
Hellblade 2 will finally show us what an Unreal Engine 5 game can do - Polygon

Polygon writes:

This console generation has been pretty short of “next-gen moments” — those dazzling, techy epiphanies when you see a game do things that were inconceivable on earlier hardware. You can make a case for Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart’s lightning-fast loading or Starfield’s potato physics, but there have been relatively few instances where you can watch the future arrive in real time.

rlow1169d ago (Edited 169d ago )

Good article and the fact that they’re doing mo-cap and scanning real items should add to the realism.
My favorite part was the fact that they had MS build a pub right into the offices. Now that’s a good place to work.

obidanshinobi169d ago

"they had MS build a pub right into the offices"
Could explain why they've been dragging their feet making this game.
MS gravy train, "take as long as you need guys, it's not like we're miles behind Sony or Nintendo in quality games or anything ....."
Xbox is a frickin joke this generation, a bad unfunny joke.

rlow1169d ago

I think you need a beer, loosen up, life is short and at the end of the day it’s a game.

By the way had you bothered to actually read the article you would understand why it took so long.

Lightning77169d ago

They also announced the game way too early. Late 2019 releasing May 2024. 4 in a half years. Which is short developmental time from compared to most games

Looks like MS is actually catering to their needs. The game shouldn't of taken as long as it did especially having the formula down but more importantly it sounds like the studio and ppl had a smooth developmental process (minus covid of course)

Zeref169d ago

Treating their employees well is a sin now 😂

Redgehammer169d ago

I found your comment to be a far better joke.

Reaper22_168d ago

Dont be a salty about a game that you obviously aren't interested in. Did hou have that attitude when The Last Guardian was delayed for an entire generation? Nothing wrong with delays if they result in a better game. I'm looking forward to this game. I've always like Ninja Theory and imo dony not buying them was a mistake because they make good games.

wiz7191168d ago

lol @obidanshinobi wtf does Sony have first party right now this year ?? You talking about quality with game like Rise of Ronin exclusive on PS5 looking like a PS3 game .. are you kidding lmfao

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 168d ago
Chevalier169d ago

"life is short"

Only thing short about anything is the length of this game. Lol

obidanshinobi169d ago

At 30fps.....
Lazy bar stewards.

Lightning77169d ago

I saw that. Very unacceptable.....
The game isn't open world it's linear. No defending that plus no option at launch. I hate this "it'll come later!!" mentality.

GamerRN169d ago (Edited 169d ago )

And let the Sony Pony negativity marketing begin! Gotta down play every Microsoft game before it comes out so you can give it a bad taste by the time it comes out...

Getting sick of this

obidanshinobi168d ago

We should expect more from Xbox.
All PS5 have had performance modes at 60fps? Why not Xbox games?
The Series X is more powerful, on paper anyway, than the PS5 so why not?
Xbox exclusives have not been up to the quality of Playstation and Switch exclusives.

I'm getting sick of gamers defending Xbox when they've been terrible this generation, can't release a 60fps exclusive for some reason. There was no need for Redfall and Starfield and Starfield to be 30fps, we have better looking games already running at 60fps on the Series X such as Cyberpunk 2077.

Gamers need to demand more from Xbox, not defend their lack of performance options when we all know that the Series X is actually capable enough to run these games at 60fps.

wiz7191168d ago

@obidan and you shouldn’t be accepting games looking like they belong on the PS3 two generations later lmao .. that power of the PS5

jznrpg169d ago (Edited 169d ago )

For 3 hours

Popsicle169d ago

I keep seeing this being to short complaint. I played the first game which took about 8 hours and enjoyed it.

If I’m being objective, I do not think I would have enjoyed the game loop of story, walking in search to solve a puzzle, fighting, rinse and repeat for 40+ hours. The loop would have gotten very stale imo.

I think 5 to 8 hours is a good runtime for this type of game. It needs to be a tight narratively driven experience. Plus I only have so much time for 40+ hour games anymore. It is nice to have a short and tightly weaved experience from time to time.

Rhythmattic168d ago (Edited 168d ago )

Maybe because running at 60fps it'd last 1.5 hrs........ Thats why they chose 30fps.....

Rhythmattic148d ago

Did no one get the joke?.. Damn..

IRetrouk169d ago

They kept the founder leaving very quiet didn't they...wonder why he left? Didn't he get everything he wanted after selling to ms?? On the plus side the game doesn't seem to have lost direction, should be a pretty grim experience(in a good way)

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Hellblade 2 Sees High Engagement Numbers In May In US

Get the latest data on sales and engagement for Hellblade 2, including its performance on Xbox and Xbox Game Pass.

