
With Switch 2 Coming, Portable Devices Could Be The Future From Here On

Thanks to their portability, steadily advancing hardware, and superb library, portable gaming devices might become the dominant choice soon.

GoodGuy09366d ago

Consoles, desktops, and handhelds are all here to stay. Good to have all these options.

MrNinosan364d ago

Hope not.
I'm fine they're around, but the day it makes my gaming experience worse on home consoles is when I will hure someone to burn down Nintendo.

Nintendo almost suceeded destroying gaming with Wii.
Due to amazing sales for people who didn't knew better, Sony started on the Move Controllers and MS on the Kinect.
Luckily enough they both flopped and they went back to focus on the right things.

364d ago
364d ago
Hofstaderman364d ago

No. Portable has been around since forever. It's a supplement to a traditional console. Will get a switch 2, but I anticipate that I will be playing it in bed like the current switch.

BrainSyphoned364d ago

Unless Nintendo fixes their online, shopping, achievements and other key quality of life features that's a no. It will be worth buying for a specific handful of games like most Ninetndo systems and not much beyond that. I don't doubt it will be in the running for the best selling system of all time, but, it will still be the side action and not the platform to move in with.

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GameBoy vs. GabeBoy: Will the Steam Deck rise above the Switch?

Dan Rizzo says "A surprising turn of events, if I say so myself. We knew a rejoinder was about to hit the Big N, but not in the way we were expecting. A PSVITA follow-up? Probably. An XBOX Series H? (for handheld, get it?) Possibly. But Steam? A handheld PC gaming device that allows you to take your games on the go? Well let’s do some homework."

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Bladesfist1160d ago

It has no shot in becoming more popular than the Switch but that's fine. It's not the same product, one is a gaming console and the other is a handheld PC that you can do your work on if you so choose.

Vits1160d ago

Given how Valve deals with hardware. It's very likely that it was never supposed to compete with consoles given how limited the hardware supply will be.

Christopher1160d ago

I think its overall success will depend on countries like Japan where mobile gaming is dominant. Tons of Japanese gamers have also moved away from consoles to PC gaming. If they can get that on the go... it might do really well.

Tetsujin1160d ago

One is a dedicated gaming device, the other is a portable device with multiple functions/uses depending on the user. Personally, I'd side with the Steam Deck on how open the options are regarding gaming and other functions, and costing almost the same as the Switch itself. Also, I have yet to play a bad game from Valve; I can't say the same involving Nintendo.

Free online, Discord access, any USB-C dock, mod support, constant game sales ,and remapping controls to my gamer needs - Steam Deck wins this category.


Oh-LED: Why Nintendo aren’t Switching it up?

Dan Rizzo says "There’s no mandate here that demands you to purchase this piece of tech on day one, but I’m sure that if you’re like me, you’ve already slapped down your fitty bones on that sweet OREO Cookie looking model. Doesn’t guarantee a drift fix for the joy-cons, nor does it bode a better CPU or GPU. The Switch OLED model is for the savant, a true connoisseur that appreciates Nintendo hardware regardless of what the gaming conglomerate dishes out."

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waverider1173d ago

Because they are doing millions and millions. And because they dont care about cutting edge graphics. If you are selling 300k or 400k a week why would you ever spent billions creating a new console for 2021? This isnt the wii-U. They are rulling the portable market. Its the only choice. Being low rez doenst got any impact on a small screen.

SegaSaturn6691171d ago

I think Nintendo DOES want to bridge the gap between the performance of the consoles, though. Maybe SSD -- who knows. But more of a supply issue probably.

masterfox1171d ago

because they know how to exploit the consumer with cheap stuff.

jznrpg1171d ago

They did sell cardboard for $$ that was funny