
Starfield Gets Snubbed At 2023 Game Awards

Gaming Bible writes: "Bethesda must be reeling today after Starfield is snubbed by The Game Awards 2023."

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ZeekQuattro255d ago

As much as I like the game it definitely isn't GOTY material. Not by a long shot.

RpgSama255d ago

I mean, it got nominated for Best RPG, that's probably as much as they could have asked out of that game, not even going to win that since they are going against BG3

Crows90254d ago

But it's up against far better nominees.

Cacabunga254d ago

To my knowledge this show is about the best games no?

fr0sty254d ago

Imagine what Microsoft shareholders are thinking right now after billions spent acquiring Bethesda, and their first game for the platform turns out to be mediocre...

fr0sty254d ago

Add to that, MW3 flopping, and... well... some heads are rolling at the next conference call.

Michiel1989254d ago

@frosty they do not care about goty awards....they care about if it made them money which it probably did.

Cacabunga254d ago

Where is obscure observer? Tell him he can come out it’s totally safe

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 254d ago
badz149254d ago

what really got snubbed big time is Hogwarts Legacy.

LOL @ Starfield

ravens52254d ago

FF16 was also snubbed. It should've been there instead of a REMAKE smdh.

VincentVanBro254d ago

lol literally no one expected Hogwarts Legacy at the game awards, so I wouldn't call that a snub.

shinoff2183254d ago

I'd take remake. Starfield and ff16 just weren't goty material.

porkChop254d ago

I don't see why it's a big deal that it wasn't nominated anyway. We've had a ton of really great games this year, no matter what something was going to get "snubbed". It's not a big deal.

Yui_Suzumiya254d ago

Exactly. Anonymous;Code, Grisaia: Chronos Rebellion and Ginka didn't get nominated and those are masterpieces. Everyone had been waiting since 2014 for Anonymous;Code and it finally released to critical acclaim and it was snubbed.

Profchaos254d ago

@yui can't say ive heard of them I'm assuming they are niche games?

lelo2play254d ago

Starfield is my GOTY... and my opinion is the one that matters the most.
BG3 comes next.

254d ago
VincentVanBro254d ago

Well you are objectively wrong but that's ok

lelo2play254d ago

If you value others opinions more than your own, that's your problem. Feel sorry for you.
For me, my opinion is always the most important opinion.

neutralgamer1992254d ago

A remake shouldn’t be up for a GOTY unless major changes were made

Hogwarts Legacy

These 2 should be there

Obscure_Observer254d ago

"As much as I like the game it definitely isn't GOTY material. Not by a long shot."

Maybe not. But it got snubbed all the same.

Starfield not been nominated to best audio design and best score and music was another injustice.

Death Stranding has an 82 Metascore and had the most nominations that any game ever had including GOTY simply because Geoff is in the game.


Same thing with Famitsu and its publisher´s president and former editor-in-chief.


That been said, Starfield was not alone and both FFXVI and Hogwarts Legacy got dumped to make room for R4, a remake that despite been awesome, has a lower Metascore compared to the original that already have a GOTY award.

What they did to Hogwarts Legacy is travesty and only shows how Geoff and his gang is biased.

254d ago
shinoff2183254d ago

Hogwarts was a good game but I wouldn't say it was goty either. My goty wasn't nominated either and it's OK I personally have had the most fun with star ocean 2 remake. I didn't expect it to either. It's all just opinion.

ChronoJoe254d ago (Edited 254d ago )

It’s unsurprising that most reputable outlets won’t platform a game that helps support an influential bigot (Rowling). So it’s easy to see why people distanced themselves from it.

Profchaos254d ago (Edited 254d ago )

I would of thought more highly of Hogwarts if it didn't level gate missions. When I'm getting into the story I want to go from one mission into another not be blocked because I don't meet a barrier for entry.
It's like you're running through the game to fast take a break go brew some positions or something then come back.

If that was handled better I'd say it definitely needed to be on the list

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 254d ago
Juancho51251d ago

All that money Microsoft spent and they released the WORST COD game (Obvious DLC cash grab) in history, and Starfield only didn’t flop because there’s nothing else for them to play. If Baldur’s Gate 3 had been released on Xbox Starfield would’nt have done half the numbers.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 251d ago
Vengeance1138255d ago

Can't snub what doesn't deserve to be there.

notachance255d ago

If anything it’s Hogwarts Legacy that was snubbed, should easily be nominated for best art/design because of how they beautifully recreated the Hogwarts Castle but the media simply has to have this ridiculous fight with jk rowling

arkard254d ago

Hogwarts castle was great, and Hogsmeade. I wish they would have focused the game there instead of making all these bland wide open spaces.

