
Marvel’s Blade | Announcement Trailer | The Game Awards 2023

In Marvel’s Blade, Eric Brooks is the legendary Daywalker, half-man, half-vampire torn between the warm society of the living and the rushing power of the undead. From Bethesda and Arkane Lyon, the studio that brought you Dishonored and “DEATHLOOP”, Marvel’s Blade is a mature, single-player, third-person game set in the heart of Paris, now in development in collaboration with Marvel Games.

-Foxtrot232d ago

Finally a f****** Blade game, it's about time, I've been wanting this for so long.

darthv72232d ago

It will be like DMC... but with Blade

crazyCoconuts231d ago

Without anything else to go on, I'd guess more like a Dishonored / Deathloop game with Blade.
Hell, they've even had vampires in those games if memory serves

Eonjay231d ago

Microsoft will probably want to keep this on Xbox/PC like how Sony keeps Spiderman on PS5/PC. But... if they are will to make that PlayStation money I will definitely support this. I'm a Blade fan.

Notellin231d ago

It won't be like that whatsoever.

Godmars290231d ago

Thing is, how familiar are the devs behind Deathloop and Dishonored with a DMC type game?

darthv72231d ago

@crazy... that would be kind of weird considering both of those are 1st person and this is 3rd. What else has a guy running around hacking demons and monsters with a sword and wearing a long overcoat?

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 231d ago
raWfodog231d ago

Don’t mess this up Arkane! This could be the game that I get an XBX for.

blackblades231d ago

Hope it's good, I play it on steam deck.

Flawlessmic231d ago

Please, pleaseeee for the love of God smash this out of the park arkane!!!!

Stokedddd, were getting a blade game

crazyCoconuts231d ago

Don't know much about Blade - Wesley Snipes is what I think about when I hear it lol

NotoriousWhiz231d ago

Same. That's the only blade I know.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 231d ago
badz149232d ago

it was kinda funny when he said "after Dishonored and Detahloop..."

even they themselves don't want to be associated with Redfall LOL

232d ago
darthv72232d ago

Different part of Arkane. That was Austin, this is Lyon.

Crows90232d ago

Another vampire game though lol

Seriously hope they get back on track

Lightning77232d ago

Well, it would be the wrong branch anyway, they had nothing to do with that game.

repsahj231d ago

But the graphics seems have a resemblance of Redfall though. XD

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 231d ago
sparky77232d ago


Xbox got their Marvel game.

Christopher232d ago

Interesting that they didn't mention platforms.

sparky77232d ago

If Indy and the Elder Scrolls are exclusive I would be surprised if MS didn't get this as exclusive too.

-Foxtrot232d ago

Yeah now that you mention it...

Microsoft has a Blade game and they don't give it the "Only on Xbox" tag line they are quick to plaster on so many other games? It's Marvel. It's Blade. It's kind of a big thing for them.

sparky77232d ago

It been confirmed exclusive the reason for no platforms is because development just started so it will probably release next-gen.

darthv72232d ago

@Fox, they haven't used that tag for a while since they release on both PC and console.

Barlos231d ago

Surely it'll be Xbox and PC? It's Bethesda.

GhostScholar231d ago

Obviously it will be Xbox and pc

ChasterMies231d ago

Could be like the license Sony has with MLB. You may recall that “MLB The Show” is also on Xbox.

isarai231d ago

I wouldn't mind them getting their exclusive Marvel game as PlayStation has Spider-Man, but kinda weird they didn't put the "Only in Xbox" or "Exclusive" label anywhere in that trailer 🤔

MrDead231d ago

PC and Xbox, MS has banned Bethesda from their most profitable console platform.

Support the devs and buy the game on PC

Christopher231d ago

***It been confirmed exclusive ***


wiz7191231d ago

@Sparky that’s because Bethesda still publish their own games even though they’re owned by MS .. they still operate independently they just have a Xbox executive watching over everything , I guess to avoid another Redfall situation since it was Bethesda higher ups who pushed Arkane to make it in the first place.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 231d ago
Obscure_Observer231d ago



Xbox got their Marvel game."

