
Starfield Passes 12 Million Players as Phil Spencer Has "a Ton of Confidence" in Its Future

Today, during a panel at CCXP in São Paulo, Brazil, Microsoft Gaming CEO Phil Spencer talked about Bethesda's latest RPG, Starfield.

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MrDead237d ago (Edited 237d ago )

Currently less people playing Starfield then Skyrim on Steam and that's after another beta patch (which still haven't fixed the inaccessible ships, broken missions and companions) so you would think the numbers would be higher. I guess that's what you get when you pay for review scores, nothing but soulless PR hype and a broken dying game with personal messages from Bethesda telling you why you're wrong for having negative views about it.

This is a new title that should be pulling Baldur's gate numbers not Skyrim numbers!!

237d ago Replies(1)
237d ago
Jin_Sakai237d ago

This. And the fact ever seen 200 Phil Spencer articles in the past week. Who cares what this snake oil car salesman says in a daily basis.

darthv72237d ago

...apparently you care. Cause you always be commenting on every episode of Spencer Speaks.

Its like that meme. If you hate xbox so much, but always talk about it... you must not really hate it after all.

237d ago
tay8701237d ago (Edited 237d ago )

@darth not really a good argument I troll bots all the time, doesn't mean I like xbox in any way, shape or form. Also despise Trump and shout it from the roof tops every chance.i get, doesn't mean I like him either. Lol.

I comment on xbox pages and xbox specific articles all the time, usually just to stir something up. Not envious of them one bit either, they literally don't have a single exclusive game i am pining for. Last time thst happened was when they had exclusivity of bioshock and mass effect. That clockwork game they teased looked cool, got some bioshock infinite vibes from it. not even sure what kind of game it is, but it did get my attention.

MontyeKristo237d ago

Tay8701 - Idk, man, it's weird as hell to be so invested in things you don't really care for. It just seems.. odd. I guess some people just really strive on drama, it fills them and their needs, I guess? For attention or something?

Just weird, bro.

tay8701237d ago

@montye. Not really it happens all the time, especially in the sporting arena. Bet there are tons of Bama fans trolling Georgia fans right now as we speak. Saw tons of Michigan memes mocking Ohio state all this last week. Doesn't mean they want to be fans of thst team. Lol.

Even though it's not much of a rivalry, PS vs MS still gets heated. :-)

237d ago
Zeref237d ago (Edited 237d ago )

A lot of people care. Otherwise he wouldn't be getting these interviews.

Gives you PS fanboys something to talk about as well since yall don't have any Playstation games to talk about anyway.
Notice how nobody is talking about Spiderman anymore but every week Starfield is in the news? It faded into irrelevance faster than I thought it would.

JackBNimble236d ago

Jin Sakai
Obviously you care a hell of a lot, you always put your 2 cents in when Phil says something.
If you didn't care you would respond to his BS every article.... btw just saying, I don't give a fuck either.

JackBNimble236d ago

PS guy here , spot on comment actually. I just wish more people were about gaming and not just the platform they play on.

Crows90236d ago


0eople comment on what they dislike much more than on what they like...it's normal.

shinoff2183236d ago

Darth that's a pretty weak argument.

P_Bomb236d ago

“Notice how nobody is talking about Spiderman anymore but every week Starfield is in the news? It faded into irrelevance faster than I thought it would.”

Spider-Man was a complete experience without controversy or asterisks like busted HDR or a 30 frame cap. I platinumed it. Don’t need to gush like a crush.

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 236d ago
237d ago Replies(4)
S2Killinit237d ago

Pretty much anytime MS speaks, flip it on it’s head to learn the truth.

Ironmike237d ago

Why skyrim is still very popular

237d ago Replies(1)
Zeref237d ago (Edited 237d ago )

Ignore that it launched on GamePass and that therefore a lot of people are playing it via the Xbox store and that it's currently the 2nd most played game on there I guess. Fits your narrative better that way. /s

Can't expect logic from Playstation fanboys. Good thing your petty little voices don't matter when it comes to the success of Xbox games.

IRetrouk236d ago (Edited 236d ago )

It's the 10th most played game at the moment in the us and 11th in the uk, where did you get second from?

