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Indiana Jones and the Great Circle looks dated, but I still can’t wait

Machine Games has revealed the latest Indiana Jones game, and it feels like a solid throwback to the PS2 and PS3 blockbuster games of old.

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Community246d ago
Nitrowolf2246d ago

Why does every AAA game instantly have to be about setting the graphical bar. Some of my favorite games aren't even pushing polygons.

I think the game looks great visually. I know there's stuff out there that looks better, but come on.

246d ago
246d ago
Noskypeno245d ago

It looks good, but for it to be a linear game, it should be pushing the boundaries, there's no excuse for it being an open world rpg, it shouldn't be compared to a ps4 game from 2019. This is 2024, being a next gen exclusive and even if it's not going to win the visuals awards it should strive for that.The environments do look really good tho, and if they work out the animations and models, I'll take back what i said.

jwillj2k4245d ago

Just shows how shallow things have become. A broken game can get a 6/10 or above just because it looks good nowadays if they pay enough.

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babadivad245d ago

"Let's hope you can keep up."

RaidenBlack246d ago (Edited 246d ago )

From the article: "The trailer depicts glossy visuals, highly detailed character models and environments, and a promising homage to John Williams’ work from composer Gordy Haab."
So, it certainly doesn't 'look' dated, does it?
The title should've been worded in a better way .. than the current clickbait-y one ...

Neonridr245d ago

dissing Xbox will get you clicks around here.

BrainSyphoned245d ago

Oh, wow, clicks! Where do I turn in these clicks and how much are each worth? Fuck Xbox woop I'm rich!

ZeekQuattro246d ago

Looks fine to me. I'm looking forward to it.

SyntheticForm246d ago

I was initially looking forward to hearing more about this, but that anticipation died immediately upon seeing a clip of a woke developer say that this game was being made for a modern audience.

Instant rubbish.

SimpleSlave246d ago

So you're mad cuz Indy killed a Nazi you say? Shocking!


babadivad245d ago

That's one of the shoddiest, low effort strawman I have ever seen...

SimpleSlave245d ago (Edited 245d ago )

@N4G - Why can't I reply directly to people? What's up with that, bruv? Instant rubbish.

@babadivad - "That's one of the shoddiest, low effort strawman I have ever seen..." What a queer thing to say...The irony is strong with this one.

But to your point. No strawman here. Anyone that uses the word Woke like it's a bad thing and as a derogatory term is in league with goose stepping rightards. It's a self report and we all know it. And their poor attempt at bigotry, ignorance and stupidity doesn't deserve much more than a quick "point and laugh" joke. Unless they attempt to take it further. Then they would get stomped on, proverbially speaking of course...

The truth is that @SyntheticForm is just a simpleton parroting the talking points of the goosetapo. And you know this because they have no original thought of their own, bring nothing new to the table and they show no conviction to take it to it's logical conclusion. Just another coward squawking "wOkE" on the internet while driving in the safe lane. Pity.

Like I said, it was just an inoffensive joke on my part. So there's no need for the White Knight act and no need to get so triggered about it. Don't be such a snowflake, bud.

Don't cancel me!!! is all I'm saying...

Now lets put this behind us and enjoy Nazis being killed, maim, blown up and eradicated from the gene pool by Indy and Friends.


SyntheticForm245d ago

Oh, a "Nazi" huh? Interesting.

Admittedly, my complaints aren't original at all - they're echoed and shared by many. Yeah, people are tired of it, and they should continue voicing that they're tired of it. I believe that it's senseless and wrong, and it has no place in longstanding, beloved properties like Spider-Man or Indiana Jones. That said, creators can and will create what they want, and if I feel like airing grievances, I also can and will do so.

You don't have to like it.

Take care now.

babadivad245d ago

It's clear you have no clue what irony means...

SimpleSlave245d ago


And it's clear you're too slow...


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Charlieboy333246d ago (Edited 246d ago )

Mark my words, this chick in the thumbnail is going to be a better Indiana Jones than he is and will probably end up saving that incompetent buffoon Dr Jones' life a couple of times as well.

ZeekQuattro246d ago

Indy has been made to look like a bumbling hero since Raiders. Have you seen the movies or are you talking out the ass? 🤣

Charlieboy333245d ago (Edited 245d ago )

@ Zeek and Everton She is going to be modelled after Phoebe Waller-Bridge's character from Dial of Destiny....already has the look down to a t.....and if you enjoyed that steaming pile then you aren't an Indy fan at all. Tomb Raider is what you're after.