Phil made sure we got a Marvel on Xbox!

Amazing! Simply amazing!!!

I´m beyond impressed and hyped by all games shown, announced and revealed by Xbox.

Xbox is closing 2023 with a bang!

2024 is gonna be another fantastic year for us!

Hellblade II is simply out of this world!!!

I can´t wait!

F0XH0UND922231d ago

Lol the bar is pretty low for you, Obscure.

Barlos231d ago (Edited 231d ago )

Blade is one of my favourite vampire films. This could be interesting.

Hofstaderman231d ago

The first blade movie was the best. Second movie was close but the third was meh.

Barlos231d ago


Totally. Blade 2 was OK - I did like Nomak - but Trinity was terrible. The first one is easily the best, and it's aged really well. Plus, that soundtrack!

Terry_B231d ago

Blade 1 and 2 are still the best Marvel movies ever released. While the 3rd one is meh.

However..Blade 1+2 are two of the worst marvel video games ever released ..while the 3rd one might be good :P

maniacmayhem232d ago

I guess this was more believable than Switch 2 😉

Yui_Suzumiya231d ago

Switch 2 will definitely be revealed by some event that Nintendo does themselves.

shinoff2183231d ago

I think Nintendo I'd waiting to drop switch 2 cause they wanna pass ps2

kingPoS230d ago

Knowing Nintendo, they might well end up calling it the Switch U.

Gateway MT6706 2008

Lightning77232d ago

Gotta be open minded to rumors.

Christopher232d ago

99% of the time, I'm right when I don't trust rumors. Think I'm going to stick with that trend.

Lightning77232d ago

I dunno about that. There's been a ton rumors that get taken down here only for majority of the rumors to be right. Plus Even if said rumor isn't right it's always good to approve it for discussions sake. N4G is very behind on news at times because rumors get taken down. (only for more than half of them to be correct)

Christopher232d ago

I've easily got over 300 Switch 2, Switch Pro rumors in the last 4 years alone. I'm certain I can easily provide a mountain of bad rumors to those that end up being legit.

And approving poor rumors, let alone anonymous ones, only propels them more into the spotlight and gets people talking about them as fact rather than anything else. Our goal isn't to support that form of journalism. It diminishes news quality when we let those discussions go when others deserve our time and focus.

maniacmayhem232d ago (Edited 232d ago )

I have to admit, this was a hard rumor to believe but good to see MS getting their own piece of the Marvel pie. And it's confirmed mature.

I can definitely see gameplay coming together with a variety of tools that Blade can use to fight Vampires.

Lightning77232d ago

After backlash for several years of MS not having a Marvel game. They could of had Coalition do a PUNISHER game but it is what it is I guess.

The creative director on stage seemed VERY enthusiastic about the game throwing kicks and everything always good to see that sorta excitement for a game.

Christopher231d ago

Oh, goodness, a true Punisher game with his arsenal... would be so nice.

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Marvel's Blade Is Possibly Being Developed In Void Engine

Microsoft and Arkane Studios' upcoming super hero action adventure game, Marvel's Blade, is likely being developed in Void Engine.

Read Full Story >>
anast118d ago

Too bad the art is going to be cost cut and cartoony looking.

phoenixwing117d ago (Edited 117d ago )

I'm not a fan of Microsoft but it's either too aaa wasted money or not enough money because they "cut costs". Ppl complain either way.

Edit: also as long as it plays well nobody will care

anast117d ago

This game needed to be less on the cartoony side. They people making it know it too, but they made business decisions and it's going to hurt a fantastic IP.


Marvel's Blade by Arkane Lyon Gets First Concept Images Showing the Daywalker in Action

Today Arkane Lyon posted three rather interesting pieces of concept art of the recently announced action-adeventure game Marvel's Blade.

Jin_Sakai225d ago

Not feeling the art style. I though this would be similar to Spider-Man on PS5.

sparky77225d ago

Lol don't waste your breath trying to explain.

RaidenBlack225d ago

2nd concept art is giving off stealth vibes ...
seems like the game will have equal share of stealth and the traditional blade hack n slash mayhem

343_Guilty_Spark225d ago

You’re asking to someone who is literally 9 years old.