BehindTheRows254d ago


Not a bad game, just not on the level of this year's best.

darthv72255d ago

i keep hearing about something called xbox tax. I dont even know what that is... must be some young hipster lingo. Anyways, it didnt get snubbed. It was nominated for best rpg. It likely wont win, but it is still an honor just being nominated.

Vengeance1138255d ago

Apparently the term revolves around "media bias" against Xbox lol if you can actually imagine such a thing lmao.

darthv72255d ago

Hmm... Given that many in the media (today) were likely console warrior participants growing up... I can see how that could be plausible. There certainly is a bias against Xbox outside of the media. I am reminded of the bias against Playstation when they too were the young up and comer. XB has been in this thing nearly 25 years now... I guess some just want to hold onto their grudges no matter what.

RpgSama255d ago

If anything there's media bias in FAVOR of Xbox, the amount of publications, YouTubers and sites that still defends MS it's crazy.

DarXyde254d ago

Well, it's impossible to be totally unbiased, so there's that.

If there is any prominent bias, it seems more like expectation than having an axe to grind.

Also possible (and my take on the matter) is that Starfield simply isn't the evolution one expects from a current gen game. It may be Bethesda's "most ambitious game" to date, and that is admirable. Certainly seems like their most solid release technically (you did have people stupidly saying it isn't buggy enough which is just a dumb take). But if we're being real here, this was genuinely a year of very intense competition. It's not that it is a bad game. The others are just generally more accepted/enjoyed by the public.

There's a bit less competition in the RPG department, so the nomination seems apt.

Haven't played it, not trying to speak ill of the game. But yeah, there were some heavy hitters this year, and if you've got a limited number of nominees, something is going to get pushed out.

shinoff2183254d ago (Edited 254d ago )

Theres as Much bias in the media about ps and Nintendo to. Some sites are just like that.

Have you seen the amount of Xbox youtubers there are. Say what you want but their part of the media. I don't think there's that many youtubers in favor of Sony and nintendo combined. Maybe I'm wrong with Nintendo

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 254d ago
crazyCoconuts255d ago

I'd argue that the PR engine that MS spins up is bigger and badder than PS by far, creating a bias in favor of Xbox (Xbox subsidy?), especially in North America. They're more likely to pay for placements in sitcoms on TV, etc as well. As a result, lots of casual non-gamers in the US refer to game consoles as Xboxes generically.

Plague-Doctor27254d ago

Crazy that a trillion dollar company was able to convince some people they are victims in the video game space. Even worse when people repeatedly blame others for Xbox's failures. Xbox just hasn't made many compelling first party games worthy of a GOTY nomination for over a decade. That's not on the media

Flawlessmic255d ago (Edited 255d ago )

That's the new buzzword coming from all Xbox youtubers who rather than have a bit of self awareness and just admit that starfield wasn't that great espcially compared to the games released this year, they would rather say xbox tax and that whole media is against xbox and this is why it wasn't nominated, its rigged in sonys favour lol.

its been quiet sad to see, just how bad the echo chamber they have created on youtube is lol, there all sitting there crying like this is my game of the year 100% and it should have been nominated, its a scandel blah blah blah.

i thought starfield was ok but that about it, far from anything special even other games that didn't make the list i would put above starfield aswell

Profchaos254d ago

I still don't see how the nominees are in Sony's favour when sm2 is up against two of Nintendo's biggest ips and bg3 along with Capcoms re 4 remake and Alan wake 2

I liked sm2 but I'd place many other games on the list above it still sm2 deserves a place more than starfeild imo

Flawlessmic254d ago


Agreed hahaha make it make sense.

like i said some of the xbox guys, particulary on YT and Twitter are doing some serious mental gymnastics and blaming everything and everyone and excluding the fact starfield just isnt that special

Vanfernal254d ago

So was Lies of P... What is that about? 😆

Crows90254d ago (Edited 254d ago )

Not really an honor. It was out of pity. After all their talk of the most anticipated game. All we got was some hot gas

There is a bias towards favoring Xbox as the golden boy in the industry....even though they don't contribute anything

StormSnooper254d ago

I’ve heard of xbox media bias in favor of xbox but not against. Shit, as an example, the same game can have its better version on Playstation and still get lower metacritic review score on PlayStation versus the inferior version on xbox.

generic-user-name254d ago

The same people saying IGN are bias against Xbox for their Starfield review will ignore their 2021 GOTY being Forza Horizon 5. They'll ignore blatant Xbox fanboys like Destin and Ryan McCaffrey being in prominent positions there. My favourite is how the media said nothing when crossplay between 360 and PS3 was denied by MS for so long, but when it was Sony saying no; then the media campaign against Sony's 'anti-consumerism' began.