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purple10174d ago

Omg this is saddest article I ever seen. The person writing this must have felt terrible

Valkyrye74d ago

the console wars ended little man

OtterX73d ago

No, engagement numbers are still high.

S2Killinit73d ago (Edited 73d ago )

Engagement numbers 😂

aaronaton73d ago

Who brought up the 'console wars', apart from yourself?

OtterX72d ago

Lol, I don't think people got my joke. I meant engagement in the console wars was still high! 😂

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 72d ago
Einhander197273d ago

Trying to act like these are good numbers or what Microsoft was hoping for is indeed pretty sad.

They say it has the 12'th highest engagement on xbox,in the US but it never even crossed into the top 20 on xbox's own ranking system.

And either way 12'th on a day one high profile release on game pass doesn't sound great at all.

73d ago
73d ago
repsahj73d ago

#37 overall for the month of May and #21 on Xbox Series.

Elda73d ago

LOL!! Of course most folks with Gamepass decided to check the game out when it was released almost 2 months ago. The game was number 37 as the best selling game of the month of May which is really not that great. AAA exclusives should be at least in the top 5 or let alone in the top 10. The game is a borefest & the only folks that are still talking about the game are articles like this.

Armyofdarkness73d ago

«Piscatella followed up by saying Hellblade 2 fell just outside the top 10 of the US Xbox engagement chart landing in 12th place just behind the resurgent Fallout 76.»

Wow!! Just behind the glorious Fallout 76!

Valkyrye73d ago

Fallout 76 is having a great year, u need to get out of ur cave once in a while.

Armyofdarkness73d ago

Yeah dude, only took them 6 years. Defending 76 over here.. maybe you are the one in the cave

rlow173d ago

So the game had good engagement. But some on here are trying real hard to downplay it. Honestly, there is more important things in world then trying to attack a game you probably didn’t even try.

shinoff218373d ago (Edited 73d ago )

If we're going by engagement which is a dumb ass metric imo , it still didn't do that great. It did low end ok at best.

Also you right there are more important things out there in the world. Except this is a gaming website for gaming news and discussion.

Lightning7773d ago

He's talking about all the constantly downplaying that many do here when it comes to Xbox, even if it's good news. Though that's noting nee that's always been this site since I came on here anyway. Sony says they're going off of engagement. Is it still a dumb metric or is it suddenly good now?

rlow173d ago

Unfortunately that is the metric that both Xbox and PS are concerned with. An all digital future is almost upon us, love it or hate it.

As for the downplaying, @Lightning77 summed it up nicely. But to add, arguing a point is one thing, constantly saying nothing new makes one a resounding gong.

PassNextquestion72d ago

If your judging how well a game is doing on gamepass wouldn't you use engagement metric as you can't go by sales of the game?

repsahj73d ago

So #37 and #21 in their launch month have high engagement now on an Xbox game? sad.

Einhander197273d ago (Edited 73d ago )

Yea, but how many bullets were fired?

We need some hard data here, like bullets fired!

73d ago
Ra303073d ago

I agree we need the real data for eample....if the crazy girl has 150 mental breakdowns in the movie how movie viewers actually watched the movie long enough to see 10% of them breakdowns and how many thought "dumb" and moved on during the 1st breakdown?

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Edge Issue 399 Review Scores: Hellblade 2, Still Wakes The Deep & More

Issue # 399 of Edge Magazine has been released, and it features reviews for games including Hellblade 2, Still Wakes The Deep and more.

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monkey60298d ago

Happy to see Still Wakes the Deep scoring that high

coolbeans98d ago

Sure, but I'm still skeptical tbh. Walking sims or mechanically-light titles like it *can* receive beneficial scores from them on some special basis.

P_Bomb98d ago (Edited 98d ago )

I’m keeping an eye on Still Wakes the Deep. I’ve beaten a few games by the Chinese Room before. The premise sounds interesting. ‘The Thing’ on an oil rig.

peppeaccardo97d ago

I could not play fir more than one hour ... got bored and un-installed.
Back to GOW on ps5 to get a platinum oh yeah !!

RhinoGamer8898d ago

The XBOX publishing team has failed on their exclusives. Those Exec and Senior producers should be canned.

rgraf7798d ago

It's just an opinion. Most reviews are favorable.

OlderGamer1797d ago

Noppe only the Xbox loving sites giving it 10 and 9's. But they always giving Xbox games onrealistic high scores....

