
Sonic X Shadow Generations - Announce Trailer | PS5 & PS4 Games

Shadow the Hedgehog is back and teaming up with Classic and Modern Sonic in Sonic X Shadow Generations, an all-new collection featuring two unique experiences!

GotGame818177d ago

This looks promising! I actually like Sonic Frontiers.

gold_drake177d ago (Edited 177d ago )

yeh, definitely gonna get it xD loved the og

Number1TailzFan177d ago

Looks decent, wonder where Shadow comes in with this though? He didn't enter until SA2, but should be interesting I guess, are they going for Generations style play or is it like SA2? Probably a stupid question since it's mostly obvious it's gonna be like Generations..

Magatsuhi176d ago

The shadow levels looked insane. I was hoping to see a classic rendition of shadow tho lol.

Chocoburger176d ago (Edited 176d ago )

If any game out there needed more content, its MGS 4, but my second choice would be Sonic Generations, and that's what this re-release has to offer, more levels! YES!

I beat Generations 100% in the past, looking forward doing it again with this extended update.

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According to the official Sonic X Shadow Generations website, PlayStation users will get their hands on "Bonus PlayStation-Exclusive Prologue Animations."

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Silver_ShadoWolf28d ago

Tf is this? 🤦🏾‍♂️🤦 🏾

MetroidFREAK2128d ago

I was going the PS5 route to begin with, but this is just lame

Mad_Matt28d ago ShowReplies(2)
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Sonic X Shadow Generations Preview - The Dark Hedgehog Shines - MonsterVine

MonsterVine: "During 2024’s Summer Game Fest, I got hands-on with Sega’s upcoming Sonic X Shadow Generations."

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purple10131d ago

cant help but feel this is going to be the best sonic in ages,

cant help but also feel this may loose a few sales to astrobot, silly Sega, they weren't to know I suppose.