1Victor225d ago (Edited 225d ago )

“ You’re asking to someone who is literally 9 years old.”
Said his 4 years old neighbor 👆🤦🏿
Anyways we can’t tell anything from “concept art” as games tend to change a lot from concept art to final product.
Personally I have high expectations for this game as it’ll be as far as I can remember the first time a Sony and Microsoft exclusive games can be compared to each other in the same genre assuming wolverine’s game will be a hack and slash as well.
“ Lol don't waste your breath trying to explain.”

That’s how we feel about 99% of your comments 🤷🏿😂

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 225d ago
darthv72225d ago (Edited 225d ago )

Why would you think that? If it was made by Insomniac... sure. Wolverine will have you covered there. Arkane has a different style, so I am picturing Deathloop but with hack and slash and gun play akin to Devil May Cry.

sparky77225d ago ShowReplies(6)
Obscure_Observer225d ago ShowReplies(2)
BeHunted225d ago

I guess you don't like Spiderman and comics then?

Einhander1972225d ago

I'm sure the PS5 version will look much better than this xbox concept art.

Einhander1972224d ago

The PS5 Pro version is going to be the best version.

Lightning77224d ago

It's not coming to PS5 Pro either. You can keep living and lala land or buy an Xbox. Naw your fanboyism won't allow it, you can't abandoned your super precious piece of plastic.

Einhander1972224d ago

Oh, much tears will be had on the day when you can't keep this game off the most powerful console ever made!

Lightning77224d ago

You wanna bet money or a game? It's super obvious it's gonna be exclusive. It never ends well when it comes to predicting with you ppl especially going against me, so I'm giving you one shot to change your mind and save the embarrassment for later.

Einhander1972224d ago (Edited 224d ago )

Let me actually be honest with you, this comment was a joke. I don't give a F about Blade at all. Last year apparently I played 121 games on my PS5 alone and I bought way more games than I played, and after all of that there were still easily twice as many games I wanted to play but I didn't have time for, and that's not even counting subscriptions. I thought I might miss Starfield, but when the game actually came out it didn't even matter because there are already more games that I want to play than I have time for.

Edit: Let me also be honest with you about who I am, even when Blade does come to PS5 Pro I won't buy it because it would be giving Microsoft money, and I am not buying anything they publish on any platform while they still directly compete with PlayStation. I have actually blocked Microsoft Game Studios and Activision and all their companies on Steam, I don't even want to see those games, I'm 100% never going to buy them.

BTW Blade is going to be best on the most powerful console the PS 5 Pro, get used to Microsoft being a publisher on PlayStation. Maybe Sony will give you xbox guys a discount on PS6 after xbox exists gaming in 2027.

Lightning77224d ago (Edited 224d ago )

"Last year apparently I played 121 games on my PS5 alone"

Of course it is, its only console you have.

"I won't buy it because it would be giving Microsoft money, and I am not buying anything they publish on any platform while they still directly compete with PlayStation. I have actually blocked Microsoft Game Studios and Activision and all their companies on Steam, I don't even want to see those games, I'm 100% never going to buy them."

You're doing your due diligence as a fanboy. That's what y'all do anyway nothing wrong with that I'm itself. Except for Wishing the competition would go away. You want to take gaming away from other ppl because you simply don't like it, is where the childishness of you ppl come from and the major issue with ppl like you. Since you already blocked everything from Xbox ABK, BZ etc is cool you're simply sticking to What you like but wanting to tear down someone else's entertainment, games, how they spend because it doesn't fit your favorite how you do things because it's not your favorite little ecosystem, games and habits. It's immature and makes me think you guys are 12.

I have both consoles but I heard the next Xbox could be out at around 2026. Bursting your little bubble of them exiting the buissness the following year. Your intelligence isn't worth sacrificing a extreme love for a plastic box btw, just letting you know.

Einhander1972223d ago

See ya in 2027 when Microsoft leaves gaming.

BTW PS5 Pro will be the best place to play the Blade game.

