
Desperate Xbox players turn to Halo Forge for their Helldivers 2 fix

PS5-exclusive Helldivers 2 is so popular that Xbox players want a taste of democracy, and now Halo Forge will be the battleground for a Helldivers 2 remake.

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XiNatsuDragnel154d ago

That's wild but hey if forge satisfies than that's good

GamerRN153d ago

Also.... Desperate Xbox players? I mean Helldivers2 looks ok, but I wouldn't call it anything to get desperate over..

God of War and the other exclusive are more worth desperation. I don't think I'm gonna even try Helldivers2, in still trying to beat Forbidden West, and I still of Ghosts, Ragnarok and TLOU2 to play

Old McGroin153d ago

Helldivers 2 is a phenomenally good game. You should definitely check it out if you get the chance. Looks like the devs have the server capacity issue pretty much sewn up now so it's a good time to jump in.

WolfSeed153d ago

You clearly haven't tried it. It's pure crack.

MrNinosan153d ago

I thought exactly like you, until I tried Helldivers 2... and then I was hooked.
The only thing that will stop me from playing it going forward is Final Fantasy VII Rebirth next week.

1Victor153d ago

@gamer: “Also.... Desperate Xbox players? I mean Helldivers2 looks ok”

Lest be honest for a minute even Phil want it on Xbox and if it wasn’t desperation the forge player wouldn’t be trying to copy it 🤷🏿

Barlos153d ago

Nobody is desperate over a game. Its pure clickbait.

TwoPicklesGood153d ago

I enjoy Helldivers 2 but it isn’t phenomenal or anything, its just a good game. Sure us ps5 players don’t have many multiplayer games so maybe that skews perspective. What we should be worrying about Is all the bugs and issues that STILL plague the game. It shouldn’t have been released in this state.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 153d ago
Hereandthere153d ago

Helldivers 2 graphically makes halo on series x look 2 gen behind.

Rdeal152d ago

Are you saying Helldivers 2 graphics are better than Halo's? if so you need glasses , graphics has to be the worst part of Helldivers 2, I have seen better on the PS4

Hypertension140152d ago (Edited 152d ago )


It's not the best looking game around
but the graphics definitely look better than halo infinite. The destruction on display while also maintaining a steady performance is also very impressive.

I've also seen better on PS4, but I say the same for almost every Xbox Series X game this generation.

152d ago
Kiryu1992153d ago

Why desperate Xbox fans? Why are we so split as a gaming community? So gamers wanting to play awesome games are not labeled desperate?

DarXyde153d ago

I don't think it's really unusual.

LittleBigPlanet allowed for that.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 152d ago
Jin_Sakai154d ago (Edited 154d ago )

Just get a PS5 and be done with it. Four Xbox exclusives are making their way over with more to follow down the road.

343_Guilty_Spark153d ago (Edited 153d ago )

When is Halo Infinite coming?

Hellblade 2 coming?

Jin_Sakai153d ago

Soon enough.

Phil Spencer: “The biggest games will be more than just one platform“


VincentVanBro153d ago

Neither of those are worth an entire console so who cares?

DazaMc153d ago

Anytime now, who knows.

MrNinosan153d ago

Probably within a year, but don't worry. They will still be available on the box of your choice, except if Switch is your choice.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 153d ago
153d ago Replies(2)
babadivad153d ago

Or just play it on your PC...

InUrFoxHole152d ago

Why get either console? All are coming to pc anyway

Shane Kim152d ago

If it wasn't for the initial cost, then I would never get a console.

InUrFoxHole152d ago

Honestly pc is great but I love the convenience of a console

OptimusDK152d ago

You couldn’t help yourself right Jin

Jin_Sakai152d ago

I just couldn’t help but tell the reality of the situation.

goldwyncq152d ago

Or just get a PC because all Xbox and PS games are coming to it sooner or later. Nintendo's the only company practicing true exclusivity nowadays.

Tedakin152d ago

Sony's present said first party games will be on pc and other platforms too. So what? And before you say he just meant "pc and playstation" that was debunked. Day 1 pc is definitely coming from Sony, ending your precious exclusives.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 152d ago
Neonridr154d ago

I remember the good old days of Halo 3 and the Forge. Some wild game games came from it.

RaidenBlack154d ago

Just let Coalition develop or at least assist in developing the next Halo ... 343 alone is not enough

Jin_Sakai153d ago

They already assisted with development.

