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RaidenBlack (4) - 135d ago Cancel
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H9 (2) - 135d ago Cancel
jackbbach (3) - 134d ago Cancel

Ghost of Tsushima on PC Won't Be Released in Specific Countries Due to PSN, and Here's the List

It seems Ghost of Tsushima on PC will have the same PSN purchasing restrictions that caused massive backlash to Helldivers 2.

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Community134d ago
H9135d ago

People on N4G: just fly to another country, what's the big deal

JL2930134d ago

No one cares about 3rd world problems.


There's actually at least one 1st world country on that list and a number of 2nd world countries too. It's almost as if you don't know what defines 1st, 2nd or 3rd world countries... 🤔

JL2930134d ago

Ever hear of turn of phrase? English must not be your first language.

H9134d ago

If only it was a gender problem


If I had to guess your age based on your comment I’d say middle schooler.

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purple101134d ago

not available in JAPAN., wtf sony need to sort their sh** out. this is beyond a joke when a samurai game cannot be sold in Japan, something is wrong.

Hugodastrevas134d ago

Yeah, it's all wrong since they may bed to California

thorstein134d ago

Makes this list rather suss.

StoneTitan133d ago

Because for Japan you have to create a different version. You should look it up. The game is sold in Japan but its not the same storefront. Same with helldivers.
Has something to do with microtransaczion laws.
Look it up.

Hugodastrevas134d ago

Bunch of geniuses running Sony these days... Smh

ocelot07134d ago

Got the feeling Sony are half arsing the PC thing. It's that or the whole PC thing is completely lost on them.

wesnytsfs134d ago

Its lost to sony, They have been quite poor at pc releases going all the way back to the OG planetside.

TheColbertinator129d ago

Sony Online had so much potential and Sony squandered it.

wesnytsfs129d ago

@TheColbertinator, I think they still can be successful on PC. But treating the platform like they do with such delays before releasing on PC will never endear them to PC gamers.

Inverno134d ago

Why tho? The SP works without the need to log into PSN, this was literally announce. So why is it an issue? Simply A. removing the login restriction fixes this, or B. People simply won't play the MP which I don't think people will care much. A better option is A, or even better just lower the game price in those countries to compensate for the lack of MP access.

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How Ghost of Tsushima's Role in Secret Level Could Foreshadow a Sequel's Path

Ghost of Tsushima is one of the many games being featured in Secret Level, and it could give a glimpse into the franchise's future.

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Community11d ago

Ghost of Tsushima 2 - Where Is The Samurai Game Sequel?

Rumours suggest that Sony might be on the brink of unveiling Ghost of Tsushima 2. Here's what we want to see in the game's sequel.

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Community30d ago
purple10130d ago

This game on ps5 pro is gonna rival some cgi films I reckon

purple10129d ago

good point, ps5pro will be in my price range though, and il sell it and only loose a few hundred, if I sell a £2000 gaming pc after 5 years, il loose £1000

Shiore2u29d ago

Why would you sell your gaming PC? Unlike a console you don't have toss the whole thing to upgrade.

Hofstaderman29d ago (Edited 29d ago )

Not waiting two to three years to play it.

purple10128d ago

@Shiore2u. yes another good point, but I still have 2 good points, 1, its in my price range, and 2, eventually you do have to upgrade pc's in whole,. motherboard for instance, as newer graphics cards eventually wont play nice etc. so by then parts have depreciated, a lot.

this is a situation, where two people can be right at the same time,- & I love those moments.!

wesnytsfs27d ago

@Hofstaderman, yea that part deff sucks. I think that window will be getting much shorter though after what has been coming out of Sony about PC games. Most the time I finish it on ps and then when it comes out on PC replay it on their for best expereince.

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29d ago
Lightning7730d ago (Edited 30d ago )

I can only think of these release windows for Ghosts. May through September assuming GTA 6 releases early October. So early September maybe even late or mid August just to be extra safe. However it won't release anywhere in Fall (because GTA). With the said it could be early February 2026 or early March of that year.

That all depends if it shows up at Sony's pro showcase or VGA's. If it does show up at those events, then expect it spring through Summer release dates. If they no show those events then early 2026.

isarai30d ago

Jim really threw a wrench in the gears of PlayStations 1st party. Almost 4 yrs since PS5 launched and not even a tease or announcement from ND, SP, Bend, or Bluepoint. I hope the rumored showcase is true cause we really need something from these studios.

outsider162430d ago

I hope they go all out in the showcase too. Like announcement from all the studios ND, SP, Bend, SantaM, Bluepoint..

P_Bomb29d ago

That’s the hope I keep clinging to. A first party free for all.

bloop29d ago

We're a few years in now and we've only had a handful of of games from their big studios and no clue as to what's coming. I think everyone's been more than patient and it's about time Sony show their hand. At this stage I don't even care if some games are 2/3 years away, just at least let us know what they're working on already. This has to be the most barren generation so far.

DarXyde29d ago

I don't disagree, but PlayStation does have a finite number of studios that are into the big production budgets.

Once you announce and drop them, it's going to take some time to reload that clip. I'm not really surprised that Sony has really not been announcing anything.

rokos29d ago (Edited 29d ago )

Maybe they are operating on a 5-6 year release cycle at least that is how much time it took them between Ghost of Tsushima (2020) and their previous game Infamous: Second Son/First Light (2014). But its all rumors at this point they could show the game next month and still release it in 2026.


Ghost Of Tsushima Was Praised By Final Fantasy & Dragon Quest Creators

The creators of Square Enix's Final Fantasy & Dragon Quest series have shared praise for Ghost of Tsushima.

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Community54d ago
neomahi54d ago

Wow! Here we are years later and they're still talking about this game. Nate Fox, you and your team did one heck of a job, especially with the new Assassin's Creed coming out that has the Japanese angry