
Pentiment Review - Playstation Trophies

While Pentiment doesn’t have the same sort of depth or ingenuity as Disco Elysium, and definitely suffers from a few pacing issues, it is nevertheless a hugely impressive game. A murder mystery that will have you guessing and second-guessing every tiny step you make. One that will have you puzzled from start to finish. And, ultimately, it's a game that is definitely more than worthy of your time.

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jznrpg155d ago

I’ll buy it used someday

Nyxus155d ago

The only physical version is the one by Limited Run.

jznrpg154d ago (Edited 154d ago )

It’s not a Limited Print. Some of Limited Run is limited. This is a preorder for a unlimited print. You won’t pay much for a used copy. I have over 100 limited run games I know the way it works. If this was a limited print sure it would be 2-3 times the price for a sealed copy but it isn’t 1k print or 2k print it’s preorder for a month or whatever and they’ll print a lot more so 20$ used won’t be hard to find.

155d ago

you cant buy it used there only releasing physical version from Limited Run.

CrimsonWing69155d ago

I mean, technically he could find it on eBay used at some point or like a garage sale… maybe GameStop can take it in as used game 🤷‍♂️

jznrpg155d ago

People sell limited run games all the time. It’s not a limited print so I can find it used for sure

Profchaos155d ago

He could if he wants to pay 4x the price the only lrg I find second hand are going for insanely high prices

jznrpg154d ago

People sell Limited Run games used all the time. It won’t be hard to find. I buy and sell games on EBay and know many sellers and buyers.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 154d ago
Tacoboto155d ago

So you really are a grandstander about buying Physical. Cry your tears every story about Alan Wake 2, as if you really actually would buy that.

jznrpg155d ago (Edited 155d ago )

I would. what’s it to you ? You seem upset

KwietStorm_BLM154d ago

Some "gamers" love to fight their invisible wars to the death don't they

crazyCoconuts155d ago

In a sense... It already is 😉

155d ago
DarXyde155d ago

If possible.

Sadly, I really don't like Microsoft. I don't like what they stand for, their anti-labour pursuit of AI, their doublespeak, their purchasing of bargaining chips, their hard focus on subscriptions for damn near everything, their desire to shape various industries to their liking by spending money, and on and on.

This game might be great. But I'm not supporting it or any other products. Admittedly, it makes my work from home days harder because I don't have MS Office, but this is simply not a company I would support, and that's a shame because the developers have nothing to do with it, but they are part of the company I'm boycotting and principles matter.

While buying used is not a bad idea, I don't know how feasible that is with this game.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 154d ago
Eonjay155d ago

I heard this game was excellent.

darthv72155d ago

it is rather good. slow paced and lots of reading but such great animation and detail.

EvertonFC155d ago

Is the game that looked like a monty python sketch? If so I'm in.

Profchaos155d ago

It got a lot of 10s on its launch but the art style never gelled with me I know people like it but it's not going to be for everyone or even most people tbh

Nacho_Z155d ago

I like the look of this. I like a slow paced story based game for the brief period of the evening I game in and it looks really unique and interesting.

Barlos154d ago

Really enjoyed this game. I thought the artwork and minimalist sound design was fantastic. The story itself is fairly predictable but it's still a great ride.

Jingsing154d ago

Can't risk buying an Xbox game on PlayStation only for Phil Spencer to say sequel is now Xbox only. The guy is about as trust worthy as an inflatable dartboard. That would ultimately be his end goal with this strategy, do a rug pull on all followups. They have already not honored sequels to games that previously appeared on PlayStation.

Gunstar75154d ago

Yeah sure sounds like a massive life risk. I'd avoid.

That and putting pointy metal items in plug sockets.

generic-user-name154d ago

If these games sell poorly on PS, it'll be easy for them to stop at 4.

Abnor_Mal154d ago

Same thing I said when they bought Obsidian, I will not buy their game just for them to make the next game an exclusive after getting selling the first multiplatform.

Christopher154d ago

I'm going to keep supporting good games. Developers, regardless of who owns them, put a lot of time and effort into these games and to forgo one good game just to spite the publisher? That's not in my goals.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 154d ago

Josh Sawyer Reflects on Design Evolution: From Icewind Dale to Pentiment

Josh Sawyer is a name that has been familiar to RPG fans for decades. He's worked on Icewind Dale, Neverwinter Nights 2, Alpha Protocol, Fallout: New Vegas, Pillars of Eternity, and most recently Pentiment. How did he get into game development, how has his design philosophy changed over the years, and why did he decide to do Pentiment a little differently?

thorstein58d ago (Edited 58d ago )

Those are some great games. Icewind Dale I & II are underrated.

If Larian made Icewind Dale III, I'd lose my mind.

What a fantastic, thorough interview.


Pentiment (PS5) Review | VGChartz

VGChartz's Lee Mehr: "When it’s all said and done, Pentiment is one of the most impressive narrative adventures in recent years. From the words scrawled across the page to impressive background details, there's a distinct appreciation for history coming out of every pore; moreover, it doesn't merely succeed at doing its homework, but also in fashioning unique visual storytelling that harmonizes with its rich narrative & themes. There are some specific design and narrative critiques, but none of them outright smother the abundant successes. For a title so reverent of history, it feels like divine justice that Obsidian's special adventure earns such a high spot in the annals of its own."

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coolbeans123d ago

I'm not surprised to know a scholar would enjoy it. ;)


Pentiment - Review - PSX Brasil

Pentiment demonstrates Obsidian Entertainment's ability to develop excellent games in genres that are currently little explored and Xbox Game Studios' ability to offer these games for new platforms.

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darthv72137d ago

I enjoyed this game. Found it rather relaxing. I hope PS fans find it enjoyable too.

coolbeans123d ago

I get that vibe too. It's funny how it lulls you into that kind of mood until you see someone get angry and hear the harsh quill scratches in someone's speech bubble.