
Palworld takes over the world – Spectator Mode Podcast Ep. 145

The Outerhavenw writes: Spectator Mode Podcast episode 145 - the crew talks about Sega's blunder in hiring XQC for Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth, Palworld, and more.

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How to Keep Palworld Gameplay Fresh and Interesting?

When you're waiting for an update the gameplay doesn't feel fresh. Palworld players offer some interesting ideas on how to enjoy the game.


Xbox Has Fumbled the Bag With Palworld

With Pocketpair recently announcing a partnership with Sony, Microsoft has failed to take advantage of a golden opportunity with Palworld.

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gold_drake8d ago

true, but xbox would be am odd choice for that sort of partnership id imagine. but yeh, they dodnt think anout the potential, as usual.

jwillj2k46d ago

They already have Minecraft it wouldn’t be odd at all lol…

--Onilink--6d ago

What does that have to do with what he is saying?…

The partnership was with Sony Music and Aniplex (anime company owned by Sony). Why would Pocketpair be even remotely interested in a partnership with Xbox for those kind of things??

Sonyslave38d ago

Sony make tv shows & movies lol Microsoft doesnt.

ironmonkey6d ago

Lol, you mean the halo tv series? The one that just got cancelled? Come on man think harder.

Cockney6d ago (Edited 6d ago )

It got cancelled? Meaning its not being made?

MrBaskerville6d ago

Sort of, but they appear to be shopping it around for a new home.

--Onilink--6d ago

The TV series that they had to shop around to companies that actually produce that kind of content precisely because they dont??

I’d be curious to know how you would expect Microsoft to convince Pocketpair they are a better fit (or even an option for that matter) for a partnership involving Sony MUSIC Entertainment and ANIPLEX ?

Sonic18815d ago

It should get canceled. That show was awful. Keeping Master Chief mask off majority of the show 😂

Eonjay5d ago

I'm not sure what you mean here. Sony is a production studio. Microsoft is not. Microsoft dose not 'make' tv shows.

Microsoft didn't drop the ball because SonySlave is correct. The contract that Palworld made with Sony is for the production of media. Microsoft is in that business.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 5d ago
Hotpot6d ago

True, last I checked the fallout tv series was made by Sony..

Eonjay5d ago

Your point is correct. This story is misleading.

Exthun6d ago

It is obvious that people on Xbix does not know how w too run the business.

Inverno6d ago

There's no golden opportunity, this game was pure hype and will suffer the same fate as most games in the survival genre. It'll be mostly forgotten, which it already has been. It'll have a half arsed cartoon like most of these games usually have, some merchandise, and eventually a sequel that'll play exactly the same because the survival genre is riddled with low effort early access games. It'll never reach the same heights as Pokemon or Minecraft.

6d ago
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