“Gears of War studio The Coalition helped out with Halo Infinite”


RaidenBlack153d ago

Then lead the next Halo development with 343 assisting instead ... as well as leverage some of the other new acquired studios if possible

neomahi152d ago

That would be smart, but makes too much sense. BUT, The Coalition is pretty much dead, without Rod Ferguson, there's nothing there. That was the point of that team was that he was heading it up but even Rod Ferguson turned down being the boss and head of his own studio making Microsoft money to go to Blizzard, and isn't it ironic, look where's he's at now. Cliff Blezinski offered to go back to work on Gears and Xbox (one of their biggest IPs) shut him down and told him no. Gears put Xbox on the map, and they told him no. Sony wouldn't tell David Jaffe no if he asked to return to God of War or Twisted Metal, Jaffe is just to lazy, but Xbox shut down Blezinski, completely shocked me.

So, you're right, kinda, but that blood isn't there anymore, the soul of that team is gone so I don't think you'd get the quality you think that you would

Jin_Sakai152d ago

“Then lead the next Halo development with 343 assisting instead ... as well as leverage some of the other new acquired studios if possible“

Certain Affinity would be good but who knows what’s happening there. And I’d suggest keeping CoD studios away from the franchise unless you want Halo of Duty.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 152d ago
PhillyDonJawn153d ago (Edited 153d ago )

Halo Infinite forge is a million times better. maps don't even look like forge made but look like actual dev created maps now

Neonridr153d ago

oh I bet, I just have fond memories of all the different things people came up with. I can only imagine what it's like now.

PhillyDonJawn153d ago

Hell yeah I remember the forge map toilet 😂 good times. Poo and paper everywhere

Blad3runner00154d ago

Don't get this mentality. Nothing is stopping these people from buying a PS5

I don't get fanboyism and refusing to purchase a competitors console.

purple101154d ago

I didn't used to get it, when is was Sega vs Nintendo, but now companies charging for online play, I dont wan to pay 2 separate subs, so you make a choice. also if you were to say invest in extra controllers for mates or whatever, I suppose it all adds up

anast153d ago

So, PS5 is the choice, right?

PhillyDonJawn153d ago (Edited 153d ago )

You're thinking too much into it. Forge creators make anything and everything. This is nothing new. Call of duty and other games have been made in halo forge as well. I was just playing Nuketown and hot potato 2 weeks ago lol (hot potato fun asf btw)

PaleMoonDeath153d ago

Not everyone can afford it mate, some have kids, families etc to support. Very close minded statement, adults don't necessarily care which machine, but money's tight nowadays, bring them Helldivers so we can get the damn Halo & Gears armour on PS5 lol

EvertonFC153d ago

I wanna see helgeist, scorpions, crimera, flying sting rays even some knack enemies etc

PaleMoonDeath153d ago


Charlieboy333153d ago

They hate Playstation to the point of insanity....yet want a Playstation game on Xbox so bad. These people don't even make sense in their OWN minds...

153d ago
EvertonFC152d ago (Edited 152d ago )

Agreed fella, same can be said for the playstation lot too though lol. We would all be over a gears collection, halo collection, Forza and ori

DivineHand125153d ago

I hope all the persons who agreed with you have an Xbox. Being a multi-console owner is the best thing for a gamer. When Palworld came out I could boot up the Xbox and play it there. I also just started playing Helldivers 2 yesterday and I am having a great time with it.

The gunplay is good so persons who are on the fence for this reason, don't be. The gunplay in this can go up against Halo, Destiny, The Division 2 etc. The gameplay loop is also good with a reasonable progression system. It doesn't have any RPG mechanics so don't expect to see numbers popping up when you shoot an enemy. Progression in this game allows you to unlock cosmetics, weapons and air drops from orbit to aid you on your mission.

153d ago
+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 152d ago
anast153d ago

HA! All the while Xbox games are popping up in PS stores. To be honest, on day exclusivity will probably be gone and each will just provide a streaming service bundle, but why not have fun while we can.

crazyCoconuts153d ago

And to get you to pick one streaming service over another they would have....

anast153d ago (Edited 153d ago )

You do know how to ask direct questions, right? This is a serious question.

They would have different app features, different UI's, timed exclusivity, and different video game series (live action and animation). Also the streaming services would be tied to mobile phones of choice (Sony vs MS; maybe even Nintendo will get in on this, phone thing.) which have their own reasons for purchasing.