Lightning77223d ago (Edited 223d ago )

Lol keep living your fever dream kiddo.

Einhander1972223d ago

It's not a fever dream that xbox has sold less consoles year after year even after covid ended and there aren't supply issues and can't even increase console sales while taking $200 losses per console sold.

Blade is going to play the best of PS5 Pro.the most powerful console and advanced console ever released!

Lightning77223d ago

We're not even talkin about sales. Not sure why you brought it up, news flash I don't care. Not what it's about.

Ok you say you're joking but you clearly think Blade will be on PS5. You had a chance to back out and change your mind. This is literally SF all over again fanboys like you thought it was on PS and it wasn't. Even Greenburge teased it was only on Xbox but anyway since you foolishly think it's on PS let's make a bet. I win a full blown 70$ game and vice versa if you win. This is gonna be easy can't wait for my free game in the coming months lol.

Your fanboyism will give me a free game.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 223d ago
thesoftware730225d ago

From the blade trailer, you thought this game was gonna look similar to Spiderman on PS5? Also knowing Arkane's history you thought that?

You are with not very bright or trolling hard.

kickerz225d ago

Wat the F is your problem with anything xbox related? Every single article about xbox or xbox games your the first to comment spreading hate. You truly are the Christmas grinch. Im surprised you havnt been banned. Blade has only just started development. First trailer looks great.

ModsDoBetter224d ago

Of course you aren't... 😂
If this was a PS game, you'd be all over it.

__SteakDeck__224d ago

@olMyerslo And I bet you hate Wolverine because it’s not an Xbox game. Lol

ModsDoBetter224d ago

Not at all mate, I'll be buying it day 1.

Christopher224d ago

Oh, geeze, I hope not. We've got Spider-Man already. I like the color tones in this, but obviously it's concept art so it's not going to look like this in the end, but possibly hints of style.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 223d ago
343_Guilty_Spark225d ago

Not published by publisher Microsoft on PlayStation.

sparky77225d ago

This game is going to be crazy.

Looks like typical Arkane style, reminds me a lot of Deathloop a lot.

224d ago
-Foxtrot225d ago

Im super excited for this one but as a fan of the comics it’s a shame they didn’t set it in London since the films literally feel the need to Americanise him and set it in America. We’ve never got any media content of him in his home city.

darthv72225d ago

....save it for the sequel perhaps?

Zeref224d ago

It's gonna be in Paris not America

-Foxtrot224d ago

I didn’t say it was

I just meant the films Americanise him setting it in America and now we have a game set in Paris

I just wanted a London setting and get back to the comic book roots

PassNextquestion225d ago

I could be wrong but it looks kinda cell shaded

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Rumour – Marvel’s Blade Is Not Exclusive To Xbox Formats, Claims Ex-Sony Dev

One of the biggest announcement to come out of The Game Awards 2023 last night was Marvel’s Blade, but according to ex-Sony Bend developer Alex Smith, the game is not actually exclusive to Xbox consoles.

Vits230d ago

The choice of "Xbox exclusive" instead of "Xbox console exclusive" makes me skeptical. It could be an honest mistake, or maybe he is just trying to take us as fools.

That said. I could see Marvel leveraging their influence to push for multiplatform releases, aiming to capture a broader audience and boost revenue. But the question remains: would Microsoft/Bethesda be open to such a proposition for a relatively minor character like Blade? It would make sense for the core Avengers of the MCU, considering their juggernaut status. However, for a character like Blade, who hasn't been in the spotlight for decades and seems to have his movie on the backburner, it does seem a bit off.

Eonjay230d ago

Its pretty much the same thing as MLB pressing Sony to expand The Show to all consoles.

Obscure_Observer230d ago (Edited 230d ago )


"Its pretty much the same thing as MLB pressing Sony to expand The Show to all consoles."


When questioned about future Marvel games published by Sony hitting other platforms, he come out with a sh!t lying excuse straight from his a$$ to single out both Wolverine and Spider-Man games from been released on other platforms.

