
Forza Motorsport Review - Heavy Metal Mercy | TechRaptor

Six years since the last entry, and in the wake of Forza Horizon taking the world by storm, Turn 10 has returned to reboot the Motorsport series, but is it a clean lap, or a crash out?

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dRanzer296d ago

That to low for this game of quality

purple101296d ago

Yeh they do it for clicks. This is a 8/10 all day long.

Kakashi Hatake295d ago

What's new? It's the same thing each time. Same for GT. Don't understand the high scores for any racing game these days when they're basically copy paste at this point. Sports games are held to a standard, why not racers.

S2Killinit295d ago (Edited 295d ago )

No racing game has amazed me as much as GT7 in VR. That is true next gen racing imo.

@Kakashi (kudos on name btw)
Well this one is literally a re-release of a old game.

thesoftware730295d ago (Edited 295d ago )

"8/10 all day long"
Have you played it, to make such a definitive statement?

"No racing game has amazed me as much as GT7 in VR. That is true next gen racing imo."
Yeah, but it costs about $1,200-$1,300 to play it that way.

S2Killinit295d ago (Edited 295d ago )

No it doesn't. Otherwise Forza costs $600 with taxes to play it in any way.

Strange way to look at a game.

darthv72295d ago (Edited 295d ago )

@S2, okay, so maybe 730 math was off. Let's break it down.

GT7 cost to play in VR2 (minimum) $400 (PS5 Digital), $550 (VR2), $70 (game) = $1020 (+tax)
GT7 cost to play in VR2 (maximum) $500 (PS5 Disc), $550 (VR2), $70 (game), $100* (wheel) = $1220 (+tax)
*Please note the wheel is optional and only added to the maximum as an example. It could be added to the minimum way to play as well and prices do vary from wheel to wheel.

FM8 cost to play (minimum) $300 (SS), $17 (1mo game pass) or $70 (game) = $317 or $370 (+tax)
FM8 cost to play (maximum) $500 (SX), $17 (1mo game pass) or $70 (game), $100+ (wheel) = $617 or $670 (+tax)
*Please note the wheel is optional and only added to the maximum as an example. It could be added to the minimum way to play as well and prices do vary from wheel to wheel.

I forgot to add in the cost of a TV on the FM8 side seeing as the VR2 is its own self contained screen. So the price of TV vary from brand and size. Lets say the average price is $300 so that will change the minimum and maximum prices to $600-700+ for SS and $900-1000+ for SX respectively.

wesnytsfs295d ago

@S2Killinit, you should try the good vr racing games on PC. GT7 was not very good graphically or otherwise compared to the PC racing VR scene.

fr0sty294d ago (Edited 294d ago )

Darth, don't forget the cost of the microtransactions which GT7 lacks... and you can't compare playing a racing game in VR with playing one on a flat screen... it is a totally different experience that doesn't just increase immersion, it actually makes you a better driver, as you can see in full 3D with depth perception down the track to more accurately judge incoming turns, etc.

You also aren't accurately representing the TV... PSVR2 has a HDR OLED screen, good luck finding a 120hz HDR OLED TV for $300... lol.

More accurately, to play Forza at the fidelity of PSVR2, you need a $500 console, a roughly $1000 OLED HDR TV (which still might not be able to do 120hz), $70+ for the game (unless you plan on only playing it for a month), plus the amount needed for microtransactions to actually unlock the full game... and you still don't get the 3D audio, haptic feedback, or the groundbreaking 3D VR experience. $1600+ for the Forza experience, $1120 for PSVR2 with GT7.

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TheExecutioner295d ago

I guess Sony paid the dev to make this game look bad on xbox with low scoring

S2Killinit295d ago

Yeah and its N4G’s fault as well.

Vx_295d ago

I'm a PS/PC gamer, but I can also appreciate good games even though I'm not a racing game fan, from what I have seen this game is at least 8/10, you can smell BS reviews like this one from miles away,

Sonic1881295d ago

What's funny is that you want see that certain group commenting in this article because of the review score 😂

Rgbsquad294d ago

Troll reviewers will be troll reviewers

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 294d ago
shadowT296d ago

most reviews have a good 80 score

ChasterMies295d ago

Most review scores are inflated. I not only welcome the low scores I encourage these “news” sites to give them. A perfectly decent game should be a 6/10.

Crows90295d ago

They should switch to a scale /5...this gets rid of score inflating.

PhillyDonJawn295d ago

Now that's something we can agree on Crows.

BrainSyphoned295d ago

Always one, till the places MS didn't send codes to get the game, then it's the many.

andy85295d ago

Yikes now that one's nonsense. Always one

Profchaos295d ago (Edited 295d ago )

And here's the ckickbait review the games fair reviews should range from around 7.5 to 9 the perfect 10 scores and low 5.5 scores clearly show 1 of 2 things strong bias or the reviewer sucks at or dislikes racing games

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Forza Motorsport PC modded: extra detail and improved ray tracing are there for the taking | DF

Extra detail, improved RT reflections and RT global illumination can be modded into Forza Motorsport PC. Here's how.

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VariantAEC2d ago

What a joke... wonder how long until FM23 with RTGI is compared with GT7 on PS4, though? Also which game will look better?


Forza Motorsport To Remove Car Upgrade Progression Limit

A new update for Forza Motorsport has been announced that will remove the car upgrade progression limit. It will come out next month.

BurritoWarrior168d ago

Beyond repair at this point the people have made up their minds on this game already. You had one chance and ya blew it

execution17168d ago

Should've took what they did with 4s progression and improved on it


Best Racing Game of 2023

VGChartz's Craig S: "2023 was something of a strange and surprising year for the racing genre, at least when it came to our Nominees for Best Racing Game of 2023. There were unexpected changes to long-established series, fruitful reunions, and highly unexpected returns. The WRC license went to EA and subsidiary Codemasters for the first time in over 20 years, resulting in one of the most acclaimed WRC titles in years; the mainline Forza Motorsport series made its long-awaited return after a gap of six years; F-Zero went one further by getting a new entry almost 19 years(!) after the last one; and Hot Wheels Unleashed 2 built upon the solid foundation of the first title to create a new series that's not to be slept on."

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