
Tomb Raider Writer Attacked over Xbox Exclusivity

While many of us were far from happy about Microsoft's "acquisition" of Rise of the Tomb Raider, some took it further than others. That's the problem with having such ready access to people via the internet: it's not difficult to hunt them down and attack them when something they're involved with becomes controversial, even if the person being attacked had nothing to do with the decision. That's what happened yesterday with Tomb Raider and Rhianna Pratchett.

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truefan13635d ago ShowReplies(6)
Mikey322303635d ago

I dont get this... Tomb raider is no big deal to me. But if it was i recognize that id have about 2 options:

1) Buy the console and game if i want to play it bad enough.
2) Dont buy it, then it's egg on their face, they lose your business.

Enemy3635d ago

Attacked and it's not even exclusive, already confirmed by Microsoft.

xHeavYx3635d ago

I think "attacked" is a strong word to refer to people being mean on Twitter

ABizzel13635d ago

These are not fans, these are ignorant trolls, and borderline mentally challenged individuals plain and simple, just like every single person who keeps saying PS4 fans are the worse, you too fit one of those groups if not both.

No person with any sense of sanity or maturity sits on the internet and purposely trolls all day long. No sane person sends hate mail or threatening message to people who had absolutely nothing to do with the issue plaguing them.

The actors, the writer, and probably most of the developers had nothing to do with this decision. This decision was handled by Square, Microsoft, and Crystal Dynamics upper management.

If you want to send your unhappy messages to anyone it would be those people, and their PR departments. Don't attack anyone else, because they have absolutely no power over this.

When these kind of things happen, okay be up in arms the first day. Start a petition, spread the word, and if things don't change vote with your wallet and don't support the company anymore.

Money is the main motivator of any of these businesses, so when they start acting reckless, then hit them where it hurts the most, their wallets. Let upper management not get their bonuses and I guarantee you there will be changes instantly.

gootimes3635d ago (Edited 3635d ago )

Bungie was "attacked" on twitter over DLC!! Xbox fans are by FAR the most immature and entitled fan base. Not all, but MANY are.

Both PC fans and PS fans are upset about tomb raider being timed exclusive...

ThunderSpark3635d ago (Edited 3635d ago )

It's so easy to put the blame on fanboys but Microsoft is at fault here as well for their wording. They should have been straightforward with their info and stated it was a timed exclusive.

Microsoft has been playing word games when it comes to consoles shipped and their supposed "exclusives". When they go back on their wording and have to clarify what was stated, it usually leads to more 180s. Xbox One-80.

@Joe913: I agree 100%. Gamers are not dumb and stupid. Lesson for Microsoft: Be forthright with all your info concerning gaming or it will backfire on you.

Joe9133635d ago

@ThunderSpark I agree and another reason why Sony probably go last in all these press conferences because they let MS piss people off then they fix there stuff then go out looking way better than MS Sony has played the word games before but I think it is funny this time (probably due to MS being unclear about Tomb Raider) they made sure you know what was 100% only on PS4 and what was just coming first to PS4 not a big deal but after the MS tomb raider thing it makes Sony look better because they were more clear about what to expect with their games.

Gozer3635d ago (Edited 3635d ago )

People who do things like this, are not only an embarrassment for the fans of their platform of choice, they are an embarrassment for gaming as a whole. That also applies to the people who defend, and make excuses for these people. Gaming is a hobby, not life or death, get a grip.

BattleN3635d ago Show
Army_of_Darkness3635d ago (Edited 3635d ago )

@battlen "Sony Drones are more dangerous than Government Drones!"

If shouting with verbal insults through TEXT/ Twitter hurts your feelings too that point, then I feel really sorry for you when you step into the real world buddy ;-)

@truefan "ps4 fans are the ABSOLUTE WORST"

LOL! you take your disagrees to seriously bro.

pinkcrocodile753635d ago

@ALL Regarding this story I think everyone from both Xbox and Playstation camp need to GROW UP.

