
Ratchet And Clank: Rift Apart Sold Almost 4 Million Units

New data from the recent ransomware attack on Insomniac reveals that Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart sold nearly 4 million copies.

CrashMania210d ago

And zeref was running around all day saying it lost 8 million, turns out it made around 64 million in profit lmao.

Cacabunga208d ago

As much as i loved the trailers before release, this game felt like a major disappointment to me on many aspects.. the first and most important is the big lack of variety almost for the first time in the series. Weapons are so boring, levels are very classic and gadgets all deja vu.

The hack with Clank felt also very clumsy and very frustrating and the world is still classic with level select. I dont understand why not use SSD to move from level to another with no break.
This game is worst R&C i have played (i platinumed every single one of them).. into the nexus on PS3 was far more enjoyable than this one.

--Onilink--210d ago

Its not like the number was made up by anyone here… it was included in a report from the same hacked files.

Where are you coming up with 64 million ?

--Onilink--210d ago

Cool, thanks for the link. Nice to see it looks like it did make a profit, really love the R&C games and would hate for them them to go away.

CrashMania210d ago (Edited 210d ago )

Well, certain people jumped the gun and failed to take in to account that particular slide was dated from 2020 and was just a projection, running with it like it was already a done deal and a failure.

--Onilink--210d ago

True, though I would argue just as many people ran with it for the positive numbers of Spiderman as well haha.

I would also argue that just the date on the file is not actually enough to make any assumptions on what it was used for or how accurate it could be, its not like its uncommon to see a file continuously updated over a long period of time.
Same with these new numbers, all these hacked details really lack a lot of context to try to use them to come up with definitive numbers for anything, so ídeally all these sites should report them in a more responsible manner (if they decided to report on them at all, which is a whole different topic)

Crows90210d ago

It's a projected number...that's exactly what a mad up number is...lol

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 210d ago
shinoff2183210d ago

He ain't showing up for this one

wiz7191210d ago

@Crash so it only made $64M back but had a budget of $81M lol seems like they’re still in the negatives my boy by $17M

Plague-Doctor27210d ago

It cost $81 million to make and it sold $145 million by mid 2022. Hence $64 million in profit, and only more since then.

shinoff2183210d ago

Wiz you tried to hard. 64 mill looks like was profitable. For then to say profit they would've already took off the cost

badz149209d ago


do you even know what a profit is?

wiz7191209d ago

@Badz @Shinoff yeah I do lol but it’s obvious you three goof troops don’t. It’s only made $73M in revenue with a budget of $81M that’s a $8M loss .. my numbers was a little off but still a loss lol


wantedboys209d ago

When you share a link read it first lol

"UPDATE 12/19: New sales information has revealed Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart was profitable for Insomniac. In addition, the leaked data was reportedly from before the launch of the game's PC port."

wiz7191209d ago

@wanted bro how much more you think it sold on PC when its struggling to hold more then 9K concurrent players on stream .. also if it was profitable like yall say why did Sony put the next on pause so Insomniac can focus on marvel IPs ??

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 209d ago
+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 208d ago
-Foxtrot210d ago

Not bad for an exclusive platformer

Sony needs to take more chances and do other platformers aswell as bringing old ones back, especially Jak and Daxter.

pixlz209d ago

Knack 1 was rough.
Knack 2? Surprisingly fun time. Had a lot of fun with it. It was a great game to start introducing my son into gaming.

Also not an Insomniac game. That was Marc Cerny and "Japan Studio". I'd be down for a current gen sequel, it'd be interesting to see what they'd do.

RedDevils210d ago

I prefer Sly Cooper, Jak and Daxter I platinum it twice so I probably don't care about that game anymore.

DarXyde209d ago

Sly Cooper is a tough one for me. Great game, but Sucker Punch has evolved so much as a studio that it feels like their talents are underutilized by returning to the franchise.

Ghost of Tsushima was so damn good that I see great potential beyond Sly Cooper.

babadivad210d ago

Isn't this on PC or am I thinking of something else?

ziggyzinfirion209d ago

It was indeed released on PC this year 2023 but that 4 Million count, base on the article, was from its initial launch 2021 up until following 2022 which all came from PlayStation 5 alone.

itsmebryan210d ago (Edited 210d ago )

I may get R&C on my PC once I clear up my gamepass backlog.

Barlos209d ago

They need to give us a full on Astro game

pixlz209d ago (Edited 209d ago )

I'd take an HD up rezzed version of the Resistance Trilogy please. One of my favorite FPS shooters during the PS3 era.

Honestly, I can't think of an Insomniac game I've not liked(my exception is that I've never played Sunset which looked fun, but I couldn't justify an XBone purchase back then either).

Gimmie more! LoL.

Curious as to the release order of these currently leaked things. Spidey 2 DLC... Ratchet sequel, Venom standalone... Spidey 3 will almost certainly be Next Gen at this point.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 209d ago
Berenger210d ago

Absolutely love the franchise! Glad to see it still holding strong.

Storm23210d ago

Same. I have loved every entry since the PS2 days. It has been an important series in my gaming life.

Leeroyw209d ago

I have only four platinums. From software games and this. It was a joy to play start to finish. Pure video game goodness.