So, according to that bozo, every company must fund development and marketing costs of future Marvel games while making those games multi platform for every platform available, every company/publisher but Sony that will be allowed to continue and make those games exclusive to Playstation.

Does any of his claims makes any sense to you?!

Obscure_Observer230d ago

"I see very interesting rumor"

What I find "interesting" is how rumors from Tom Henderson, Jez Corden, David Jaffe and Jeff Grub are quickly reported and failed on NG4, but rumors from that clown Alex Smith are somehow legit and trustworthy enough to get approval.

Alex Smith is the same guy who was telling people that Sony was going to acquire Take Two/Rockstar.

And now he´s here spreading bs about an upcoming Xbox game been available to all platforms including the competitor´s platforms without providing any proof or information on where he got his information from. But somehow he´s a trustworthy source here. Go figure.

badz149230d ago

It's been 2 days. Questions have been asked and yet none of the official parties involved are saying anything. If the game is indeed exclusive, wouldn't it make more sense for MS or Bethesda to outright claim it as one right away? What's stopping them?

Obscure_Observer230d ago


"If the game is indeed exclusive, wouldn't it make more sense for MS or Bethesda to outright claim it as one right away? What's stopping them?"

Following your logical reasoning, I ask you the same question and some.

What´s stopping from telling people that Blade is a multi platform game!?

Think about it: Don´t you think that to be upfront on what and how many platforms will be getting it would be HIGHLY beneficial for them since it would spark massive hype and interest in the game, not to mention the cost savings in marketing due word of mouth advertising?

I personally think MS don´t want to provide FTC any ammo before all of their appeals runs its course.

343_Guilty_Spark230d ago

Why do you find it interesting? That is par the course.

Lightning77230d ago

There is speculation is that The FTC is keeping and close eye on MS and BZ and ABK now. To clear some things up I've seen some ppl say what about Hell Bade 2 and Avowed those games have Xbox logos all over it. Yes they do because those studios are under Xbox Game Studios not semi independent so the water marks and logos will be all over it. The FTC isn't concerned with XGS but Bethesda and ABK the ones that are semi independent are the ones that are under scrutiny from the FTC. Again they're under a magnifying glass right now. Which is weird because their games are hitting more devices and services than Sony and Nintendo they have larger reach, hell I think their consoles sales are somewhat suffering because of it. When you advertise GP on LG TV's saying no console required, what do you think was gonna happen eventually?

Anyway 1. ) The game is way early in development. Which is common in all early development games.

2. ) It's not direct BZ's responsible to Advertise for Xbox that's Xbox marketing job.

3. ) like I said FTC is under a microscope keeping a watchful eye on BZ.

I'm saying it could be any of those things.

230d ago
230d ago
babadivad229d ago Show
229d ago
Sonic1881229d ago (Edited 229d ago )

"There is speculation is that The FTC is keeping and close eye on MS and BZ and ABK now."

It's not speculation. It's true. FTC is waiting for Microsoft next big move because they know it will create a monopoly so they can take them to court again. 🤔

F0XH0UND922229d ago

Obscure, you okay man? Are you this upset that PS gamers might get the chance to play Blade on PS5?

Obscure_Observer229d ago (Edited 229d ago )


"Obscure, you okay man? Are you this upset that PS gamers might get the chance to play Blade on PS5?"


Why would I be upset over something I know won´t happen?

For years Xbox gamers has been demanding Phil to take action and bring Marvel to Xbox.

Do you really think Phil will allow Blade to be on Playstation after all we been through?

Do you really think Xbox is fully funding and publishing a Marvel game to be available for the same playerbase that used to take shot at Phil and mock Xbox for not having a Marvel game?

Do you really, and I mean REALLY think Phil would release Blade on PS5 without getting nothing in return? Specially knowing that the said company used to snub and treat the Xbox community like sh!t?

Well, if that´s the case, I´m sorry but you´re out of you mind! Period!

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 229d ago
Zeref230d ago (Edited 230d ago )

Same dude also said Sony is going to buy CDPR and EA 😂 is he even an ex Sony dev?

Even if he was, What would an "ex sony dev" know about a deal between Bethesda and Marvel? The answer is , absolutely nothing.

