
Metroidvania The Last Case of Benedict Fox: Definitive Edition is coming to PS5

Ben Fox Game writes: "Ready to haunt your PlayStation 5 with Lovecraftian-like horrors?

Our Metroidvania The Last Case of Benedict Fox: Definitive Edition is coming to PS5 real soon."

VenomUK145d ago

Fingers crossed this is an omen that PlayStation owners will soon get to experience the unique charms of Crackdown 3.

Cacabunga145d ago

Only waiting for Killer instinct

outsider1624145d ago

I'm looking forward to the incredible Redfall.

Father__Merrin145d ago

I've just finished CD3 on pc my god that game was a chore to finish. Even using inf hp and bullets trainer it's simply drags on too long repetivly

YourMommySpoils145d ago

@Father__Merrin Sounds like the best way to see it as a parody game such as Eat Lead: The Return of Matt Hazard lol

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 145d ago
GamerRN145d ago

Misleading article...

It was a timed exclusive.

Software_Lover145d ago

You know how it goes. Gotta trigger those looking for these headlines and get clicks.

Notellin145d ago

The perfect target audience is the console fanboys right here on N4G. These articles always bring them out.

Shane Kim145d ago

I couldn't help laughing. MS have really produced some crappy games.

Lightning77145d ago

Too bad this isn't MS that made this game.

145d ago Replies(1)
DrDoomer145d ago

Stop saying "Xbox Exclusive". There are no xbox exclusives.

GhostScholar145d ago

I really enjoyed this game. Very good take on Metroidvania formula. If PlayStation people can get over that it was on Xbox and just give it a shot I think they would enjoy it

Rebel_Scum145d ago

“If PlayStation people can get over that it was on Xbox”

Literally no one has this issue. Same could be said if it was the other way around.

blackblades145d ago (Edited 145d ago )

Bruh you blind to the hardcore fanboy that wont never touch anything Xbox related and that goes the other way as well

Barlos145d ago

I can get over it. I've never even heard of this game before so really I couldn't care less.

Terry_B145d ago

The Last Case of Benedict Fox is since April 2023 on Steam. It was never an Xbox Exclusive Game.

BehindTheRows145d ago (Edited 145d ago )

Every Xbox game has a PC version (be it Epic, Steam, Windows, or all three).

Therefore, nothing that just released from them on other consoles was ever Xbox exclusive.

Going forward, people mean not on Nintendo or PlayStation.

Terry_B145d ago

ah I see. For me as someone who plays most game son PC and only some on PlayStation its weird to see a site calling a game Xbox exclusive while its on PC ..kinda confusing

GamerRN145d ago

How did you feel about Spiderman and Horizon being only timed exclusives?

BehindTheRows145d ago


What does that have to do with what I said?

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