210d ago Replies(1)
SyntheticForm210d ago

These are great, wholesome games that are just a blast. I always recommend these games to parents and everyone loves them. I wish they were working on another.

Show all comments (62)

Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart Review – More Characters, Less Fun

Gary Green said: Ratchet & Clank is a curious franchise as you never know what will happen next. Back in the PS2 era, we had regular releases featuring full sequels every year or two. It was a schedule which continued into the PS3 era with equally regular releases yet these were often downgraded to budget-priced shorter games or spin-offs. You could tell those creators over at Insomniac were running out of ideas.

Read Full Story >>
Storm2397d ago

A 6? Strong disagree on this one. Huge fan of the franchise and really enjoyed this game. But to each their own. Hope there is another one in the works (I know Insomniac is pretty busy haha).

Spenok97d ago

I freaking loved it. It was gorgeous, and downright fun at all times.


AMD FSR 3.1 Announced at GDC 2024, FSR 3 Available and Upcoming in 40 Games

Last September, we unleashed AMD FidelityFX™ Super Resolution 3 (FSR 3)1 on the gaming world, delivering massive FPS improvements in supported games.

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Eonjay126d ago (Edited 126d ago )

So to put 2 and 2 together... FSR 3.1 is releasing later this year and the launch game to support it is Rachet and Clank: Rift Apart. In Sony's DevNet documentation it shows Rachet and Clank: Rift Apart as the example for PSSR. PS5 Pro also launches later this year... but there is something else coming too: AMD RDNA 4 Cards (The very same technology thats in the Pro). So, PSSR is either FSR 3.1 or its a direct collaboration with AMD for that builds on FSR 3.1. Somehow they are related. I think PSSR is FSR 3.1 with the bonus of AI... now lets see if RDNA 4 cards also include an AI block.

More details:
FSR 3.1 fixes Frame Generation
If you have a 30 series RTX card you can now use DLSS3 with FSR Frame Generation (No 40 Series required!)
Its Available on all Cards (we assume it will come to console)
Fixes Temporal stability

MrDead125d ago

I've been using a mod that allows dlss frame gen on my 3080 it works on all rtx series. It'll be good not to rely on mods for the future.

darksky125d ago

The mods avaiable are actually using FSR3 frame gen but with DLSS or FSR2 upscaling.

Babadook7125d ago (Edited 125d ago )

I think that the leaks about the 5 Pro would debunk the notion that the two (FSR 3.1 and PSSR) are the same technology. PSSR is a Sony technology.

MrDead126d ago (Edited 126d ago )

I wonder how much they fixed the ghosting in dark areas as Nvidia are leaving them in the dust with image quality. Still good that they are improving in big leaps, I'll have to see when the RTX5000 series is released who I go with... at the moment the RTX5000's are sounding like monsters.

just_looken125d ago

Did you see the dell leaks were they are trying to cool cards using over 1k watts of power.

We are going to need 220 lines for next gen pcs lol

MrDead125d ago

That's crazy! Sounds like heating my house won't be a problem next winter.

porkChop125d ago

As much as I hate supporting Nvidia, AMD just doesn't even try to compete. Their whole business model is to beat Nvidia purely on price. But I'd rather pay for better performance and better features. AMD also doesn't even try to innovate. They just follow Nvidia's lead and make their own version of whatever Nvidia is doing. But they're always 1 or 2 generations behind when it comes to those software/driver innovations, so Nvidia is always miles ahead in quality and performance.

MrDead125d ago

I do a lot of work on photoshop so an Intel Nvidia set up has been the got to because of performance edge, more expensive but far more stable too. Intel also have the edge over AMD processors with better load distribution on the cores, less spikes and jitters. When you're working large format you don't want lag or spikes when you're editing or drawing.

I do think AMD has improved massively though and whist I don't think they threaten Nvidia on the tech side they do make very well priced cards and processors for the power. I'm probably going with a 5080 or 5090 but AMD will get a little side look from me, which is a first in a long time... but like you said they are a generation or two behind at the moment.

Goosejuice124d ago

While I can't argue for amd gpu, they aren't bad but they aren't great either. The cpu for amd have great. I would argue the 7800x3d as one of the best cpu for gaming right now. Idk about editing so I take ur word for that but gaming amd cpu is a great option these days.

porkChop124d ago


I have a 7800X3D. It certainly is great for gaming. Though for video editing, rendering, etc, I think Intel have the advantage from what I remember. I just mean from a GPU standpoint I can't support them.


The 5 best games on PlayStation Plus Premium that make subscribing worth it

The PS5 is an incredible console, and if you're lucky enough to have one, or have just received one for Christmas then you'll already know there is a host of great games out there.

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Abnor_Mal201d ago

Damn the only one I’ve played so far is Miles Morales, although I do own Control and Rift Apart.

ChasterMies201d ago

Odd list. Where is Horizon Forbidden West? Ghost of Tsushima? Demon’s Souls? Returnal? And fun indie games like Superliminal? Where’s “A Plage Tale Requiem” and “Evil West”, the current PS+ Essential offerings?

Exvalos189d ago

Evil west is underrated I'm having a really good time playing it.

juniorpop201d ago

Like seriously? Those are games Extra Tier can get - so not worth upgrading to Premium