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Stellar Blade Fans Discover Trick To Uncensored New Game+ Suits, Including Bondage Outfit

Stellar Blade fans have found a trick that allows them to use uncensored versions of New Game+ suits, including the Autonetic Bondage outfit.

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Community139d ago
Felix_Argyle_Catbro139d ago

Your disc needs to have the 1.00 on it.

Hugodastrevas139d ago

As far as I know all of them have it. Just don't update, stay offline.

Barlos139d ago

Seems a lot of effort to see a bit of digital flesh.

Hugodastrevas139d ago

In an ideal world such gymnastics wouldn't be necessary to play the uncensored version of a 18+ game, but unfortunately this is not an ideal world.
The digital version doesn't even have this option

CobraKai139d ago

In the 90s, these wouldn’t even be an issue. There would probably be even more of them to unlock

Hugodastrevas139d ago

@CobraKai yep, too bad we're not in the 90s

HankHill139d ago

Close your eyes if you don't want to see any skin.

CrimsonWing69139d ago

Look, can they not just reverse the damn changes? How’s their “internal” discussions going?

MrBaskerville139d ago

What if they themselves wanted to make the changes?

CrimsonWing69139d ago (Edited 139d ago )

What if they themselves didn’t and were forced to make the changes?

And let’s think about this, if you’re in the business of making a product for consumers and NOT yourself, wouldn’t it make more sense to try to lean more into what the consumer wants especially when you made it the way they wanted in the beginning? I know, right… crazy concept 🤷‍♂️

shinoff2183139d ago

It's one outfit out of how many. Some of which are more revealing.

Redemption-64139d ago

If anything, they should ignore all the crying man babies.

Director: This is the desig we intended

Man babies: Noooooooooooo, you are lying. Censorshiiiiiiip. Sony forced you to add 6 inches of lace, while leaving out far more revealing outfits. Yes, that must be it. You were forced to change it. Now we have justification to keep crying online

Pathetic. Sony/Shift up, should just stay quiet 🤫

CrimsonWing69139d ago

I mean, we wouldn’t say that about the Helldivers 2 situation.

Look, I get that it’s not a big deal or worth anything to you. It’s easy to get ugly about it with each other because of differences in perspective and stances.

For me, if these were the outfits from the get-go and never altered to cover up more, I’d have been absolutely 100% fine. It’s the fact of the matter that bothers me, little or big.

Like I grew up where I’d watch movies on cable television censored for language, violence, nudity and whatever. When you haven’t seen the unedited version who cares right? When you have seen the unedited version and then watch a cable television edit of the movie… it irks me.

It’s no different here. What’s even more baffling is the fact they championed and made a campaign revolving around standing their ground and NOT censoring. The fact that they’re doing “internal” discussions goes to show there’s more to it than “this was our true FINAL design,” which was what to cover up parts in an outfit design to reveal what you covered up? Like you didn’t think this one through very well…

Here’s where we are. We have a disconnect set by what we prioritize in entertainment. We’re all man babies in here arguing over video game bullsh*t on a damn video game aggregate site, people who don’t prioritize or value games think we’re just as pathetic and a bunch of dorks for doing so.

My thing is I want my entertainment never to be censored. That’s not saying I want porn games. It could be language, violence, nudity, revealing outfits, whatever… I just don’t want to be shown one thing and then have it changed after the fact like some cable television edit because viewers might be offended. Plain and simple.

When it comes to something you’re invested in and it gets changed to appeal to someone else I’m not going to call you a man child when you whine and complain about it.

At the end of the day we’re all gamers and dorks playing video games and gushing about how cool fake characters and sh*t is in basically what is a toy. So, let’s not think we’re better than each other here. We’re all in the same boat.

Hugodastrevas139d ago

The designs they intended... Then why is the other design on the unpatched release?

SimpleDad139d ago

Censorship is bad in every form. What is wrong with you.

