
Phil Spencer Insists Games Launch Across Xbox Series X and S Despite Baldur's Gate 3 No-Show

Xbox boss Phil Spencer has addressed the fact Baldur's Gate 3 launches on PS5 before Xbox Series X and S in an interview at gamescom 2023.

Jin_Sakai267d ago (Edited 267d ago )

“We're going to learn from this experience." 🙄

Do people believe anything used car salesman Phil says anymore?

-Foxtrot267d ago

Hopefully people wake up and smell the bull shit eventually

He just keeps hinting at things until they actually happen only for it to then be "See guys, I got it done". Take Final Fantasy XIV for example...it only took 13 years.

Obscure_Observer267d ago

"Take Final Fantasy XIV for example...it only took 13 years"

And yet he did it.

There´re people whom believe that both FFVII Remake and Final Fantasy XVI will never be release on Xbox.

Wonder if those people are wrong...

Obscure_Observer267d ago


"New studios? He primally bought Zenimax and Activision, two publishers...they aren't new are they?"

Yeah, new studios!

Playground Games
Ninja Theory
Undead Labs
Compulsion Games
Double Fine
The Initiative

All of those Studios were acquired before Zenimax and ABK.

"Rather than build up new studios he just bought big existing ones, you know before complaining how "exclusives aren't what gaming is about""

Both the Initiative and Playground´s RPG studios were build from the ground up!

Since 2019, Sony acquired TEN new studios and had build zero! So please, spare us both from this "build your own studios" nonsense.

"This is also him buying up shit when the studios they already have like 343 need managed properly."

In 343i´s case, no top-down approach from higher ups are required. With Starfield, Elder Scrolls VI, Fallout 5, Hellblade, Fable, COD, Clockwork Revolution among other games from new first party studios, there´ll be plenty of "healthy competition".

343i, The Coalition and Turn 10 no longer rests in some safe comfort zone. Those studios will have to "fight" for it´s franchises to continue and stay relevant under their umbrella.

-Foxtrot267d ago

Two comments one after another

Boy am I popular…

Sonic1881267d ago (Edited 267d ago )


He made it so obvious too with both comments 😂

notachance267d ago

it’s people like obscure here that actually makes MS complacent and underperform for two whole generation.

If you love MS so much you gotta shit on them when they’re making actual bad moves, not giving them free pass for it. Look what comes out of it: cloud power and kinect and always online bullshit. And look what comes out of people actually criticising their shitty library: game pass and studio buying spree. It’s certainly not because of rabid fanboys defending them at every turn.

The Wood267d ago

Lol. The ptsd on some of these die hard spencer shillers borders from humorous to bat es crazy. You should be paid to be this staunch in the shielding of xbox and their execs but it seems, like many others, this cap is pro bono. The bigger picture is it seems spencer has to double down on parity because the ratio of the 2 sku's heavily favour the weaker in regards to sold units. Maybe it would be suicidal to shun said fanbase but it is definitely a kick in the teeth for the buyers who were sold a dream about power being held back by the deficiencies and policies of the ss. They've been royaly mugged off but instead of addressing and pushing back against the issue many just cap and deflect. Their own worst enemy tbh

Goosejuice267d ago (Edited 267d ago )

@obscure u act like getting ff14 is a huge deal when in fact it was xbox in the first place the reason why u didn't get it. Had nothing to with anyone else but xbox. It was thoer own policies that prevented cross play with ff14 so square said no.
Yoshi says it all right there why xbox never got it. Acting like Phil made them change thier minds when all it was was them changing the policy. But I guess ur memory of xbox being the ones who hated cross play in first place is missing.

shinoff2183267d ago

Come on obscure, you know damn well when it's said Sony builds studios. Aside from bungie I can't recall one really established studio Sony has bought, sespecially when comparing to
Double Fine
Ninja theory.

It's a completly different approach then sony took and you can't deny it.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 267d ago
lelo2play267d ago

So you saying Microsoft won't learn from this experience?

1Victor267d ago

@lelo:”So you saying Microsoft won't learn from this experience?”

I disagree Microsoft have shown they can learn like a mule by force, they learn rushing a system to beat the competition doesn’t work when the RROD almost triggered a recall and they had to give a free repair and 3 years warranty, they learned that forcing the people to go with what they wanted with Kinect ,tv and 24/7 surveillance by Microsoft doesn’t work, they learn their lesson when they badmouth single players games and got destroyed in sales so badly they had to start buy 3RD PARTY PUBLISHERS to “compete”.
So yeah they will learn their lesson once they get destroyed or their games keep failing because of rushing.

ocelot07267d ago

Nope I can't stand him I seriously can't. He is just a bare face lying scum bag. Followed closely by the other idiot Jim Ryan.

