
Get Star Wars Outlaws free with this ASUS ROG G16CH (2024) gaming PC deal

Save $110 on this ASUS ROG G16CH (2024) gaming PC as Amazon knocks 7% off the list price. Hurry this deal won't be around for long!

anast95d ago

How is this a deal? This is an honest question.

ChasterMies94d ago

This is an advertisement with extra steps.


Star Wars Outlaws' Economy Needs to Burn a Hole in Kay's Pocket

Star Wars Outlaws needs to do everything in its power to avoid a common economic pitfall in games that focus on acquiring massive wealth.

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YourMommySpoils1d 10h ago

To whoever buys the game, it will sure be burning more than Kay's pocket.

anast1d 9h ago

I'm still playing it even if the character looks like Rocky from 1985's Mask.

jznrpg1d 5h ago

Lol does the character really look like the ginger elephant man?

Knightofelemia1d ago

I'll watch the game being streamed and base a decision off of that. I myself I am not a big Star Wars fan.


Locomote Your Dreams: Railroads Online Set for PC, Xbox and PlayStation

Choo-choo! Railroads Online is rolling down the track, heading for full release on PC, Xbox and PlayStation real soon.

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Star Wars Outlaws Has Highest Marketing Budget for a Ubisoft Game Ever; Strong Launch Expected

Star Wars Outlaws will have the highest marketing budget for a Ubisoft game of all-time, company expects a strong launch.

Hofstaderman5d ago

A single player game that has to have an internet connection? No buy.

CrimsonWing695d ago (Edited 5d ago )

I think it’s just to install though 🤷‍♂️

I mean, you have to have a network connection to be on here 🤔. I don’t see what the big deal is.

shinoff21835d ago (Edited 5d ago )

It's a big deal because maybe someone does t have internet all the time. It's a big deal cause some live in areas where internet is constantly having problems, it's a big deal because it shouldn't be a thing. Needing an internet connection is a dick move, and with that there's no reason the full game couldn't be on disc from the jump.

CrimsonWing695d ago (Edited 5d ago )


It’s literally JUST to install the game. If your internet cuts out every 5 minutes then you have some bigger issues that need to be addressed. It is not a “dick” move to require internet in this day and age, you need it for basically 95% of all media entertainment and we’re not in the 90s anymore where we’re stuck with dial-up. So, I’m sorry but the excuse of “people don’t have internet all the time” is quite possibly the dumbest thing at this point in time.

You’re telling me they have access to a $500 device, $70 games, but 0 internet or the worst internet in the world and no means to fix that? And if they are in a third-world country where internet is only available at cafes I really want to know how PS5’s or Xbox’s are acquired… because that isn’t making a ton of sense to me, either. I also want to know the % of that group that make up the total of game sales in comparison to countries with great internet.

How many of those people play on PC? Because here’s a news flash, bud, Steam requires an internet connection to install… so, welcome to 2024, pal.

Oh, and here’s some other food for thought, what are the games that make the most money out of all games currently on the market? I believe Fortnite requires an internet connection and it seems to be doing JUST fine… oh, and what about all the mobile games that make billions and outdo hardcore console/PC titles in terms of revenue? I’m pretty sure all of this requires some form of network connectivity because, well, how else do you make a micro-transaction?

SO71D4d ago


So if the game gets delisted and is no longer purchasable or playable, you're fine with that?

BlackOni4d ago

I get where you're coming from, and agree that if it's just to install the game, you kinda NEED internet to install any game on PC, but for consoles you don't and shouldn't. Lemme explain.

I spent a vacation in the Rocky Mountains in TN, and the internet services AND cell reception there were both HORRIBLE. I couldn't even upload a video, it just kept failing, and downloading basic videos took sometimes a whole day. We take it for granted, but there are still swathes of the US that don't have reliable and consistent access to the internet. It's why infrastructure bills keep getting introduced.

NO ONE should not have access to the internet, it's sorta a basic need at this point, but there are a lot of people who don't reliably have it. Sounds crazy in 2024 to type that, but that's where we're at.

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CobraKai4d ago

As long as i don’t have to be online to play, it’s ok

Tacoboto4d ago

The same exact online requirement that Hogwarts Legacy had, but no one here cared about that last year...

CrimsonWing694d ago

It’s crazy, man. It’s almost like someone saying, “an update patch requires internet to download/install!? No BUUuuuUuuYYY!!!!”

