
Review - WarioWare: Move It (Switch) | WayTooManyGames

WTMG's Oliver Shellding: "Personally, I really WarioWare: Move It and think it’s the best of the console-exclusive WarioWare titles. It’s visually pleasing and poppy, with plenty of voicework and excellent art moments of hilarity to keep young and old giggling. It’s far, far more movement-based than Smooth Moves, being a good workout replacement since my kids are incredibly bored with Just Dance and want something new to do. The mini games are plentiful and I feel confidence, not boredom, when I cycle back to an activity that I know and can execute. Plus, the multiplayer Doctor mode grades the winner on thumbs up from other players, not actually doing well, so parent or caregiver parents can boost a youngsters ego by helping them win every single time."

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WarioWare: Move It! (NS) Review | VGChartz

VGChartz's Stephen LaGioia: "Move It!’s fun factor doesn’t quite reach the heights it could, thanks to occasionally spotty controls, ambiguous commands, and brief microgames that vary wildly in toughness. Still, the series has always thrived on this balance of simplicity and unpredictable microgame chaos. These are traits that Move It! unapologetically leans on — and it thankfully departs from Get it Together! in doing so. It taps into that goofy Smooth Moves essence while fleshing out multiplayer features, even adding meat to the barebones solo mode through cartoon cut-scenes and boss fights.

If only the input commands were a bit clearer, and the microgames a few seconds longer, the Joy-con functionality would have more of a chance to shine. These tweaks could have potentially made this the definitive WarioWare  ;experience. As it stands, Move It! is a fairly amusing return to form that’s good for 20-30 minute sessions of party gameplay."

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WarioWare: Move It! review - Return to Posture | TechStomper

"WarioWare: Move It! is another party banger on Switch that brings back the fun motion controls of the Wii days, though it has lost some features of old."

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WarioWare: Move It! Review - Extreme Wah-robics - MonsterVine

MonsterVine: "WarioWare: Move It! is a blast from front to back."

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