
What Does 'Xbox Tax' Mean

Game Rant writes: "As things stand, Microsoft isn’t in danger of losing GOTY awards to a diabolical “Xbox Tax,” its priorities just need to shift toward pleasing players like Halo and Gears of War did back in Xbox’s heyday."

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eagle21242d ago

Microsoft seriously needs to step their game up (pun intended) if they want GOTY nominations. :)

sparky77241d ago

They already have and got tons of games to play.

They don't get nominations because of the so called "Xbox Tax" as it's cool to hate on Xbox these days, all Xbox fans know this and when we see reviews like 7/6 out of 10 we know really that's more of an 9/8 out of ten. Journalist know hating on Xbox gets maximum hits you just have to look at N4G the hottest articles are Xbox hit pieces.

crazyCoconuts241d ago

Microsoft has earned their hate and market position over many years, it's not "cool", it's rational behavior.
And if you want to see what a 8/9 looks like, play Spiderman 2 for a few hours and then play Starfield and compare. How are the graphics, character models, story, polish? It simply doesn't compare and people know that.

sparky77241d ago

And you are proving my point lol.

Regardless Xbox fans will have their views on "Xbox Tax" while PS fans will have their own. And we all know no on is capable of changing the others mind.

RNTody241d ago (Edited 241d ago )

The difference is Sparky that we can provide mountains of evidence over a decade for why Xbox is in the position it is in and why we are critical of Microsoft and their practices. You can't substantiate your view of the "Xbox tax" beyond anecdotal evidence which is flimsy at best.

sparky77241d ago

Like I said you guys have your opinions we have our opinions.

Any "evidence" you can provide will be flimsy and worthless in my view, so providing it is pointless. Just like anything I say to you guys is pointless in your view otherwise you would understand what "Xbox Tax" is.

__y2jb241d ago

Sparky, list a few of these games which have suffered from the Xbox tax please.

Lightning77241d ago (Edited 241d ago )

The Xbox Tax goes way beyond just winning GOTY at the awards. It started when the Xbox One generaion when they tried to pull off what they did.

Most ppl forget that there 100% was a PS tax during the 7th gen. Get 2 jobs to buy a PS, over hyping the games and features etc. The industry was definitely harsh on PS3 that's no secret. How they get passed it? By being undeniable in its exclusives. Make games so great journalists can't talk crap. It wasn't one game it was multiple games that turned things around near the end of the PS3 gen. Same with Xbox what they with X1, they have to earn industry trust and needs to release hit, after hit, after hit to change the minds of the ppl. It wasn't just the DRM stuff it was the fact MS wasn't investing in games (due to internal politics) when you don't release nothing or cancel projects like they did. Yeah that trust went down the drain. Again PS can crawl out of that Xbox can as well, but the games need to be undeniable consistently.

Hofstaderman241d ago

Omg. Congrats you just gave me a mild stroke trying to make sense of your comment. Slow clap.

-Foxtrot241d ago


"Like I said you guys have your opinions we have our opinions"

Your opinion is literally "LALALALA NOT LISTENING LALALALA"

S2Killinit241d ago

xbox are really lacking in games to the point that anything that comes out for them is touted as the best thing since sliced bread. That is how thirsty the xbox fandom is.

crazyCoconuts241d ago

"Like I said you guys have your opinions we have our opinions."
There are just way fewer people with your opinion.
That's fine.. I say Disney ruined MCU and Star Wars, an apologist might spin it as a "Disney Tax".

Eonjay241d ago

Maybe Microsoft can buy the VGA and force everyone to vote for their games... and that will be okay with everyone because once everyone learns that suckling the teat of trillionaires and belittling themselves to glorify the rich is what makes them a real gamer... we can all become Xbox fanboys! An Xbox fan seems to be a fan of rich people who complain that life isn't fair to them; oh, and that only the poor should pay taxes.

northpaws241d ago

@sparky77 and Xbox is going downhill because of gamers like yourself that don't want them to do better.

It was never cool to hate Xbox, I have XBox Series X and GamePass, I just wish they make higher quality games. Their games quality made me regret my purchases.

Crows90241d ago

Keep in dreaming. Nobody gave Ori a 7/6 out of 10. It's a fucking great game. More of that would do you all down good but if you're going to pretend average games are actually spectacular...then yeah...that's the Xbox tax in a nutshell ..self inflicted harm.

fr0sty241d ago

Xbox Tax is copium that Xbots use to justify their purchase of a console that is sub-par.

notachance241d ago

well I mean, if this is the level of quality Xbox fans are willing to defend to death, we shouldn't be surprised as to why the games are mostly just of mediocre quality

their own fans are enabling them

QuantumMechanic241d ago (Edited 241d ago )

The "Xbox Tax" movement is an attempt to positively spin/vacate the strong philosophical distaste most of the console gaming community feels for MS' strategic approach to IP acquisition, game management, monetization, distribution, and ownership.

LordoftheCritics240d ago

XBOX TAX is an excuse that MS circle will use when their turds dont sell.

andy85240d ago

And we all know when we see 10/10 reviews from Xbox pages we know they're 7/8 games. It all balances. They don't get nominations because they haven't released a critically acclaimed AAA in a long long time.

RedDevils240d ago

Sparky is a wall, you don't talk to a wall.

RNTody240d ago (Edited 240d ago )

@sparky Tell me your head is firmly planted in the sand without telling me your head is firmly planted in the sand.

Here are two facts for you that scratch the surface of Microsoft's decline:
1. Microsoft has diminished the quality of ALL of their once great franchises, namely Gears of War, Halo, Forza (see latest release)
2. Microsoft has failed to deliver or invest in new games despite acquiring a multitude of studios many years ago. The Initiative was formed in 2018 and has failed to produce a new game let alone a mere gameplay trailer to demonstrate their "AAAA" purpose.

