
Forza Motorsport players can’t decide if the game looks better or worse than Horizon 5

Poor quality texture and a lack of car details are irking Forza Motorsport’s player base.

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Jin_Sakai280d ago (Edited 280d ago )

It literally looks a generation behind GT7. Turn 10 have gone downhill like the rest of Xbox game studios.


Flawlessmic280d ago

It's doesn't come close to gt7, actually booted up gt7 last night to compare the 2 as I've played close to 40 hrs of motorsport and yea gt7 wins hands down.

279d ago
Reaper22_279d ago (Edited 279d ago )

It doesn't come close but yet you put in 40 hours playing it..😂 This is hilarious. If something doesn't even come close why waste time comparing them.

You know what I think. You haven't played the new Forza or any of the ones prior. You're just doing the same old thing that 90% of the other people are. I guess you guys think if you keep repeating the same thing that it will come true.

Flawlessmic279d ago


Umm because I love sim racers, so it's natural to compare.

Also my gamertag is flawlessmic so how bout you go and check the stat's buddy then come back and apologise for your baseless accusation!!

JackBNimble278d ago

Yeah, you love sim racers but you've only put in 40hrs inGT7? And that's coming from a Sonyboy too ... lol

Flawlessmic278d ago


I said iv put 40 hrs into motorsport.

Gt7 on the other hand 180 hrs.... would u like my psn?

I'd only be to happy to prove everyone wrong lol, I got all the receipts

DarXyde278d ago


How did you botch such a short post from flawlessmic? This man, very clearly, said: "I've played close to 40 hrs of MOTORSPORT".

My days... This is what happens when you rush to comment instead of understanding what you're reading. You rush in with a raging hate boner and trip over your own d***. Well done, mate.

Cacabunga278d ago

You can only salute GT’s incredible longevity and consistent quality over the years!

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 278d ago
purple101279d ago

Oh god. The inside dash of that Mercedes on last pic. So beautiful, wel.., it is on gt7

Obscure_Observer279d ago (Edited 279d ago )

"It literally looks a generation behind GT7. Turn 10 have gone downhill like the rest of Xbox game studios."

You have nothing but pictures in photo mode to compare.

REAL GAMEPLAY tells another story!


There´s literally no comparison to the superior racer


279d ago
ironmonkey279d ago

You just made it look even worse with those bland Forza clips. Colours and details are off. The water splash like a cartoon game. Forza 5 looks better than it's brand new 2023 game. Embarrassing.

Obscure_Observer279d ago (Edited 279d ago )


"You're right, there is no comparison to the superior racer GT7."

Forza is a true next gen racer and GT7 is a PS4 game enhanced by the PS5! FACTS!

You can´t make shit up!

Everytime you try to compare you´ll lose.



"You just made it look even worse with those bland Forza clips. Colours and details are off."

GT7 looks like a stiff cartoon image with it´s over saturated collors, third person camera is horrible car does´t even move, poor sense of speed, poor physics, less detailed, poor lighting, poor sound from GT6 game, smoke like rain effects (wtf), no damage models, poor reflections, no RT on racing, poor water, smoke, rain, mist and fog effects...

I could go on but it´s not even funny at this point.

Reaper22_279d ago

I think deep down they know Forza is a great looking and playing game. They're saying" are you gonna believe what I say or what you eyes see.😂

Jin_Sakai279d ago


Literally no one takes you serious hence the disagrees. Idk why you keep defending Xbox unless you’re one of those paid users by Microsoft to defend Xbox in forums.

279d ago
Binarycode279d ago (Edited 279d ago )

If you think that's what Tracks looks like in the wet lmfao.(forza)



Most racing games go for the extreme Rain, Shinny happy tracks. Don't get me wrong So tracks do reflect more then others when wet. But you find racing games treat them all the same.

Besides DriveClub already did the heavy weather thing.

Forza is not a sim regardless. You cannot drive in heavy rain as Forza lets you do. it's comical. Stopping on a dime.You would be aquaplaning all over the place.

Lastly. GT7 is a PS4 game. Not PS5. Built ground up for PS4.

GT8 will be PS5 only.