How did this article even get approved? 😂


I can't find the EA and CDPR one but he also said Bandai Namco 😂


This is a Sony fanboy pretending to have inside knowledge. If you look under his tweets you can see people calling him out for a bunch of claims he made that were just false or straight up pony dreams lol

XiNatsuDragnel230d ago

Lol brother that's funny because will expect xbox exclusivity anyways.

Terry_B229d ago

How did this article even get approved? 😂 ..because 3 guys approved it. I wonder why.

neutralgamer1992230d ago

As long as it’s coming to PC we good

lelo2play229d ago

After Sony making Marvel's Spiderman and Wolverine exclusives, Microsoft would be stupid if they didn't make Blade exclusive... unless they completely gave up on Xbox consoles and became 3rd party.

DarXyde228d ago

This is a tough one.

On one hand, a rumor is something that may have been fabricated for attention. On the other, it is quiet confirmation of something that is true.

But there is another perspective: it is something that *may have been true at one point in time* and has since changed.

Calling it "not an Xbox exclusive" is nebulous and the biggest "duh" in history. It will, of course, also reach PC at minimum.

What you have to closely consider is what it means to be "independent". This is probably true because Bethesda games are described as "Xbox x Bethesda showcases" or whatever it is.

Also true that Philly boi said games would release on other platforms on a case by case basis. This may well be one of those cases.

I realize this sounds very agnostic and non-committal, but it really can go either way. Possibly timed exclusivity to Xbox and PC.

But if it does come to other platforms, it reinforces my belief that Microsoft wants to just be a publisher.

If I'm wrong, I'm wrong. I don't think I am, though.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 228d ago
shadowT230d ago

the new Kojima game OD also not? No platforms within the official press release...

gold_drake230d ago

could be.

but Koji.a did talk about xbox. so either its being developed for it first and then ported to the rest or its exclusive

Eonjay230d ago

I think it is blatantly obvious that OD is not a an Xbox exclusive. And considering that this isn't you run of the mill 'game' but rather a new type of 'cloud experience', it seem like OD is partnering with Microsoft for Cloud Tech. But don't read too much into it because Sony partner's with Microsoft for Cloud Tech as well.

-Foxtrot230d ago

Aren’t they using Microsoft’s cloud technology though? I assumed that’s why he went with them.

Obscure_Observer230d ago

Kojima went with MS because no publisher wanted to fund and publish his game, including Sony. Those publishers even called him "Mad".

Here, in chronological order:




Obscure_Observer230d ago

"the new Kojima game OD also not? No platforms within the official press release..."

No company he approached with his project wanted to fund and publish his game. Including Sony!

If you think MS is funding that game providing all technology required to make it a reality only to release on competitors platforms you´re in for some major disappointment.

GamingSinceForever230d ago

If everyone but MS turned it down then I am concerned that the game will be 💩. 😂 😂

Redemption-64230d ago


Sony is literally funding his major next game DS2. Sony is also the reason his studio exists to begin with. Sony doesn't have to fund all his games, or they see very little value or low sales for that. But I can also see why MS would jump on the opportunity to work with him

neutralgamer1992230d ago


Ms maybe just happy to have Kojima associated with them. Not everything is exclusive or else brother

shinoff2183230d ago

Cloud lol. Heard that before.

230d ago
230d ago
229d ago
+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 229d ago
GamingSinceForever230d ago

I think it is exclusive. The promo even said Microsoft Studios.The game is being made using MS’s cloud.

Prubar230d ago

The reason why OD was not labeled as an Xbox game is because it’s a cloud powered phone game funded by MS.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 229d ago
gold_drake230d ago

so, they have marketing rights then, got it.

VersusDMC230d ago

Well they definitely have marketing deals with Atlus as they advertised P3R and Metaphor with only Xbox logos even though they are both on PS5.

So even if Blade is on PS5 or Switch 2 they could have just put an xbox logo on it to avoid the rampant speculation.

sparky77230d ago ShowReplies(11)
badz149230d ago

That way, it might be able to sell some copies LOL

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