Xbox tax is a coping mechanism.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 254d ago
ChasterMies255d ago (Edited 255d ago )

11 years in a row that no Xbox exclusives have been nominated for Game of the Year at the game awards. Not a great decade+ to be an Xbox fan.

darthv72255d ago (Edited 255d ago )

Psychonauts 2 in 2021... people keep forgetting about that one. It's easy to do considering it's the ONLY one they ever had on the GotY list.

Sonic1881255d ago (Edited 255d ago )

Wait, wasn't that a multiplatform game? I remember playing that game on PS4. I don't consider that game an exclusive

crazyCoconuts255d ago

I mean, not an Xbox exclusive though - came to PlayStation as well because, well, Double Fine was very far along on that game when Xbox bought them. Truth be told Double Fine was mostly on PlayStation (PS4/Vita) with all their games prior to Xbox buying them.

darthv72255d ago (Edited 255d ago )

^^doh... you are right. I forgot, deus said exclusive.

Crows90254d ago

Because it really wasn't an Xbox game. The IP wasn't part of Xbox and the sequel was already far in development when they were bought out

254d ago
+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 254d ago
Lightning77254d ago

As long as they have games to play that all that matters not some accolades. I haven't heard "Xbox has no games" in awhile either.

Yes I can name all the games releasing for Xbox also in 2024.

Weird comment.

IamFrasierCrane254d ago

The subject is game awards and Xbox exclusives. His comment is 100% relevant.

StormSnooper254d ago

That should tell people something about where MS wants to take gaming…

Just saying.

anast255d ago (Edited 255d ago )

The Starfield thing is shocking. I thought for sure they were going to release a solid average game, but instead they went with below average. This took me by surprise. If they had just made an average game, they would have got the nominations.

StarkR3ality255d ago

Its clearly not below average though is it? It's a 7/10 game which is above average to good. The problem is is that it wasn't the 10/10 that Xbox needed. It's still a good time for people that enjoy Bethesda titles and have a good PC, not sure about on Xbox as I don't have one.

RupeeHoarder255d ago (Edited 255d ago )

The Good, Bad, Great, Perfect yadda yadda are semantics. 7/10 IS an average game. If you look at most console games that aren’t complete garbage or bug ridden they fall in the 6-7 range. 5 is NOT “average” by any means in the game rating world. 5 and under is generally reserved for bad or broken, buggy games. 5 is in the middle of the 1-10 scale but that is not pegged as “average”. If 5 was average you would see more 2/10, 3/10 games. They are few and far between.

StarkR3ality255d ago (Edited 255d ago )

Well that's not my definition of average.. and the group consensus outside of N4G which is pretty much a playstation fan forum is that it's an above average game..

It's in the 80's on meta and opencritic.. look I'm not saying it's GOTY, I'm saying the opposite, but too often we go from one extreme to the other, it's either the best thing ever or it's shit etc etc.

No, and if that's how people view things then I feel sorry for them.

P.s, even if this game was a 98 on metacritic, the same people bashing it now, would still be shitting on it, so you know.

RpgSama255d ago

7/10 does not get you a GOTY nomination, they were lucky to even get nominated for Best RPG

StarkR3ality254d ago


Where did I say that this should win GOTY? You literally just did what I said people do.. you assume because I'm saying it's a decent game you think I'm saying it should win GOTY? I've said the exact opposite.

If this website is any indication of the general intelligence of the human race, I weep for you all I swear to god.

Crows90254d ago

Dude. A 7/10 is an average game within the way that media publications are ratings games these days.

Which games are decent and very likable games. When have you seen at five out of 10 game be likeable or decent? Most games that right at that score are horrible. They're below average.

Therefore any game that critically receives a seven out of 10 is actually an average game. Any game that receives a five out of 10 is not even worth bothering with. There are a lot of average games out there that are very much worth it. But they don't score five out of 10 they score a 7 out of 10.

