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Thumper PSVR2 Review | TheSixthAxis

Thumper remains a true VR classic, and its upgrade for PSVR2 makes it the best place to experience its violent audio charms.

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Community434d ago
darthv72434d ago

Got this a couple months ago and as a first time player... i was blown away at how good this is. Really cool.

Petebloodyonion433d ago

it's quite a blast to play and the upgrade cost is quite acceptable if you already have the PSVR game.

z2g434d ago

This is the game I have spent the most time on in psvr2. It’s fantastic. It also highlights my problem with psvr2. This game is also awesome on the Quest 2, the og PSVR and various other vr platforms. It’s a badass game and I love it… but I didn’t spend almost $600 to play games I’ve already played for nearly identical experiences. This is unfortunately the majorly of psvr2 games. Don’t get me wrong, they’re some gems but… it’s not a must have.

MIDGETonSTILTS17433d ago

As someone who didn’t buy a VR headset until I found a future-proof rig, I’m quite happy.

The tech feels like a bargain compared to other options. You can spend a lot more money and get a top of the line wireless rig, or you can save a few bucks and miss out on haptic feedback in the headset, OLED screens, and adaptive triggers.


Is The PSVR 2's Thumper Worth Playing?

When Thumper came out in 2016, it was a highlight of the game launch lineup for the PSVR. The frantic rhythm title had players racing through space while matching their moves to the soundtrack’s beat playing in the background. Thumper has been upgraded for the PSVR 2, and the game is just as great this time as it was the first time.

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Community560d ago
darthv72560d ago

this is another one I want to check out. If it's anything like REZ (with a bumping soundtrack) then I'm sure to enjoy it.

Babadook7560d ago (Edited 560d ago )

Good game. But I’ll warn you. I found it to be a bit more challenging than I expected.

SullysCigar560d ago

Looks great and trippy, sounds amazing, but yes, quite challenging. It's like Tetris Effect in that the best way to beat this game later on is to stop thinking about it and just get in 'the zone'!

The haptics make a notable difference, aside from the improved visuals. Great game.

Echone1560d ago

I love this game, even though I haven't managed to beat it yet. I couldn't get past the fourth boss at PSVR1, but now I'm at the fifth on PSVR2, so hopefully I'll move on.
It's a very addictive game, but really fast.

purple101559d ago

They need to remake kojimas ZOE. from ps2 days. Complete remake. On psvr2

Einhander1971559d ago

Downloaded last week, cost me £3.99 for the PSVR2 upgrade yes its amazing. Even better than before.


Review: Thumper (PSVR2) - A Return to the Music Visualiser from Hell | Push Square

Oddly, only the VR version has HDR support. The PSVR2 headset and peripherals make the biggest difference here, rather than the game itself.

The haptics on the visor perfectly accentuate Thumper's gameplay, long described as "rhythm violence". Each time you hit a power-up or damage a boss, the headset rumbles along with your controller, heightening the visceral violence of the experience to new levels.

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Community574d ago

Thumper Comes To PS5 & PSVR2 In February With New, Current-Gen Graphical Features

Thumper arrives on PS5 and PSVR2 on February 22, 2023 with a host of new graphical features and 3D spatialized audio, bringing it into the current-gen on PlayStation.

VR mode will run at 4K with HDR, while 2D mode will be able to run at 4K at 120hz for those with the monitors to support the higher refresh rate.

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SullysCigar609d ago
SullysCigar609d ago

Yeah this is awesome. I'm hoping the beat pulses in the headset haptics!

This is one of those games that you just switch off and play semi-consciously, in a zen-like state. I do that in Tetris Effect in VR too and I'm always better in that state, like some kind of machine, twitching and nailing every move lol

z2g608d ago

cool game but this is exactly why i don't want to spend $600 on a psvr 2 headset. the upgrades are nice and all but its an experience i've already had. i feel like despite the announcement of some larger titles, games like this will end up being a majority of what ends up on the headset - or reduced versions of bigger games (even gran turismo 7 will have reductions for psvr2).

i dunno. i guess i'm just disillusioned with vr in general. i've had couple high end vr headsets for pc and a quest 2, the original psvr and my usage for all of them was pretty short lived, so i've decided to pass on the psvr 2 despite owning a ps5. its just too expensive for something i know i will end up not using very often and i don't see anything game-wise that i would just HAVE to play in vr.

SullysCigar608d ago

Opposite for me. One of the reasons I jumped on PS5 so earlier despite the lack of next gen exclusives, was because so many of the best PS4 games were given free 'next-gen' upgrades.

The same is true of the PSVR2, but the difference is that PSVR2 is launching with a genuine, next-gen only first party game, with new controllers and a bunch of new hardware features.

I don't think people are quite grasping that the first party games will blow anything ever seen before in VR out of the water in terms of graphics and immersion. It's not just about power, it's also about tapping that power - and that's exactly where the eye-tracking with foveated rendering steps in.

deleted608d ago

Sully, I really am starting to think you are my doppelganger. X'D I too bought my PS5 for VR first. Star Wars Squadrons, Dreams, No Man's Sky, Skyrim, Blood & Truth, Hitman 3... all had incredible upgrades from the OG PS4. I never owned a PS4 Pro, so these games that utilized the PS5's extra power looked so much better, clearer, even if they were still 1080p.

Some people talk about getting tired of their VR, letting it collect dust.. not me. About 65-75% of my gaming since late 2019 has been in VR. I just love being inside of my games, fully immersed. I don't always have to play active games, waving arms around, but there were plenty of games I can still enjoy w a standard DS4.

And you're right, foveated rendering is going to be a game changer in squeezing out the most power from the PS5!

