
Armored Core 6 Sells Like Hot Cakes In Australia And New Zealand

Yet another FromSoftware title dominating the game sales charts worldwide.

jznrpg327d ago

Got my copy day 1. Slowly working my way through the game. Repeating missions for cash and better rank , arena for expansions. The best part besides fighting in the mech is the customization. Lots of ways you can go and it doesn’t get old trying to new builds.

Sonic1881326d ago (Edited 326d ago )

One of my favorite game this year. Epic and difficult boss battles

meganick327d ago

I want to see sales data on hotcakes so I can confirm that they’re really selling as well as people always claim.

Angyobangyo326d ago

Why? Are you some kind of authority on hotcake data?

meganick326d ago

No. Are you some kind of authority on not understanding an obvious joke?

FinalFantasyFanatic326d ago

I thought I'd be one of the five people buying it, but a lot of my friends ended up getting the game and praising it, Armored Core getting the love it deserves.

franwex326d ago

Nice. I really want to play this, but I’m swamped for the time being, haha. In a good way. What a year this has been. Finally some decent games.

Tho, I wished they weren’t mostly all sequels. I guess Sea of Stars isn’t along with Starfield.

yeahokwhatever326d ago

i havent played sea of stars, but from what ive played of starfield, sea of stars is probably the better video game

Nuclearmoon326d ago

This just makes me want a Chromehounds reboot, I loved AC on the PS1 but Chromehounds was fire with its online

jznrpg326d ago

Supposedly MP is coming later

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Almost A Year Later, Armored Core 6 Comes Across As Sekiro's Rebellious Brother

Armored Core 6 is the modern, action-packed mecha game that deviates from the Soulsbornes formula orchestrated by Hidetaka Miyazaki.


From Software Parent Company's Profits Drop, but Armored Core Surprises

From Software parent company Kadokawa has released its financials for the year, and while profits are down, Armored Core has performed surprisingly well.

Read Full Story >>
zaanan77d ago

In other words, FromSoft is kicking ass; other Kadokawa game companies, not so much.

savedsynner77d ago

Name another company that has ever released only games worthy of a 90+ score for over a decade? starting with Demon's Souls, nothing but 90+s...even DS2 was a great game.

Ataraxias77d ago

Princess Peach Showtime is currently in the mid 70s

esherwood77d ago

Fromsoft is one of the few good guys left

FinalFantasyFanatic76d ago

I hope we get another AC game in the future or some DLC, I don't think we'll see DLC though. At the shizuoka hobby show they apparently announced a heap of AC model kits, even from older games like AC3.


Armored Core 6 Sales Performed "Beyond Expectations" Last Quarter According to Kadokawa

According to parent company Kadokawa, Armored Core 6 sales performed "beyond expectations" at the end of last year, as did Elden Ring sales.

XiNatsuDragnel169d ago (Edited 169d ago )

Good game excited for 7

FinalFantasyFanatic168d ago

I loved it, no surprise it did well because there's nothing like it and the fans have been starved of a new game for 10 years. It also helps that the game is fun and complete, no DLC/micro transactions or season passes either, which is typical of From Software games, I can't wait for Armored Core 7!

UltimateOwnage167d ago

Its a fantastic game. It plays great on my Deck as well, so its an equally amazing portable game. No IAP's, no online requirement, just raw, exciting gameplay. The way games used to be. More of this, and they will get my day-1 money instead of waiting for sales to buy in.