Lightning77254d ago

It's still the lowest rated Bethesda title to date that's definitely a fact . It also outperformed FF16, RE4 and Mortal Kombat sales.

And yes I have my facts ready in case of any objections.

StormSnooper254d ago (Edited 254d ago )

If it had a financially “successful” release on xbox, it actually speaks to how starved the xbox fanbase was/is and how it fell short of expectations/promises. Especially considering your point about the game’s lacking quality.

Lightning77254d ago

It's not "success" it's success. They hit all the major Milestone's. Whatever fanboy verbiage you wanna use to feel better. It was clearly out of anticipation, "starved" sure let's use that I guess definitely not out of excitement. Again facts 1 it is the lowest mainline BGS game. facts 2 They even said they're supporting the game for 5 years. So expansions, updates DLC etc. facts 3.) MS does support its games very well after release.

Facts 4.) meta has an 83 Open Critic has a 85. Using everyone's logic here saying it's just average. Again I'm using yalls logic That would mean Ghost Of Tsushima was average also because it has a 83 meta also. Obviously Ghost is not average not by a long shot but y'all pretty much called it average.


"If this website is any indication of the general intelligence of the human race, I weep for you all I swear to God"

Welcome to my world.

BehindTheRows254d ago (Edited 254d ago )


"It also outperformed FF16, RE4 and Mortal Kombat sales. And yes I have my facts ready in case of any objections".

Present those facts. What did those games sell WW and show us how they compare to Starfield's current WW totals. And (this is key) what's the split between Xbox and PC?

anast254d ago

It's objectively not a good game. They used "png files" for planets among other sub par practices. Not to be rude, but you are a part of the reason why game companies continuously release crap games. This low bar mentality only makes things worse for the consumer.

purple101254d ago (Edited 254d ago )

It's a 6. Maybe 6.5 extra half point for ambition...

We all here know about the "review-gate" saga where ms pays for reviews or only cherry picks sites that would give favourable scores so I doubt the average of 7/10 is a fair average and it's probably Lower in reality . What do you think?

MrNinosan254d ago

Please provide facts that Starfield sold more than FFXVI worldwide. I'm waiting 😏

shinoff2183254d ago

tarfield was a 98 on meta it would mean they released a better game and I'd still be playing it.

+ Show (11) more repliesLast reply 254d ago
RpgSama254d ago


I'm not saying it was going to be nominated for game of the year, I'm saying it was lucky it even got for Best RPG, far better RPGs were wit this year than Starfield.

anast254d ago


Your statement is ironic when combined with your screen name.

StarkR3ality254d ago

And you're a known Sony Pony so it really wouldn't matter what I said would it..

you're all going on like I've said it's a 11/10 because I've said it's a half decent title.. you guys might have a different opinion on what a 7/10 means but that's about it. I agree it's not GOTY and won't win any awards, but just because I'm not completely on the flip side and say it's the worst game ever and it gives people cancer who play it I'm the idiot?

Right, gunna pull an Obi-Wan and say all you plastic box warriors need to rethink your lives.

anast254d ago

You don't know the definition of stark reality.

StarkR3ality254d ago (Edited 254d ago )

The only shocking truth I've come across in this conversation is how pathetic you are.

anast254d ago

"The only shocking truth I've come across in this conversation is how pathetic you are."

I'll play.

I bet you practice this speech in front of a mirror.

Your turn

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 254d ago
MrWood254d ago

Hellblade 2 will probably change that next year tbh.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 254d ago
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10 "Bad" Games I Actually Enjoyed

TNS: "We're shining a light on a bunch of "bad" games that may've been left wanting when it comes to their critical or audience reception."

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Profchaos2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

Good list I've had similar reactions to some games even ones on the list like the order and Callisto

Also I recently grabbed forspoken for, 5 dollars at a eb games Clarence sale and I am actually enjoying it more than I thought I would

Sometimes you just need to give critically panned games a chance

FTLmaster2d ago

Oh gosh, good shout on Forspoken! Genuinely forgot about that one, and haven't got around to playing it. It's on my to-buy-in-a-sale list!

Cacabunga1d 12h ago (Edited 1d 12h ago )

Knack was great ! Had a blast with the first one. Haven’t tried the second one though due to backlog

The Fight: Lights Out was also a game i enjoyed very much and highly detailed with great motion control when you understand how they work, which is what pushed people away from this game..

LoveSpuds1d 10h ago

Both The Order and Calisto were harshly treated in my view. I am not saying they are perfect, but the were both really solid games. I personally really liked them despite acknowledging their flaws and coincidentally, got the platinum trophy for both games.

