
Ex-DICE developers’ very un-Battlefield shooter goes into open beta

Now’s your chance to see what The Finals is all about.

Beta is out Now on PS5, PC, XBOX

It's well worth Checking out.

isarai272d ago

Ironic title because it's actually more battlefield than battlefield is right now. It has dedicated classes, a gameplay loop and mechanics that encourage teamwork, insanely better destruction, and gameplay that rewards experimentation and in turn makes for a lot of random cool moments aka battlefield moments that bf2042 lacks

shinoff2183272d ago

Open beta sounds to much like online to me. Nah.

OMGitzThatGuy272d ago

A multiplayer game’s beta is online, shocker.

shinoff2183272d ago (Edited 272d ago )

I did fk my words up from what I was originally trying to say but to late for that edit button now.

That's the reason for the nah. Online games just take away from the single player games. So many games could've actually turned out pretty dope but they went with the multiplayer for the sake to nickel and dime. Could you imagine how dope that evil dead game could've been if it'd had been single player. So many games out there with wasted potential.

OMGitzThatGuy272d ago

So you use a game that was designed as a multiplayer game as a comparison? Sounds like you don’t want any multiplayer games at all, you can’t complain about the possibility of multiplayer taking from away from the single player and then ALSO wanting online games to be single player instead. Seems the only gamers with this mindset are PS gamers as that is all they are being given by Sony. Not everyone wants to play a game for 10-20 hours and move to the next game, and no one wants to play the same story over and over after experiencing it for the first time, they both have their place.

isarai272d ago (Edited 272d ago )


I can tell you're an older gamer like me cause I 100% get what you're trying to say 😅 basically you just miss single player experiences even in games designed for MP. Examples being games like Unreal Tournament, Battlefield series, especially Bad Company, just like all the things that make it fun but with a little direction, slightly linear.

I could definitely see like a basic sp objective based pve mode in this game being dope. But those days are gone unfortunately.

Ninver272d ago

You may wanna log off now mate. What you just spouted is incredibly dumb.

Asplundh271d ago

Some of us enjoy multiplayer games, not every game needs to be single player only.

Flenter272d ago

The Finals is really fun. That's what is all about right ?

monkey602272d ago

I went in with low expectations and I'm really enjoying it

badboyz09272d ago

never was a dice fan I'll pass.

Rocketisleague272d ago (Edited 272d ago )

Suppose it depends how old you are. They were at one point the pinnacle of shooters. Console only gamers would never have had the chance to experience the original 2142 or battlefield 2. Maybe you got o play bad company 2 if you are old enough.

Anyhow, anything EA acquired went to shit eventually. Bioware used to be top of the RPG market. Now...what is bioware even.

slate91271d ago

Bf2 and Bf2142, ah a man of culture I see

Binarycode272d ago

Maybe give it a go. I think you'll see it has a lot to offer. It's free. Teamplay is a must, Chaos, damage everywhere. Tons of fun.

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