Obscure_Observer267d ago

"Do people believe anything used car salesman Phil says anymore?"

Do you? He said he would invest in new studios a few years back.

People with your mindset did not believed him and even mock him.

And here we are.

-Foxtrot267d ago

New studios? He primally bought Zenimax and Activision, two publishers...they aren't new are they?

Rather than build up new studios he just bought big existing ones, you know before complaining how "exclusives aren't what gaming is about"

This is also him buying up shit when the studios they already have like 343 need managed properly.

Terry_B267d ago

...lol. Your comments make you really look weird sometimes.

AmUnRa267d ago

New studios is not the same as buying 3 party studios and complete third party publishers, for you guys Spencer is a cult figure, he can do nothing wrong, but in reality he is playing you guys like a fiddle and the worshipping for Phil Spencer is creepy as fuck.

Use your brain and look trough al "the lies of P", hold that guy responsable for all the fuck-ups he has created....but nooo Phil is our icon🙄

Flakegriffin267d ago

People with your mindset makes everyone believe you’re the type of person who gets their information on Twitter.

gpimlott267d ago

To Phils rescue once again! He really should start paying you for this. Even if its only with him letting you give him bjs

ocelot07267d ago (Edited 267d ago )

"new studios a few years back"

Where are these new studios? Oh do you mean the ones they bought?

It's people like you obscure why people just don't care for Xbox. Constantly listens and loves what this clown says. Stop being a stooge to Phil.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 267d ago
Flakegriffin267d ago

Sadly people worship this man and swear he does no wrong.

All while he isn’t able to get Xbox out of last place.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 267d ago
-Foxtrot267d ago

If you saw a big game like BG3 is heading to PS5 first without any exclusivity deal BECAUSE of the Series S, an issue other developers have commented on before, wouldn't you just swallow your pride and scrap the Series S? Don't have to scrap it in one go but slowly transition it out before next gen.

lelo2play267d ago (Edited 267d ago )

Just imagine last gen if a developer claimed their game would only run on the PS4 Pro, and Sony should just scrap the PS4 console... would you as a consumer just accept that?

Just imagine 2 years from now if a developer claims their game will only run on the future PS5 Pro, and Sony should just scrap the normal PS5 console... would you as a consumer just accept that?

BTW, sooner or later BG3 will be running on the series S.

ocelot07267d ago

But it's not about a game running now is it. BG3 is running on the series s just the split screen co op is not.

But because of the stupid parity thing for X and S. They can't release it on X because they can't get split screen working on the s. I'm sure if Microsoft allowed BG3 to release on the X with all its features and the s without split screen they would. But microsoft are holding it back because of this stupid parity they insist on. They cause the issue.

As for what you said. Would I accept in a few years if a dev says they can't release a game on a ps5 but can on a ps5 pro. Then if thats the case (very unlikely this will ever happen) then so he it imo.

We accepted it when Nintendo did it a few years ago. Where a few games could only work on the New 3ds but couldn't on the old standard 3ds.

-Foxtrot267d ago (Edited 267d ago )


You are comparing an updated mid gen console that came years latter to the base console

Weak argument, do better

mkis007267d ago

That ps4/5 pro argument wasnt really thought through now was it?

Base console is the base console. Series S problem is that it isnt good enough at what it's supposed to be...a scaled down series X where only resolution gets downgraded... all because of too little memory...which does not scale like other hardware does.

CoNn3rB267d ago (Edited 267d ago )

Two main reasons why that comparison doesn't work at all.

1) The PS4 Pro and the Xbox One X weren't generational leaps in hardware, they were upgraded consoles that only existed for enthusiasts. If a developer made the claim that one game would only function on the PS4 Pro or One X and not the base console that preceded it people would call it out for the bullshit it is. The mid generation upgrades are essentially on par with a PC player upgrading from a 3060 to a 3080, it's a difference sure, but not a massive one.

2) The series S is a significant downgrade to the series X, the difference between the specs on the S to that of the X are leagues apart and no matter how many xbox execs try to tell you otherwise the Series S is a last gen console in everything but name. For example the Series S has around 4 teraflops of performance whilst Series X has around 12. To put into perspective how underpowered the Series S is, the Xbox One X has 6 teraflops. Of course it's not a 1 to 1 comparison as CPU, software and other upgrades likely give the S an edge over the One X but it's not going to be a significant one. The PS5 and Series X are the current target for devs and with the X having 12TF and the PS5 having 10TF the series S having 4 is a clear gap to also have a required parity.