If the above "evidence" as you call it is "flimsy", then you need to report back to school I'm afraid, you skipped a few years in critical thinking class - or perhaps you're in politics.

MrSec84240d ago

There's no Xbox Tax, Microsoft has released games that aren't fun, that lack refinement, titles like Redfall and Starfield are perfect examples of this.
I recently got a Series X, have been putting time into Starfield and it really lacks what even made the Fallout Series fun.
Nothing in Redfall looks fun, though I admit I haven't played it yet, but given the studio involved it doesn't seem to live up to what made the Dishonered games fun or have their polish.
Forza Motorsport 2023 is miles behind GT7 in the car handling, visuals, audio track for cars and tracks/ambience.

Sony and Nintendo have been bringing the games this gen, with inventive gameplay and mountains of polish to their experiences.
Talent and skill in game design, with the ability to make refined experiences is clearly way ahead of what we've had, waited to see and be delivered by the Xbox development community.

VariantAEC240d ago

**"Any "evidence" you can provide will be flimsy and worthless in my view, so providing it is pointless."**
Flat Earth Gaming? There is only one truth, Microsoft did poorly for 22 years straight with Xbox 360 being their most successful device with critical software for the brand... MS just couldn't make it work and that's why they're always in last place.

The evidence we have to back up our claims, MS also provided. By rejecting our evidence you openly reject the truths MS is telling you. You become a rouge fanboy rejecting facts that your favorite brand even acknowledges despite how it looks for them!

bababrooks240d ago

WORD, I hear you !!!!!!! N4G has always been Playstation nation even in it's old format! I don't read it for gaming info as all the threads are bias but they are amusing at times !

+ Show (21) more repliesLast reply 240d ago
shadowT242d ago

Starfield reviewers and influencer were cherry-picked, it is well known that large publications did not receive review codes. Maybe this is the reason for the missing Xbox nominations?

Eonjay241d ago

The VGA awards are decided by a panel of international reviewers. It is in fact a popularity contest. The most popular games across the word win. There may be a situation where Xbox itself isn't popular enough around the world to have one of their exclusive titles become popular enough. If that is the case they are going to have to make something with greater appeal. Perhaps they can take on of the popular multiplat games they stole and improve that to increase appeal. Oh - but if the game that was once multiplat becomes exclusive to Xbox it wont reach enough people to gain popularity.

andy85240d ago (Edited 240d ago )

If that was the case Psychonauts 2 wouldn't have been on the list it's not a popularity list it's a great game list. If Starfield was top top quality then it's guaranteed to be on the list and the only people they have to blame is themselves. The facts are this year is one of the best years for games and Microsoft did nothing good enough to deserve a GOTY nomination

LucasRuinedChildhood242d ago (Edited 242d ago )

It's a particularly childish form of deflection. Hi-Fi Rush got quite a few nominations because it's actually a great game and deserves them.

Last year Stray and A Plague Tale: Requiem were nominated for GOTY. Hi-Fi Rush would have made the top 6 last year.

But it's fair to say that this year was stacked (the best year for games in a while) so it didn't make it but neither did a lot of high quality games so it's no slight against it. Street Fighter 6, Armoured Core 6, Final Fantasy 16, Jedi Survivor, Pikman 4, The Talos Principle 2, Cocoon, Lies Of P, Hogwarts Legacy, Sea Of Stars, Dead Space, Remnant 2, etc didn't make it either.

If Xbox makes more games of that quality they will inevitably get into the top 6 and could win. It's simple - you have to earn it. I'm interested to see how good Hellblade 2 is.

LoveSpuds241d ago

Most sensible post I've seen on here for a while.

Eonjay241d ago

There is no Xbox Tax. Microsoft simply has not produced a game with wide enough appeal to win GOTY. It has gotten nominations like everyone else. But to be so entitled as to simply expect GOTY because Microsoft purchased Bethesda and then get mad when people don't agree is one of Xbox's biggest hurdles. The people who occupy the fanbase of Xbox believe that all it takes to win is to buy gaming publishers and horde their games from other ecosystems. They believe that success isn't something earned by something you buy. To them removing Starfield from PlayStation was the same of 'creating' the game of the year.

anast241d ago

HiFi Rush had almost the same player count as Gollum not to long ago...But I get your point.

isarai241d ago

Talk about delusional, the games aren't good enough, rarely ever are. Xbox needs to focus on the quality of their games if they want to be nominated more often, but that's clearly not something they care about. Plus that's not even the correct application of "tax" as a bias, can't even get that right.

Vits241d ago

This a bizarre article, they went on to explain what the "Xbox tax" truly is to finalize saying that there is no "Xbox tax". You have to be extremely innocent not to understand that the "Game Awards" is the "Critics Awards" and that this is where the "tax" comes into play. It is no more than bias for a particular type of game, there are outliers when you look at the history of the nominees and even winners, but the vast majority of them fit in the same box.

And that is where this article should end. There is no place where "its priorities just need to shift toward pleasing players" would equal being nominated when there are a couple of dozen players that really matter for the nomination in the first place. If Microsoft wants to have more nominees what they need to do is please this layer of critics that make up 90% of the voting power.

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LG_Fox_Brazil1d 12h ago

We already knew this, but it's good that they reaffirmed the info

MeteorPanda19m ago(Edited 19m ago)

Its also going to be a title on the new switch 100%.

Goodguy017m ago

Oh thank God. Hopefully progression as well.


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