Redemption-64139d ago


You might not be smart enough to know this, but the game went gold weeks before the official release date, allowing for the game to be printed on physical disk. That is why the devs said, there will be a day 1 patch. Devs don't stop working on games when it goes gold, they keep working on it, then release the new updates with a day 1 patch. If the released digital only, this wouldn't be a problem with this much fake outrage over fake tits.

I am still waiting for you incels to explain why they never censored more revealing outfits? Did they miss those. Sony/Shift Up, let's censor this game, by adding 6 inches of lace, so these incels can't beat off to it, and leave the more revealing outfits. That is so high level censorship right there 👏.

Redemption-64139d ago


There was no censorship, just a dev updating their game with a day 1 patch to the intended design. Honestly speaking, this whole thing has been as entertaining to watch. I hope Sony/Shift up keeps ignoring these fools

Christopher139d ago (Edited 139d ago )

***I mean, we wouldn’t say that about the Helldivers 2 situation. ***

Not even comparable. If PSN becomes required, it's obvious the owner of PSN made that decision. People are just running with theories on Stellar Blade.

*** Look, I get that it’s not a big deal or worth anything to you. It’s easy to get ugly about it with each other because of differences in perspective and stances. ***

It wouldn't be such a big deal if people who felt the other way weren't blaming people without proof and claiming censorship at every step. You're asking the others to be level-headed while not being as such yourself.

***When you haven’t seen the unedited version who cares right? When you have seen the unedited version and then watch a cable television edit of the movie… it irks me. ***

How many people would have known anything was even edited if people looking for censorship hadn't blasted it on the Internet? They didn't even know, they were told to be outraged.

***Censorship is bad in every form. What is wrong with you. ***

This is a dangerous statement to make. I think you might want to think about what such a generalized statement truly means in the world today.

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rocky047586139d ago

Did you ever stop to think that it's VERY possible that they had to make those changes because the outfits were too close to their real life versions? They can get sued for copyright if they didn't get permission to use those designs by those artists. These are very particular outfits that have real life counterparts to them. So it's completely plausible that Sony approved the original 1.0 content, if they wanted to censor it why would they approve it in the first place?

Then Shift Up recognized the issue with copyright infringement on some of the suits, then changed them accordingly. It takes about 4-6 weeks, minimum, to get a patch ready so it's not like it was patched in the day before. This was ready for quite some time before the release. Also, no one goes into business for OTHERS, they do it for themselves and to give others an opportunity to purchase a service they are providing. They don't owe others anything more than what they produced. It's also amazing to me how people can say "Sony forced them" and say that they had no other choice but to change it because Sony would've been mad at them for going against them. Yet, the HD2 team went directly against Sony's requirement for PC on Twitter and nothing happened. So do they pick and choose who to go after when the devs don't agree w/their changes? HD2 team also directly blamed Sony for the issue as well, well partly blamed but nevertheless.

Why is it so impossible that the devs made these changes on their own? Especially when they came out and said so? So we don't believe people now? We believe what we want to believe to fit the narrative we're trying to project. It's like the fight people are going for is actually going directly against the dev team here. You're fighting for the dev team to be able to have freedom of expression, yet, when they express that, you want them to change it to what YOU want them to change it to, even when they tell you that they wanted the change. So you're forcing them to bend to your will basically, that's not fighting against censorship, that's browbeating in an attempt to get what you think you're owed. Anyway, that's all.

rocky047586139d ago

"It’s no different here. What’s even more baffling is the fact they championed and made a campaign revolving around standing their ground and NOT censoring. The fact that they’re doing “internal” discussions goes to show there’s more to it than “this was our true FINAL design,” which was what to cover up parts in an outfit design to reveal what you covered up? Like you didn’t think this one through very well…"