Evil West is another really fun game that's worth checking out for sure.

andy851d 10h ago

Forspoken was great. Never really understood all the criticism. 2nd best traversal in a game after Spiderman

Profchaos1d 4h ago

Yeah gameplay wise I get huge infamous vibes with its combat starting out as low level eventually becoming a unstoppable power spewing killing machine with a wide variety of powers infamous is one of my favourite franchises obviously it's not the same but I love the combat of it so far.

ChasterMies2d ago

I feel like we’re finally starting to see a sea change in how we treat our favorite games. Sure, we all acknowledge that a game can suck and we can still enjoy it. Hopefully this results in meaningful review scores. Personally, I find a lot of bad games are better if you blast through them on the easiest difficulty. Callisto protocol on the image is a good example of this.

LoveSpuds1d 10h ago (Edited 1d 10h ago )

I really liked Calisto, harshly treated for sure and I don't necessarily think it needs to be played on easy to enjoy it. It's not perfect, but it's not the car crash the media portrayed it as either.

I have said it before, but part of the issue is that there is a mind share going on in games coverage, with all the main outfits being personal friends and talking too each other. As such, there is a risk that everyone ends up sharing in the same opinion rather than thinking from themselves. I reckon that's why some games get a universal bashing when consumers actually like the game and equally, games get great reviews across the board and the game doesnt land with consumers.

RaidenBlack2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

Actually, I started liking FO76 after the wastelanders DLC ... it has been my guilty pleasure
other games I can think of Order 1886, Driveclub, Resident Evil 6 (only the Leon part), Alpha Protocol (pretty unique, needs a remake), XIII Remake (after patches), Medal of Honor 2010, Medal of Honor Warfighter, Homefront The Revolution, Enemy Front, Legendary The Box, Faces of War, Conflict: Vietnam, Conflict: Global Storm & Codename: Panzers – Cold War

CosmicTurtle2d ago

Driveclub was genuinely a good game with a poor launch. Alpha Protocol is superb, just a few archaic design choices for the time.

RaidenBlack1d 12h ago

I want past games with interesting setups/mechanics but having some flaws (due to crunch or budget) to be remade so that the gaming community can appreciate and enjoy them as was envisioned and intended by the developers. In contrast to a successful game being remade again just with prettier coat of paint.
Alpha Protocol tops that and I'll include FO:NV as well as an exception (it is popular but features were cut due to limited dev time). And also Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines I, Singularity, KOTOR II and maybe Daikatana.
There might be others which I can't recall atm.

SonyStyled2d ago

I loved Enemy Front. I pre ordered it months prior and remember calling the store to check if it came out that day. The guy never heard of it but confirmed my copy was ready to pick up. Game was simple and basic in a good way. Didn’t have any tacked on extras. A simple mission and objectives in each level. Kind of reminded me of the first Crysis in a way

gold_drake2d ago

The Order was really good. abit short

RiseNShine2d ago

I loved The Order, ridiculous graphics for it's time and a very interesting setting, it was linear but not as bad as people say. Similar thing with Callisto Protocol, i admit that i played it a long time after release so maybe issues were fixed by then, but it was a fantastic Dead Space-like horror game with some of the best graphics i've seen in my life.

LoveSpuds1d 10h ago

Yup, I am afraid to say I waited on Calisto and picked it up for around 30 quid. Once I played it on felt really badly for the devs because the game was really decent.

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Brazz14d ago

Spoiler... It Will not. Bethesda is outdated.

anast14d ago

If it gets rid of the loading screens and adds space exploration, it will.

phoenixwing14d ago

loading screens and zones are hardboiled into the game, they would have to remake it to change it. which if they had just made a new engine or used someone else's they wouldn't be in this mess

purple10114d ago

only PSpro release will get rid of there loading, at at minimum, half the time it takes.

lucian22914d ago

nah cuz game has multiple things that have to happen before transition to outer space; issue is it isnt seamless

BoneMagnus14d ago

I played Starfield this past weekend. I enjoyed it and overall was about 30 hours in, but as soon as I got the e-mail about the GamePass price increase, I cancelled my account and deleted Starfield, Halo, Forza and others off my Series X.

If I want to play those games, I’ll just buy them outright - and truth is, I’m pretty sure I won’t. They aren’t worth it to me.

Ninver14d ago

Brutal truth. Thanks gor being honest.

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