
Forza Motorsport Review - IGN

Forza Motorsport is brimming with new features across the board, from its muscular new multiplayer to its much-improved handling, but its new RPG-inspired upgrade system feels like a step down.

Jin_Sakai296d ago (Edited 296d ago )

Currently an 84 Metacritic making it one of the lowest rated Forza Motorsports titles aside from FM5 and tied with the first entry.

Lol at all the Xbox centric sites slapping 90+ scores on it because well it’s Xbox.


solideagle296d ago

I don't know why but it made me laugh...

This is why Meta should have some sort of Algorithm where if majority is 8 then no one should be able to submit 2-4/10 or biased websites shouldn't be allowed etc. just my humble opinion

-Foxtrot296d ago

It had to happen eventually

They update the graphics and that’s all really

I could say the same about GT but it feels like we get a lot more Forza since you have the Horizon games aswell. These kind of games should be once per generation where they utilise the power of their consoles as much as they can.

However despite being a lower score it’s still getting the average 8, as in “we don’t want to p*** the wrong people off but we don’t want to give it a high review” score

Ra3030296d ago

"Biased websites"
You know these early reviews are critic reviews and these codes are basically handed out by the Game Developers and more importantly the game Publisher and in this case that's Microsoft that's handed the codes out. They basically hand select every code to be delivered this isn't open critic reviews by fanboys.
The game sits at a 84 score as of now and that's not a bad score but lets be honest Forza Motorsport is no more than a remaster that's remastered every 3 to 4yrs and released and called a new game maybe these hand selected critics are finally onto the scam.

dumahim296d ago


"They update the graphics and that’s all really"

Don't agree there. They're now locking away car upgrades behind the car level and you don't spend money on the parts. This is a huge turn off for me since I like to experiment with different cars. I can't just dump money into a car to see if it's going to perform as I like. Now I have to invest time into the car first, then spend those upgrade points.
Plus the whole live service aspect of it all.

darthv72296d ago

Next week cant come soon enough. Im eager to play this for myself.

Becuzisaid296d ago

I actually agree a lot with what @solideagle said. If metacritic is using a straight average of all review scores then that is easily effected by outlier scores like sites giving a game a 2/10 or 4/10, when clearly the bulk are in the 8/10 range. This could be fixed if they start representing their aggregate measure with the group median, as that is less effected by outliers. Also, I think it's worth a look into if a particular website tends to show up as an outlier across multiple reviews, then that website should be banned from being included on metacritic.

RauLeCreuset296d ago

@solideagle and Becuzisaid

"This overall score, or METASCORE, is a weighted average of the individual critic scores. Why a weighted average? When selecting our source publications, we noticed that some critics consistently write better (more detailed, more insightful, more articulate) reviews than others. In addition, some critics and/or publications typically have more prestige and respect in their industry than others. To reflect these factors, we have assigned weights to each publication (and, in the case of movies and television, to individual critics as well), thus making some publications count more in the METASCORE calculations than others."


Somewhat of a solution to the issue which creates another concern: Meta picking and choosing which reviews matter most. The idea behind Metacritic is ridiculous.

blackblades296d ago

Imagine if they werent such a azz kisser that metric score would be lower for there games

itsmebryan296d ago (Edited 296d ago )

Is 84 a bad score?

PrinceOfAnger296d ago

Currently at 85.

and is it fine that sony sites give high scores for ps games ? because well it's playstation.
Playstation Lifestyle 100/100
Dualshockers 100/100
Playstation Official Magazine Australia 100/100
Playstation Universe 95/100
Playsense 95/100

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 296d ago
peppeaccardo296d ago

But XBOXers will be playing this for years to come !!! .. ah no .. sorry wrong game :P

EvertonFC296d ago

🤣😂 made me genuinely chuckle

repsahj296d ago

I really really thought that it will surpass GT7 graphics because of how good forza horizons graphics are.

thesoftware730296d ago

"Forza Motorsport is, by a significant margin, the best feeling game in the Motorsport franchise to date."

