
God of War Ragnarök: Valhalla - Reveal Trailer | PS5 & PS4 Games

Embark with Kratos to Valhalla on a deeply personal and reflective journey towards a future he never thought possible. Master challenges of mind and body on an unraveling adventure that blends the beloved combat from God of War Ragnarök with brand new elements inspired by the roguelite genre.

Developed by Santa Monica Studio for PlayStation®4 and PlayStation®5 consoles – free to download from PlayStation™Store. God of War Ragnarök base game required (sold separately).

Available December 12, 2023.

Christopher200d ago

Who doesn't love free DLC for a quality game?

Wintersun616199d ago (Edited 199d ago )

I bet I cOuld name One...

-Foxtrot200d ago

A Roguelite Mode?

December 12th?

Five Days?


Holy Shit, how cool of them

-Foxtrot200d ago

Can we also appreciate that 5 minutes before this was announced Christopher Judge basically roasted the f*** out of Modern Warfare 3 saying his speech last year was longer than its campaign.

Relientk77199d ago

It was hilarious and insanely savage

Bathyj199d ago

I wonder if this DLC will be longer than modern warfare 3

Ashunderfire86199d ago (Edited 199d ago )

It would be funny if Christopher Judge announce the DLC, and said, "YES! This free DLC and my speech is longer than Modern Warfare 3!" LOL!!!

InUrFoxHole199d ago

The ironic part is cod has longer legs than GOW.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 199d ago
Lightning77200d ago

Called it. Can't wait to jump in.

Ezio2048200d ago

ND should take notes. This is how you do roguelite mode. By integrating it organically with the story.

Crows90200d ago

Except the last of us is pretty much 100% linear with no continuation after credits...God of War has content after the end and you can finish up other things. Giving extra dlc content within the game is easier.

Petebloodyonion200d ago

WOW, can't wait to jump back into this, and best of all it's free.
Good job Santa Monica!

InUrFoxHole199d ago

Is it SM that dictates the price point or sony? Interesting to see who. Either way this is amazing. Anyone who tries to down play this is simply in denial. Love free dlc especially when it's for a quality title.

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God of War Ragnarok: Valhalla Is A Love Letter To God of War Fans

A gift too good by Santa Monica for God of War fanatics.

Cockney188d ago (Edited 188d ago )

This little free download by way of a thank you from santa Monica to all those that payed and played their work of art is being given review scores, its getting 9's across the board.
The gulf between playstation and its rival is bordering on ridiculous, when a free gift out-scores your best games i think its time to let someone else have a pop at the title. I can see Nintendo have competition in the handheld space now with all these pc handheld machines and that's great but what about playstation? Who do we think should step up and replace xbox as the new contender?


God of War Ragnarok: Valhalla Review – Roguelite Therapy | GB

This free roguelite DLC is much better and more unmissable than you think.

Read Full Story >>

God of War Ragnarök’s roguelite DLC is an excellent ode to Hades - Polygon

Valhalla acts as both an epilogue for Ragnarök and a subtle prologue for the events that will unfold in the inevitable third game. But it doesn’t feel tacked on. Instead, it provides an atypical breather from overarching narrative responsibilities and dense areas to comb. As AAA games continue to pursue grandiose scale, this simpler, yet equally rich, structure stands on its own.