XiNatsuDragnel236d ago

Nii San you're inaccurate but these comments have merits because like with Bethesda you would expect amazing numbers, 12 million copies is great and has a bright future but they're not concurrent enough. Balidur gates 3 is much better product that ppl are playing more than starfield tbh.

Zeref236d ago (Edited 236d ago )


It's not inaccurate. It's number 2 in my region.
If it's number 10 in the US and UK that is still huge since those are much bigger regions. We don't have the numbers but that's probably similar to Baldurs Gate 3 if not more.
And definitely way more than Skyrim.

Also people seem to forget Starfield is a new IP. 12 million for a new IP is huge and it will only grow with DLC and Mods coming up.

Baldurs Gate being better is subjective. I will play it when it comes to Xbox.

For now I love playing Starfield.

BehindTheRows235d ago (Edited 235d ago )

"Notice how nobody is talking about Spiderman anymore but every week Starfield is in the news? It faded into irrelevance faster than I thought it would".

Because people are busy buying it. For Starfield, people are busy trying to understand what all the hype was for, but you know what I'VE noticed? No one is talking about what it sold (unlike Spider-Man, which broke records). Spider-Man also wasn't a meme-fest of very poorly constructed NPCs, wasn't touted as "the next greatest thing", and is actually a GOTY contender (again, unlike the letdown that is Starfield).

On PlayStation, games do the talking. On Xbox, Phil does the talking.

"For now, I love playing Starfield" – ah, now I see.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 235d ago
itsmebryan236d ago

You know the game is available in places Than just steam right?

236d ago
cthulhucultist236d ago

@MrDead? Ah yes, the Sony fanboy shouting for Xbox exclusives only to be angered when those actually release and are decent.

Now its the paid reviews narrative despite IGN+Gamespot not giving high scores like the MS shills you claim them to be.

In N4G the same thing happened you know, back in the early days of PS4 (2013-2014).

Games like Knack killzone shadowfall, Driveclub, The Order and Infamous scored lower than typical first class sony titles and fans in this site were raging about paid reviewers (imagine that).

When Bloodborne was of course released to critical acclaim, reviewers' status was reinstated as credible, because reasons.

On your other point (low numbers), I totally agree.

Lets observe obscure try to spin this around.

MrDead236d ago

I'm a PC gamer, just read my comment history and spec posts.

"Now its the paid reviews narrative despite IGN+Gamespot not giving high scores like the MS shills you claim them to be."

It's not a narrative it's something that's been used by most platform holders and has been going on for years, surprised you haven't heard about it.

I like Sony, Nintendo and PC as they all add to an industry I enjoy. MS has done nothing but take, I'm against that.

Obscure_Observer236d ago

The more you talk sh!t about this game, the most successful it becomes over time. Haha

Your hate you´ll always turn against you sad gamers, you brought karma to yourselves.

Starfield has long legs and will just get better over time!

Have some dignity and move, dude. You lose! Starfield fans won!

MrDead236d ago

"The more you talk sh!t about this game, the most successful it becomes over time. Haha"

...except here we are with the opposite happening, low player retention for Bethesda's biggest new IP and release in over a decade and Skyrim is currently more popular. Payed for reviews and PR is all this game had, now people are playing it the bottom has fallen out. People were expecting game retention numbers of previous titles and a universe to get lost in, what we have is loading screen generator and no exploration, all the key Bethesda gameplay elements that have people coming back for years have been watered down and made boring... oh yeah and the game is still broken as f**k

"Have some dignity and move, dude. You lose! Starfield fans won!"

Have some dignity and stop blindly supporting broken middling products because your fanboy logic, demand better instead of defending things getting worse.

Einhander1972236d ago

Spider-Man 2 outside it in 8 days by a wide margin.

BehindTheRows235d ago

"Most successful it becomes over time" – cool, what did it sell?

"Starfield has long legs and will just get better over time"! – awesome, again, what did it sell?

"Starfield fans won". – If they're enjoying it, they did!

