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Helldivers 2 ~200 Hours Later - A War Without A Cause

Wccftech returns to Helldivers 2 after around 200 hours of gameplay. Did Ule change his mind from his verdict in the original review?

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Mr Logic115d ago

"After spending 200 hours playing this game, I can conclude that the only thing that keeps me coming back is having fun, but that's not good enough"

Tedakin115d ago

Right? FUN is no longer a good enough reason to play something. Gamers have been indoctrinated by battlepasses and unlockables.

Scissorman115d ago

that can't be a real quote...i refuse to believe it lol

DarXyde114d ago

Sounds like he hates sweets, as he continues to eat candy.

KwietStorm_BLM114d ago

Videogame journalists are a traveling circus these days, but I think that is one of the most clownish statements I've read.

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mkis007115d ago

Playing that much of a game you have problems with means you like it more than than you think.


I can kind of agree with what he’s saying. I’ve played probably 80 hours of Helldivers and while I think it’s an excellent game it really doesn’t give you anything to aim for. Yes fun is the most important part of a game but this isn’t 1982 when games were simple. I need something to go after to keep me playing I mean even Donkey Kong had a high score to pursue. Helldivers is great but I can see how some will get bored of just having “fun”

MIDGETonSTILTS17115d ago

Ummm, have we purged the galaxy of the Terminid scum, and the socialist Automatons?

Have we even come close to taking Malevalon Creek?

No, so get back out there and have fun spreading Managed Democracy.

anast115d ago

They don't read or listen. It needs to be a gold gun or a squirrel skin.

MIDGETonSTILTS17114d ago

Hahahahaha, “they just want a gold gun or a squirrel suit”

I hate how accurate this is… I’m just happy that Arrowhead seems dead set on maintaining their tone for the game, and are extremely unlikely to release something dumb like a Snoop Dawg skin for a quick cash grab.

BrockEmSockEm115d ago

I just wanted them to at least up the level count and they did to 150 from 50. I wish it just kept going though.

MIDGETonSTILTS17114d ago

If you look at the rankings, it seems clear they will extend it to level 1000 eventually.

MIDGETonSTILTS17115d ago

Idk how you put in 200 hours already. I play a lot, and I’m at about 120 hours of mission time myself…. It’s been less than 8 weeks.

As much as it would be neat to have an endless supply of unlockables, I’ve been pretty content by the rate that they shadow drop new weapons and enemies.

If you look at the armory, it says how many helmets and such they are planning to launch… It’s a pretty high number.

Try playing less than 25 hours a week, and then you might be able to stay behind the drip of new content.

As someone who’s been gaming long before battle passes were a thing, I’m happy with the amount of carrots there are for me to chase.

I’d only be happier if they made armor locked behind tough challenges, like killing 500+ enemies during a non-defense mission.

And can we give Arrowhead a hand for making mechanics that are STILL fun after 200 hours? How many games manage to do that, let alone a AA game?

Ethereal115d ago

I've spent countless hours playing games I felt were "fun". That's the whole point. The medium is founded on fun and entertainment not some artificial goalpost designed to prey on your natural addiction tendencies. The grind isn't the thrill. It's the comradery, the laughs, the unexpected. This is the sort of thing that is wrong with the industry and why we are getting further and further way from what makes it special.

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"Can we get a redeploy option? Or a killzone?" Helldivers 2 players want this change

After being forced under the map with no way to escape, Helldivers 2 was an option added to force respawn so they can get back to action.

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Helldivers 2’s biggest update yet, Escalation of Freedom, drops August 6

Arrowhead Game Studios writes: "Our community continues to show us how strong we all are when united against the mindless Automatons and the scourge of the Terminid. As we stand here, on the eve of the Escalation of Freedom, we reflect on the 6 months since launch. We could never have predicted how far this game would go and how many Citizens would answer Super Earth’s call to arms!"

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shadowT3d ago
S2Killinit2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

I love that the devs talk about the game in character. Lol

On topic:
New mission types, new enemies, and new DIFFICULTY… sounds good.


The Most Ridiculous Deaths in Helldivers 2

Helldivers 2 players share their strangest deaths, some of them are hilarious. What is the most unusual way you died?

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