Of course this is in the distant future. They don't call me the Oracle for no reason.

crazyCoconuts153d ago

Exclusives... The answer was exclusives.
But, you being the Oracle you already knew that, didn't you?

anast153d ago

"one day exclusivity will probably be gone"

Yes. I am the Oracle. When this happens you can say I am right.

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Xbox-exclusive Helljumpers could be competing with Helldivers 2 very soon

The absence of Helldivers 2 on Xbox continues to be felt by its players, as Arrowhead Game Studios’ team-based shooter remains one of the year’s most popular games. However, that could soon change with the impending arrival of developer The Forge Falcons’ Xbox-exclusive Helljumpers.

rlow137d ago

Didn’t know about this one. Will keep an eye out for it.

Cacabunga36d ago

Very original title.. wonder how they came out to that

Kurt Russell36d ago

It's just people having fun in forge, calm down

RaidenBlack36d ago

'Helljumpers' is the nickname for Halo's ODSTs (Orbital Drop Shock Troopers) and predates Helldiver franchise by about 11 years.
calm down.

PhillyDonJawn36d ago

I can enlighten you. ODST a type of marine in Halo orbital drop shock trooper. Aka helljumpers.

Christopher36d ago

Yeah, Helljumpers existed prior to Helldivers.


Ok, so Helldivers guys want to fight Helljumpers guys... I'm just gonna leave this here.

babadivad35d ago

Halo ODST soldiers are called HellJumpers.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 35d ago
darthv7236d ago

so... this is a mode for Halo?

gold_drake36d ago

"As always, we look forward to bringing the Helldivers 2 experience to Halo Infinite"

should you be chasing someone elses concept? make your own and stand out.

this is a lazy, imo, thing to do.

Redgrave36d ago

In this case, I will say that's a poor argument because look at all the soulslikes and such. There will always be the first, and then all the imitations/inspirations that follow.

gold_drake36d ago

sure, they specifically call out helldivers tho ha

repsahj36d ago

Even the name is so unique?

dumahim36d ago

Following a game type trend is one thing, but to do that and come up with a name that's very similar as well takes it to a whole new level. In the movie biz, they call stuff like this a "Mockbuster" movie, kind of like Transmorphers.

RaidenBlack36d ago (Edited 36d ago )

ODST ('Helljumpers' is their nickname) as a concept existed way before Helldivers 1 (by about 11 years) ... it was never properly executed in the Halo FPS games' multiplayer ...

PhillyDonJawn36d ago (Edited 36d ago )

It was revealed 343 actually had plans to release a side halo game with that concept but MS turned it down.

To those making comments about the name, thinking theyre ripping it/copying. Yall clearly don't play Halo 😂

DustMan36d ago

Hasn't really been worth revisiting for quite some time now.

PhillyDonJawn36d ago

@dustman True or not doesn't change anything I said. Anyone that was around during halo 3 and after knows what ODST are. They even had visor colors called helljumper.

isarai36d ago

I don't think a forge map is going to match Helldivers 2 🤣

jznrpg36d ago

Funny. Reminds me of Chinese knockoff games

Relientk7736d ago

When I read the title, that's what I thought it was.

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Halo Infinite Cut Campaign Content Has Allegedly Been Revealed

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XiNatsuDragnel43d ago

I wish these would be in the game

just_looken42d ago

I wish they made the game a actual last stand all the know spartan teams halo wars 2 crew together with other unsc forces fighting in space and on the ground.

But nope one spartan again on a open bland map with good combat but a meh story and marines that still act the same.

With so much time gap you think the marines would have better armor and the Spartans would have special guns beyond the laser made for them.

Do no get me started on the opening cinematic were atrox gets taken out.

The lack of flood/blood overall rating decrease what a letdown this game was halo wars 2 last decent halo game for me.

Tacoboto42d ago

These don't read like they really would've made the game better, just even less like Halo. Except for biomes - how the heck they only had one biome is the biggest disappointment.

I'll watch the actual video later.

just_looken42d ago

It was the power of the 2000 xbox and 2005 xbox 360 only there we could get coop and more than one biome.

Toecutter0042d ago

The fact that when you boot up the game it immediately takes you to the multi-player menu (a first for the series), rather than to the campaign says everything you need to know about 343i, Xbox, and Microsoft Studios.