Reaper22_236d ago

A lot of gamers like Starfield. No need of still being mad cause it's not on Playstation. It's time to move on.

n1kki6236d ago

Skyrim - a ten year old game - 30k players

Returnal - released in February on PC - 258 players
God of war - released two years ago on PC - 4k players
Spiderman - released 1.5 years ago on PC - 5k players
Miles Morales - released 1 year ago on PC - 2k players

MrDead236d ago

Why would I care, I'm not a console gamer. You just listed games that I see as a bonus, never had access to them before.

What is huge news is that Bethesda's newest IP and biggest release in over a decade is doing poorly on what is it's biggest platform. Is Starfield's lack of quality to be expected in the next Elder Scrolls game?

Obscure_Observer236d ago


Spot on!

If Starfield is failing Sony should close shop A.S.A.P

mrcatastropheAF236d ago

The vast majority of Starfield players play either through Game Pass on Xbox or via the GamePass app on PC...and wouldn't be counted in Steam's concurrent player count.

Yall grasping at straws here

UltimateRacer236d ago

But but the Xbox tax 🤣🤣🤣

Obscure_Observer236d ago


You know you´re doomed, dude. Starfield is a massive success! The Xbox CEO said it himself!

Phil can lie to me or you all day. But he definitely can´t lie to Microsoft and its board of directors, investors, shareholders and his boss Satya Nadella!

Starfield is a New IP, No mod support from Bethesda, No expansions, it currently sits at 65 at Steam and it still manages to get 26k active players after 3 freaking months! That´s more than any Playstation ever had on the platform!

So yeah, while you´re crying and moaning, Howard and his crew is laughing in their way to the bank!

"all the key Bethesda gameplay elements that have people coming back for years have been watered down and made boring... oh yeah and the game is still broken as f**k"

Boring and broken? Lmao!


Get lost with your BS man. Starfield is sort of nothing but a classic Bethesda masterpiece!

For REAL Bethesda fans, that is.

After 3 months you´re still salty because your crew don´t want to hang around with you after you called them the worst companions ever. Go figure. I think you love that game too much that its hard (nearly impossible) for you to let go.

In all honesty, I´m almost feel sorry you a bit. Then again, what you got is what hate, negativism and blind fanboyism brought you, dude. That´s why Starfield continues to thrive while you continue to embarrass yourself by showing up on every Starfield article. A game that you said you quit months ago. I think you lied. Lol.

MrDead235d ago

What's it like to be wrong about everything? Don't judge others by your own embarrassing standards.

"Real Bethesda fans"

Oh look on my steam list every Fallout game and the last three Elder Scrolls, all paid for and not from some subscription service.

"I think you love that game too much that its hard (nearly impossible) for you to let go."

https://postimg.cc/0bLTLSmg https://postimg.cc/tnd6pWTr

Oh look again, less than an hour played since October 24th, no achievements since October 20th as progress is broken and play time seems to be around the patch release, I wonder why?

"Then again, what you got is what hate, negativism and blind fanboyism brought you, dude."

Hold up a mirror and who is the only person you can say that about on N4G, who jumps around every story desperately defending their little plastic brick?.. and oh yes, who am I a fanboy of exactly?

Obscure_Observer235d ago

"Oh look again, less than an hour played since October 24th, no achievements since October 20th as progress is broken and play time seems to be around the patch release, I wonder why?"

Cool story, bro. So it took you a playtime worth of 48 days playing 3 hours a day for you to realize that Starfield is a piece of shit? With a 40% achievement completion that which the only reason it´s not higher is because that game "dumped" you?

You lie through you teeth, dude. Now I know why you are so invested in that game. You love that game. But that game didn´t love you back!

"Hold up a mirror and who is the only person you can say that about on N4G, who jumps around every story desperately defending their little plastic brick?.. and oh yes, who am I a fanboy of exactly?"

I´m an Xbox gamer first and foremost. It´s not really secret to anybody.

But you, my man. You´re a PS fanboy. Real PC gamers have no horses in console warfare like you do.

You try to hide you bias behind some dumb made up conspiracy bs, trying to convince everyone that Xbox´s ultimate goal is to remove all games from all platforms, when you know that´s not true at all!