Rhianna Pratchett, the daughter of the great Terry Pratchett (Author of more than 40 Discworld Novels)has every right to drag this internet creature into court.

To the people who say, "Oh it's only twitter", I say "If you speak to me like that I'm either going to punch you so hard, you'll think twice next time" or "You're going to court for liable or what ever is legally appropriate".

This is just a game, I understand how you feel and the right place to rant is here.

The second you cross the line and become verbal at someone who is innocent, on a public forum, you deserve to be found and gripped by the police and deservedly prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

Moan and rant all you like here, thats what this site is for... Moaning.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 3635d ago
legionsoup3635d ago

Enemy - where did you see this? I was planning to get it for my Xbone when it was used (so they didn't get my money), but if it's coming out later on PS4, I'll wait.

Also, the reason I'm replying to Mikey and not Enemy is so that I can get a reply to this question and see it in my notifications.

Enemy3635d ago (Edited 3635d ago )


Square-Enix was forced to delete lots of tweets today. Spencer and Greenberg lied all about it too, using cheap wording to conceal the truth about the game's plans as a timed exclusive. It'll come to PS4 with exclusive content as usual.

Xb1ps43635d ago

Ssoooo.... you have a xb1 and youre still butt hurt about the exclusivity? Good god gamers get worse and worse with ever new gen..

gootimes3635d ago (Edited 3635d ago )

Micro trying to deceive the public AGAIN at their conference. Then, of course, they 180.

Sony says when it is not full exclusive, they don't try and trick people...

legionsoup3635d ago

Get over yourself Xb1PS4.

Just because I have everything doesn't mean I can't prefer one. Why shouldn't I be able to say "I don't want to support the business practices of the one that's not consumer friendly (in my eyes), but I also don't want to miss out on any big exclusives on any platform."?

TheRealHeisenberg3635d ago

I buy most of my games used on every platform. I have to really want a game to buy brand new these days. They all just want my money.

Pogmathoin3635d ago

Well done Legionsoup, kill all developers then..... Used games = death of industry.
Buy most of your games new.....buy used games if they are cheap enough and games that you probably would never have bought, but support the industry and buy new.....

legionsoup3635d ago


I have 15 games pre-ordered right now. Meaning they are brand new games. How many do you have pre-ordered?

In fact, I actually have to keep a list of what games I pre-order and from what store just so I don't get a game twice. Here it is (and try again):

AMAZON US: PS4 Destiny bundle, the order 1886 Collector's Edition
AMAZON CA: Dragon Age Inq, Arkham Knight, Farcry 4,
VGPLUS: Senran, PvZ Garden, Diable 3, Madden 15, Hydule Warriors, Danganronpa 2, Bayonetta 2, Shadow over Mordor, Borderlands Pre Sequel, kingdom hearts 2.5
Gamestop US: Tales of Xilla 2 ce, Destiny Ghost edition for 360, witcher 3 collector's edition

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3635d ago
3635d ago Replies(1)
Strange_Evil3635d ago (Edited 3635d ago )

It's a timed exclusive as per Microsoft themselves. I don't mind it actually. 2015 is packed with games that are much more appealing to me than TR. Will probably buy it when the price drops or used.

I generally hate the practice of a Timed Exclusive game. I understand the timed-exclusive contract on small things like an online map but a game just doesn't make much sense. How is blocking a game for 6 months gonna make me run and buy the other console? Especially when the game in questions isn't that big (I could understand the GTA4 exclusivity as GTA is a massive game).

This just seems like a d!ck move from SE. I liked the previous reboot and was looking forward to this one but now I'll probably get it used. Screw the developers who probably lost a huge chuck of the market share. Hope MS paid enough to offset the lost fanbase (TR:Remastered did sell double the units on the PS4).