And the response is always the f*cking same, it’s always, “but what about people who don’t have internet or bad internet?” How many of you all are using PS+ or GamePass? All that requires a network connection to download your complimentary free monthly games… do you all refuse to download those because they’re digital!?

As for the “delisted” response, look at Steam that’s been around for ages and look at games you can still go back to. Physical doesn’t last forever, you can boomerang the same thing and say, “what if there’s no physical copies left to acquire or the version you have no longer runs?” Maybe as long as Ubisoft exists you’ll be able to install patches for the game. You still can for Xbox 360 games… and I mean what if there’s a “game breaking bug” that requires a patch? What will you do then? Just play the game until you trigger the bug because all yoi have is the physical version and no access to the internet?

The crazy hypocrisy behind it is they’ll emulate the game, which is all digital and requires access to the internet…

Like, I get when we were new with games and internet. I honestly don’t think the majority of gamers even care about physical. We already see digital sales trumping physical.

Also, for the record on delisting, yes it sucks and I think every company is required to announce a delisting a month in advance and to make sure media outlets announce it so people can get a game before that happens. But for physical it happens just the same with no longer having print runs and people on eBay selling a game for $1000. It might as well be the exact same as a digital delisting at that point.

Again, this is for an install ONLY. You might as well flip out over every Day 1 Patch requiring an online connection 🙄 for a physical game and refuse buying them then because it makes NO sense that you’re ok with an online update but not an online install. I just can’t imagine refusing to play a game just because it requires an online connectivity for an install in this day and age.

Tacoboto4d ago

The argument gets even richer when you learn just how many of these blowhards love Baldur's Gate 3, and bought it day one.

raWfodog5d ago

I think it’ll have a strong launch. Usually it’s the average gamer that will drive the majority of sales. I won’t be getting at launch but likely after it’s been out for a while. Better price and updates.

purple1015d ago (Edited 5d ago )

Not buying
There will be forced same sex scenes I guess

It’s just not representative of the real world and tired of having that stuff forced upon me

Also Disney Buying Pixar, Fox, Lucasfilm and Marvel, is just too much

AuraAbjure5d ago

Forced same sex scenes? Are you sure the sex scene can't be skipped? The Witcher 3 sex scenes were optional and could be skipped.

jambola4d ago

I'm sure star wars will have forced sex scenes lol

purple1014d ago

Like their assasssins creed games

And now disneys involved too, it’s almost certain haha

Michiel19894d ago

with that logic Rayman will have sex scenes

jambola4d ago

disney being involved......means certainly sex scenes??

BlackOni4d ago

The mental gymnastics they do to justify hating the LGBTQ community is wild.

S2Killinit4d ago

Why don you call it “forced same sex scene”? It is that horrendous to view a same sex scene? What is the big deal? Are you a puritan? We watch people get killed and even partake because its entertainment and nothing more, but viewing two people go at it, in whose activity we have no interest is somehow too much? I would try to reevaluate your perceptions to figure out where your beliefs come from so that you can adjust any unreasonable belief systems that may not be necessary/logical. You may ask “why should I have to change” and to that I will respond: because your belief system is clearly affecting your decisions, you are forgoing a game that you may enjoy otherwise, because of a potentially irrational belief system.

purple1014d ago

nah I don't mind the odd rainbow flag, but please don't put anything more in my games unless it really makes sense to do so, here I feel there trying to either be a] shocking or b] fit in with the recent push to normalise this stuff, its a minority, always has been, always will be, don't push it as if THE norm, when its not,. this is my view,. not a view actually, thats fact.

i've had enough of this pushed in my face, and now in my games. give it as an option yes, but I reckon their going to do it different, this is Disney, and the Disney now, is not the Disney we grew up with watching Bambi and alladin,.

purple1012d ago (Edited 2d ago )

'It is that horrendous to view a same sex scene''

no its not, I may even partake in them, as- you dont know me...?

my point still stands, its the minority, don't make it seem like its the norm, Disney pushes this stuff way too much,

''You may ask “why should I have to change”

get over yourself, I dont need to change, again you dont know me,

in regard to commenting on forums, I comment on games, with an opinion, everyone is entitled to one,
you are commenting on someones character. Id suggest being careful in future mate, thats a dangerous game.

Gameseeker_Frampt3d ago


Sounds like you need a safe space.

Also, kudos for demanding real world realism in your Star Wars video game. That is something I never thought I'd hear someone say.

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