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Xbox sales dropped 17% in 2023 as PS5 makes up over half of UK console market

Hardware and software sales numbers for the UK in 2023 have been released, with Sony's PS5 accounting for half the total market.

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Community203d ago
Nyxus203d ago

PS5: 1.2m (up 55%)
Switch: 720k (down 17%)
Xbox Series: 650k (down 16.7%)

Eonjay203d ago

Those numbers can't be right if PS5 made up over 50%.

Nyxus203d ago

That number is looking at the value as well from what I understand.

"The easing of global chip shortages and attractive game
exclusives drove PS5 sales up sharply, rising by 55% in
volume to over 1.2m units and 46% in value to £529m,
making it the dominant console in the market with a 57%
share of total spend in 2023."

Eonjay203d ago

Okay got it... total spend. That makes sense because the average MSRP of PS5 is the higher than Switch or Xbox.

Cacabunga203d ago (Edited 203d ago )

I don’t remember last time i heard xbox sales went up except in Japan from 13 to 14 one week

itsmebryan203d ago

Why do we keep talking about console
sale, Sony sales didn't prevent Sony from loosing 26% of their operating income, layoffs, closing studies, and loosing @ $2 billion of its value after missing sales goals by 4 million

andy85203d ago

Just stop 😂 XB have done this too. Also, it was a lofty target. Its hard to hit a new target when you've had the best sales year in your 30 year history.

S2Killinit202d ago

Tell me you dont know how the stock market works, without telling me you dont know how the stock market works.

InUrFoxHole202d ago

Shut your face. We are dead locked on console sales! Nothing else matters

RhinoGamer88203d ago

Phil and his leadership flunkies...could care less. MSFT could care less. #untouchable

Bathyj203d ago

No one really believes they don't care about sales do they? They're like a kid claiming they don't care they can't get a date for the prom but really they're crying inside

gold_drake203d ago


haha dear god is this cringe

Barlos202d ago

Couldn't care less. It's couldn't care less. If they could care less then that must mean they at least care a little.

Stuart5756202d ago

I love that your profile pic is of a gormless simpleton. Note: I'm referring to the profile pic not you the human. The profile pic is of a GORMLESS SIMPLETON.

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Einhander1972203d ago

Despite the slump in Switch sales, Nintendo’s aging console still managed to beat the Xbox Series X/S numbers. The latter sold 650,000 units in 2023, with a drop of 16.7% compared to the previous year. For context, the Xbox Series X came out in November 2020, so this represents its third year on the market.

The third year of a console’s life should see it at its peak, but even with the complications of the pandemic it is very worrying for Microsoft to see such a significant fall.

This mirrors what happened in the US over Christmas, which is likely to have been a primary catalyst for Microsoft’s decision to make certain Xbox games multiformat.

ZeekQuattro203d ago

I've been saying it for a while now. The Series S/X is selling what you'd expect the Switch would be selling after 7 years. To see it selling worse than the Xbox One is something else.

Hofstaderman203d ago (Edited 203d ago )

Green? Lol. I think at this point MS has thrown in the towel. Four games will turn into five then six and so on...

203d ago
Hofstaderman203d ago (Edited 203d ago )

@Karl I'm too busy playing games dude. FF7 Rebirth has my attention not some floundering console on the brink of extinction.
PS...MS laid off more employees. Now if you'll excuse me, gotta level up my materia.

203d ago
203d ago
Aloymetal202d ago (Edited 202d ago )

Yup, their whole catalog will be on PS5 sooner or later although in my case I couldn't care less for those games, never been interested in MS games at all.
On a side note, check out our friend the no life green minion creating alt accounts every 2 mins just to downvote our comments lol, I can tell he's hurt especially now that Phil and Co. have thrown in that beautiful towel and the green brand is in the process of going full 3rd party losing the already miniscule relevancy they had. He feels betrayed lmao.

Hofstaderman202d ago

@Aloy, yeah its pretty sad. I kinda feel sorry for him at times but then he goes and creates insulting and derogatory usernames.

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XiNatsuDragnel203d ago

Congratulations Sony unfortunate for everyone else.

203d ago
franwex203d ago

I would argue that those are really good switch numbers considering the age.

Kratos_Kart2007202d ago

The Switch is a good piece of hardware....Agreed

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