Software_Lover3635d ago

So you were gonna get Uncharted? Tomb Raider? Or both? They release at/around the same time. Sony's campaign for Uncharted will be strong and TR would have been an afterthought. People forget about that, probably the main reason its a timed exclusive.

Strange_Evil3635d ago

@Software_Lover... How is screwing your fanbase and releasing the game 6 months down the line gonna help the sales number? It would have lost all the charm of being a new game, it won't have the holiday period to cash off people spending wildly. It will garner less sales than it would during the holiday period anyways you look at it.

If this was the case then they are just chickening out and admitting their product is inferior to Uncharted 4.

This has all to do with the devs being sell-outs for a timed exclusivity to just ensure MS markets the crap and they can pit it against UC4 during the holidays (cause marketing is the only way they can probably usurp the hype of UC4). In turn they are screwing the PS fanbase. It is all business and strategy hence I say screw this game regardless. SE wants to keep the pie and eat it too. They want MS to market it as a UC4 alternative and 6 months down the line they want to throw the bone to the PS fanbase saying here is the 6 month old game as we promised.

And answering your question. I would have bought UC4 waited for the reviews for TR and would have bought it if it was anywhere close to the previous one. I like adventure games and was looking forward to this. But in no way am I buying a One for just a timed exclusive (that will probably run at a lower resolution or frame-rate).

Moe-Gunz3635d ago

The better choice would have been to change the release date. They made several people sour over this. The sad part is CD/SE will be the ones affected by this. MS will be fine. Smart move by MS, bad move by CD/SE imo.

kreate3635d ago (Edited 3635d ago )

Im pretty sure square enix gonna complain that they lost money.

I mean the first tomb raider didnt make money from ps3/360 when it sold 3.5 million in its first so many weeks.until it was re-released on next gen consoles.

What are they thinking?
This will help Microsoft, not sure about square.

Debaitable3635d ago

Let's break it down for everyone. The install base PS4 > Xbox One, obviously right? I'm sure there are people who are excited about this news, which is fine, good for you. The reason why there is so much negativity is because there's just a lot more people who own a PS.

BX813635d ago

Who cares? I don't get what the big deal is?

Blaze9293635d ago

honestly just shows the maturity level of most gamers. Gotta be children who can't make enough money to buy both systems so they cry about it. Otherwise?

r2oB3635d ago

Otherwise they could be adult gamers with children, that don't have enough disposable income to buy a $400 console just for a couple of games. Ever think there may be people who can't justify owning an additional console at a certain price point or just simply can't afford it.

Your comment just shows your maturity level if you could not fathom such mundane circumstances.

BiggerBoss3635d ago

Stop being so immature. Many people with well paying jobs aren't going to drop $460 just to play tomb raider on Xbox one. Grow up man

kenshiro1003635d ago

Sorry but Tomb Raider is not enough to justify spending $400+ for an XB1.

What was done here was inexcusable, since the writer had nothing to do with the decision, but it's equally as immature for people to say 'just get both consoles!' and for Microsoft trying to tote this as an exclusive when it was timed.

If this was Sony pulling this crap, I would have been annoyed too.

XStation3635d ago


"No person with any sense of sanity or maturity sits on the internet and purposely trolls all day long."

Yeah i feel you on that. A lot of these websites actually makes me think about what a person is like behind that computer screen.

GiggMan3635d ago

I don't see the big deal about Tomb Raider either.

I think it boils down to two groups. One group wants what they can't have (yet) and the other just wants to rub it in.

I guarantee this wasn't on the majority of PS4 or Xbox One gamers radar until the exclusivity deal was announced.

Jeff2573635d ago

From the first time they announced it at E3 I was psyched for it. I have been a long time fan of TR. I even played the crappy Tomb Raider: Angel Of Darkness on my PS2. I really enjoyed the reboot and bought it for my PS3 and then again later for my PS4. Even after finishing the PS3 version I wanted a sequel to see where they took the series. So when they were trying to pass this off as a exclusive yes it upset me. Now that it is timed I am still a little upset but more because of the statement Crystal Dynamics made and the way this was handled. I still want the sequel so I will wait patiently for it but I also want to see how Crystal and Square handle the PR for it now before I make my final decision.