Also, just to address this part specifically. Can you please tell me what was censored in one or two countries that wasn't in any other country please? What, in Stellar Blade, was censored in some countries and not others? If you cannot answer that, then that means that they didn't go back on their promise. NOTHING was censored for one country and not for others. Everything is the same, the patch covered every country. THATS what they meant by "uncensored". If they wanted to make an AO game then that's what they would've made then it wouldn't have sold anywhere. Y'all need to understand, design changes happen all the time, the internal discussion was that not everyone agreed w/the changes, and that happens on every dev team when a design or something is changed up. I get that you don't want "censored" content in your entertainment, but you are acting like they are making it ONLY for you. That movie example you gave? That's not a very good one, those movies are cut like that to be able to be played for TV, that's the ratings board issue and it is intended to give everyone an opportunity to enjoy the movie without feeling offended by something. Is that perfect? No. But you cannot just be selfish and think only of yourself when talking about entertainment. It just doesn't work that way. EVERYTHING you watch has some form of changes to it from the original intended version. EVERYTHING. Even porn has some changes to it that you cannot always get unless it's online and mostly amateur. I respect your opinion on this and you do make some good points, I just think they come from a selfish place. Everyone should be able to find a version of something that we all like.

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MrDead139d ago (Edited 139d ago )

...why not just use the more revealing outfits if you want to see more?

Seeing the Stellar Blade reaction from some of the more sensitive parts of the internet has made me understand the term "turbovirgin". Lots of desperate crazies moaning about pixilated mesh covering cleavage in a game that's crammed full of tits and arse.

I'm sure they'll move on to something else when they're told to.

gigoran8139d ago

Pretty sure the argument is about censorship and the studio bowing to peer pressure from a minority of clout chasing critics. But sure, you can stick with their antigamer turbovirgins explanation if you want.

MrDead139d ago (Edited 139d ago )

So why didn't they censor the more revealing outfits if this is censorship?

Christopher139d ago

***bowing to peer pressure from a minority of clout chasing critics***

But this didn't happen. No one complained about one specific outfit, but in general the skimpiness of the outfits overall. But they censored just one outfit and not the others that showed even more skin?

Hugodastrevas139d ago

@MrDead why not just give customers what they paid and keep their promise?
Insults aren't and argument and neither is appealing to triviality.

MrDead139d ago

"@MrDead why not just give customers what they paid and keep their promise?"

They added some cloth to cleavage, if this hurts you so much just play wearing the skin suit or the other outfits that have her boobs or cleavage on display.

"Insults aren't and argument"

Sorry if you are in that camp and if you feel insulted.

"appealing to triviality."

Much like these articles.

Hugodastrevas139d ago

@MrDead again appeal to triviality, nothing more.
If it's a small change they should have no trouble changing it back, changing to an uncensored suit does not change the fact other suits are censored.

CrimsonWing69139d ago (Edited 139d ago )

What are the “more revealing” outfits?

The censorship seems to follow a pattern of frontal breast exposure.

Censorship hasn’t made sense in the past. I think back at like something like Ocarina of Time where they change the blood from red to green… like make that make sense, it’s still blood 🤷‍♂️. There is a pattern with the Stellar stuff though.

MrDead139d ago (Edited 139d ago )

Blue Monsoon
Prototype Planet Diving Suit
Skin Suit
Black Pearl Nano Suit

That took about 3 seconds on google, there could be more but after seeing them I think the censorship argument is stupid... not to mention some of the NPC's in the game such as Shael.

CrimsonWing69139d ago (Edited 139d ago )

Blue Monsoon is censored 🤷‍♂️ literally patch covered breast portion within gold ring and the ass part has been expanded to cover more… like why in the f*ck is this so hard to understand censorship in forms little or large?

Prototype Planet Diving Suit = frontal covering

Skin Suit = has literally no exposure… it’s just skin colored toned…

Black Pearl Nano Suit = No breast exposure

See this is what I mean. People have NO clue what they’re talking about.

I explained the pattern. Go ahead and google the rest and let me know what you find. Should only take you 3 seconds 😜.

MrDead139d ago (Edited 139d ago )

Oh no a ring and a bit of cloth!..but you can still see everything you want in those outfits listed and they are more revealing than the bunny suit.