Sounds like a step up to me, he just didn't like the RPG car leveling which I think is great, makes you really learn a car and doesn't throw a new one at you every 5 sec. Shit you can even level in free play lol.

EvertonFC296d ago

I think the rpg leveling made a SIM racer feel arcady and also way to much going on screen with the HUD although I'm sure you can turn them off.

badz149295d ago

LOL and now suddenly EVERYBODY is acknowledging the floaty handling of cars in previous Forza games just so they can now praise this new Forza GAAS. hypocrites!

EvertonFC295d ago

I got about 300 disagrees on here years ago for saying the forza cars felt floaty on the track 🤣😂

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 295d ago
purple101296d ago

say hello to a $36 or £29.99 premium car pack ONTOP of your gamepaass too.


CappyBlack296d ago

Isn't Sony also very aware of that; being they have about a dozen coming down the pipeline? Being that they paid billions for a studio just to direct them how to monetize their releases to their benefit. I don't see Microsoft pumping out supposed Gaas title after Gass title; despite constantly hearing that's the case. I sure do know that Sony, out of their own mouths, made a public statement on just that being a confirmation.

IRetrouk296d ago

Gt is gaas and it dont charge anything for cars or tracks🤷🏻‍♂️

EvertonFC296d ago

GT7 cars were free updates and that was a full price GaaS game.
It's Ok if you're playing FMS through GP and maybe don't mind buying the pack but what about the gamers who paid full price.

ravens52296d ago

Redfall, Starfield and this. Aren't those all gaas games?

PitbullMonster296d ago

That's the point of Gamepass. Put the game base into GP and the rest must be bought. After you cancel your subscription you lose the access to all the things you bought.

Rude-ro295d ago

Micro transactions and seasons on a subscription game?
That is literally just throwing money away.



You don't see Microsoft pumping out Gaas games because they haven't been pumping out games. HALO infinite and Gears 5 had some of the worst microtransactions.


+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 295d ago
Fonsecap296d ago

Yeah you can have games day one on gamepass but then they sell dlc on the side, it's a bit scummy move...

obidanshinobi296d ago

Scummy yes but that is how Gamepass becomes profitable.
Just imagine when COD hits GP after the Acti/Blizz buyout, they will be raking it in.
It's why Sony fought so hard to keep COD on Playstation, as they stand to miss out on billions of dollars from their share of COD mtx sales on PS.

yeahokwhatever295d ago

COD will be dead without PS. Its going to be HILARIOUS.

obidanshinobi296d ago (Edited 296d ago )

Hey, Lamborghinis and yachts don't pay for themselves you know.
The top execs need their multi-million dollar bonuses every year, so if that means sacking hundreds of employees or ramming the games with extra charges then so be it.

Profchaos296d ago

Sounds like there's overall less content then 7 but they tried to make the mechanics deeper by building rpg like systems. It's a interesting take but I find the reduction in tracks and cars a little disappointing especially Bathurst.

Workshyskiver296d ago

Its the GAAS approach that they are all looking at to help compensate with how long development cycles are now. Build a solid platform with less content than previous but add in over time to keep player engagement high.

Profchaos296d ago

It is concerning to see these games coming as part of your subscription but requiring add on packs over time and likely paid DLC which makes the base game a foundation but the real content will cost as Microsoft moves to make gaming more profitable it only makes sense they focus on smaller releases and pump paid DLC to a games fans

dumahim296d ago

I watched a quick impression video this morning from someone I follow on youtube, and he pointed out that a good chunk of the lesser car count is cutting out the crap like offroad trucks and SUVs that really don't have a place in a track focused racing game like this.
Yeah, the track count is a letdown, but at least they plan on adding some for free in the next few months.

