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Tomb Raider 1-3 Remastered Includes Racial and Ethnic Stereotypes Warning From Crystal Dynamics

Crystal Dynamics has added a content warning to Tomb Raider 1-3 Remastered flagging what it described as racial and ethnic stereotypes.

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Community226d ago
isarai226d ago

Honestly I think this is the best way to handle these situations, you don't learn from history by erasing it.

potatoseal226d ago (Edited 226d ago )

No. The best way to handle them is to ignore the faux outrage by the vocal minority on X. That's if it even comes up.

isarai225d ago

They just wanna get their game out, and not worry about changing stuff or defending stuff, spending 1min to write a sentence that pops up seems like an extremely efficient win/win.

Tacoboto225d ago

You sound very triggered, potato

fr0sty225d ago

Ignoring problems doesn't fix them. I think they handled it well by addressing that there's content there some may take issue with.

senorfartcushion225d ago

You sound too angry to be an outsider to this kind of online conflict

FunAndGun225d ago

So like ignoring your faux outrage about including a couple sentences of text that hurts your feelings?

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Unknown_Gamer5794225d ago

Agreed. Much like with books, movies, etc., sure, some people may groan at an added foreword or “content warning”, but the important thing is that the original works are left intact.

225d ago
potatoseal226d ago (Edited 226d ago )

How weak society is. Do we really need a content warning for stereotypes in a game? Tell me where I can go to vomit.

Maybe Rockstar should add this warning before you boot up GTA: San Andreas and GTAV. I'm sure there are a lot of stereotypes in GTAVI too. Maybe a warning is in order /s

Christopher226d ago

"Ugh. Why can't Crystal Dynamics just lean into racially insensitive stereotypes like I want them to? Why are they changing their stance based on learning about those people and places? Can't we all just be tribalistic ignorant people?"

225d ago
coolbeans225d ago

-"Why can't Crystal Dynamics just lean into racially insensitive stereotypes like I want them to?"

You're not supposed to make the questions sound so based, Christopher. ;)

225d ago
OtterX225d ago

I don't see the big deal of putting a warning as long as it's not censored out. I'd never support these things being completely removed or censored though. They are a product of their time, whether you like it or not, we do not censor art. We learn from it and move forward.

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LucasRuinedChildhood225d ago

To be fair, GTA is a satirical series.

Rockstar225d ago (Edited 225d ago )

This right here!

bloop225d ago

Yes, and Tomb Raider is based entirely on reality and should be completely taken seriously. I'm glad someone finally dealt with that pesky T-Rex at the great wall of china.

badz149225d ago

not satirical enough when the first mission in GTA SA had the main character stealing a bike

shinoff2183225d ago

We have warnings on everything from smokes, movies, coffee. Your making a non issue into a issue for political points.

Dandizzle225d ago (Edited 225d ago )

All those warnings just teach people to look for shit to be offended so they can get attention online from some pointless outrage.

At this point young adults just compete online for who can get more offended by things, this is why we get more and more warnings. Like who benefits form that warning really?

JL2930225d ago Show
xHeavYx225d ago

@JL2930 It sure affects your typing capabilities.

senorfartcushion225d ago

Usually due to loneliness.

It's Valentine's Day too, so it's probably harder for them.

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JL2930225d ago (Edited 225d ago )

You have to remember, this is internet land.

I've never met someone in person that is so soft they need trigger warnings, I don't know about LA or SF, but they would get ate alive where I'm from acting like that.

xHeavYx225d ago

"I never met anyone with this issue, therefore it doesn't exists"

senorfartcushion224d ago

You'd be ate alive where I'm from for being a bitch in the opposite way.

SyntheticForm225d ago

No, we don't. This is absolutely ridiculous, as is anyone who finds it necessary or helpful.

Yui_Suzumiya225d ago

I guess that'll help for the one GTA fan out their, lol

225d ago
just_looken225d ago

Society is very weak just look at movies up to 2005 then todays films.

Grand theft auto 6 will not be close to the social impact of 5 or have any of the humor/tone they removed so much out of 5 all ready like the trans stuff or the beach statue ending cut etc that 6 will be a very corporate safe game.

As everyone freaked out over a girl in gta 6 i sat back and replayed saints row 1/2 on my one x a game that had full online coop with a player character creator. Rockstar is about to release a game 17 years later that still does not have saints row 2 features and will defiantly not have a main character beating up npc's with a dildo bat.

Content pre 2015 still remains way better than what we have now sadly sony will kill the anime scene funimation already destroyed the high school dxd creator by forcing censorship/script changes thank them for that awful ending scene of him hugging pres.

senorfartcushion225d ago

Mate you're on a videogame website moaning about something only virgins have a problem with.

This is just bad overcompensation.

GotGame818225d ago

If a game is rated M, why should such a warning be necessary? Rated R movies don't have warnings. I've seen all kinds of inappropriate things in movies, and the only warning I got was the rating.

senorfartcushion224d ago

Because 90% of people are thick regardless of age?

anast225d ago

The reason this is happening is directly because human beings are too stupid to treat everyone with freedom. The only side that is sensitive is the side that is too historically ignorant to realize what is means to be born in a group of power and what means to be born in a group in which power has been denied.

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225d ago
Dandizzle225d ago

Who the hell is getting offended by god dam Tomb Raider? Obviously some young adults who just feed off constant outrage. Not people who actually played those games, who are the audience this game is targeting.

EvertonFC225d ago (Edited 225d ago )

I haven't played them in a long long time and I'm scratching my head on what was potentially offensive in the games.
Did we get the colour wrong on the t rex or tiger or something Haha, or the gun wasn't authentic enough for it's period 😂🤣

senorfartcushion224d ago

Corporation wants to protect its sales early. It's a hypothetical. No one has been offended by th game, it's a pre-written statement in the event someone is offended.

senorfartcushion224d ago

You're the only on who sounds offended.

I'm offended too, but only because you don't seem to know what a hypothetical statement is.

Bathyj225d ago

I'll probably be more offended by the tile based movement system.

just_looken225d ago

Just lock that butler in the freezer

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"Tomb Raider I–III Remastered deserves credit for preserving so much of the original titles - but it never fixes control and camera issues that will put off those who weren't there first time around."

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Community205d ago
kevco33204d ago

Bowser's a girl?!

...maybe that wasn't enough said. ;)

The_Hooligan204d ago

One of the most memorable fights I ever played. I almost didn't want to pull the trigger at the end.

Cacabunga204d ago

Maaan.. oh maaaaan!!!! Forever Legendary