MeLoveRamen3635d ago

@trufan I am guessing you forgot about the XBOX fantards raging and making death threats to call of duty developers because they nerfed 3 weapons in a update in black ops 2. Get that biased crap out of here, there are hardcores on every console that takes it too seriously and you know it, its just you have a hidden agenda to call out playstation users like its your job.

LonDonE3635d ago

3)Buy it used when it inevitably comes to PS4 with a higher native resolution and frame rate! and play a possibly good game but without giving the developers or greedy ungrateful publishers any money!!!

Its what i will be doing even though i own every platform, i just cannot support a developer and publisher who basically turns its back on their core fan base which are on the Playstation platform and have been buying and supporting the franchise since the PS1 days!!

I know it may seem melodramatic but they way i look at it, Tomb raider has always sold the most on Playstation brand and was synonymous with the Playstation for a long time! for them not just make this deal but to then turn around and say "we have tomb raider definitive edition for Playstation gamers" is taking the biscuit!!!

iceicelandic3635d ago

Here is what Im going to do:
* Wait patiently until 2015 holidays without thinking about this shit. and then:
** If the game is good I will start complaining.
** If the game is not that good I will go on with my life.

GordonKnight3634d ago

These adults acting like children shouldn't be able to play video games ever again. If you can't control your emotions over a video game you shouldn't be playing them.


3634d ago
+ Show (11) more repliesLast reply 3634d ago
fonger083635d ago

I don't get what the big deal, this is not a GTA, a FF, a AC, or even COD. This is not the late 90s, TR is not exactly a console defining franchise, it's a nice short term pickup for the Xbox, that's it. I think people just want to hate for the sake of boredom...

Christopher3635d ago

I like how you look down on those who like TR as being lesser than those who like GTA, FF, or even CoD.

fonger083635d ago (Edited 3635d ago )

I like TR especially the new direction of the franchise and I'm not saying anything about their fans. I simply stating that this franchise isn't one to stastically push one console over the other. I don't believe really for one second that the TR fans are the ones spewing this hate, but rather console fanboys.

@cgoodno exactly, besides, whatever console you have, you will be able to play this game, so I think much of this is ado about nothing honestly.

Christopher3635d ago

*** I don't believe really for one second that the TR fans are the ones spewing this hate, but rather console fanboys.***

Oh, I agree with that entirely. I'm a TR fan, especially the new one. But, I'm not going to go and attack people, let alone people who aren't even involved in this decision. That's all upper management, suit wearing people. Not the people who are actually making the game.

MysticStrummer3635d ago

How did you get that out of fonger's comment?

It's got nothing to do with TR fans being lesser. The point is that the last game didn't sell all that great for being on so many platforms, so the people complaining about exclusivity can't be a large group comparatively speaking. Hence. it's not that big a deal.

Anyway, it's confirmed to be timed now so they can relax, at least a little.

Either way… the writer has nothing to do with it, and even if they did, show some class and some sanity people.

Christopher3635d ago

***Hence. it's not that big a deal. ***

Well, less people die from breast cancer each year than car accidents. I guess that it's not a big deal either?

You see, I'm saying the point is that just because there aren't as many fans as other IPs doesn't make it less of an issue. There is no 'you have to have this number of fans in order for your game to be important enough to talk about' line. Fans are fans, and treating 100 fans of a game right is just as important as treating 1,000 fans of a game right.

In the end, the goal is that fans shouldn't be mistreated.

gangsta_red3635d ago

"Well, less people die from breast cancer each year than car accidents. I guess that it's not a big deal either?"

yea, because that analogy definitely has similarities to...video games....