Terry_B296d ago

Another boring mainstream racing game that I might buy when the complete edition in 2 years is available for less than half of the initial price.

dumahim296d ago

Even with such an edition, it won't include everything like the career mode stuff that cycles out over time.

blackblades296d ago

I played hot wheels lately it was fun. I miss the old days split second would be so good on this gen systems. Racing games needs so intense things going on like spli seconds or motostorm

cthulhucultist296d ago

Its definitely a step down in regards to content in comparison to Forza's 7
500 cars and 20 tracks vs 700 cars and 32 locations .

In any case, if indeed 500 are unique cars like the article states, then that is certainly a positive because other games had many duplicate enhanced or racing editions that bolstered the numbers.

The number of cars and tracks per game has been varied for both GT and Forza however.

I recall back in the launch of xbox one where PS fanboys mocked Forza 5 for light content (only around 200 cars which was really bad at that time since it was rushed to meet launch date) and then few years later when GT Sport was launched, it was praised by them despite having less than 200 cars.

My point is that consumers should demand for a game to be released as a full package (car list, sufficient tracks, no main story components missing to be released as DLC, no bugs, no micro transactions for full priced game) and not be blinded by fanboyism that results in supporting such practices.

MS clearly went the GaaS route here as admitted by them after all


which means that they are going to monetize this as much as possible.

Remembers that Forza 7 came with microtransactions and was bashed because of it and were later removed.

GT Sport launched with no microtransactions and added them later with an update


Therefore both companies here are trying to find a model to maximize their profits to the detriment of the consumers.

IRetrouk296d ago (Edited 296d ago )

One big difference then though was one actually rebuilt their engine from scratch and the other didnt....

Also forza still had Mt's, every dlc car became one as you could buy them individually, it was loot boxes they got rid of.

cthulhucultist295d ago

I am not sure in understand your comment.

Forza Motorsport has so many visual and gameplay upgrades over its predecessor

overhauled car/driving physics
intricate car models with better car materials as well
detailed and well-lit tracks
with ray-traced reflections
enormous improvements made to foliage
3d crowds
improved lighting with ray-traced ambient occlusion (RTAO)
Global illumination considerably enhanced
volumetric clouds instead of the crude texture-based clouds
Each track is remodelled with improved lighting and materials work and the updated foliage
better car rendering

If anything, Forza shows clear improvement and it shows.

Is it a better game than GT? I will let people be the judge of this, as both games have their advantages and disadvantages.

But the point remain: Both games target consumer wallets aggressively.

IRetrouk295d ago (Edited 295d ago )

@above, we are talking about f7 and gt sport

I hadn't mentioned the new one, but seeing as you seem to want my take here it is...
their engine is improved but it's certainly not rebuilt from the ground up lile they claimed, they are using various models from older games, and the ai is still dumb as doorbells, their handling model is tighter but very much still forza, and their raytracing is a downgrade from what they showed the game could do....
Again, we wernt actually talking about the newer games, but yes, they have improved their engine, the game looks great, plays like forza, the only negative for me is the way the car progression system works, they ripped it straight from grid legends but actually managed to make it a longer more drawn out experiance.

cthulhucultist294d ago

@IRetrouk My bad, I thought you were talking about the new Forza.

But if you allow me, I still have a question in regards to the rebuilt engine mention.

Does it matter that a company says that they rebuilt their engine gameplay wise if it is not that evident?

Forza as you correctly pointed out, improved the game but not necessarily rebuilt it from the ground up. They used it as marketing buzzword to justify the 6 year hiatus between releases.

GT Sport had rebuilt its engine as you said, but the game scored lower than most GT and Forza's in metacritic.

Thus words or developer statements do not matter as much as actual gameplay.

And both developers add microtransactions to their games (MS even more aggressively) which was my main concern.

IRetrouk294d ago

I just don't like smoke being blown up my arse lol, I actually enjoy both series, for all the negatives I listed there is much, much improved too, racing fans really are getting spoilt these last couple years.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 294d ago
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BurritoWarrior168d ago

Beyond repair at this point the people have made up their minds on this game already. You had one chance and ya blew it

execution17168d ago

Should've took what they did with 4s progression and improved on it


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