Zeref97d ago (Edited 97d ago )

Metacritic and opencritic for this game is in the 80's so no they haven't failed anything. Unless all those Sony games that scored in the 80's are failures too

98d ago
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Nearly 90% of Hellblade 2 Xbox players haven't completed its story

Nearly 90% of Xbox players who have started Hellblade 2 haven't made it through the action-adventure game's short seven-hour runtime to complete its story.

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Jin_Sakai104d ago (Edited 104d ago )

Remember when games were fun and entertaining and not just pretty graphics? That might have something to do with it.

blackblades104d ago (Edited 104d ago )

Yeah, that's one thing thats wrong in the industry today outta many things. Heard someone on here on the Lego horizon game saying its a kiddie game same for astro and they'll pass on them. Like these games are fun they might appeal to kids more but they are fun for all ages. Theres a reason why Nintendo games sell better its because they are fun and thats what Nintendo is known for. I feel people forget to have fun but instead play consoles wars and graphic wars. They are a lot of indie games that are fun just like Nintendo games but people pass because how it looks etc.

Jin_Sakai104d ago (Edited 104d ago )

Nintendo usually focuses on making fun games that also happen to look good or have great art styles. Astro Bot on PS5 is a breath of fresh air in an industry ruled by GaaS garbage. Good platformers are rare these days.

And I’m sure I’m in the minority but I think Lego Horizon Adventures looks more fun than the actual mainline Horizon games. 🤷‍♂️

Notellin104d ago

The Lego games aren't any fun to me as they have copied and pasted the formula for 20 years but I do enjoy a good platformer that brings back the golden age of gaming.

jwillj2k4104d ago

Lego games suck. They are incredibly boring and confusing.

GamerRN104d ago

Hey what percent completed Death Stranding?

Einhander1972104d ago


on PlayStation (PS4)

Thanks for Everything
Complete Episode 14: Lou.

22.9% of players unlocked this.

So, more than double (above average) and it's a much longer game with a lot more content

Death Stranding
Main Story40½ Hours
Main + Extra60 Hours
Completionist113 Hours

Cacabunga104d ago (Edited 104d ago )

Only kids under 10 and hardcore Lego fans like Lego games..
I think Guerrilla totally lost it to make such games. They could have outsourced the project and given us something more serious..
No matter how it turns, people will buy.

badz149104d ago


Guerrilla is not developing the game. It's a licensed LEGO game using the Horizon IP but Sony and Guerrilla are not making it.

NotoriousWhiz103d ago (Edited 103d ago )

I agree. Every lego game feels exactly the same. And some of the "puzzles" are incredibly obtuse. Hard pass. I'll take the real deal over lego. That said, my kids are into the lego games, so they'll probably have me play with them until I start drifting off to sleep.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 103d ago
Einhander1972104d ago

The graphics are so overrated. So much of the graphical budget just went to rocks and other lifeless backgrounds at sub 1080p and 30fps.

You look at Horizon:FW and birds are flying around animals are running around everywhere while you fight packs of robot-animals and it's all at 60FPS and 1440p+. I don't care what anyone says HFW looks better and plays much better. And it's a whole open world not just little scenes covered in darkness to they can maintain framerate's by not having to process anything distant.

And the game has a nothiness story because the first game didn't need a sequel. So, HB2 just seems forced, which is exactly what it was. HB1 was tied to Sony, so Microsoft just wanted to steal a sequel to not put on PlayStation. That's the only reason HB2 exists, so Microsoft could have a game with ties to PlayStation they could keep off PlayStation, simply the most petty of possible reasons. And it shows.

blackblades104d ago (Edited 104d ago )

That's what I said, the Lego horizon looks fun more then the OG. Not to say the OG isnt fun but its just I dont have the engagement idk what words to put it. I know returnal and other house marq games and isomniac games had that feeling of fun and engagement

badz149104d ago

I spent almost 150 hours on the HZD + Frozen wilds so I don't really get what you're saying. The reason I still have yet to sink more time into Forbidden West is because I still want to 100% the Frozen Wild trophies and I have been loving the time I spent with the game.

raWfodog103d ago

I think you'll love Forbidden West and Burning Shores as it just improved on a lot of things in HZD and Frozen Wild. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely enjoyed HZD and Frozen Wild, but HFW and Burning Shores was the icing on the cake. I hope they keep up the momentum for the next game.

Profchaos104d ago

Agree I recently replayed earthbound and fell in love with it again it's a basic looking SNES game but the gameplay and charm just gets me and really reminds me games are not about pushing pixels they should be fun and if they can also bring Joy that's great.

There's far to many games dealing with dark and dreary overly emotional depressing games like hellblade 2 that barely let you play the game.

