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Helldivers 2 Players Now Move To Fix Game's Reputation On Steam After Sony's U-Turn

Helldivers 2 will no longer require a mandatory PSN log-in on Steam, confirms PlayStation after a major protest by the community.

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Community142d ago
XiNatsuDragnel143d ago

That's good the players are now correcting those reviews.

Sonic1881142d ago (Edited 142d ago )

So basically they're removing and correcting their fake negative review scores 😂.

MeteorPanda142d ago

How was it a fake negative? They didnt want the psn account, they listened, so the negative review is no longer valid and they're reverting.

Gamingsince1981142d ago


They shouldn't have bought the game in the first place then, it was always a requirement from day one, it was even on the steam page for the game on day one, funny how a free psn account is too far but origin app needed or ubisoft app needed is all fine, even gamepass that needs an xbox account and also an origin account to use all the games is fine 🙄

NovusTerminus142d ago


What about the regions that can't create PSN accounts? The game was being sold there, people were playing the game from there and suddenly they would have lost the ability to play the game.

Shiore2u142d ago (Edited 142d ago )


It was never just about the account, it was about restricting people who bought the game retroactively in a region PSN isn't supported meaning they lost access to what they bought. They had every right to be upset with Sony who with some simple foresight could have prevented all of this by either not requiring PSN because they had ALREADY sold the game in regions where PSN is NOT AVAILABLE, or limited the sale of the game to regions PSN is supported from the very start. The former being the only logical option.

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darthv72142d ago

Hell hath no fury like a gamer scorned.

Gamingsince1981142d ago

Yet we can't stop loot boxes or other apps being needed , like origin and ubisoft .....

derek142d ago

The reviews are worthless this move proves it. The actual game remains unchanged. Sony is going to regret giving these pc dummies this amount of sway over their releases on pc.

Aphrodia142d ago (Edited 142d ago )

And just how are they going to regret it? By pc gamers rewarding Sony with more sales? You know that the majority of sales are coming from PC don't you? I also wish that gamers didn't have to resort to backlash but Sony needs to stop being so freaking ignorant and arrogant to the point of believing they are above ridicule. Did you forget how anti consumer blunders helped sink the xbox brand with xbox one, and has still not recovered from? People like you can't even see that backlash isn't just about gamers getting what they want it also helps companies from getting completely out of touch and up their own asses to the point of consumers ditching the brand.

HankHill142d ago

Do you work for Sony, or do you do it for free? Sony isn't going to regret anything. Making money is their top priority just like every other company.

TriniOutsider142d ago

So they're fixing all their fake review bombing now?

GameBoyColor141d ago

lmao wtf is up with yall saying its fake, did it not yield results? did sony actually not backpedal? I swear either yall are some d1 level driders or just bots.

142d ago
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For the first time in a while, Helldivers 2 players are fighting more bots than bugs

Bots haven't been the most popular enemy in Helldivers 2, but more recently more players have been fighting them, thanks to updates.

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Community9h ago

“I’m Trying to Help You” A PSA About Stim Pistols Spreads Through Helldivers 2 Community

Helldivers 2 players share a PSA about Stim Pistols. Why are some players still on edge about the divers using these guns?

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Community9h ago

Helldivers 2 community wants some boosters to be merged

Some boosters in Helldivers 2 aren't strong enough on their own, so the community proposed that some get combined instead.

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Community2d ago
Bathyj1d 23h ago

I want some backpacks to be merged.
And to spend samples on gun upgrades.
Higher level.players (100plus) should get some.perks.