I say its dumb because VALVE and Xbox have a *solid* and *exclusive* partnership and great relationship for years!

You know that the only platform that will not be getting TES VI is Playstation, but since you fear to be exposed as the PS fanboy you are, you desperately try to drag PC into the mud.

I calling it now: I willing to bet that you´ll come out with some lame, lying and cynical bs excuse as to why Xbox had no option but to release the next Bethesda game on PC, just like you did with Starfield.

That´s why you´re on a twisted crusade to put Xbox against PC gamers so you can have an alibi to justify your hate towards Microsoft because Playstation no longer is getting Xbox games.

And that´s why to me, you´re a hypocrite. You want to put PC gamers against Microsoft when you, yourself, enjoy their games on the very platform you said Microsoft wants to screw.

You paid full price for an Xbox game! You´d spent some freaking 145 hours playing it and you just stop playing it because there´s some freaking bug is preventing you from progress further in the game.

That´s why you can´t let go of that game. You love it! And you can´t wait for Bethesda fix it so you can continue on playing it.

You saw how that gamer managed to beat Starfield 33 freaking times! So the game is far from broken!

You were just the unlucky one. You show that game hate, the game show you indifference.

What goes around, comes around.

MrDead234d ago (Edited 234d ago )

Stop for five seconds and just read what fantasies you just wrote, your entire comment is happening only in your head, your complete lack of understanding of how industries work make you seem ignorant, you constantly throw around the word hypocrite like you understand what it means and you are literally harassing people on this site because your favourite plastic box is crapping on gamers.

What you're doing on this site is insane

...oh yeah if you took one second to see what mission I was on in Starfield I thought you would have noticed that it has it taken 145 hours to progress so little just 5 of the 19 main mission quests, why is that? Oh yeah the game is busted, one of the reasons it's getting so poorly reviewed by Steam.

Obscure_Observer234d ago (Edited 234d ago )

"What you're doing on this site is insane"

No, dude. What you´re doing is insane!

Starfield is getting updates after updates since release? To you its bad news since (in your opinion) that game is and will continue broken.

Bethesda has 250 developers out 400 still working on Starfield after release. To you, bad news!

Phil Spencer confirms that Xbox has long term plans and strategy supporting Starfield for the next 10 freaking years! To you? Bad news!

Starfield celebrates 12 MILLION players in 3 months? To you? It flopped!

And you have the nerve to call me insane! Hilarious!

Who said, that game sucks? Who said that games is broken? Who said its beyond repair? Who said Starfield is the worst Bethesda game ever? Which one of us said "I quit that POS of a game"????

And yet after all that you have the nerve to show up on every single Starfield topic to cry and moan trying and throwing shade and negativity on everything for trolling sake only!

This is not just insanely sick and disturbing but also childish af!

And then you cry "harassment" when I call you out on your bs? Please!

It´s been 3 months! I get that you´re disappointed on the game, I honesty do. I would be lying if say I wouldn´t go ape sh!t if my game progression was ruined by some freaking game breaking bug.

It happened to me once back in the day when I was trying to get my vampiric condition reversed in Oblivion.
Yes! I got frustrated. Yes I got angry. Yes! I was pissed af. Yes! For weeks "Bethesda sucks" was all I had in my mind.

But if you know Bethesda as long as you said you do, You should know that gaming breaking bugs in their games are pretty common stuff. It can happen to me, it can happen to you. It can happen to all of us.

So YOU are the one insane here. It´s been 3 months! Get over it, dammit! Quit your trolling nonsense! Stop behaving like a child and move on!

You have millions of games to enjoy on STEAM! Go enjoy life and play the games you love fcs!

MrDead234d ago

Goal post moved again I see, it's so easy to pull everything you say apart. Can't handle the proof, so you have a multi paragraph rage fit for over 24 hours.

Go away until you've learnt how to behave online.

+ Show (16) more repliesLast reply 234d ago
purple101237d ago

A ton of confidence, up to 2027, then confidence ends.

237d ago Replies(2)
237d ago Replies(5)
237d ago Replies(12)
Charlieboy333236d ago

You must believe in the easter bunny too

Crows90236d ago (Edited 236d ago )

Wait...he's not real?

