
Eternal Sonata PS3 Gets Firm Date

Eurogamer: "Atari has whipped out the calendar and circled February dates for Eternal Sonata PS3 and Family Ski & Snowboard.

The Japanese role-playing game will be with us on 13th February, which is well over a year after the Xbox 360 release. However, developer tri-Crescendo has used the extra time productively, adding new quests, battles and even multiple endings."

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TOP 10 of the Most Beautiful Places in JRPGs

Gameplane: "Many games can astonish players with creative gameplay or emotional stories. Others are remarkable due to the fun we had with them, while some are simply beautiful. These are nine JRPGs, which made us fall in love with virtual places."

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Segata2607d ago

Xenoblade X felt like Avatar as a game visually. The art in that series is amazing.


Jerry's Top 7 Games Of 2007

Jerry from BagoGames says, "It turns out that 2007 was an amazing year for gamers, not only did many franchises begin, some started to get their footing."

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2719d ago
MultiConsoleGamer2719d ago

It's crazy to think that Uncharted came out so long ago. I replayed the series last year as part of the Nathan Drake Collection, and the game felt brand new again, even after all these years. Such an enduring franchise.

jokerman272719d ago

I agree, I played all of them, included the Vita game last year just for funsies and they are amazing!

2719d ago
2719d ago
ShwaaMan2719d ago

Seriously, no Bioshock, Orange Box, or Modern Warfare on this list?

jokerman272719d ago

I could only pick 7 ;) They were hard to pick and MW was barely edged out by Halo 3.