I want fun more than anything these days

Sonic1881104d ago (Edited 104d ago )

Or it's been a walking simulator majority of the time might have something to do with it as well. The user review scores on metacritic.com mentions that as well

TheEroica104d ago

So silly... The game was released on gamepass to millions of people... Use the math side of your brain and not the fanboy side.

Einhander1972104d ago (Edited 104d ago )

Nearly 90% of Xbox players ----->who have started Hellblade 2<---- haven't made it through the action-adventure game's short seven-hour runtime to complete its story.

An Amazing Number of Players Have Marvel's Spider-Man 2's Platinum Trophy

According to current Trophy data, 20.3 per cent of players have earned the sequel's Platinum gong.

Over half of players have completed the main story — 58 per cent to be precise — which, again, is unusually high, but for a fifth of all players to stick around and complete all the districts and side content too is pretty astounding.

Still, a 20 per cent rate for the Plat is ridiculously high. As far as we can tell, the next highest first-party Platinum rate is for Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart, which is currently at 12 per cent.

Most Sony exclusives have had a higher than industry average of 15-20 percent of their players complete the game both God of War's, Ghost of Tsushima and all three Spider-Man games as well as both Horizon games have fallen into this bracket, and they are much longer than 6 hours.

Edit: oh and btw HB2 wasn't even that popular on xbox, the game peaked at something like 23 most popular game

‘Hellblade 2’ Launches As The 23rd Most-Played Xbox Game, What Does That Mean?

Hellblade II peaks at under 4,000 concurrent players on Steam

Sonic1881104d ago

Hellblade 2 is only a 6 hour game. No excuses 😂

Chevalier104d ago (Edited 104d ago )

Millions of gamers not playing the game. How are you arguing FACTS?! Lol.

10 million people could have downloaded it. That would mean only 1 million of that completed it. Do you even know MATH?!

MajorLazer104d ago

When your story can be completed in one sitting and nearly 90% still didn't complete it, it doesn't bode very well.

Rynxie104d ago

No sh*t, they all keep falling asleep

babadivad104d ago

I'm taking my time with it. I know it's a short game and all. I've been playing it at a half hour to an hour at a time before I go to sleep. I work pretty early so I can't spend all night playing. I think I'm pretty close to the end.

MrBaskerville104d ago

Goes surprisingly fast after the second giant.

RonsonPL104d ago (Edited 104d ago )

Was about to say that. It's almost as if people got bored with nice visuals and didn't find the game fun enough to continue.
The times we live in are sad compared to the golden era I was lucky to experience 30 years ago. Games were fun and were made to be played, not watched. Now all the big publishers and console manufacturers seem to be only able to discern two game genres. Multiplayer focused online game and story driven single player games.
Where are gameplay driven games?

I have more fun in VR while playing small indie games than I do playing big "story driven" AAA flat games.
To each of their own, but for me, fun and gameplay are the most important. Then amazing visuals. And then music and sound design. And then maybe humor and only on the last place - the story. I can get good story cheaper and more convenient. This is what books and movies do better. Especially with that stupid trend to pursue realism in visuals. One more hardware generation and it will basically be a movie rendered in real time. For 70€ and with "gameplay" instead of gameplay. And then those same clueless idiots will survey young gamers and conclude they only want competetive online multiplayer games.
I mean, I played River Raid the first time and within seconds I knew I want to play games.
A guy who never played anything besides multiplayer games, will check one of those interactive movies and walk away, seeing nothing interesting in it. For us, veteran gamers, visuals may be impressive cause we know the limitations. But for some newcomer? They have no idea about the CPU or GPU limitations. They will just see a weird looking "movie" with boring and lacking gameplay design and mechanics.

I'd like to say Nintendo will keep supplying good, big budget games focused on gameplay, but Nintendo is just a name of a corporation. When the old staff leaves...
Anyway. I sure hope Mario Kart 10 won't have any stupid career mode with 300 minutes of cut-scenes in it.

CobraKai104d ago

Usually games like that are launch games. Designed to showcase what a system can do. I’d honestly love to play HB2 but the digital only release blows.

Jingsing104d ago (Edited 104d ago )

I suspect Game Pass has something to do with this also. Being less financially invested in a product is a sure route to not caring enough to complete it. Also indicative of the audience that occupies Xbox, they bought the wrong studio for their platform. Which again will hurt Xbox.

jznrpg103d ago (Edited 103d ago )

Plenty of fun games out there but this isn’t one of them

Good-Smurf103d ago

By this day and age where even one-person indie dev can make stunning looking game.
It's time for them to re-examine and sorting out their priorities they could easily have the best of both worlds nowadays but nope still obsesses over at chasing photo-realism spent years over that just for one game and they lose the ability to make fun interactive and entertaining games.

lelo2play103d ago (Edited 103d ago )

The stupidity of the people present on this thread is absurd... trolling simply because this is a Microsoft game.

