
HELLDIVERS 2 Account Linking Update

Arrowhead Game Studios writes: "Attention Helldivers, Due to technical issues at the launch of HELLDIVERS 2, we allowed the linking requirements for Steam accounts to a PlayStation Network account to be temporarily optional. That grace period will now expire. See details below in this post. Account linking plays a critical role in protecting our players and upholding the values of safety and security provided on PlayStation and PlayStation Studios games."

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Christopher142d ago
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Christopher142d ago
142d ago
dveio142d ago

"protecting our players and upholding the values of safety and security provided on PlayStation and PlayStation Studios games."

So everyone was playing without values and safety? The ... cornerstones of Democracy? 😧

darthv72142d ago

Arrowhead are looking into ways around the account linking issue that many regions are suffering from.

Sgt_Slaughter142d ago

Oh yes, coming from the only console maker that ended up with an entire breach of data and brought their services down

badz149142d ago

LOL MS and Nintendo had their fair share of data breaches. and let's get 1 thing straight, the PSN was not brought down by the hackers, Sony brought it offline to prevent further breaches.

MontyeKristo142d ago

badz149 - it's interesting you think that's any different.

JackBNimble142d ago

No they only stole millions of user personal, data encrypted or not doesn't matter

InUrFoxHole141d ago

The good ol deflect by saying it also happened somewhere else...

Profchaos141d ago

Psn hack was devastating sure I was one of those included in the data breach however that whole incident is what like 15 years old now. I'd hope they have improved their security posture by now.

However I don't agree with the account linking means security summary here

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darthv72142d ago

It seems pretty harmless... i mean who doesnt have a PSN account now given how popular the PS4 was, and how many play on both PC & console? I get that there are some PC users who may only play on PC but there are other PC games that require certain accounts in order to play. EA Origin, Ubisoft, MS Bethesda...

Christopher142d ago

There are regions where people have to create PSN accounts in different regions and with different addresses to do this, which is technically against PSN TOS. It's just weird.

I do agree that it has become pretty common, including EA, Ubisoft, and more having similar requirements. But it is still annoying.

darthv72142d ago

Annoying... yeah I understand that. These are the hoops we jump through in order to be entertained.

InUrFoxHole141d ago

Chris is spot on. I find this annoying. Not sure how this makes my end user experience any better?

redknight80142d ago (Edited 142d ago )

Not harmless to the players in many countries all over the planet but sure...so long as gamers like you are happy then all good, I guess.

darthv72142d ago (Edited 142d ago )

I addressed that below.

Zeref141d ago (Edited 141d ago )

Most people certainly do NOT have a PSN account lol.

I think people are less mad about the other companirs because it was required up front and not after people already bought the game and now certain regions won't even be able to play the game they already bought because PSN is not available there.

I still think it's blown out of proportion though. This isnt something to review bomb the game over as it's not the developers fault. This is Sony's decision.

Extermin8or3_141d ago

It was required upfront tech issues meant it was disabled.

ChasterMies141d ago

“who doesnt have a PSN account now”

Over 7 billion people.

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SimpleDad142d ago

Values and safety??? When was the last time PSN got hacked???
We all know that this is to inflate PSN user numbers.

Christopher142d ago

It's actually just so they can collect data. They are very happy with PSN numbers.

142d ago
Zeref141d ago

This is capitalism sir. Growth is everything.
They are most definitely doing this to inflate PSN numbers to be able to add it to their growth.

Crows90142d ago

Nah...Sony doesn't have a reason to inflate numbers. You must be thinking of Xbox.

142d ago
142d ago
142d ago
MIDGETonSTILTS17142d ago

Oh no, that thing all online game make you do… clearly the game will be unanimously boycotted.

Yi-Long142d ago

I remember a time, a long long time ago, when you weren't forced to sign up for all kinds of special accounts in order to just play your games online.

NotoriousWhiz142d ago

I also remember a long long time ago where if you wanted to play online with your friend, you had to host your own server and give your friend the Ip address and port it was running on.

Eidolon142d ago

If it wasn't for all the problems players were facing, maybe it would just pass, but it's actually a pretty big problem.. you bet your ass it's getting boycotted.

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cell9892d ago

It's been so good spreading some democracy with our updated toys!! Please don't nerf the mortar orbital barrage