
How long does it take to complete Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth?

Discover the massive scale of Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, spanning two discs & requiring 150GB, and find out how long it takes to complete.

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Community154d ago
_Decadent_Descent154d ago

No, I don't own any Xbox. Square just ruined the game for me, that's all. I couldn't stand the first part and had to put it down. They had a real opportunity to expand upon the dialogue and story of the original and mature it, but instead they decided to go in the opposite direction and double-down on the cheesy J-pop writing and character tropes. I guess, obviously, there's an audience for even that shit. To each their own.

MrBaskerville154d ago (Edited 154d ago )

While I do like Remake, you are not wrong. It was a frustrating trip through the game with many baffling decisions. But also very fun to play and did have cool moments.

And after they completely jumped the shark in the end, I'm a little more open to the changes down the line. Now that it's obviously a new game and not a remake.

Harkins1721154d ago

0 hrs gameplay but you will spend 10s of hrs shitting on it in posts.

Ironmike154d ago (Edited 154d ago )

I just bought the double pack this remaster nrebirth for the price of rebirth never played final fantasy game in my life got to admit iam enjoying remake a lot still not great at thecombat yet but story great

shinoff2183154d ago

That's why I'm so into it. Story's great. I prefer the old school combat but we won't ever see that again

Bebedora154d ago (Edited 154d ago )

They have a hard time make green eyed be blue eyed. ....Takes its time... Special powers needed.

153d ago
153d ago

FF7 Rebirth Fan Creates Cute Cait Sith In Real Life After 130 Hours

He's never looked more perfect than here.

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Community1d 23h ago

I mean, do you see any anthropomorphic cats running around? "Real life" doesn't really comport fictional creatures, so what else were you expecting if not some sort of sculpture/art? The sorry end of a tux cat on r/badtaxidermy?


FF7 Rebirth's Smallest Details Make Its Characters So Much Better

Even tiny tweaks can make all the difference.

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Community5d ago
gold_drake4d ago

i know people hate on ff7, the remake and on rebirth, but i love these games.
i love what they have done with the remake and rebirth. rebirth especially is fking amazing.

Babadook74d ago (Edited 4d ago )

They hate because its exclusive (timed). It's that simple.

The quality is undeniable.


FFVII Remake Trilogy Director Retained Stronger Elements Of OG Story While Improving Other Aspects

Final Fantasy VII Remake trilogy co-director focused on retaining stronger elements of the original story while improving other aspects.

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Community36d ago
MeteorPanda36d ago (Edited 36d ago )

The ancients explaining whatvwe already know was the most boring way to introduce Jenova. Like it showed our own veiwpoint and not theirs, there was no story of deception, they just told us it was.

I wanted lore drop. wanted a glimpse of that time...nope. holier than thou generic "ancient race" cookie cutter.

Also they spoke in the same language, like cmon make it slightly realistic.

Also they should give us an option to what voice red continues with....i benched him after that moment cause my god, he turned into a kids anime protagonist.

Chocobo redo was the most straightforward, safe and needless i have ever seen. Each bird gets a quirk to travel their own region
You own none of them. You cant take them to another region for secrets. Chocobo hot/cold from ff9 makes a visit which was welcomed.

Too many mini games, not enough story exploration.

The original Sephiroth had a background of a fall to grace that won him fans...so they turned him into some diehard fan of Cloud.

As much as l loved the og, they kept so few of the vibes of the original i had to keep justifying the reason l kept playing.

Rant over sorry

aaronlif1036d ago

If ever there was a wet blanket in the room, this is it...

MeteorPanda36d ago (Edited 36d ago )

I am allowed to be critical in my own opinion of the game? Must l be a sheep and say i 100% love or hate it?

aaronlif1036d ago (Edited 36d ago )

This game is a beautiful love letter to fans of the original game. If the biggest complaint fans have is "too many mini games" (almost all of which are optional btw) then square did good. The most complaints i see is that the game is coming in 3 parts. Which was actually the best thing square could have done. This game is far too big to have been squeezed into one game. And this second part would not have been technically possible on the PS4. Spreading this game across three installments allowed square to give us an expanded, fleshed out version of FF7 instead of giving us a drastically trimmed version. I'm thankful that they made this decision. Is Red XIII's voice annoying here? Perhaps, but that's his character. He's young. This game reflects that in his voice. He tried acting gruff so that the others would respect him and take him seriously. He loosens up as he becomes comfortable with the other characters and ultimately reverts to being himself. Why anyone would expect to choose which voice he uses is a bit beyond me, but oh well. There is so much to appreciate with this game, and some people frankly just like to complain and pick apart something. The locations and towns in this game are gorgeous. The visuals for such a massive game hold up very well. The game captures the feel of FF7 perfectly in my opinion. I couldn't have been happier with it. Are there little imperfections? Sure. Almost every game has imperfections if you look hard enough. But this game truly is a game that shouldn't be missed. It's epic, huge, and fun. This game goes far deeper into the characters than the original FF7, and I can't wait to see where they take us in the third part.

Lexreborn236d ago

“There is so much to appreciate with this game, and some people frankly just like to complain and pick apart something. “

That’s because the way we receive information on our product is from announcement then “sanctioned” criticism from select outlets that have taught us their reviews are more trust worthy then our own interest/experience.

Because we also value a point system more than what’s enjoyable. We have become to involved in the breakdown of the game as a critic versus the player. This tends to make us believe if we dislike aspects everyone should dislike them too.

It’s a huge issue in the gaming community and why we can’t have meaningful conversations because the fixation on what someone dislikes over what they like and vice versa never allows us to meet in the middle. Unless the game in question sells a lot then people tend to drop the pitch forks and praise because we assume the sales speak for themself.

Juancho5136d ago

Best RPGs ive played in YEARS. There are some other gems out there but FF7Rebirth and REmake are just fantastic and were a joy to finish.

Tzuno36d ago

i'll wait for the complete edition, this nonsense must stop