Keeping with your example of a dev stating that a game could run on the PS4 Pro and not the base version, the base PS4 had around 2 teraflops (it's something like 1.8 but like the xbox I'm rounding for simplicity) and the PS4 Pro has around 4 whereas the PS5 has 10. PS4 to PS4 Pro is a minor jump whereas the PS5 is over double the jump on both consoles and it's the same with the Xbox One and One X to Series X.

The series S is simply just an underpowered console that only exists to offer a cheaper console to the player base at the cost of quality, to me the Series S is clearly the streaming console Xbox was desperately trying to make a thing but didn't pan out but now Microsoft has released it they have royally shafted themselves because if they drop support they'll piss off half of their console base and with gamepass it's not like xbox can fallback on game sales to make up profit loss on selling consoles at a loss so for the time being we are stuck with the S and all the drawbacks that come with it.

As this generation continues the Series S and Series X disparity in performance will only become more and more prevalent and I don't think it's fair to place all the blame and pressure on devs when a game release is delayed on xbox due to REQUIRED parity with the series S, while it is true that with enough optimisation any game will run on the Series S eventually but clearly that's feasible or even fair that the "Worlds Most Powerful Console" has to sit on the side-lines until his crippled younger brother can catch up.

aaronlif10267d ago

Yeah but these console variants launched at the same time and with one system being considerably weaker, causing an obvious bottleneck for the primary console.

Soulsborne267d ago

You're comparing a mid gen upgrade to a last gen console sitting next to current gen.
"Sooner or later" you mean after all the extra work, time, & money Larian studios needs to invest to get this running on ur Lbox? Anyways u got extra AA batteries and a gamepass code?

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 267d ago
Charlieboy333267d ago

If they don't scrap the S, can you just imagine the effect on cross-gen games when the next generation comes around. You think it's holding things back now, just wait till then.

Aloymetal267d ago

MS/Phil will never scrap the series S, it's the only way they could reach 40-50 mil units sold. It was all by design and they knew exactly what they were doing. Scummy double dipping is the name of their game.

purple101267d ago

The irony. Telling Xbox fans to "just wait"

Love it

S2Killinit267d ago

They CANT just scrap the Series S. They presented it as THE SAME CONSOLE. No amount of twisting and turning will allow them to just leave people behind.

gold_drake267d ago

im pretty sure the tech team warned him about this. there is no way they didnt.

just the pure arrogance and ignorance put them in this situation.

lelo2play267d ago

Since the Xbox Series S sells more consoles then the X series, was it a mistake?
Guess you understand business better then Microsoft.

-Foxtrot267d ago

If a cheaper, more under powered console sells better than the "worlds most powerful console", your main attraction then you've f***** up somewhere along the line.

gold_drake267d ago

i guess you dont understand what the topic of this, is actually about dont you.

maybe atleast try and figure it out before you comment nonsense.

DivineHand125267d ago

I am sure the main reason the series s sold better than the series x is because during 2021 and 2022, they were manufactured in higher quantities to the point you could find them in the stores compared to the series x. There were also plenty of positive sentiments regarding the series s at the time from most gaming sites and channels on Youtube. I got my series x in 2022 after being on a waiting list for months.

dumahim267d ago

Take a guess what makes them more money. Selling games or selling consoles?

purple101267d ago

Every gen they leave a sour taste in their consumers mouth. So overtime will loose customers.

But yeh.. "they know business"?

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 267d ago
Popsicle267d ago

Agree that Phil was warned and it is a shame that he didn’t head the warnings. In the in end I think the decision to release the far cheaper Series S was a strategic decision that is now backing Team Xbox into a corner. The strategy being that they overpromise by describing a budget console as “next gen” all in an effort to get more players in the Xbox ecosystem and further drive GamePass subscriptions. A strategy will blow up in their face if it hasn’t already.

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Square Enix Is Going Multiplatform; The Layoffs & Its Past Don't Inspire Confidence

After its latest games didn't meet sales targets, Square Enix is going multiplatform but the company's track record isn't convincing.

Scissorman17h ago

Square Enix been multiplatform for decades, a few exclusively-deals doesn't make them any less multiplatform.

fr0sty17h ago

Nor is selling their games on a console with only 25 million install base going to bring their sales to where they hope they will be... Unless they somehow manage to dumb down FF7 trilogy to work on switch, they aren't going to have much luck. They already released it on PC, after all.

anast5h ago

Where are you getting that number?