RupeeHoarder279d ago (Edited 279d ago )

It’s sad you have to defend a “next-gen” Forza to a literally almost 2 year old PS4 cross-gen racer and pick apart what looks better. Tells you all you need to know about how good Forza looks. Can’t wait for a next-gen GT that leaves both the PS4 and Forza well behind.

278d ago
azizlksa278d ago

I have Forza Motorsport on RTX4090 and it looks like dogshit compared to GT7

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 278d ago
Babadook7279d ago

Now imagine the PSVR2 version. Mmmmmmm. 😊

343_Guilty_Spark279d ago (Edited 279d ago )

You need to have your eyes checked because its not even close. GT7 looks great but the colors are oversaturated and flat, gamma turned up, reflections are significantly better on FM, environmental details are better, car details like car tires and lights are better....the physics model is better. Night racing looks better with lights properly casting light and shadow in the car interior...in GT7 its just black in the interior, rain better, time of day lighting better, shadow quality is better.

VR is pretty sweet on GT7

278d ago
porkChop279d ago (Edited 279d ago )

Why are they using images from GT7's photo mode and replay mode? Those modes have raytracing and higher quality graphics which aren't there when you're actually racing. I'm sure GT7 does look better, PD have always raised the visual bar. But this seems like an unfair comparison.

Hypertension140279d ago


The only detail I've noticed that gets a graphical downgrade during gameplay are the rims and tires, other that the models look the same as the screenshots. Forzas model on the other had get a noticeable downgrade all around, if you don't believe me go to photo mode.

dumahim279d ago

Throw this one in as well.


Look at that sad excuse of a Subaru emblem in the grille.

278d ago
Hypertension140279d ago


Your so full of s**t, you and observer it's quite clear you guys never played the game.

Obscure_Observer278d ago (Edited 278d ago )

No, YOU´re full of sh!t!

You people shamelessly uses images from replay and photo mode which artificially enhances the graphics, because you know quite well that IN GAME your PS4 game can´t come close to a true next gen racer!

Only in your delusional mind a crossgen game would stand a chance against a true next gen racer. Smdh.

GT7 got almost two years worth of updates and still can´t come close to FM. In just one year getting updates, FM will completely bury GT7 into the ground!

And no, I´m not hating on GT7, I said it´s a great racer. A great racer for the last generation standards! It was build on a last generation engine so it can´t possible be on par with a next generation Forza powered by a next gen ForzaTech!

Forza is just on another level entirely, doesn´t matter how hard you try to deny. It is what it is.

Hypertension140279d ago (Edited 279d ago )


another one that thinks playing GT Sport is the same as playing GT7, they do NOT look the same, play the game first before talking.

VariantAEC278d ago

To be fair GT5 6 Sport and 7 in photomodes look very similar (even rendering out 4K images and 3D images for PS3 back in the day).
That's because the car models textures and shaders were all really excellent on PS3 and 800+ of those car models from the PS3 era (not just the "standard rendered" ones either) were just tossed out and rebuilt for PS4. Of course, on PS3 rendering 4K images took quite a bit of time maybe 15-20 seconds in Photo Travel mode... I remember it like it was yesterday!

Anyway, PS5 renders minimum of 4K images in GT7, and even with RT it still takes around 4-5 seconds instead of 15-20 to render out a standard 4K image (nearly a minute for 4K+3D images) than back on PS3. Additionally, photomode doesn't actually improve visuals in real substantial ways. The better shader models of GT Sport and even better shader models plus RT in GT7 are of course missing from GT5/6.

The very fact that we could post GT5 and GT6 images and most of these Forza Motorsport eccentrics wouldn't actually know the difference between those PS3 shots and real life car pictures and GT7 is all we really need. GT5 is when realism really became possible in GT's renderer, but to say that even GT Sport looks identical to 7... it's a boldfaced lie.

GT7 is improved in ways that are still tangible, especially when you get comfortable with 7 on PS4 and then just boot up the PS4 version of GT7. The difference is both seen and the psychological effects of that visual downgrade are easily felt even though GT7 on PS4 and Sport are still 60FPS. PS5 still has the best looking 1st party racing game and GT7 is still the best looking racing simulator.