SimpleSlave245d ago

You are correct. People are tired indeed. Just ask losers like DeSantis and The Daily Wire crew and Elon Musk. Their anti woke agenda has certainly left them in an interesting position.

We will continue to voice our displeasure of people like you. Of that you don't have to worry about. The war on wOkE is revealing to more people that your side is basically just Goose Stepping Far-Reichtards. And thankfully, as time goes on, we keep moving on a little bit further to the left. As all good things should. Slowly but surely, we'll eventually get there.

"I believe that it's senseless and wrong, and it has no place in longstanding, beloved properties like Spider-Man or Indiana Jones."

What is, bud? What is senseless and wrong? Diversity? Black people in Fantasy Worlds? Gay people? Trans people? Women? Representation? All of the above? What's really bothering you here? These are just made up characters. You much rather accept a guy get super powers from a radioactive spider rather than a black dude or a woman taking over the mantle. You much rather accept dragons and mermaids in Medieval Kingdoms but not black people, or gay people or anything not your type basically. That's pretty straightforward and overtly racist and bigoted. It's obvious. No need to hide it anymore. We know.

As a great N4G poster once said: "no original thought of their own, bring nothing new to the table and they show no conviction to take it to it's logical conclusion. Just another coward squawking "wOkE" on the internet while driving in the safe lane."

Listen, we know the history of entertainment in the US - and the world for that matter, but that's for another day. And we also know why many things are the way they are. Racism, bigotry, discrimination, misogyny, christianity. No two ways about it. All we're doing now is rectifying a bunch of wrongs is all. We're just making sure it's not all just how things used to be. Times changed and it's high time entertainment changed as well. But ultimately, there will still be plenty of hot, sweaty, and straight christian white males for you to gawk at. And that's ok too. So no need to fret. You'll be ok. Promise.

"That said, creators can and will create what they want, and if I feel like airing grievances, I also can and will do so.

You don't have to like it."

Likewise, you can and will say what you want "...and if I feel like airing grievances, I also can and will do so.

You don't have to like it."

Couldn't have said it better myself, bud. Well, that's not true. But it works, so whatever.

With that said, take care and enjoy some more Nazis getting whipped to death. It always makes for a good time.

Stay Woke

Firebird360245d ago

You're an absolute clown.
Keep typing books, we aren't reading it.
You aren't special. You never were. You're riding a high hoarse all alone and nobody cares.

SyntheticForm245d ago

Have you heard the term 'blowhard' before? Familiarize yourself with it.

"Listen, we know the history of entertainment in the US - and the world for that matter, but that's for another day. And we also know why many things are the way they are. Racism, bigotry, discrimination, misogyny, christianity. No two ways about it. All we're doing now is rectifying a bunch of wrongs is all. We're just making sure it's not all just how things used to be. Times changed and it's high time entertainment changed as well. But ultimately, there will still be plenty of hot, sweaty, and straight christian white males for you to gawk at. And that's ok too. So no need to fret. You'll be ok. Promise."

You're not actually charging others with racism and bigotry, are you?

SimpleSlave245d ago


C'mon kid! Who do you think you're fooling here? Of course you aren't reading my book length posts. You want to but you just can't. You aren't able to. The thought of reading past a one page, once sentence rally pamphlet sends you into a frenzy. So sad.

"You aren't special. You never were. You're riding a high hoarse all alone and nobody cares."

Whoa there now little buddy. Why are you projecting? Self report much? But why tho?

Nah, I'm just joking with ya. It's nice to know your fellow party members care so much about your feelings and that you appreciate them for it. Good to know you have a safe space for your feeling is

But do learn to control your emotions, bud. Cuz you sound like a triggered snowflake. No bueno...

Stay Woke

SimpleSlave245d ago


"You're not actually charging others with racism and bigotry, are you?"

What do you think, bud?

SyntheticForm245d ago (Edited 245d ago )

I think you like to hear yourself talk, but it's not really about what I think. I know that you're an arrogant, racist, bigoted blowhard. You types always out yourselves as you point your fingers at others.

It's all projection.

SimpleSlave245d ago


"Not really about what I think; I know that you're an arrogant, racist, bigoted blowhard. You types always out yourselves as you point your finger at others."

Have you heard the term 'Try-hard' before? Familiarize yourself with it.

I get the projecting tactic, but that was just downright pathetic as it was just oh so transparent. Even for you goose stepping type.

By the way "What is, bud? What is senseless and wrong? Diversity? Black people in Fantasy Worlds? Gay people? Trans people? Women? Representation? All of the above? What's really bothering you here?"

