
Persona 5: The Phantom X To Launch Next Week (in select regions)

Perfect World Game, the publishers of Persona 5: The Phantom X, have announced the release date of the much-awaited RPG. It will be released on April 18 on all platforms, including mobile and PC.

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FinalFantasyFanatic107d ago

No matter how many times I'm told this is official, it looks so much like a bootleg of P5.


Atlus Asks Japanese Fans If They Want Persona 5: The Phantom X & Platform Preference for Next Games

Atlus launched its annual survey to pick the minds of the fans on a variety of topics, including Persona 5: The Phantom X and future mainline games.

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GoodGuy09378d ago

No. I just want the mainline games and on consoles.

Abriael378d ago

But you're not a Japanese fan. You can bet your rear that they'll say yes.

Adrian_v01375d ago

I would like a full game from the beginning. Not an unfinished one at release and a complete one for full price again one year later.

XiNatsuDragnel378d ago

Japanese fans would prefer to get ps or switch or pc port of your games imo.

phoenixwing377d ago (Edited 377d ago )

Pretty much. If you're a jrpg enthusiast you'd be stupid to invest in xbox unless you wanted to get it for other genres as well.

XiNatsuDragnel376d ago

You're a minority, compared to the general audience.

CBaoth376d ago

well then if you're from Japan, then you should already know that hunk of plastic shit you love doesn't even create a blip on the radar.

phoenixwing377d ago (Edited 377d ago )

Well most of Japan owns a switch so expect it to land on Nintendo platforms. If there is any luck for me they'll also consider Sony consoles. Although I find this questionnaire asinine it should be on everything that's current Gen pc and switch. So ps5 Xbox series switch and pc. It's not like atlas is an exclusive studio unless something is changing.

shinoff2183377d ago (Edited 377d ago )

Japan population 125 million. Damn that's wild.

Switch sold in Japan 29 million

Still impressive as hell

TheColbertinator377d ago

Whatever Persona 5 is, I just want it available to buy.

shinoff2183377d ago

I would just suggest worry about where it sold more. Focus on those consoles if your worried

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Persona 5: The Phantom X Looks Too Good to Be Confined to Mobile in New Trailer

Today, during the TapTap Presents 2023 event, a new trailer of the upcoming mobile game Persona 5: The Phantom X has been released.

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CrimsonWing69383d ago

With Ever Crisis coming out and this, I think the stigma with what a mobile game “looks” like is becoming less of a thing. Now, the real question is how much a pay wall these games will be or how obnoxious is the UI and Hub menu? That’s truly what mobile games annoy me with.

sadraiden383d ago

I've never been upset with how a mobile game looks. They generally look exactly like how much they're trying to fleece you for MTXs. So if it has lots of timers and meters everywhere, I'm not gonna play it, because it's one big funnel from your wallet to the publishers bank account. My biggest gripe with mobile gaming is control. Not having tactile feedback ruins gaming. Period. Expecting people to carry around a controller to play a mobile game is asinine.

PapaBop382d ago

I think Mihoyo have almost single-handedly changed gamers perspective of mobile games, they did mine at least. Ui and Hub bothers me far less than the gacha system. Gacha games are daylight robbery and will instantly turn me off this if they think I'm going to spend the price of a brand new AAA game just for a chance of pulling something desirable.

DarXyde383d ago

I think DarXyde is gonna have to drop money on a mobile game.

How the times have changed.

CDbiggen383d ago

China only though I thought.

Vits383d ago

What normally kills mobile games aren't the graphics or even the core of the gameplay. But rather the monetization and the fact that are often service games that stretch out way too much and ended up cannibalizing themselves in the process.

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Persona 5: The Phantom X announced for iOS & Android

Following a teaser announcement back in April 2021, publisher Perfect World Games and developer Black Wings Game Studio have officially announced Persona 5: The Phantom X for iOS and Android.