"Prototype Planet Diving Suit = frontal covering

Skin Suit = has literally no exposure… it’s just skin colored toned…

Black Pearl Nano Suit = No breast exposure"

All you're just arguing for now in that list is she isn't naked. Why are you so desperate to see more than the Skin Suit which if you want to view in google you need to turn safe search off? Google literally has to censor the image of the outfit.

https://static0.gamerantima... = not naked enough apparently.

CrimsonWing69139d ago (Edited 139d ago )


Are you familiar with the narcissist’s prayer?

So, now we won’t acknowledge that it’s censorship because it’s a little bit of censorship?

Oh let’s ignore the censorship pattern of covering the front of the exposed breasts in outfits because now it’s just “I want to see her naked.” 🙄

Great discussion. Let’s just ignore everything I explained about why it irks me and let’s incinuate desperation…

How about this since we’re this far, can you acknowledge that you’re seeing changes to “cover” shit up?

And yea, for the record a skin toned body suit isn’t nudity… maybe you need to turn off the safe search in Google to see the difference 🙄

MrDead139d ago

Yes it's censorship look how they hide cleavage

It's censorship... but they just forgot to censor the most exposing outfits... almost like its a dev choice rather than censorship "Shift Up denies this---with the game’s director claiming that the costumes in the day-one patch are how the final versions were always intended to look"

CrimsonWing69139d ago (Edited 139d ago )


It wasn’t a Day 1 Patch, it was a 2nd patch and you don’t think there’s corporate speak for “damage control” with companies?

You don’t make an outfit like these in development for years. Release a game in a form that it can played WITHOUT a patch, because Y’know, there’s regions without great internet I hear on here all the time when something goes digital only… but back to the point, a game released is the game that’s intended to be played by the public, patch or not, it’s generally when there’s technical issues that they quickly try to cover that up in Day 1, but for the most part these devs/distributors release a game as intended Day 1 without a patch or not.

The outfits you say are “more revealing” aren’t… that’s sort of my point. Again, frontal exposure is the name of the game here and every single one of your examples of “more revealing” aren’t. Even the ONE swimsuit one was altered or “censored” and your response was atypical as in, “well it’s such a SMALL change who really cares?”

It’s THE change that’s the issue not the outfit itself. It’s what I wish most people understood here in the argument against this.

We can do an endless waltz here but let’s break down just the facts:

1) The devs know when they release a game not everyone can download the patch. Knowing that they make the decision that once the game goes gold that is the game intended for RELEASE patch or not.

2) They advertised unaltered outfits in trailers. If you’re selling something you’re aware of what you’re marketing. That’s just one of those things.

3) Each change is literally a design decision to quickly alter and cover up exposed areas after not 1 patch, but 2 patches… which let’s be real, who is their distributor? Have they ever had a firm stance on censorship in the past? Can you throw your new business partner and distributor under the bus or do you take the hit and make a statement you hope gullible people will fall for?

Again, the intended look is what was released regardless of a patch. That’s the plain hard truth. They know before release not everyone can patch, so when you release a game, aside from technical issues, in terms of visuals, narrative, and everything else surface level is THE intended release for the public.

I think this is just one of those situations where we have to agree to disagree because we’re not going anywhere with this.

It went from “it’s not censorship,” to it’s barely “censorship,” to “it’s censorship, but they forgot to censor other outfits,” to which I again Told you the pattern of the censorship… but Y’know, we both believe what we do. It’s just is what it is, I guess.

MrDead139d ago

But yet the revelling pictures and the devs contradict your paragraphs of text but some sites told you censorship so its censorship.

CrimsonWing69139d ago


“But yet the revelling pictures and the devs contradict your paragraphs of text but some sites told you censorship so its censorship.”

No they aren’t more revealing, I know how PR works for damage control, and no I can decipher what censorship is from seeing it so much.