Charlieboy333236d ago

Crows....sit down....we need to have a talk 😆

dRanzer237d ago

Xbox is boring.
Just bought Rog Ally and that came with 3 free months of GP.
Enjoy halo master chief collection, ori and forza.

But other than that gp feels empty.
Ps store is full of sony first party games

237d ago Replies(2)
237d ago Replies(6)
Youngindy21237d ago

False. Xbox GP has Lies of P, Exoprimal, Remnant 2, Starfield, Dead Space, A Plague Tale: Requiem, etc. Just admit you don't like games. Keep in mind Xbox and PC don't have the exact same Game Pass selection.

dRanzer236d ago

Has you can see i brought xbox first party studios.
Why to play A Plague Tale on Rog Ally when i have it already on PS5?

Crows90236d ago

I was going to make the same argument without the dumb addition of him not liking games ..as you can see ..if he's already played them they offer no additional value to him. So it's the 1st party exclusives that really offer value.

Gamepass and even ps extra are going to be great for only 1 thing in the long run...that's gaas games.

shinoff2183236d ago

Lies of p seemed alright from what I played , dead space I own on ps5, and stsrfield was just a little off. The rest personally I'm not interested in.

I do have a question though why does the pc gamepass get the fallout goty complete editions when the console don't. Make that make sense

Zeref236d ago

Do yall ever get tired of speaking nonsense? 😂

Gamingsince1981236d ago (Edited 236d ago )

Don't "yall" ever get tired of defending a game that has died ? The only talk there is about starfailed is how hard it failed and all the problems with it. The good games people are just playing them they don't need to talk about them.

XiNatsuDragnel236d ago

Nii San are tired of defending stuff that has constantly shown to be lackluster? I know this be odd but I think you should be chillin rn if you don't care that much.

Lightning77236d ago

Then the next response is is "how hard it failed" completely ignoring 12 million player base.

So no there life's mission is to speak nonesense.

236d ago
itsmebryan236d ago

Are you comparing Gamepass to the PS store? Ps store is full of old 1st party games that you have to buy individually and many that can be played on PC. Gamepass has day 1 games included with Gamepass.
What is your point?

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 236d ago
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10 "Bad" Games I Actually Enjoyed

TNS: "We're shining a light on a bunch of "bad" games that may've been left wanting when it comes to their critical or audience reception."

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Profchaos2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

Good list I've had similar reactions to some games even ones on the list like the order and Callisto

Also I recently grabbed forspoken for, 5 dollars at a eb games Clarence sale and I am actually enjoying it more than I thought I would

Sometimes you just need to give critically panned games a chance

FTLmaster2d ago

Oh gosh, good shout on Forspoken! Genuinely forgot about that one, and haven't got around to playing it. It's on my to-buy-in-a-sale list!

Cacabunga1d 16h ago (Edited 1d 16h ago )

Knack was great ! Had a blast with the first one. Haven’t tried the second one though due to backlog

The Fight: Lights Out was also a game i enjoyed very much and highly detailed with great motion control when you understand how they work, which is what pushed people away from this game..

LoveSpuds1d 14h ago

Both The Order and Calisto were harshly treated in my view. I am not saying they are perfect, but the were both really solid games. I personally really liked them despite acknowledging their flaws and coincidentally, got the platinum trophy for both games.

Evil West is another really fun game that's worth checking out for sure.

andy851d 14h ago

Forspoken was great. Never really understood all the criticism. 2nd best traversal in a game after Spiderman

Profchaos1d 7h ago

Yeah gameplay wise I get huge infamous vibes with its combat starting out as low level eventually becoming a unstoppable power spewing killing machine with a wide variety of powers infamous is one of my favourite franchises obviously it's not the same but I love the combat of it so far.

ChasterMies2d ago

I feel like we’re finally starting to see a sea change in how we treat our favorite games. Sure, we all acknowledge that a game can suck and we can still enjoy it. Hopefully this results in meaningful review scores. Personally, I find a lot of bad games are better if you blast through them on the easiest difficulty. Callisto protocol on the image is a good example of this.

