
20 Canceled PS2 Games We Still Want to Play

With a huge library of canceled games for the PS2, just like the PS1, there’s plenty of unanswered questions of what could have been when it comes to the PlayStation 2.

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XiNatsuDragnel136d ago

Okay these games need to come out either steam, kickstarter or selling the rights or code in your old hard drives or give permission for smaller studios to do these games. Starcraft ghost cough Blizzard.

shinoff2183136d ago

Canceled ps2 game list without scarface 2. Wtf.

Speaking. Anyone have a fat ps3 available with complete backwards compatibility hit me up in dm I'm looking for one.

chicken_in_the_corn134d ago

Scarface 2 was going to be on PS3.

shinoff2183134d ago

For real? Damn must of remebered wrong o well ill own it.

Phiidyn135d ago

Your website needs help. The ads cause the page to reload every 5 seconds and makes it impossible to read your content.

DrDoomer135d ago

Fear Effect Inferno
Nightmare Creatures 3

Abnor_Mal135d ago

Nightmare Creatures3! Was there a Nightmare Creatures2 I’ve been unaware of all these years?


Freedom Fighters HD remake announced..sort of

An indie developer has apparently started the remake, of IO INTERACTIVE's Freedom Fighters from 2003. As he has stated, the game will be a Free2play, and hopefully IO INTERACTIVE will appreciate the effort that will be put into this game.

Looking for a Volunteer job?

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Iltapalanyymi3993d ago

holy shit! i still have my PC copy! such a great game.

BiggCMan3993d ago

There's literally nothing on this. The page is nearly blank, with only a small description of what some unknown person wants to make.

Iltapalanyymi3993d ago

yea i know dude. i just mentioned.

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5 Sequels We Won’t Be Seeing Anytime Soon

"While most of us are seeing many PlayStation 2 / XBOX / Gamecube and other such console games being remade in HD and even given sequels there are certain games that are still in the dark and have yet to be accounted for or even spoken of years after they have been forgotten, these are some of the best games ever made that you will probably see being forgotten in a few years to come and the chances of a sequel are slim to none."

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jacksonmichael4648d ago

What would they call a sequel to XIII? XIII-2? Lol.

The second one was hilarious, too.

Iroquois_Pliskin4648d ago

wow never heard of half those games O_0

Pikajew4647d ago

I heard of all of them :)

cyborg474647d ago

Freedom Fighters, an FPS?
Fail article :\

Relientk774647d ago

I guess Ill say Warcraft 4

Warcraft 3 was amazing, and I would love to see another one. However, I'm afraid it would be years away

L6RD7BLU34647d ago

XIII Is such a damn good game. Man I wish Ubisoft will make a sequel to this game.

Cablephish4647d ago

Was my first online PC game. Only game I could run but was hella fun at the time.

I remember modding the hell out of it so you could change your skins for online play, and people would change into ducks or dogs, lol.

L6RD7BLU34647d ago

Yeap, sure had some good times with XIII

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Could Io Interactive be Working on a New Freedom Fighters Title?

Freedom Fighters provided a fast paced and strategic thrill ride. It unfortunately, also ended on a rather big cliffhanger, with only NYC having been liberated. When news that IO Interactive was looking for a multiplayer developer for a yet unannounced third person title "with strong cooperative multiplayer elements," there was some speculation that a sequel was on the way. IO Interactive has remained mostly quiet on the subject, but does seem to be aware of the demand, and despite eschewing previous plans for Freedom Fighters 2 in favor of Kane & Lynch development, representatives have said recently that a sequel is something they're interested in doing.

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electricshadow4694d ago

This is one game that deserved a sequel. The first game was so much fun and I'm pretty it sold well considering it was on four platforms.

Corax4694d ago

Who knows but can we all say ABOUT DAM TIME! Gaming companies really need to start listening to the customers for a change. They might...oh I don't know make more money. It's crazy I know listening to people who want to buy your product? It's madding just to think sales could skyrocket if they just listen to the consumer.

Entropic4694d ago

Generally I definitely agree with you here, but to be fair to Io Interactive, they're currently devoting almost all of their resources towards the development of Hitman Absolution, which is currently looking incredible. I'm perfectly happy to let them finish Hitman before starting on another title; Absolution is currently my most anticipated game of 2012 hands down.

It could be though, that the reason they're hiring is to staff a new project (such as Freedom Fighters 2)

ThichQuangDuck4694d ago

Freedom Fighters was an amazing game with a gripping story. I hope they stop making Kane and Lynch games and start coming out with freedom fighter games. If you never played freedom fighters you have missed out on a gem

STK0264694d ago

Well, considering how the first one ended, making a sequel would make a lot of sense. Plus, it was a great single player game (the multiplayer wasn't so great).

And to hongkongphooey, I'd say we can get both. The Kane and Lynch games might not be loved by all, but I for one like them, the first one had a better story, the second one had better gameplay and really, these are two game characters I actually care about when playing their game.

ThichQuangDuck4694d ago

I haven't truly played kane and lynch that much other than the demo,but I remember in one interview they said they would not start work on freedom fighters 2 until they were done with kane and lynch. I would just truly enjoy seeing Freedom Fighters 2 on Xbox 360 and PS3 because it would be great to see on the glacier 2 engine

sublIME2s4694d ago

Awesome news, Freedom Fighters was such an underrated game! I loved every second of it. Always wanted a sequel out ot this game!

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