
Forza Motorsport Won't Have Split-Screen And Other Legacy Features For Launch

Developer Turn 10 explains why split-screen and other popular features from past games won't make it for launch.

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XiNatsuDragnel349d ago

Whelp that's disappointing fr I hope they can fix this fr.

Jin_Sakai348d ago (Edited 348d ago )

Nearly 6 years in development and missing legacy features at launch. Xbox studios sure are on a roll this generation.

-Foxtrot348d ago

But don’t worry it’ll come after launch




notachance348d ago

sure feels like they're experimenting with how incomplete they can release a game now

and since people don't need to buy xbox first-party games upfront the backlash is significantly reduced

AmUnRa348d ago

I see a pattern here...Its the XboxSeriesS's fault...that S has a problem with splitscreen aka that weaker CPU is just a big big problem. When MS would remove the parity clause between the X and the S they would shoot them selve in the ass.

When you make a bad decision (the weaker Series S) it will bite you in the ass in the long run...and thats what realy is happening here.
Dont try to denay the truth.....

wiz7191348d ago

@amunra weak CPU ?? The Series S CPU is near identical to the Series X and better than the PS5 .. the problem isn’t the CPU it’s the low memory on top of being split , there’s no parity but you have to release a game on both machines. The Series S wasn’t made to have parity with Series X , it was made to be a low spec machine ..

Chevalier348d ago

Didn't they also promise Halo Infinite Split screen after launch only to cancel it as well? Series S problems? Lol

DarXyde347d ago

It's definitely something of a trend where it seems like their big games are missing mainstay features now.

Microsoft is big on metrics, so I wonder if they launch without some of the expected features if their data shows that people rarely engaged with them. In this instance, is there any data they have to support that it's not a feature of immediate interest? Is it just that they needed to meet a deadline? Or is this Microsoft saying, "doesn't matter, we've got shiny new studios?"

I really have no idea. I lean more toward Microsoft signaling that there's no reward in launching a feature-complete product if engagement won't last long enough to make the money back via XGP in a certain period of time. Extra content coming later is one thing, but when we get to performance and expected game modes, we're really talking about games launching unfinished.

To be honest, this generation all around is very frustrating for different reasons with different platform holders (in my opinion, anyway). There are some problematic mentalities for all three of them, but in Microsoft's case here, they really don't seem interested in polishing their crown jewels anymore. The product presentation of Forza is excellent and for most people, this probably isn't a deal breaker (it wouldn't be for me). But seriously, why do this?

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 347d ago
RpgSama348d ago

6 months after release they will surely cancel a few of those "not ready for launch" features.

Schriefer9348d ago

How did You 12 disagrees saying the cpu was slightly better and that Ram was the issue? That’s a fact and actual problem.

BrainSyphoned347d ago

How did 16 of us disagree about the cpu? XSX 12TERAFLOPS!!!!! XSS 4 measly teraflops. As we all know TERAFLOPS are the most important metric in gaming, since the series S has 8 fewer flops they are for sure nowhere near equivalent.

edwardmde347d ago

@wiz7191 wrong.

“ The Series S wasn’t made to have parity with Series X”

Games on the S, MUST have feature parity with the X. It’s not just a case of releasing games on both as you say. But for this, Baldur's Gate 3 would’ve been released on Xbox by now.

Schriefer9347d ago

Teraflops is the GPU the CPU is only about 2.7 Gflops in either system or even a pc if you had 3900x which these cpus are the equivalent of.

banger88349d ago

It won't have an offline mode either. Disgusting. First Forza game I'll be skipping, I own all the others.

crazyCoconuts348d ago

It'll have a campaign though, right?

CML2348d ago

It has a career campaign but its an always online mode just like with GT7.

AmUnRa347d ago (Edited 347d ago )

Yes it has....but laks several features, who is to blame, time to wake up, its the Series S-X parity rule demanded by MS...

Charlieboy333348d ago

Yeah I remember all the Xbox guys who were 'outraged' and poking fun at this always online requirement on GT7. Not a peep from them now that it's Forza doing it ( so predictable ). Both are dumb for doing it....at least I am consistent with my criticism.

ApocalypseShadow348d ago

Yup. Came back and bit them in the ass. And the game comes without VR like Sony's game.

CobraKai348d ago

I honestly don’t understand the need to be online if you wanna play single player.

Yi-Long348d ago

They whole ‘always online’ was already a big no-no for many. That kinda stuff has no place in any SP career-mode.

I personally don’t care much about these new issues mentioned here, but I’m sure many others do care.

It seems very difficult for devs these days to not shoot themselves in the foot by implementing anti-consumer measures and taking out stuff folks love(d), when releasing a new game.