SegaSaturn66917h ago

It kind of does, giving preference to a certain platform by timed exclusivity. Console ports generally feel superior. Legend of mana PC port extremely broken

neutralgamer199216h ago


It doesn’t when square themselves didn’t want to fund the development of remake. It’s only after the success of the 1st they realized their mistake but now contract is signed. If it wasn’t for Sony there would be no FF7 remakes. Same goes for silent hill 2 with Konami. They don’t want to fund AAA budget. Companies like PlayStation and Nintendo get blamed when in reality they are saving some of these franchises

Remember sega didn’t want to fund bayonetta and epic games didn’t want to fund another gears of war. It’s easy to blame console makers but they are the ones taking the risk and paying huge upfront costs without seeing the final product. FF7 remake trilogy won’t be coming to Xbox now or in the future. PlayStation and PC is what square signed up for. Sony paid them more than they would make from Xbox sales.

ravens5216h ago

I just wonder when everyone is going to demand that the Square Enix exclusives with Nintendo come to PS and Xbox. Or it's just the PS exclusives that matter lol

phoenixwing16h ago(Edited 16h ago)

I'd love for the nintendo exclusives to come to pc or ps5. They'd actually be playable then.

neutralgamer199216h ago


Exactly and that’s where square enix does more exclusive than any other platform. Gaming is square has always been very unrealistic with their sales expectations. Remember when tomb raider reboot sold 7.5 million and square said it wasn’t enough. They need to spend less on development and have more realistic expectations from sales.

And those thinking games being not on Xbox makes a difference don’t understand we have a decade plus of data showing square enix games having less than 20% of their multiplatform sales on Xbox (final fantasy series) and Nintendo consoles aren’t strong enough to run any current games. Nintendo switch should be as strong as Xbox one x atleast but we all know that’s most likely won’t happen

RoadRacer15h ago


thing is, as neutral said in their comm, the switch isn't strong enough to run flagship SE games
i think what SE does is, it makes unique games for switch only so that it has something for that console too. Thats where all the "underlined sans" rpgs go to mostly

maybe things will change when Swtich 2 drops cuz that's gonna be as strong as ps4 afaik from the rumors flying around

TheGamingHounds16h ago


Your point is valid enough but when the icon of this company is limited to one console in timed-exclusivity, it means the company has crossed the line. By some degree at least

All things aside, Square itself stated "aggressive multiplatform strategies" so we all know what it's talking about

Scissorman13h ago(Edited 13h ago)

Then the headline should read "Square To Drop Exclusively Deals in Pursuit of A Sweeping Multiplatform Strategy". I don't recall this argument when Square Enix released Bravely Default, Octopath Traveler, and Triangle Strategy on one platform. And even if FF is the icon, not all of its titles have gone to one platform. We're talking about three games, one of which is already on PC. Did Square suddenly go 'multiplatform' after it released subsequent Tomb Raider sequels on more than just the Xbox? It's just a silly way of putting it.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5h ago
TheGamingHounds16h ago(Edited 16h ago)

SE needs to go all in optimization. Broken PC ports won't help its case, especially with big releases like mainline Final Fantasy

Asterphoenix16h ago

It's actually simple. What doesn't inspire confidence is Square allocating their budgets on the wrong projects such as Forspoken, Avengers, Babylons Fall and Foamstars.

Square has always been multiplatform since PS3/360 days which 80 % of their games are. People kick up a fuss over PS exclusivity but not Nintendo which has more exclusive projects console exclusive from Square.

FF16 has done ok but not enough to fix the blunders that the past mistakes Square has made with some of their projects. FF7 Rebirth is unclear we'll see a PC release for sure so it's hard to say so far not as good as they would of liked.

Then again unrealistic expectations. If it weren't for Sony these games would at least had another 2 years development time. So some people need to be realistic in that regard.

Scissorman13h ago(Edited 13h ago)

It's the blunders that set those expectations so high. If you remove those from the equation, I bet the sales numbers would be more than stellar. Square believes it's okay to release a pile of risky, middling, garbage because the big boys will ultimately subsidize the cost. Don't worry if Forspoken sells poorly, FF16 will surely sell 10 million copies to balance that right out. Oh wait, it only sold like 4 million. Well that's a disaster. Meanwhile games that sell 2 million units with comparable budgets are deemed successful.

thorstein8h ago

I would also add that FFXVI, which I loved has a hint to one of their biggest problems: the number 16.

It's a great franchise, but that's all they've become known for. Dragon Quest is my favorite all time series but it's like they don't know what to do outside of those two IPs.

Valve never makes trilogies. The idea is that they don't want to become stagnant. Gabe Newell hates the number 3.

I can't imagine their talent wouldn't want to try a new RPG.

RoadRacer15h ago

Square Enix just really need to revise its expectations. Maybe consider a change in strategy on dev end as well. Multiplat will help for sure but only good games that are marketed well will sell

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