I just have to say this...
"Video games are enjoyed by millions of people around the world. The one thing that most of these gamers have in common is the failure to finish games. Industry experts estimate that a new game will only be completed by 10 to 20 percent of its players."

(do trolls realize that their favourite games from their favourite plastic box are only completed by 10-20% of players)

+ Show (13) more repliesLast reply 103d ago
Profchaos104d ago

Next month Microsoft disappointed in sales of hellblade 2 blames players

Eonjay104d ago

Even then it's still a head scratcher because it's really quite short. I think its just lacking severly in gameplay. Its a sometime pretty art piece... sure

GamerRN104d ago

Looks like just PlayStation his have 80 percent or more who never finished them... Speaks more about the state of games these days...

babadivad104d ago

You'll be surprised by the percentage of ALL players who never finish games. I remember seeing an article about the shockingly high percentage of people who never finished Spider Man 2.

P_Bomb104d ago

Spidey 2 has a 56% completion rate. That’s actually ridiculously high for a game.

MrNinosan103d ago

That article is wrong then as Spider-Man 2 is one of the games with highest completion rate, even highest Platinum rate.

Relientk77104d ago

"Diving deeper into the stats, we can see that only 52% of Hellblade 2 Xbox players made it past the first boss and unlocked The Next Sign achievement. You encounter Hellblade 2's first boss after about 30 minutes"

90% of players didn't beat the story and only about half beat the first boss. This is just baffling to me when you take into account how short the game is. Just, wow

outsider1624104d ago

Wow! Atleast i finished The Order 1886..lol.

Relientk77104d ago

I picked up The Order 1886 for $20 and played it around Halloween. It was good and I enjoyed it, but yeah not perfect by any means. The visuals were nuts.

Profchaos104d ago

In actually just picked up the order last month and man did it's time it was not judged fairly game is amazing

Einhander1972104d ago

Yeah, that game was legitimately good and the story was going places plus the setting was fantastic.

And it was a really early gen game too, not like HB2 which is a mid gen game.

Ironmike104d ago

So what do u own an xbox if not mind ur own

Rynxie104d ago


Lol, what a typical hurt Xbox fangirl response.

Skuletor103d ago

You know the game's available on PC, right?

porkChop104d ago

The crazy thing is this isn't even new. This has been a growing issue since gen 7. There have been countless great games where if you look at the trophy/achievement data only like 30% or less of players actually finish any games they play. It's kind of insane. I can sort of understand with open world games where player fatigue kicks in, but plenty of linear games like this never get finished. It's like players start games and then just move on to the next thing a week later.

Scissorman104d ago

While this is true for a lot of games, it's even worse when you consider how long Hellblade 2 is. I understand if a game is 20+ hours and you move on to something else a week later. But this game doesn't take a week to complete, it takes a handful of hours.

porkChop104d ago

Agreed. Hellblade 2 isn't some extended experience. It can be beat in just a couple of nights.

Skuletor103d ago

A growing issue since Gen 7? It's probably not much different than before achievements/trophies started getting recorded tbh.

porkChop103d ago


I mean that it seems like the percentages have been getting lower over time since we've been able to track them.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 103d ago
HansyJ104d ago

Not baffling when you touch the game and realize it’s just a big cut scene. It’s not fun and it sucks so makes sense.

Amplitude104d ago (Edited 104d ago )

It's not that baffling. GamePass lets people pretty instantly click A on a game to start playing it, look at the graphics, say "whoa that's cool" and then go back to whatever multiplayer nonsense they usually play. You don't even need to download the game, you can just stream it for a sec. These numbers are a bit meaningless.

I do think being on GamePass was a major nail in HellBlade 2's coffin. Games on subscription services feel inherently valueless and I personally can never get into them.

DarXyde103d ago

This is the audience Microsoft has cultivated on Xbox.

I don't blame them for trying with acquiring Ninja Theory, but at this point, it's difficult to dispute that this is too little, too late.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 103d ago
rakentaja104d ago (Edited 104d ago )

You can't finish the game.. there is no "gameplay".

The funny thing is that the main character trained (in real life) for 2 years to fight with a sword, in a game where there is almost no fighting.

Ironmike104d ago

U must be playing a different game oh wait minute u haven't even played this game gotcha

Eonjay103d ago

Lol, @Ironmike... actually that's the point of the article... almost no one has played this game.

Chevalier103d ago

Well to be fair 90% of Xbox players haven't. 😆

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