I wish they would have just prioritized SP campaign mode, and Online MP/career 2nd, and no idea why they would just ignore/exclude local (split-screen) MP tbh …

EvertonFC348d ago (Edited 348d ago )

Surely these Devs can release an always online and offline SP campaign ONLY versions. It's just lazy imo.
If they don't want to have a disk version for SP campaign offline mode download only would at least be a start if it's down to the confusing the consumer situation if having multiple versions on disk?

Profchaos348d ago

When did split screen become a legacy feature

jznrpg347d ago

When they released series s

thesoftware730348d ago (Edited 348d ago )

I swear, you guys complain about everything ..oh wait it's an Xbox title and game...so if course.

This whole split screen being so great is nonsense, what are we in the 90's?...grow up already, most games on current gen can't even hit 60fps at 4k or lower res, .split screen is a taxing dinosaur feature, let it go...it's completely not worth it for the masses, it's a minority feature at this point and only suitable for some games now.

Tell your friends to stay home and buy the same game as you and enjoy your 65" + T.V without compromise.

Spectator mode lol? Ok they will add it later, go on Twitch and spectate lol.

As far as always online...when will we see this is the way things are going, entertainment in any form is more connected as ever and will only become so more and more ..shit GT7 is always online...and I'm sure Sony's 10 live services games will be always online..let's start moving on from this, skip the games, or quit gaming.

Nitrowolf2348d ago (Edited 348d ago )

Lol, yes, let's just give in and not complain about things about a product so nothing gets done, and studios don't improve based on feedback, but rather they keep at it making it more and more worse as time go on.

See that buggy game? Completely acceptable because it's just how things are.
Oh they promised you features and now they're taking them away? No worries, that's fine.

People dislike the idea of always online because the grindfest it introduces, and always being at the mercy of the servers. GT7 is a prime example of how grindy the series has become and there's nothing anyone can do because it's always online and is built to keep players sticking around forever.

Diablo 4 was down for days and no one could play it. Zero reason to always be online when there are tons of games before it that work fine

This has been a constant trend with Xbox all gen, as a company, you'd think they'd learn by now, but hey I guess that's okay. Wonder how Redfall been going since the promised updates.

There's a difference between live services too. Games that are solely competitive, pvp, sure that makes sense. A bulk of these games however offer solo play, can be beaten alone, and never once require someone else to play with, yet they're online always so they can force a feature store page in your face Everytime you log in. Not to make the players experience better, but to line their pockets with more money

-Foxtrot348d ago (Edited 348d ago )

It’s not our fault if there’s more Xbox games doing shitty things

People shit on GT7 a while back and rightfully so along with the news on Sonys awful backing of GaSS stuff. It’s a sure thing aswell if Sony does terrible with their GaSS games people will complain

If you don’t complain things will just get worse

staticall348d ago

Split screen was here for decades - at least from Sega Genesis. It wasn't taxing on previous games (including Forza), but now it's suddenly a problem? On a next-gen console? That's BS and you know it.

Personally, i love it, i can play with my friends and family. And it's cheaper and more convenient too (don't need to buy and bring another console ($400+), buy another copy of a game ($60+) and bring it; instead of just buying another controller ($50+)). Maybe you don't like meeting your friends and spending some time playing games, but i do.
And using "dinosaur" doesn't make you sound smart actually, it's the other way around.

I don't want to beat around the same bush, but just because you don't use a feature, doesn't mean other don't. It includes spectator mode and racing with AI. And anything else they might strip off.

I don't know why you feel the need to defend a trillion dollar company on their crusade to deliver a product with less features than before. It actually makes them look so much worse, like they're incapable - same as 343i. Don't be surprised when next time they would remove another "dinosaur" feature that you love - you'll have to blame yourself for that. At the very least, i hope you're getting paid for this; otherwise, it's kinda sad.

thesoftware730348d ago

My man, split screen has been around, I called it a dinosaur...

Charlieboy333348d ago

He doesn't have friends to play on a couch with ...that's why he doesn't get the point of split screen

staticall348d ago

> My man, split screen has been around, I called it a dinosaur...
Come on, dude, everyone knows that when you're calling something "a dinosaur", it means it's outdated, out-of-fashion, extinct, dead and buried, no longer exists (or should no longer exist).
I even tried searching for slang meaning and it's mostly (like 95%) in the context i've described.

And even if you your original message, you're painting split screen in a negative light («is a taxing dinosaur feature, let it go...it's completely not worth it for the masses, it's a minority feature at this point and only suitable for some games now»), reinforcing that it's obsolete, useless. That's why you've used that word. Not because it's being around for ages.

But hey, you do you.

thesoftware730348d ago


Nah it's more that Im not a teenager in the 90s anymore...times have changed brother, no need to have 6 grown men in my home with my wife and kids everyday playing videogames...they have a thing called the internet and you are able to play online with your friends, which fortunately prefer online play rather splitting my damn screen and playing the game all weird like.