Great talk though… just ignoring things I say, again. Do you see the pattern for the censorship I mentioned a bajillion times? Also, what game has ever changed an existing design after the game is released to say, “This was our intended design,” like how can you not see PR speak when it slaps you in the face?

Hey do you believe all the things Phil Spencer says, too? Sorry… Xbox fanboys, just trying to get a point across.

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Stellar Blade Review - Gaming Respawn

Stellar Blade is an action-adventure game for PS5 set in a post-apocalyptic Earth where humanity fights against creatures called Naytiba.

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Stellar Blade PC Version In Development, Dev Expects It To Be More Successful Than Console

The PC version of Stellar Blade is in development, and developer Shift Up expects it to be more successful than the console version.

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Community35d ago
TheNamelessOne35d ago

But, but, but ... the PC people only pirate their games /s

shinoff218335d ago

I don't think anyone ever said all pc people pirate their games. A good amount do, but steam wouldn't be as successful as it is without people buying.

21d ago
Vits35d ago (Edited 35d ago )

PC is mostly about piracy.
Physical media accounts for more than half of the total revenue.
+25 million potential customers aren’t enough to justify the cost of porting.
The Switch is mainly bought by parents for their kids.
Releasing games later on a platform doesn’t impact their sales.

And many other terrible opinions that you only see here.

Jingsing35d ago

Given the current state of world economics and PC hardware costs it is pretty reasonable to assume PC piracy has only become larger. Piracy on PC is just as easy as buying but without letting go of your money.

Babadook735d ago (Edited 35d ago )

PC in general is a smaller market than PS5 when comparing on a game by game basis. When it's the other way around it's newsworthy. Maybe this game will be above average for its PC sales but I kind of doubt it.

phoenixwing35d ago

some pc people do in fact pirate their games, it's probably the reason why they waited to do a port. i own a gaming pc but i'm not going to act like piracy isn't an issue for pc gaming. I will probably buy this when it comes to pc tho

FinalFantasyFanatic34d ago

I really hope no one actually has that hot take, considering Steam has more or less eliminated the majority of PC pirating.

21d ago
21d ago
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Christopher35d ago

Successful as in selling more or successful as in a better experience? If only the author could actually record the Q&A and provide a direct quote rather than second-hand paraphrasing.

21d ago
21d ago Replies(1)
IAMRealHooman35d ago

well skin mods.....wonder how many hours till nude mod

ApocalypseShadow35d ago (Edited 35d ago )

Won't even be hours. More like minutes. Lol.

First thing I thought as well which was success at making skin and clothing mods.

21d ago
21d ago

I’m still playing through the PS5 version which already runs and looks great. I just got to the Great desert so it’s a slow burn for me.

Tacoboto35d ago

When I played through it back at launch, the Great Desert was the only area that had performance issues (Balanced Mode).

It seemed to be related to maybe a memory leak in that region; it only happened there with unstable framerate at times, and performance would be solid again after closing and relaunching the game.

10/10 game otherwise, loved everything about it and I'll be Day One for whatever they have next.


I haven’t noticed any performance issues in the Great Dessert yet so maybe it’s been patched. Excellent game I’m loving it. I’ve had it since launch just haven’t gotten around to playing it.

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Top 10 Stellar Blade Nano Suits for Eve's Killer Looks

Jennifer from NoobFeed writes - As you gear up to take down the formidable Natyibas, why not do it in an ensemble that is as deadly as your blade? From sleek, futuristic designs to bold, eye-catching gear, these top ten outfits will have you slaying in style, proving that in Stellar Blade, fashion truly is the ultimate weapon.

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Community36d ago
purple10136d ago

No Kill Bill suit? Opportunity missed

Seth_hun35d ago

Its No.4 on the list. Ok, its not exactly that, but it was the inspiration

YourMommySpoils36d ago

Everyone's got different tastes, but the suits this editor chose are the least ones I would use. It's even clickbait of a link, cause the suit in the image link isn't part of the list.