The point is and what this article is stating is that people are going way over board with this whole TR being exclusive. And what I and others are telling everyone (sony fans and fanboys) is "CALM DOWN". It's just Tomb Raider, it's not breast cancer.

Fans are not being mistreated anymore than how FF jumped ship to Sony.

Christopher3635d ago (Edited 3635d ago )

***The point is and what this article is stating is that people are going way over board with this whole TR being exclusive. And what I and others are telling everyone (sony fans and fanboys) is "CALM DOWN". It's just Tomb Raider, it's not breast cancer. ***

That logic doesn't work here. This is a site for discussing gaming news.

My analogy works. Here we have fans of one game discussing how they don't like a change. Someone said it's not that big of an IP. Well, that doesn't matter. Just like how in the arena of death we don't prioritize the importance of one type of death over another. It wasn't to compare video games to death, but to compare a smaller number here to a larger number there in different arenas.

If you have an issue with people discussing a gaming topic that is big news right now, don't discuss it. Move on. I'm certain you've said something similar to this to other people in the past on this exact site. Use that logic now. Move on. Let people discuss what they want.

Also, why did you exclude PC fans from your statement? Why is this only Sony fans? PC fans can't be upset at this as well or don't like Tomb Raider? Strange... I played most of my TR games on the PC...

jetlian3635d ago (Edited 3635d ago )

Mystic must have missed the part of TR reboot selling 7 million. Its not on gta level but it is big.

Anyway you still get it.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3635d ago
Lenrulesdaworld3635d ago

Shouldn't matter what game it is, there is no reason why someone should be attacked over video games. People only have one life while there will be more games. Smh this gen fans have become sick & there needs ti be some type of intervention for this fanboy disease.

isa_scout3635d ago

I loved Tomb Raider, but I agree. The single player was fantastic, but the MP sucked big time so it didn't have legs like other franchises do. Not sure it's a smart move pitting it up against UC4 either. No amount of marketing is going to help Tomb Raider out do the studio that made 2 of the most awarded games of last generation. ND games have amazing campaigns and stellar multiplayer components, same cannot be said for Tomb Raider. This will be a nice little distraction for Xbox One users, but I'm sure within a week they'll be back to playing Halo5. I won't even bother picking up Tomb Raider as I'll be much to busy playing UC4, and Halo Guardians.

Underworld3635d ago

The Tomb Raider reboot was an excellent game and I was very excited about this one, which is why I was so upset to hear about this. Thankfully it's only timed.

GordonKnight3634d ago

IMO TR is a better game than the ones you listed.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3634d ago
Gazondaily3635d ago

Fanboys will be fanboys. No surprise there. We saw it with the way some Xbox fanboys acted over the Destiny exclusive DLC fiasco and now we saw the Sony equivalent over this. A lot of the hate ends up being completely counter productive and irrational, targeting and attacking people that had very little to do with these exclusivity agreements anyway.

Its business. Pure and simple. I'm not saying its a good practice but some people need to wake up.

Christopher3635d ago (Edited 3635d ago )

I think the fact it's bad business and a slap in the face to fans is why I'm so bothered. Especially since it's the customers being treated like idiots all over again.

But, I'm not going to attack SE. I'm just going to discuss it to death here on N4G :P

Edit: I will say one thing, though. That PR letter from CD on why this was happening? That is definitely an offense to fans of the IP. I can see how people would get angry over being treated the way they did. Still, not an excuse for what people have said. Two wrongs don't make a right.

iamnsuperman3635d ago (Edited 3635d ago )

I am with you on this. Okay Microsoft mishandled the explanation but the developers basically slapped their fans in the face and told them to deal with it on that blog post. They basically said to PS4 users don't worry we have our other much smaller game and the previous game on the PS4 to please the fans. What kind of reasoning is that.