Certain games can still be fun in couch co-op, like Mario Kart, fighting games like SF, but if I'm play Forza, CoD, or most modern games, I want my whole screen and my game experience to be unhindered by 1/2 a screen.

Lol grown up man, Split screen is old and only a very minority of people what it or even use it...it's why devs don't give a shit about it..it's not a mistake when they don't include it lol.

The Wood348d ago


Do you have kids???........ that's an adult angle you clearly didn't think of outside of cappn for the 'the worlds most powerful console' brand. Hope MS be paying you what they owe for your 365 dedication.

thesoftware730348d ago

@The wood

Yes I have 3 kids, what of it? Are you insinuating that because I like Xbox that is somehow a negative reflection on my kids and personal life? Low brother really low. I have a PlayStation and Switch...are me and my kids good now? Lol.

Anyway, you know the word Capping meant shooting back in the day? I was amazed when people started saying it ment lying lol.

Anyway again, why would I be paid from MS? I have not defended a system, or any company in any of my comments...as a matter of fact I haven't said anything negative about anything except outdated minority use features that are industry wide situation...

Matter of fact I even said GT7 and Sony's games is and will be always online and people need to get I er it..am I "Cappin" for Sony then? Smh...let's stick to what I said and not what you want to argue about.

The Wood347d ago

get paid bro... capn for free is old school. Removing features is just as annoying as removing featues from mobiles, cars, consoles..... Your miopic stance is just that. Others care. This discussion isnt for you as youre not affected nor is anyone around ya so shout out to you. Outside of that bubble there are people who want what was always there before and lets not act like its just a sigle ommision here but yeah rambo, fight the fight lol. Shout out to your 3 kids though, same as me

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 347d ago
XiNatsuDragnel348d ago

Stop defending companies and actually be a voice for true change.

Angyobangyo348d ago

I hate that GT7 is online only and didn't buy it. This isn't a MS vs Sony thing which you're trying to make. It's BS, because game preservation is a thing and people still like to play games years past their initial release. When they servers shut, so does the game. There is no need for only online, especially in a Forza game. Please share the benefits of Forza being a GaaS? I'd rather tell my friends to not support buying the game.

thesoftware730348d ago

You are the minority my friend.

notachance348d ago

it's always fun, seeing apologists like this in the wild not realising they're the reason companies pushing anti-consumer practice in the first place.

just like the recent case on Diablo 4, some people were hating on the season 1 backlash because "they're still having fun with the game" and calling the critics a bunch of "whiners" and "hate echo-chambers". Yet when the devs released balance patch they're the first ones to praise devs for fixing the game not realising if it isn't because of the "whiners" there won't be any fix in the first place.

thesoftware730348d ago

No, not an apologist at all.Not even close.

It's just a Fact, not an opinion, split screen is old as shit and rarely supported by modern games, why do people keep bitching about it? The devs are not incompetent, or forgetful...they leave it out because it's not how most gamers play anymore...it was replaced with Online multiplayer.

Stop acting like Split screen is some kind of make or break feature...it's not and hasn't been for a long long time

AmUnRa348d ago (Edited 348d ago )

The shoe is also on the other foot. I swear you wil defend MS even if they sort of fuck up some features in a game. You refuse to see the pattern, its right for you eyes.
You know what the problem is??

Its the parity claus that all games must have the same features on the X and the S......so the problem is the Xbox Series S😉

thesoftware730348d ago

I'm sorry that I don't find couch co-op, split screen as a problem....my friends, and I buy big screens T.Vs, and game systems to enjoy them...not split them when there is a 100% better option available...it's called Online Multiplayer...check it out it's the wave of the future.

excepcially after a day of work...grown people wanna be comfortable, I don't need to share a screen with people on my couch all the time lol.

The Wood348d ago

the split screen omission isn't the only problem. The fact the x is being held back by the inadequacies of the s is noteworthy to many looking at the bigger picture, especially the x owners. The omission of a promised feature just highlights a problem

Charlieboy333348d ago (Edited 348d ago )

"I swear, you guys complain about everything ..oh wait it's an Xbox title and game"

Let me fix that for you

I swear, you never complain about anything ..oh wait it's because it's an Xbox title and game

dumahim348d ago

"I swear, you guys complain about everything ..oh wait it's an Xbox title and game...so if course."
".shit GT7 is always online.."

You almost have it all right in your comments, but seem to have completely forgotten how much shit GT7 got about the always online, the early days downtime and the massive review bombing, which it still sits at 2.2 on metacritic. But OK, it's allll because it's an Xbox game.

thesoftware730348d ago

But when I mentioned GT7 I was also telling people to get over it and stop complaining, in a sense defending GT7 outrageous 2.2 metacritic score...review bombing is dumb...people are enjoying the hell outta GT7, I hear the VR mode is magical..always online is so small compared to a masterful experience. And Polyphony explained why it's always online...again the people complaining is a minority...GT7 is thriving.

