
PS5 is About to Go on a 3-Month Stretch of Exclusive New Game Releases

While Sony may not have major first-party games on the way any time soon, there are still big PS5 exclusives set to launch in the near future.

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Flawlessmic158d ago

And that's the difference between Sony and MS.

When MS had that god awful year and 7 month stretch this generation where they knew they had nothing coming, they were unwilling to compensate that by securing 3rd party deal to ensure they looked after us gamers and instead gave me no reason to turn on my xsx

Sony on the other hand, sees the stretch ahead of time and made sure even if weren't playing 1st party exclusives that they made sure to secure big 3rd exclusives to ensure Sony gamers had something more than the competition to enjoy that could only be played on the platform.

MS won't have that issue again with all ots studios now but still just shows how much smarter Sony is.

Obscure_Observer158d ago ShowReplies(13)
LastAvenger158d ago

The problem is Microsoft secure third party timed exclusivity via GamePass while if it does release on PS it’s to a cost. But this doesn’t bode well when all Day One releases get lost in the Fray within the Netflix of Gaming.

Lightning77158d ago

The last time MS tried having 3rd party games everyone complained. There not true exclusives, they're not 1st party and rebelled against TR exclusivity.

Christopher158d ago

And you argued that it was fine. Hypocrisy is on both sides here.

Einhander1972158d ago

People complained that Microsoft was paying to keep a series that started on PlayStation off PlayStation, and they weren't even publishing it. It's a false equivalency argument your making.

Helldivers PlayStation owns the IP
Rise of the Ronin PlayStation is publishing
Stellar Blade PlayStation is publishing
Final Fantasy 7 was originally a PlayStation game and literally only 2 of the 16 main Final Fantasy games have launched on xbox same with the vast majority of spin off games. (but of course all xbox has ever done is try to steal off PlayStation and Nintendo)

2'nd party publishing partnerships have been a staple of not only PlayStation and other platform holders but of major publishers for as long as gaming has existed.

Second party publishing isn't what's changed it's xbox fanboys trying to act like it's bad or that those games aren't exclusive, that's what has changed.

157d ago
MrBaskerville157d ago (Edited 157d ago )

It's not like MS has been securing third party deals near monthly in years by now.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 157d ago
Lightning77158d ago

@Chris I did? Are you making things up? Show me where I said it was fine.

Christopher158d ago

I dunno, am I "everyone" from your comment?

158d ago Replies(1)
Lightning77158d ago

@Chris every including the media and fanboys complained hard about it. Only for Sony to turn around and do the exact same thing.

Idc personally games, are games but I'm just pointing out the hypocrisy.

@Ein "People complained that Microsoft was paying to keep a series that started on PlayStation off PlayStation"

Huh? Games like Street Fighter didn't start on PS neither did FF. FF started on Nintendo wtf. Stellar Blade was multiplat originally announced for Xbox until Sony took over and canceled the Xbox version.

158d ago
Flawlessmic158d ago

You mean like xbox fans cry about Sony's timed or other wise exclusives ?
At the end of the day who cares what the cry baby's from either side are crying about.

From Ms and Sony's perspective they need to look after there own consumer base, simple as that, let the other side cry.

My point was Sony's looks after its consumers consistently by hook or by crook Sony gamers and left hanging very very rarely.

Ms on the other hand so worried about perceived perception rather than looking after there gamers.

Moot point anyway, Ms have a rediculous amount of studios now so it's a none issue.

Was just pointing out the difference.

Christopher158d ago

***Idc personally games, are games but I'm just pointing out the hypocrisy. ***

I was also pointing out the hypocrisy. Just not the one you were focused on, the hypocrisy of the other side. I'm not saying what you're saying is wrong, only you tend to only focus on one side of the fence, not both.

Lightning77158d ago (Edited 158d ago )

"That's great you should always point out hypocrisy, problem is you only ever point out the hypocrisy of one side yet use terms like fanboy as if what you're doing doesn't apply to that moniker."

Well If you're talking about this site I see more hypocritical statements from one side more than any other fanbase Don't get mad at me that's the nature of things here. Twitter's more 50 50.

"You also ask people to prove and show you were they get their information from a lot but you yourself never offer the same. "

Depends on the information but I always post links and facts. If y'all choose to ignore them, then that's on you. Outta mind, outta site mentality. The fact that y'all think FF started on PS is beyond laughable and I shouldn't even have to provide a link. Sure let's pretend Sony invented gaming and everything. They invented Halo and Mario while we're at it. These are the ppl I have to deal with....

