
TGS 2023: FoamStars is a Surprisingly Good Time | Hardcore Gamer

FoamStars may look like little more than a Splatoon knock-off, but there's a bit more here than meets the eye. Foam does not work as one would assume, and the goal isn't to just spray over as much of the field as possible. This is casual, elimination focused game where foam is king and there's actually a lot of fun to be had.

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Zeref366d ago (Edited 366d ago )

This game looked interesting to me from the start, I always wanted a Splatoon that's not only on Nintendo.

Too bad this one is only Playstation. They're basically sending it out to die without multiplatform support

Vits366d ago

It sort of gave me Destruction AllStars or Exoprimal vibes. Like an interesting concept that will probably not work as well as it should because of an external factor. In this case the exclusivity.

Einhander1972364d ago

I don't think you realize how irrelevant xbox is for sales.

I went on Amazon to look at MK1 and you can see the sales rank,

The PS5 version is rank 31 in video games, the xbox version is 535.

Spider-Man is number 12, FFVIIR2 is 16, PS5 FC 24 is 35, Madden NFL PS4 75, Cyberpunk PS4 81, PS4 FC24 83.

There are ZERO games in the top 100 on xbox. So, even the PS4 is selling more software than any xbox console on Amazon.

Zeref364d ago (Edited 364d ago )

1st of all. I'm not just talking about Xbox. I said MULTIPLATFORM. Meaning ALL platforms. Including Nintendo, PC and Playstation. This is the type of game that needs to be on all platforms.

2nd It's well known that Xbox users are far ahead with adopting digital than PS5 users. Physical sales don't say much when comparing.

3rd. That's your regions Amazon. There's plenty of Xbox games on the top 100 in my region.
In my region Mortal Kombat 1 on ps5 is #17 and #31 on Xbox.
FC 24 is #2 for Playstation and #4 for Xbox. So yeah pretty close. And this is a region where Playstation dominates.

Not that that is relevant in any way. Just telling you there are differences.

Einhander1972364d ago

I want to see some pictures, you're lying, I'm in the US the best region for xbox, or just tell me your region and I will go to your Amazon.

Yeah, you're right though most xbox users have a last gen console with an SSD in it.

Einhander1972364d ago

I'll do it for you.


Here is the top 40 in the US, none of those games are even close to where you say they are.

thesoftware730366d ago (Edited 366d ago )

How is this on PS5 and has worse looking graphics than Splatoon lol.

Oh and the game just looks overall worse than Splatoon, gameplay, characters, modes, everything....but yeah, the graphics and style looks shit.

blackblades366d ago

Who cares, the people are having fun and you over here whining about how it looks.

thesoftware730366d ago

Errrr, I mentioned,

"Oh and the game just looks overall worse than Splatoon, gameplay, characters, modes, everything....but yeah, the graphics and style looks shit."

You must of missed, where I said Gameplay, Modes and everything lol.

And yes, mostly what I can go by is how it looks for now. All of a sudden graphics don't matter huh, lol you funny...but you missed the mark if that is all you got from my comment. Read my comment again, and yes one more time, I expect better presentation on my PS5 over my underpowered Switch. If you gonna copy, I would expect better than what I'm seeing.

goldwyncq365d ago

This obsession with graphics above everything else is why most AAA games suck nowadays.

365d ago
thesoftware730365d ago (Edited 365d ago )

Lol, you guys are really not reading, what's up with the comprehension skills? I mentioned multiple aspects of the game dude.

Read the comment again, and yes graphics absolutely matters...when game look like ass, we all comment on it.

@DD, you right, I love my Switch even tho it can't do 4k 60fps...lmao.


FOAMSTARS transitioning to Free-to-Play

FOAMSTARS, currently available on PlayStation®5 and PlayStation®4, will change from its current regional pricing to a free-to-play title starting from October 4th 2024 at 1:00AM.

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darthv7229d ago

When I saw this on X, all that followed were comments that Concord should do the same.

thorstein29d ago

That will happen in two months.

Foamstars was a PS Plus title.

smashman9829d ago

I think it'll happen in February.

XxSPIDEYxX29d ago

Game is very fun. The right choice to do since the game already has a live service structure.

29d ago
TwoPicklesGood29d ago

Let this trash die. It’s not even worth playing when free.

Zeref29d ago (Edited 29d ago )

Man. I feel bad for this game. I would have played it on PC.
Why would you restrict this to only the Playstation?

Sony is absolutely horrendous at handling multiplayer games.

Between this, Destiny 2 and charging 40 dollars for the average at best Concord.

They're literally sending out their multiplayer games out to die.

darthv7229d ago

Putting it also on PC and XB with cross platform play would be a pretty nice move to boost players.

MWeaver58929d ago

To be fair, Square Enix absolutely set Foamstars up to die regardless of platforms.

First they had the brilliant idea to release Final Fantasy Rebirth's demo on the same day as Foamstars. This essentially took all of the attention off of it in a way that is entirely avoidable.

From there it was a rather lacking experience. I don't just mean in terms of modes/maps, though it was there as well, I distinctly remember there being nothing to really chase besides season pass levels. Everything else was just time served by playing as X character, or Y number of matches. Some of the choices were also so unfathomably bad I legitimately don't understand the logic.

This was something I initially mentioned in my review. The main free reward players could chase after was a solid silver skin for playing 333 matches, and a gold version for 777 matches. I followed up when another update hit with a separate article because they added a pink metallic skin for 1,500 matches. I don't think I did it for the last one, but they also added a black metallic skin for 3,000 matches. Mind you, each are per character, so you'd need 33,000 Foamstars matches to have every skill. You'd also have to play another 3,000 matches each time a new character releases, and a match only counts if it's as a player you don't have the skin for in question.

Even the paid side was set up to fail. They did FOMO costumes, which can be a motivator for some, but then they made later costumes palette swaps. I could get the trench coat, and top hat skin for one of the characters anytime in red/black, white was only offered for the first season, purple is "limited," black with gold flourishes was also in season one, with black/silver being a standard product. I also remember from my follow up post some of the details were deceptive. Seasons would add "over 20 skins," but things like the aforementioned Pink Metallic skin was among them. This meant every season after the first would have 8/2X of the skins simply be those versions.

Finally, the seasonal set up is designed to churn players. Players were given I want to say five weeks to finish a season, and I think the highest I ever made it was 30 out of 40 ranks, and even that took something crazy like 20 hours. I remember calling it a subscription, because it essentially was. And given the high expectations, and extreme FOMO, it makes sense most players walked away.

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Foamstars Tropical Jackpot Makes Unlocking Characters Easier and Adds a New Mode

The biggest change with Foamstars Tropical Jackpot is changing how previous seasonal characters are unlocked. - IS

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60d ago
InUrFoxHole57d ago

Come Champion your game fellas!


Foamstars Future Funk Now Available; New Pricing Revealed on DLC

Foamstars latest season, Future Funk, is now available for all players to enjoy. - IS

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