The Xbox title thing applies to anything Xbox on N4G, you know it's true lol.

dumahim347d ago

So what happened with GT7 just proves you're wrong about the Xbox on N4G thing.

Outside_ofthe_Box348d ago (Edited 348d ago )

"This whole split screen being so great is nonsense, what are we in the 90's?...grow up already, most games on current gen can't even hit 60fps at 4k or lower res, .split screen is a taxing dinosaur feature, let it go...it's completely not worth it for the masses, it's a minority feature at this point and only suitable for some games now."

I agree with everything you are saying here. . . but I know, I know, I know, if this was a Sony game you'd be singing a different tune. Some thing along the lines of "ha! You Sony guys always make up an excuse for leaving out features that were in the previous game! Stop defending and demand better!"

"shit GT7 is always online"

GT7 got shit for being always online. Funny how you aren't calling out those that gave shit for GT7 being always online but aren't doing so here... Because I'm sure if this was the case of where the "Sony guys" gave MS shit for something and the same thing happened to Sony, you'd be the first go "Ha!" and point that out. . .

thesoftware730348d ago (Edited 348d ago )

Show me anytime I have done that...never me, never me...I don't lie about things I like and don't like..

Prove where I did something like you just claimed I would do...I'll check for it later.

And no it's not funny how I didn't give people shit about GT7, because when people were ragging on it...I also said the shit didn't matter..that has never mattered to me. I do not go into any Sony articles and bash Sony, ever...I own all PS consoles lol...again I don't pay for shit I don't like...it's $500 man..

I just call out BS, fake outrage, and hypocrisy once in a while

shinoff2183348d ago

Thesoftware your white knighting pretty damn hard.

One the decade doesn't matter , splitscreen is splitscreen young and old enjoy it. Period. No way around it. Funny enough larian came out talking about splitscreen and it seems to be a problem with ms games as well. The s is definitely the issue. I mean the maker of the console can't even nail it.

Always online should be an issue. The thing is , is you bring up sonys 10 live service games. I'm not thrilled about them either but the thing is this article is about forza always being online. Not a Sony live service game. Of course sonys live service games will be always online. Kinda the point. Forza on the other hand shouldn't be. Just like gt7 shouldn't be and sony got killed for that by Sony fans to.

So theres that. Sure entertainment might be leaning that way but I can't think of one movie that's digital only. Truth is there's room for both and it shows time and time again there's millions of us that say this.

thesoftware730348d ago (Edited 348d ago )

Shin, How many blockbuster games have split screen? Not many of the biggest selling titles support split screen. Let's say there is 200million gamers out there, the 1 million, 2 million, 3,million that are mad at no split screen is in minority, and the devs see this so they don't bother with it...it's not simply because of the SS, this was the case since last gen...it started going the way of the dodo.

Nintendo is the biggest supporter of that couch co-op because of the nature of the Switch...but besides that it's not that important anymore, most PS games don't support it either, so it's not just an Xbox thing..it's a industry thing...let's stop the narrative of me defending a console, we are talking a specific things that are industry wide.

I know we are talking about Forza, but I bought up GT7 and the 10 games not as diss, so read what I said about it..people need to get over it I felt that way then and still do...so it also shows that I'm not console defending anything... strictly used as a reference to an industry wide situation.

Movies and games are not the same when it comes to interactivity...if all you did was watch games instead of play them that would be different...split screen is something that requires resources, time, man power, and money, games are super expensive to make, and have a hard enough time pleasing gamers. We complain about not being able to hit 4k/60, not having the best graphics, not having good AI, and anything under the sun...split screen is a low ass priority.

BlaqMagiq1347d ago

"As far as always online...when will we see this is the way things are going, entertainment in any form is more connected as ever and will only become so more and more ..shit GT7 is always online...and I'm sure Sony's 10 live services games will be always online..let's start moving on from this, skip the games, or quit gaming."

There is absolutely zero reason for single-player to be always online. You have to be a shill to defend this stupidity.

Outside_ofthe_Box347d ago (Edited 347d ago )

"Show me anytime I have done that...never me"


Now call out the hypocrites here like you did there.......

crazyCoconuts347d ago

Everyone has a right to complain if these are features you'll be missing. Seems like a lot of outrage over relatively small features, but that's just my opinion. Forza has a good reputation, so I still think there's a good chance their next game will be good despite these shortfalls

Sgt_Slaughter341d ago

Imagine being so defensive that you willingly lick the boot of a company that doesn't know you exist.

People clearly want these features, and this isn't the first time a Forza sequel was left without features from previous games (FM5 was the worst offender of this), so this is nothing new but greatly disappointing.

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