pass on their gaas games while Sony’s are criticized for doing the same thing. Almost all MS games have been gaas games but they don’t receive the same backlash. In other words, Sony are crucified because we liked their single player games despite that they said the gaas games won’t deter them from their single player heritage.

Lastly, MS buying a chunk of the wrpg industry may give them temporary leverage, but, as we’ve seen, even their pockets are not deep enough to keep those games off PlayStation. Furthermore, if MS manages to block games from Sony, the forces of supply and demand will eventually fill in for what MS took from everyone.

Ps: I’m 95% single player gamer. But I don’t think just because I’m not interested, I need to bash a new game that is not even out yet. If you liked Sony’s single player games you shouldn’t prevent Sony from competing in the gaas genre.

ThinkThink7h ago

This game is giving me sea of thieves vibes in the sense that there is a good base game there, which just needs to be expanded upon with community feedback until it shapes up into something special. If the studio sticks with it, it could end up being something entirely different in 5 years.

MrNinosan5h ago

So just because you (or alot) don't want the game, you feel that the bashing is deserved?

If I don't want Barbie games or Call of Duty I gladly just pass and don't mind them.

Sony bought Firewalk 3 years after they started on Concord. We PS fans didn't lose anything because of this, we just got more choices and since when is that bad?

Now I can keep on ejoying my single player games, while people who like hero shooters can play Concord or people who like Helldivers can play that.

The bashing on Concord, by people who haven't even played it, is just ridiculous.

X and Youtube is filled with hate for nothing, and they all write about only 1k whatever played the beta, but the are way more than those thousands that are bashing the game.

It's lame...

Not every single game is meant for YOU or everyone.

Before Helldivers 2 and Concord, Playstation got bashed for only having single players third person story telling games. Now they're expanding (not removing), and still receives constant hate.

I hope Concord succeeds, just like Helldivers 2 and silence all those cry babies.

StormSnooper11m ago(Edited 10m ago)

It won’t need 5 years. It’s a solid foundation already. Not a broken game like sea of thieves was at launch. The question is, with the amount of preemptive hate, will it get the chance? We will see.

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Sharius2h ago

this cancer is the left over of jim ryan, hope sony will just cut them down and move on because now they kick jim ryan out, that B does more damge for PS brand more than anyone in PS3 era


Firewalk Studio Lays Out Concord Post Launch Plans Including No Battle Pass

Concord is forging ahead with the developer today laying out some of its post launch plans

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Lightning771d 22h ago

They all reveal post launch plans and content. Doesn't usually pan out if nobody is playing.

Be interesting to see how far they go. If they get very Far at all.

just_looken19h ago

Yeah this is something you post about before you drop a beta few weeks out from launch,

Direct link to there post: https://x.com/PlayConcord/s...

This should have been tossed out with the beta so people can go oh ok these betas are bad but maybe the full game might have worth while content. Now the few hundred or so will get to see what the game has to offer.

As someone that played it seeing 2 game modes in the main screen was a worry though lets face it the only good thing was the feedback of shooting and the quality cut scenes (not speech graphics)

shadowT1d 14h ago

beta was really fun to play.

pwnmaster300019h ago

Agreed. I was surprised how much I actually liked it. I admit I was one the people who bashed the living hell out of this game when I first saw it but I was proven wrong.

CrimsonWing6918h ago

It’s ok, you like what you like. There’s like 300ish people that legit love Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League and claim the hate is unwarranted. I wouldn’t know though since I’m not putting any money or my time into that pile of sh*t.

Flakegriffin10h ago

Agreed! I loved it! Can’t wait to pick it up day one.

1d 9h ago
EternalTitan18h ago

Wow isnt this awesome!
Years down the line, this game will totally be a paradigm shift in the esports scene right?

PapaBop13h ago

Honestly feel bad for the developers, the amount of hate isn't really fair. There is some really neat ideas that just doesn't come together. They'd have been better going F2P battle pass route, saying you own the game, the game doesn't own you sounds catchy but Helldivers 2 shown you can do BP without FOMO. The game clearly needs more time to cook, best thing they can do is delay for a few months and re-evaluate their business model for the game otherwise this will be Lawbreakers all over again.

rpvenom9h ago

They should just rehaul the game and make it PVE and campaign based and have PVP as an option. Go destiny route and might see more success with the characters and story building.

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