Remember that? Don't think I didn't noticed you quieting down real hard after that.

In the end, I might be a 'blowhard' but you just blow. So sad.

Stay Woke

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Sciurus_vulgaris246d ago

It would be funny if gaming journalism became dated. Gaming journalism from the 1990s and 2000s was so much better than it is now.

JackBNimble246d ago

Yeah, to be successful they actually had to SELL a magazine and the internet was in it's infancy.

SpacedDuck246d ago

So true. Back in the day it wasn't about wording a title like a clown to gain clicks.

It was all about writing a great article to appear in a magazine.

JEECE245d ago (Edited 245d ago )

Gosh I miss the early days of gaming podcasts in the mid/late 2000s. I was in high school and had not yet ever been in a position to afford all games or consoles that I wanted, and the game journalists and critics at that time had such a deep knowledge of games from basically the NES on.

Now when I read or hear a gaming journalist/influencer/YouTuber it's usually patently obvious that they have pretty limited knowledge of games as a whole. Frequently, they seem to have spent 80%+ of their gaming having played a single multiplayer game or series, and few seem to have any knowledge of games prior to the PS4 era.

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Indiana Jones & the Great Circle Developed W/ "Player Choice; Stealth Deeper Than Wolfenstein's

Indiana Jones and the Great Circle's stealth mechanics will be much deeper than Wolfenstein's, with MachineGames giving "player choice."

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Community14d ago
jznrpg14d ago

A little stealth would make sense but he always ended up in a big fight so too much doesn’t fit for me.


Something Feels Off About Indiana Jones and the Great Circle

Shaz from GL: “Amidst recent concerns surrounding Xbox, Phil and Co. need a win. Unfortunately, I'm not sure if Indiana Jones and the Great Circle will be it.”

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Community15d ago
TwoPicklesGood16d ago

Looks good to me and I’m glad it’s coming to ps5

VenomUK15d ago (Edited 15d ago )

When it comes to video game previews I’m of the opinion that journalists should maintain a position of CAUTIOUS OPTIMISM. Yes, note and share concerns about the game with readers but maintain a restrained optimistic stance until actually having reviewed it so that any negativity is based on the game’s quality and not the author’s prejudices.

Here the author writes “ I’m going to continue to keep my cynicisms intact, less so because of my trust in MachineGames and more so due to the dumpster fire that continues to be modern-day Xbox.” This example illustrates the need to follow this guidance.

DefenderOfDoom215d ago

Not worried about facial animations , but I do hope the gameplay is fun . Most definitely I will purchase this on PS5, if the gameplay is fun .

BaughJaughs15d ago

nice hit piece. I notice the writer didn't mention any of the journalists / creators who had good things to say. From what i hear, it has riddick: escape from butcher bay in its DNA. To me that sounds like something to be Optimistic about rather than pessimistic.

ChasterMies15d ago

It’s odd to have a first person perspective for an adventure game with stealth and brawling. But’s not without precedent. Wolfenstein: New Order and Wolfenstein: New Colossus had a lot of adventure game elements. They were in the league of the greatest games ever, but they were both fun games. Indy looks fun too.

YourMommySpoils15d ago (Edited 15d ago )

Yes, Indy looks like Todd Howard. Something feels way too off.

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Indiana Jones and the Great Circle First Look Preview: It’s So Riddick and I Love it for That - IGN

IGN : Indiana Jones and the Great Circle strongly reminded of another game the developers at MachineGames once created: the Vin Diesel-starring original-Xbox classic, The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay. Indy absolutely screams Riddick – in the very best of ways – and because of that, The Great Circle went from something on my most-anticipated list to being far and away the game I’m most looking forward to playing this year.

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Community22d ago
Sonic188122d ago

Looking forward to playing this on PC

ZacultronTheFirst22d ago

Hopefully we get to see/play this demo ourselves. The lack of any proper gameplay footage is concerning, not that i have any doubt about Machine Games delivering the game,it's just..alarming to say the least.

Jingsing22d ago

Assuming what we have seen is partial gameplay it looks pretty jank for an FPS game. Reminds me of a bad VR game.

Aussiesummer22d ago

Can't wait to see what the pc raytracing implementation looks like.

anast21d ago

Hyped! It's on PSN just waiting to be released.

21d ago
21d ago Replies(1)
S2Killinit21d ago

Not really interested in this. Its old ip and pretty stale imo.

Markusb3321d ago

i agree its 15-20 years too late, i played a really good version in the arcade, had the mining cart fight which was so good, but the 1st person here looks really akward and it doesnt look like much fun

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