"Doubling down on your "everyone" comment with "every including the media and fanboys" doesn't provide any legitimacy to your claim."



Theres more but this should give you an idea. Do I need to link N4G's reaction I definitely can lol. You know what lets do it.

Pepole here tried justifying by saying "oh it's online trolls in general" When the PS fanbase were the most up and arms about this easily because the game started on PS. Zero accountability for their actions just excuses.

Anyway You were saying about not having facts. You probably won't remember, just ignore them and tell me how I don't provide facts in some other post the next day.

@Flawless I feel ya. The visceral attacks from back then aren't around these days whenever Xbox does timed stuff. Hey the issue was MS never invested in their studios back then, just trying to buy out exclusive games. Which is weird because MS did it back during the 360 and there was no issues.

Lightning77157d ago (Edited 157d ago )

@Chris what hypocrisy? Did you provide? Ok give me examples of Xbox fanboys being hypocritical? There's lots out there from the Sony base to take from. I point them out because they're abundant in there hypocritical stances then switch up on dime to keep their narrative.

I'm Thinking myself what they've been hypocritical about.

I got one, Xbox fanboys downplayed the importance of exclusives for well over 10 years, they have some, now suddenly exclusives are the most important thing in the world. There's 2 sides this though, who hyped exclusives to be the end all be all in the first place? Which fanbase bragged to death and back about having exckusives? You can't talk about one with out the other. Only difference is PS fans are way more vocal about those things and sets these standards themselves. They need to be 1st party, they need to be built from the ground up, it needs to be new IP every once in awhile, it needs to be high meta, sell X, Y, Z amount. I've heard all this from PS fans in the past 10+ years. I dont know what to tell you, I dunno why deny it? But sure that's still stands in some regards tho, Xbox fans still downplayed exclusives as none factor or importance they're still guilty, and hyping AA exclusives games then turn around and say the AA Sony has are not important. The biggest hypocrisy there from Xbox fans that I can think of.

Outside_ofthe_Box157d ago (Edited 157d ago )

***"There's 2 sides this though, who hyped exclusives to be the end all be all in the first place? Which fanbase bragged to death and back about having exckusives? You can't talk about one with out the other. Only difference is PS fans are way more vocal about those things and sets these standards themselves. They need to be 1st party, they need to be built from the ground up, it needs to be new IP every once in awhile, it needs to be high meta, sell X, Y, Z amount. I've heard all this from PS fans in the past 10+ years. I dont know what to tell you, I dunno why deny it?"***

You have to go back further than 10 years buddy. Everything that's is toxic today was started by Xbox fans during the 360 era.

The PS3 had very few notable exclusives it's first two years out. Guess what the Xbox fans said about the PS3? "The PS3 has no games" When PS fans throw it back at their face during Xbox One era, what is the response? "Multiplats are games too" "Exclusives aren't the end all be all" etc.

Multiplats ran better on the 360 for most of that generation. Guess what Xbox fans proudly boasted about? You guested it, "having superior multiplats". Now here comes resolution gate for Xbox One era. Guess the responses? "Play games not resolution" "It's the same game on both consoles" etc

The 360 had an early lead on global sales due to coming out a year early and dominated the US in sales. All of sudden NDP and VGchartz was the most anticipated articles every month. Well do I need to tell how things are in regards to the following generation?

Looking at how very different people were during PS360 and fast forward to now during PS5-Series, you learn that both sides flip-flop because of blind loyalty and trying to call out one side is pointless and isn't going change anything. If PlayStation came out tomorrow and said we're realsing all of our games on other platforms within a 1-2 year window after they release on PS first, you see all the blind loyalist come up with ways of why it's a great idea. If Phil came out tomorrow and said they making all their games including those from recent acquisitions exclusive all of a sudden high dev costs and expanding their reach and smart business sense wouldn't matter anymore.

You better off focusing on those who pretend to be above fanboy nonsense but still flipflop on their stances despite being "neutral" and owning all consoles...

gold_drake157d ago (Edited 157d ago )

thats exactly what i thought too, like they made sure exclusives are still coming out like

Petebloodyonion157d ago (Edited 157d ago )

I love to see how ppl have 0 knowledge of how business works.
"they were unwilling to compensate that by securing 3rd party deal to ensure they looked after us gamers and instead gave me no reason to turn on my xsx"

Do you expect that Capcom, SE, GTA, 2K, etc are willing to sacrifice 60% of their consumer base and sour their relationship with Sony for a paycheck in regards to AAA IP?

