
Destiny 2: Can Bungie Win Back Its Lost Players?

eXputer writes, "The future of Destiny 2 is uncertain due to a decline in players. Will it make a comeback before The Final Shape's launch?"

Kaii113d ago

They could've just made all the remaining DLC free to pursue new players and get them onto the final shape stage.
Its not ok to have 10 pop-ups as a new player on what "extra" stuff you "can" purchase even before engaging in any gameplay.

Ra3030112d ago

The same thing happened a year ago when players finished up the yearly DLC and update content they were playing and they left the game then returned when the new content released. Also these same doom and gloom hacks were here pointing out that the player count in D2 dropped. Bungle is releasing a big content DLC in 2 months when this releases the Steam player count will jump back up to 200k+ maybe 300k. What we won't see when the DLC releases and player count jumps is these hacks pointing out this fact. I wonder why?

Gameseeker_Frampt111d ago

How do you explain Bungie firing almost 10% of its workforce after sales were revealed if everything is going ok just like every other year?

You seem like a player completely satisfied with Lightfall - would you care to describe some of your favorite parts?

Ra3030111d ago

I never said "everything is going ok at Bungie". I play Destiny 2 and hit the level cap and tap out! I don't farm for anything in the game I may not play all the new content. I hit the cap and and move on. The player count will return with the new content releases in June as it does every year. As far as Bungie goes I hope Sony is forced to take over the Board and the game so the layoffs and whatever changes Bungie makes the don't pan out puts Sony closer to that end....that's what I want to see!

PapaBop111d ago

My favourite part is Nimbus. I think it's great that Bungie are giving young talent the chance to be a part of the design process, letting a 10 year old Marvel fan create a character brings so much to the game.... jokes aside, Strand is a lot of fun but the rest was awful, like worse than the original no time to explain Destiny 1 level awful.

Gameseeker_Frampt111d ago


If you only play Destiny 2 when they raise the level cap then you must have not touched the game in over a year. I see how it helps thinking a game is doing ok when you don't actually play it. It seems that the only people who think Destiny 2 is doing great and challenge every story about the game are the fanatics of its new owners. Current Destiny 2 players don't think the game is going well. Bungie knows the game is doing badly through sales and player numbers. Sony is trying to figure out how to salvage some of its $3.6 billion dollar fumble.


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Destiny 2 Cheat Maker Asking for New Trial, Claims Bungie Failed to Prove They Copied Source Code

Destiny 2 cheat maker Aimjunkies is seeking a new trial against Bungie claiming the studio never actually checked their cheat's source code.

jjb198111d ago

It amazes me how they don't see what they're doing as completely wrong regardless of source code not being copied.

thorstein11d ago (Edited 11d ago )

I'd love to see them brought up on destruction of property charges... for each and every player affected by their cheats.

And the arrogance to just act like they're not doing anything wrong is insane.

Seraphim11d ago (Edited 11d ago )

just because something is wrong doesn't make it illegal. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not saying I agree with the cheat maker, but if what they are doing isn't "illegal" then the courts may have gotten it wrong. Furthermore, if it is not illegal then good old Government needs to implement laws to protect software companies from exploiters such as this. Again, being wrong isn't necessarily illegal and legality is all that matters in a court of law, or at least it used to.

jjb198111d ago

I get what you're saying. There should be laws against that especially I'm spending money in the interest of fair play and the mechanics are being manipulated by an outside source.

thorstein8d ago

It's a civil case not a criminal one.

10d ago
EternalTitan10d ago

What do you mean?
They made something that gamers download it makes game experience better.

jjb198110d ago

I'm sure it does. It might make it fun for you but it doesn't make you better. At the same time, it's not fun for those that actually try to be good at the game. I bet you pirate Switch games. 🤡

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