Too bad I have to wait until later this year to get a PSVR2, the wait is going to kill me, especially now that GT7 has been announced as a launch title... my #1 requested PSVR2 game! Really surprised Dreams wasn't announced... maybe by the end of the year.

SullysCigar608d ago

^ Lol it's nice to see someone so clued-up on VR and even PSVR on PS5. A lot of people missed that those huge upgrades existed. Those, like us, that were aware of it, were only made all the more excited for what we know PSVR2 is bringing.

Some people just don't get it. I'm not judging them for that, but they'd do well to listen to us 'VR nuts' when we tell them they're not ready! Especially for anyone who's yet to try or own VR - can you imagine diving straight in for the first time with PSVR2 powered by PS5?! Mind BLOWN!

deleted608d ago (Edited 608d ago )

@Sully Right! I started adding Steam games via Quest 2 to my VR gaming last May. Running on a 3060ti, it's been a really nice budget upgrade to experience some games we've been waiting on over on PSVR2. I still play my PSVR1, and the comfort vs a Quest 2 is sooo much better still! Even using a nice BoboVR M2 Pro, it can't compare to the most lightweight, comfortable VR headset I've ever used. (There ARE advantages to sticking w a wired connection!)

I really think the PSVR2 is going to bring an even better optimized experience than my 3060ti. With the foveated rendering and fullt squeezing out every last bit of power that Sony is known for, I truly expect it to be even better. The comfort on top of that will only heighten it.

I think the comfort of a PSVR2 will go a long way towards increased immersion over a Q2. I'm always aware of that weight on my face... even playing a fully modded Skyrim on PC, I haven't felt as lost in the game as much as I had in the super lightweight PSVR1, as I start to not even notice it overtime.

I do feel sorry for people that can't stomach VR, I would hate to be in that situation. I have a crazy high tolerance, like spinning 360 out of control in Detached doesn't phase me a bit.. I guess growing up rollercoaster obsessed helped there. I have heard of plenty of people becoming acclimated to VR over time though, and I wish people stuck with it through their initial discomfort.

ApocalypseShadow608d ago (Edited 608d ago )

Reductions? False. GT7 is the entire game excluding local 2 player. It's going to look good. Same as RE8. Eye tracking and foveated rendering made this possible besides PS5 power.

Sony could have used GT7 on PS4 or Pro and ran them in higher definition and AA. Nope. It's running the PS5 version. That tells you things are going to be quite different this time for potential games. Will it look exactly like flat? Who knows. But if you can play the game with GT7 flat gamers online, that means they won't be excluding cars, objects on-screen, lighting or frame rate. PS5 only had to throw the graphics at where your eyes are looking. Also future proof. Sony could use the same headset on PS6.

More games are coming. That's a guarantee. But if VR is no longer your thing or there's nothing you want at launch, then that's a personal decision. You may just pick it up later with the announcement of other games. Like, I still believe GTA 5 is coming also. I never played any release version. It will be all new to me like GT7 and RE8. Just like RE7 and Skyrim were new to me as I didn't buy or play the flat versions. I waited for VR.

SullysCigar608d ago

Lmao I did the same! With the exception of Skyrim (which I played 3 years after launch on PS3 and it was still bloody broken!), all of the other games you mentioned I held off on for VR. I'm hoping after RE7 in VR, more people waited for RE Village.

We must be the only two gamers on the planet at this stage that waited for GTA5! I decided to wait after Rockstar released L.A Noire on PSVR, because I was (and still am) convinced they used that game as a 'test and learn' before getting GTA5 onto PSVR2.

ApocalypseShadow608d ago (Edited 608d ago )

Crazy thing Sully is that Rockstar could use the PS3, PS4 or Pro version of GTA 5 in VR and just increase the resolution, frame rate and textures, throw HDR in the mix, controller haptics, etc. And it would still look and play great. If it's the PS5 version using eye tracking and foveated rendering, that would be insane.

It's going to be interesting seeing Facebook try and shove GTA San Andreas onto Quest 2. I would be impressed if they could hold the resolution and frame rate after seeing Grid Legends look like a mess.

PS VR 2 is going to surprise a lot of gamers with game announcements. It's only a matter of when after the first months of titles released.

MrNinosan608d ago

Reduction in GT7?
You wanted to play it split-screen in VR or what?

EvertonFC608d ago (Edited 608d ago )

One of them all about you I see and you say you've owned most VR headsets yet mention all of them short lived, have you asked yourself maybe you don't like VR lol.

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italiangamer608d ago

One of my favourite games ever, got the platinum trophy back when it was first released. I still remember sending the developers an email telling them about a bug that basically shut down the game when you started a specific section of a level. They answered me and released a patch to fix it 💪🏻.

Knushwood Butt608d ago

Two cents

If these are free upgrades then it's win win as people that already have the game and PSVR2 get a free upgrade, while those that don't can pick up the game for the first time and support the devs.

Also, if these devs are supporting the system then they are actively developing for PSVR2, can get experience with the new hardware, and hopefully work on new games going forward.

ApocalypseShadow608d ago

The funny thing wood is seeing gamers talk all about BC for PS VR 2 and bash Sony for not having it when we know why. But then, when developers are giving away free updates and upgrades of games people already own, which saves them money, then you hear the,

"I already played those games. It's an experience I already had."

It's like which is it with them? Updates and upgrades are bad given freely? They'll only accept BC or nothing at all?

They seem to not be able to make up their minds.

Knushwood Butt608d ago

Gotta move those goalposts!

Next it will be regarding the sales.

If Sony under-supply:
PSVR2 bombed and it was scalpers that bought all the stock!

If Sony over-supply:
Ha ha, PSVR2 bombed!