Just like MS can easily buy a publisher with money and Sony Can't
Sony can easily secure deals due to the huge market share they control by pushing for a lower cut or paying for sales loss on other platforms.

Just to show my point about how strong is Sony's dominance.
They are charging companies for crossplay in regard to potential losses (similar to what Apple wants to do)
Something that Nintendo and MS will not do.

Flawlessmic157d ago

I expect Microsoft to use the trillions of dollars it has available to them to secure exclusives if there is nothing coming from first party

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 157d ago
XiNatsuDragnel158d ago

Sony is smarter with there studios unlike Microsoft rn.

jimbo676158d ago

You can damage control all you want. Not gonna help their stock price which is crashing.

F0XH0UND922158d ago

Found the dude that has no idea how the stock market works lmao

RedDevils158d ago

Funny thing he better go educate himself for some finance, it might help get a bit richer than he is now.

158d ago Replies(3)
157d ago Replies(6)
Eonjay158d ago

Yeah, I'm sure Sony wants to get out more 1st party games, but I'm kinda stacked right now with their Second and Third party games. This month for me has been Gran Blue Fantasy, Helldivers 2 and I will be getting FF7: Rebirth. I will be trying Rise of Ronin in March and Stellar Blade in April. Just will those game alone, I should be pretty busy until June easily.

darthv72158d ago

Stellar blade for me as well.

MrNinosan158d ago

For me it's Granblue, Helldivers 2, Pacific Drive and Rebirth in February (and maybe Ultros), then Rise of the Ronin and (Dragons Dogma 2) in March, Stellar Blade in April and probably something else I've forgot.

tay8701158d ago

Playstation 1st party studios are some of the best in the and utterly destroy xboxs. That being said I have bought alot of 2nd/3rd part games already for playstation. So far this yr i have bought linfinite wealth, FF7 rebirth, rise of the ronin, pacific drive and stellar blade. all except infinite wealth are exclusives. Sony stepped up big time to full the gaps. Still mulling over picking up gran blue fantasy as well

jimb0j0nes158d ago

Crazy strong first half of the year, bit worried about the second half though...

raWfodog158d ago

No backlogs to catch up on? I’ll never run out of games to play as my backlog is easily a dozen games, at least.

franwex158d ago

There’s always third party games too. I know the argument here is regarding exclusive content, but you get first party and third party stuff. So even if there’s no good first party, you can still enjoy third party. Most Xbox owners have, lol.

tay8701158d ago

Don't be, still have many exclusives coming in the latter part of the yr. Concord, silent hill 2, a.i. limit, forever skies to name a few. Also could see convallaria, lost souls aside, phantom blade zero. Rumor is that a new astrobot game might release late this yr too. Plenty of great multiplat games releasing later this yr as well. We won't be starving for games by any means. :-)

158d ago
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Stellar Blade Update 1.006 Brings Summer Suits, Photo Mode & More

Shift Up, the developer behind Stellar Blade, has released a new update, bringing the game to version 1.006.

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CobraKai3h ago

I love this game. It just keeps on giving


Explore the top choices in Rise of the Ronin

See the popular choices players made in the game and start your journey with the demo today.

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Einhander19722d ago

This game is really good, 100% up to PlayStation standards.

I'm glad they added a demo because I fee llike this game went under the radar because people didn't know what it was.

Lexreborn21d 17h ago

It didn’t, I think they said it was one of their best sellers even more then wo long and that was “free” on Gamepass.

Even did better then stellar blade from what team ninja reported.

It is a very fun game, I have been playing in in spurts because well, summer time is usually for doing things outside for me.

I think the hate was merely because it was exclusive and wasn’t on GP. The people who wanted it bought it and that’s what matters


FF7 Rebirth Fan Creates Cute Cait Sith In Real Life After 130 Hours

He's never looked more perfect than here.

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I mean, do you see any anthropomorphic cats running around? "Real life" doesn't really comport fictional creatures, so what else were you expecting if not some sort of sculpture/art? The sorry end of a tux cat on r/badtaxidermy?