Forza Motorsport (including 8 aka: 2023) is atrocious looking especially given their 6 year development time, potentially huge budget, the team's long history making Motorsport titles, the marketing hype behind FM23, what was shown off of the game's early builds initially, and what we know Xbox Series X and PC's are capable of delivering. Forza as a whole (the entire IP) hasn't produced anything real drivers (not paid sponsors) would call a sim yet.
Add to that, the abysmal physics, monumental list of bugs some game breaking ones, which reset progress, supposedly 'meh' wheel implementation, and shoddy online MP. For $70 you got one heck of a rip-off in FM23.

Even I wasn't expecting FM23 to be in this poor a state on launch especially after a nearly 1 year delay.

1Victor279d ago

By logic (not logic the comment writer here) if you can’t tell if it looks better or worse it’s because it’s the same game with some engine upgrades or new features 🤷🏿

Fonsecap278d ago (Edited 278d ago )

Dude they're comparing the two Forza, why bring GT7 to the discussion?
Anyway I think Horizon 5 looks better than Motorsport overall, especially the car models , I will not compare the scenery for obvious reasons, Motorsport is about racing tracks and horizon is an open world which lets the track design to be more creative. I'll say horizon looks better or at least is more visually appealing than Motorsport

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 278d ago
Flawlessmic280d ago

It's worse, horizon 5 consistently looked pristine at all times.

Motorsport very rarely ever looks pristine and the car models and paints are severely lacking.

eagle21279d ago

Forza Motorsport has that foggy, ashy look to it like Starfield. It's blurry "4K"...lol.

Reaper22_279d ago (Edited 279d ago )

I think people need to get their eyes checked. Forza looks stunning and it supports dolby atmos. The majority of the criticism is coming from sony fans who are gonna say this regardless. This(me) Forza player can decide and it's clear Forza is better than any other racer out there. And yes this includes the latest GT.

I get it. People are still mad about starfield, Bethsda and the Activision deal closing. It's about time to move on.

DarkZane279d ago

Sorry but no. Having played both of them one after the other the other day, GT7 is simply a lot better visually. Forza Horizon 5 look better than Forza and that's an open world.

Reaper22_279d ago (Edited 279d ago )

Playing both of them doesn't make your opinion more valid. GT is not "a lot better visually". That just plain asinine. Do you guys know how ridiculous you sound when you say Horizon 5 looks better. You sony guys forget that Turn 10 co- developed Forza Horizon 5 and the ones prior. so basically your trying to bash turn 10 but at the same time you are prasing them....😂

Like I said before, yall are still mad about the acquisition of Activision because you thought it was gonna fail. Everything is gonna be alright though. Don't be mad about things you can't control.

279d ago
279d ago Replies(1)
279d ago Replies(1)
DankSinatra279d ago

Nothing to do with their dealings over devs. GT7 is just factually better looking. The fact that this is your go to argument says a lot. You saying "well that's your opinion" does not change the fact that more people agree than they do with you.

Rude-ro279d ago

Microsoft, in the last decade, have proven they use more smoke and mirror tricks and marketing over quality.
Why? To sell the ideal they are as good as the competition for impulse buying.

Later halos used 1080p hud displays on top of 900p range game engine just to say 1080p

False advertising for forza 3
False advertising for this forza
Staged presentations for Kinect games

On and on.
Crackdown 3 was literally the very definition of lies.

Halo infinite looks like halo 2 but with better textures.

So history literally does not back up your fandom defense.

You just eat up their marketing as reality and sell it in comment sections for them.

gold_drake278d ago

im not sire what dolby atmos has anything to do with how it looks haha.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 278d ago
Barlos279d ago

Doesn't really matter as long as they're enjoying it.

Godmars290279d ago

It matters cause MS stands throw "Xbox quality" in mainly Sony stands faces, and everyone else has deal with the fallout.

Manly by laughing, then gawking at suggestion MS should lead the industry.

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Forza Motorsport PC modded: extra detail and improved ray tracing are there for the taking | DF

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VariantAEC2d ago

What a joke... wonder how long until FM23 with RTGI is compared with GT7 on PS4, though? Also which game will look better?


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BurritoWarrior168d ago

Beyond repair at this point the people have made up their minds on this game already. You had one chance and ya blew it

execution17168d ago

Should've took what they did with 4s progression and improved on it


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