LoveSpuds1d 14h ago (Edited 1d 14h ago )

I really liked Calisto, harshly treated for sure and I don't necessarily think it needs to be played on easy to enjoy it. It's not perfect, but it's not the car crash the media portrayed it as either.

I have said it before, but part of the issue is that there is a mind share going on in games coverage, with all the main outfits being personal friends and talking too each other. As such, there is a risk that everyone ends up sharing in the same opinion rather than thinking from themselves. I reckon that's why some games get a universal bashing when consumers actually like the game and equally, games get great reviews across the board and the game doesnt land with consumers.

RaidenBlack2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

Actually, I started liking FO76 after the wastelanders DLC ... it has been my guilty pleasure
other games I can think of Order 1886, Driveclub, Resident Evil 6 (only the Leon part), Alpha Protocol (pretty unique, needs a remake), XIII Remake (after patches), Medal of Honor 2010, Medal of Honor Warfighter, Homefront The Revolution, Enemy Front, Legendary The Box, Faces of War, Conflict: Vietnam, Conflict: Global Storm & Codename: Panzers – Cold War

CosmicTurtle2d ago

Driveclub was genuinely a good game with a poor launch. Alpha Protocol is superb, just a few archaic design choices for the time.

RaidenBlack1d 15h ago

I want past games with interesting setups/mechanics but having some flaws (due to crunch or budget) to be remade so that the gaming community can appreciate and enjoy them as was envisioned and intended by the developers. In contrast to a successful game being remade again just with prettier coat of paint.
Alpha Protocol tops that and I'll include FO:NV as well as an exception (it is popular but features were cut due to limited dev time). And also Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines I, Singularity, KOTOR II and maybe Daikatana.
There might be others which I can't recall atm.

SonyStyled2d ago

I loved Enemy Front. I pre ordered it months prior and remember calling the store to check if it came out that day. The guy never heard of it but confirmed my copy was ready to pick up. Game was simple and basic in a good way. Didn’t have any tacked on extras. A simple mission and objectives in each level. Kind of reminded me of the first Crysis in a way

gold_drake2d ago

The Order was really good. abit short

RiseNShine2d ago

I loved The Order, ridiculous graphics for it's time and a very interesting setting, it was linear but not as bad as people say. Similar thing with Callisto Protocol, i admit that i played it a long time after release so maybe issues were fixed by then, but it was a fantastic Dead Space-like horror game with some of the best graphics i've seen in my life.

LoveSpuds1d 14h ago

Yup, I am afraid to say I waited on Calisto and picked it up for around 30 quid. Once I played it on felt really badly for the devs because the game was really decent.

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Earth Becomes Habitable Again in Starfield, Thanks to this Mod

Thanks to the Starfield Creation Kit, the "Earth Restored" mod has transformed the Earth into a Pine Forest and filled the sea with life.

Read Full Story >>
4d ago

Starfield DLC needs to be as awe-inspiring as Shadow of the Erdtree to win players back

Shadow of the Erdtree saw a 1000% player count surge at its launch. Will Starfield’s Shattered Space be able to do the same?

Read Full Story >>
Brazz14d ago

Spoiler... It Will not. Bethesda is outdated.

anast14d ago

If it gets rid of the loading screens and adds space exploration, it will.

phoenixwing14d ago

loading screens and zones are hardboiled into the game, they would have to remake it to change it. which if they had just made a new engine or used someone else's they wouldn't be in this mess

purple10114d ago

only PSpro release will get rid of there loading, at at minimum, half the time it takes.

lucian22914d ago

nah cuz game has multiple things that have to happen before transition to outer space; issue is it isnt seamless

BoneMagnus14d ago

I played Starfield this past weekend. I enjoyed it and overall was about 30 hours in, but as soon as I got the e-mail about the GamePass price increase, I cancelled my account and deleted Starfield, Halo, Forza and others off my Series X.

If I want to play those games, I’ll just buy them outright - and truth is, I’m pretty sure I won’t. They aren’t worth it to me.

Ninver14d ago

Brutal truth. Thanks gor being honest.

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