
Final Fantasy VII Ever Crisis Launches on iOS and Android

Final Fantasy VII Ever Crisis launches today on iOS and Android, bringing a prequel storyline to mobile gamers.

Dwarrior270d ago


As has been said, limiting it to phones is a huge mistake.

shaenoide270d ago

The game is full of predatory microtransactions. Mobile Phone can keep this garbage.

PapaBop270d ago

Pretty much, move along nothing to see here.. the game will be closed within a year anyway like Square always does with it's quick mobile gacha cash grabs

dkstju269d ago

If I recall correctly, there's a link to Steam account option. I wouldn't be surprised if it gets put on Steam in the relative near future.

The go-to Android emulators also can't advertise it, so that's another sign it might be up for a PC version.

neutralgamer1992270d ago (Edited 270d ago )

Once FF7 remake games are done I hope square will release one collection with all the games and spin offs

andy85270d ago

For a gacha game this is one of the most forgiving purchase wise. I've done all the story and really enjoyed it without a purchase. They're only there to make yourself slightly stronger. All my party has great gear just from the free draws. This would do really well if it was put on console like FFXV pocket

gold_drake270d ago

that is true. thought the same thing when i saw the prices

dkstju269d ago

Part of me isn't a fan that you have to rush through all the available story to unlock all the other farm content in the game, but there's still plenty of story left for them to release.

I have to praise the Auto AI. Besides Limit Breaks, the Auto AI is actually very very smart and can auto farm difficult content without issues. Huge plus.

The excessive amount of FOMO popups can get a little annoying though.

andy85269d ago

Yes definitely. Love the auto battles 😂 especially for grinding levels

Knightofelemia270d ago

Lost my interest the moment it was announced for a tablet or cellphone.

Masterman97269d ago

That's a shame. At least try it, doesn't cost you anything.

Knightofelemia269d ago

I don't game on my cellphone unless its to kill time and I didn't buy my tablet to game either. If I want to game on a small screen I will crack out my Vita, PSP, Game Gear, and various Nintendo handhelds.

dkstju269d ago


-One of the easiest re-roll processes of any mobile game ever. Takes about two minutes.

-Very F2P friendly. With the easy re-rolling and free gems they're giving out for the game hitting all these milestones, you can set up your account nicely.

-Auto AI is superb. Many mobile games have Auto AI that's practically braindead and can't do any content with even middling difficulty. Auto AI in this game can auto hard content no problem. Makes farm a heck of a lot easier.

-Free 5 star outfits for the First Soldier characters and free 5 star weapons for Glenn and Zack and a free 5 star outfit voucher.


-More popups than the average gacha. Lots of FOMO/limited-time only offers you'll be seeing.

-Maxing out a weapon will be a painfully slow process. I think it takes 30 dupes to max a weapon.

-You need to rush through story to unlock the other 95% of the game's content. Will take a while before the game fully opens up.

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Final Fantasy 7 Games: A Deep Dive into Every Spin-Off

The hugely popular Final Fantasy 7 universe shows no signs of slowing its expansion, so here's all the spin-off games released so far.

TheBrainZ97d ago

The gift of FF7 keeps on giving.

kevco3397d ago

Some serious misfires in here, but a lot of good stuff too.


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TheBrainZ124d ago

FFVII does have a decent history but the less said about Dirge of Cerberus the better.


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gold_drake139d ago

they did that with remake too.

Cacabunga138d ago

Count me in SE. Just keep making great games

TwoPicklesGood139d ago

Rebirth will sell amazingly well

porkChop138d ago

Remake sold less than half as many units as the original, so it's not a guarantee. I do hope it's very successful though, then maybe we can get remakes of 6, 8, and 9.

Eonjay138d ago

Final Fantasy 7 Remake sold 7 million as of Sept 2023 (so just over 3 years)
The original has amassed 14 million (over 23 years)

FinalFantasyFanatic138d ago

Please, no more remakes, although this will probably sell well.

jznrpg137d ago (Edited 137d ago )

@FFFanatic I want a Vagrant Story remake. But they don’t all have to be remakes they could continue some of the older IP they have as well with a new game.

porkChop137d ago

Ok, so it's sold half as many now. Considering it had 20 years worth of hype, and was literally the most hyped game when it launched, you'd think it would have sold a lot more than that. Square Enix spent truckloads of money marketing that game. It got outsold by Persona 5 and barely beat Dragon Quest XI, two franchises that are traditionally far less popular than FF globally. FF7R wasn't a failure by any means but it wasn't the powerhouse (sales-wise) that some people seem to think it was.

I mean actual remakes, not the pseudo-sequel stuff they're doing with the FF7 Remake trilogy. The narratives in 6, 8, and 9 are stronger than 7's but most people haven't even played them. They deserve proper remakes.

There are a lot of older IP that should be brought back. Vagrant Story, Lunar, Grandia, Breath of Fire (it's been like 8 years now), Golden Sun, etc.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 137d ago
shinoff2183138d ago

O it'll sell. Pretty fking well to. This game is gonna do so good. It's alot of ours most anticipated game in awhile. As much as I prefer turn based I'm still looking forward to it. Even more then star ocean 2 remake(snubbed for awards as it was)

jjb1981138d ago (Edited 138d ago )

Have you tried the "classic" mode option in FFVII Remake? I haven't personally but I've read that it's a turn-based mode that relies on an ATB gauge.

Snookies12138d ago

Scheduled four days off work for this... Can't wait to dive in when it launches! I straight up bought a PS5 just for this game, lol. (Granted, there were other titles I wanted to play too. Just not as much as this one.)

solideagle138d ago

you think you will be able to finish it in 4 days? that's some dedication bro/sis

NotoriousWhiz138d ago

Who said anything about finishing?

Snookies12138d ago (Edited 138d ago )

Haha, I'm certainly not trying to finish it off in those four days. I just want to make some good progress in it! Besides, I don't want to go straight through it in a few days. Definitely wanting to take some time and savor it, as I go through.

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