Attacking the writer is wrong (especially in this way) but did they not see it coming when they submitted the blog post which basically was them sticking up their middle finger at the Tomb Raider fans who bought a PS4. The post was patronising and arrogant. Two wrongs do not make it right but they should have treated their fans with a bit more respect. Give respect out you will get a lot in return. Treat your fans like idiots well they are not going to like you back

OC_MurphysLaw3635d ago

@Cgoodno jesus, a slap in the face? Really? Its a video game. Time for some people to grow up. I get the disappointment in hearing the news a game is moving away from the console you own but it happens. People acting like this is some hideous act against them need to check themselves and get a bit of a grip on life.

Christopher3635d ago (Edited 3635d ago )

***jesus, a slap in the face? Really? Its a video game. Time for some people to grow up. ***

Time for some people to get off gaming Web sites if they don't want to discuss and realize the issues in the industry and just call people children for expressing their opinion or discussing a topic.

If that's all you have to add here, how about going to a topic that you actually care to discuss?

Discuss the topic, not the people.

***I get the disappointment in hearing the news a game is moving away from the console you own but it happens.***

Not like this it doesn't. It's actually extremely rare in today's day and age that a multiplatform IP goes exclusive like this. Heck, the biggest news we got from last generation was previously PS-focused IPs going to the 360.

*** People acting like this is some hideous act against them need to check themselves and get a bit of a grip on life.***

I didn't say it was a grievous act. I said it was a slap in the face. That's exactly what it was. I don't recall saying that they broke into my home and killed my pets or anything like that.

OC_MurphysLaw3635d ago

@cgoodno ... there is a difference in telling someone to grow up vs calling them a child. This perception of this being a personal attack on said gaming fans is a prime example of individuals (not directing at you) who need to mature and understand business dealing vs knee jerk reaction. I do get this is an industry issue and this kind of reaction hurts our industry and I certainly am willing to discuss it.

And lets be clear here, there are two issues at play. Exclusivity deals and over reaction from a fan base (this applies to all fan base's) when news doesn't go there way.

I also know you were not supportive of the reaction. I think we both certainly agree on that.

These over reactions are part of a bigger social issue imo that seems to be spreading in some very serious and ugly ways. Violent and overly angry actions toward individuals whether or not they are directly related to the actual issues.

user3672723635d ago (Edited 3635d ago )

What about Sony and Bungie screwing over Xbox fans in Japan by making the game Ps4 exclusive? Sure, the fan base might be small but it still doesn't make it right for a former iconic developer that is highly important to the xbox brand to do this. And what makes it worst is that is not a timed exclusivity like the romb raider fisaco.

Like they say, in this fish eat fish world..it is strickly business so no side should be blamed for anything.

Christopher3635d ago

***What about Sony and Bungie screwing over Xbox fans in Japan by making the game Ps4 exclusive?***

I hope those fans affected speak out the way this fan that is affected speaks out.

Stop trying to make this looks lesser because of something else. This isn't the first time you've made that exact comment. This is about Tomb Raider. It being about Tomb Raider doesn't mean other things are not a problem, but there being other problems doesn't make this any less of a problem.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3635d ago
Inzo3634d ago

Why do you automatically assume its PS fanboys going on this rant,and Im not saying it isnt but did you forget that PC is also missing out?

Gazondaily3634d ago

Yeah sorry I should have clarified. But to be honest, if you've followed this on the CD forums and on Twitter and read the comments, you'd see its mostly Sony fanboys on there making a fuss.

That's from what I've observed anyway. I'm not saying its just PS4 fanboys only though.

IamTheStorm813635d ago

I am simply disgusted by the the way some have acted over this. To verbally attack, disparage and threaten other human beings, ones who have absolutely no say in this decision, is absolutely disgusting.

No matter what system you play on you should all be disgusted by the behavior exhibited over this news.

