
Greyhill Incident Review - GamesReviews

From GamesReviews:"Greyhill Incident was instantly on my radar from the first time I saw it. It’s pretty public knowledge at this point that I am a sucker for a good horror game, and honestly, the whole alien aspect hasn’t been done that often, and definitely not like this."

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Number1TailzFan362d ago

I heard the game has poor performance on PC even if you have decent specs, don't know if it has been patched since. Also heard it's short.. But yes, it does look atmospheric, also an interesting time to release this given the ongoing legal drama in the USA at the moment over possible UFO/alien materials. Can't believe there's an actual bill on the government website.


Review - Greyhill Incident (PS5) | WayTooManyGames

WTMG's Leo Faria: "This is one mess of a game, isn’t it? Greyhill Incident could have been considered a hilarious, “so-bad-it’s-good” experience due to its dumb premise and Wiseau-esque levels of voice acting, but it’s way too boring to be considered worthy of an ironic playthrough. Poor stealth mechanics, samey environments, and an emphasis on being an Amazon delivery boy for a bunch of tinfoil hat lunatics cozily sitting in front of your house make this slog of a game feel less like an unintentional gaming version of Plan 9 From Outer Space and more like an exercise in how long you can stomach it before turning your PS5 off."

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Greyhill Incident Review | TheXboxHub

Review - Greyhill Incident feels like an unfortunate swing and a miss at a hugely underused slice of horror.

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1nsomniac352d ago (Edited 352d ago )

Was really looking forward to this as it really is an area that is largely ignored unless it’s done in a comedic style.

I’ve heard it feels like it’s incredibly unfinished.

Sonic1881352d ago (Edited 352d ago )

It does feel like that. The developers keep adding updates and patches to the game. They need to sort out the bugs first. The bugs in this game is worse than Bethesda games

EvertonFC352d ago

I'm waiting on the VR2 version before dipping in, probably pick it up around Halloween on sale for £15 which seems more fitting for a 3 hour game.

P_Bomb352d ago

Disappointing scores all around. Really wanted this one to be good. Well, I’ll wait for a deep sale. Maybe it’ll be fixed up a bit by then? Damn.

AshleeEmerson351d ago

Exactly the score I was expecting from the clunky previews (unfortunately)... although I really wanted this game to be amazing. We have absolutely no great alien invasion-type games... I hope this genre takes off in VR. I really need something like this for psvr2. (but with Naughty Dog level quality development).


Resident Evil Meets The X-Files In Greyhill Incident, Check Out The Eerie New Gameplay Trailer

Channel Your Inner Fox Mulder When Greyhill Incident Invades Consoles And PCs This Summer, Atmospheric New Trailer Showcases Horrors Of Alien Invasion.

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EvertonFC424d ago

Been following this game for quite some time, looks great, even got an a response from the devs on twitter wether it was coming to PS5.

Nacho_Z424d ago

"Get your f-ing fingers out of my dirty ass!"

Great line to end the trailer on.

Eidolon424d ago

Could be a funny game to rent.

Stuart5756424d ago

I'm 39, my generation of gamers have been waitng all our lives for this! Not sure how I feel about shooting them though, I would rather use stealth to evade them and hide, or the odd wallop with a bat over the head, point blank headshots seems a bit grim