Since this announcement the really ugly side of gaming has been exposed. For that we should all be sad. You people who are acting this way give all of us and our beloved hobby a bad name. You should do us all a favor and stay in your basements and never come out to be with society, never post online where others may read your filth, and one day grow the F up and stop being a cancer to society.

To those that have been so viciously attacked, I, on behalf of all gamers, would like to apologize. Please rest assured that putrid minority doesn't speak for the vast majority of us. Most gamers are great, intelligent and worthwhile people. Please don't let the few scum take away from that, nor the great work that pubs and devs do to bring us these awesome games.

EdoubleD3635d ago

It always happens man. Whenever there is some kind of conflict, there is always another party who wants to start shit for the sake of it.

Jeff2573635d ago

I agree that attacking people over it is going too far. Just make your voice heard in a respectful way to Square and Crystal Dynamics that you aren't happy with how they handled this. Don't go off threatening people because of it. I was displeased by how it was handled but I went to their announcement page and told them that without threatening anyone. I think the true fans did the same but just some idiots on the fringe always take things too far.

kenshiro1003635d ago

I don't agree with it either. What Microsoft did was wrong but it doesn't give these people the right to make threats against innocent bystanders.

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Sonic1881153d ago (Edited 153d ago )

I do agree that Tomb Raider Angel of Darkness was the worse one 😂 I remember playing some of it and I took it back. That game was just awful in every way. I bought it used at gamestop and glad they had that 7 day return policy for used games 😂

Pyrofire95153d ago

Would it be worth saying why?

ZeekQuattro153d ago

Simple. He's been hating on the Tomb Raider reboots for years. I can't imagine seeing them at the top of a best TR game list let alone being on the list in general sitting well with him because of it.

-Foxtrot153d ago



No no, just pointing out how TR mutated into a generic action adventure game losing the appeal of what it once was when it was more about puzzles and platforming over going Rambo, slaughtering waves of enemies

But hey, continue being a dick and speaking about me like I’m not going to see the comment.

MeatyUrologist152d ago

Foxtrot, I'm curious if you have played the most recent games. Sure the 2013 reboot was hugely focused on combat, but each follow up became less and less about combat to the point where outside of a few large scale story missions I don't even remember combat being a part of shadow of the tomb raider. Shadow was so puzzle focused it actually was a bit much for me and I love the TR puzzles.

I still feel like Rise was the best of the series and I was a huge fan of the originals. To me it struck the perfect balance of exploration, platforming, puzzles, and combat. Not saying your opinion is wrong I'm just curious what you think they should have done different. Games do need to evolve somewhat to stay relevant. Would you prefer small linear jumping platform levels like the original?

RavenWolfx153d ago

I would agree Rise for 1 and the reboot as 2. Shadow is a bit high, though.

Sonic1881153d ago (Edited 153d ago )

I think Shadow wasn't even develop by crystal dynamics. I thought it was the worse in the new trilogy

Pyrofire95153d ago

That's right. Shadow was developed by Eidos Montreal who who went and made Marvels Guardians of the Galaxy next. (Great game)
Meanwhile after Rise of the Tomb Raider, Crystal Dynamics made Marvels Avengers. (bad game)

MeatyUrologist153d ago

Agrees. First two are correct but Shadow should be around 5-6.

terstomp153d ago

For me, Legend should be alot higher (along with the other two ). Shadow, I enjoyed it, but has too much has fluff, as modern games tend to do. Playing the remastered series, and apart from the controls, is very good.

jznrpg153d ago

I really enjoyed the first 2 games, Legend and the first of the reboots and the rest I didn’t get into so I never finished.

robtion153d ago

Completely subjective list. I really liked Underworld, I preferred Lara's design. That said I loved the horror/uncharted feel of the reboot. I think all the TR games have strengths and weaknesses. None are objectively better in every way.

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The Best Video Game Reboots of All Time

Like the film or television industry, the world of gaming has seen its fair share of reboots over the years. While some of these video game reboots have had

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