
PS4 to be Released in 2012

Gameplayer Writes:
One thing about the PlayStation 3 is that it's a bit lifeless. Its user interface is cold, sterile and lacking in character. It's utilitarian and in many ways sucks much of the fun out of being a gamer. On top of this, Sony has been quite slow to implement features from its competitors that are, quite frankly, absolutely necessary if you wish to foster any kind of warmth or loyalty from your customers.

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Breakfast5741d ago (Edited 5741d ago )

...im assuming 2012 would be a safe bet. Maybe even 2010.

But anyways, ill be looking forward to my xbox 720, in the year 2015!


thebudgetgamer5741d ago

even if it did i looks amazing were the 360 was maxed out by a multi plat lol


Raoh5741d ago

i'm still waiting for the xbox 360 to get out of hardware beta testing.

Blademask5740d ago

The Budget Gamer gets 1 point.

CryofSilence5740d ago (Edited 5740d ago )

I still don't think Uncharted is maxing it out. Killzone only used 60% of the SPUs (Naughty Dog claims to use 100%), but that doesn't mean they used 60% of the PS3 power. There are other components involved.

thor5740d ago


This "maxing out the console" stuff is nonsense.

Of course the developers are going to push THEIR ENGINE until it can't handle any more objects on-screen. That's what happened with Red Faction. A game can quite easily use all the POWER of a console - but the algorithms and methods used might not be the most EFFICIENT ones. The 3D artists, animators and texture artists might not be as good as those in another studio. That's what's going to make the difference, that and time spent on polishing the game. This is part of the reason that MGS4 looked so good.

The dev from Red Faction was only boasting about how their game used all of the 360's RAM. Wahey. It doesn't mean graphics aren't going to get any better.

meepmoopmeep5740d ago

if that above controller (article image) doesn't come out for the PS4
that means Sony lied again.

i would love that controller.

HDgamer5740d ago

Breakfast I bet you wonder why you have two bubbles and opinions so oblivious to reality that medication couldn't cure ignorance.

Covenant5740d ago

Y'all need to stop taking Breakfast so seriously...I mean, 50 disagrees? He's just trying to add humor and break up a potential flame war.

Hence, the smiley.

Mozilla895740d ago

Sounds about right, I'd expect a new xbox in late 2011. I wonder if they're gonna rush for that head start again.

Itrguy0015740d ago

i really do hope that u did give your account to someone else man u have gone down so far and fast in the eyes of many ppl

JOEdANGEL5740d ago

Who effin cares about maxing out anyway? The Xbox was better graphically than PS2 from day one yet the PS2 outsold it more than 5 to 1. Cripes look at Persona 4 just coming out. That game is obviously dated, yet people still like it.

What I'm trying to say is that the games themselves, not just the graphics is what sells a system.

Graphics Whore5740d ago

Nah, Breakfast knows what he's doing.

jammy_705740d ago

but they said killzone 2 was coming out in 2007....if you get me....

SL1M DADDY5740d ago

I'm using the LBP theme!

As for the article, it is simple silly to speculate and doing so is just proving once again that we have another site that muddies up the interwebs with silly fud and inconsistencies.

Saint Sony5740d ago

Multiplats maxin 360 out?... no wonder those multiplats do look 500% better in 360 than PS3.

Ryudo5740d ago (Edited 5740d ago )

This is possibly the best example of enraged nerds gone wild on the internet, Bravo!

And as for saying that multi plat maxing out the 360. Way to prove your own stupidity is all I can say. It used all the 360's RAM and guess what the PS3 and 360 have about the same amount r-tards.

5740d ago
+ Show (16) more repliesLast reply 5740d ago
trancefreak5741d ago

next gen doesnt happen until sony says it does :)

Breakfast5740d ago

Nice job paying $600 for a last gen system.


thebudgetgamer5740d ago

and almost eveything about the 360 is last gen except horse power


trancefreak5740d ago

It was and my nvidia 8800gtx was $620 for the pc. Best purchases ever.

chanto235740d ago

Xbox 360.... DVD
.... no blu-tooth wireless
.... internet browser included...NOTTTT
.... built-in Wi-Fi...NEGATIVE
.... 2 AA batteries inside the controller...CHECK....
.... HDMI 1.3...hummm i don't think so
.... old school disk tray...YOU BET!!!!

i'm tired of pointing out stuff...you guy guys keep it going...

Man_of_the_year5740d ago

8 million console lead over the PS3...Check

iNcRiMiNaTi5740d ago

last time i checked u just slap on motion controls to last gen hardware and you'd have trouble supplying stores trying to keep up with the demands and dominate this console generation

gametheory5740d ago (Edited 5740d ago )

Nice job for paying a yearly fee for a service that doesn't work.


I pay for that AND for a "last gen" system that was 600. Everyone wins except me! =(

Man_of_the_year5740d ago

What a pathetic attempt at being whity. If you were going to make that comment you should have said "9,240,000 mil RROD" Check....because if the 33% failure rate is still accurate - then 33% of 28 mil would be 9,240,000. But leave it to a Droid to not come up with a whity response.

You = Fail

@ gametheory - i pay for XBL and it works fine for me. Love it. Much better then the "free" service i get with PSN. If the PSN was like XBL - i would pay for that too - but you get what you pay for.

5740d ago
Bloodwar5740d ago

used for 162 dollars. I have to install in this weekend once I get my new power supply. I just hope it works and I wasn't sent a broken one.

Scottama5739d ago

Except Mangina_of_the_year, you n0bhead, he was being witty as he was simply recycling figures YOU produced. Humour is quite often not quite based on reality.

But nice job pointing out that the RROD problem is a bigger one that we thought ;-)
Real slick there, Holmes!

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 5739d ago
big shadow5740d ago

for some reason I get goosebumps every time I see that picture above.

Bathyj5740d ago

I know, its creepy ay?

Its like a DS3 with boils.

evilmonkey5015740d ago

its strange, yet desirable, kinda like a girl with 3 boobs...

Sibs5740d ago

And how exactly can one use a controller with so many buttons? Very carefully...

Panthers5740d ago

2012 is the apocalypse and we will all have radioactive radiation give us extra fingers...


The PS4 would be a fitting end to this world lol.

InMyOpinion5740d ago

PS5 to be released in 2020!

Xbox 1080 to be released in 2018!

Wii 4 to be released in 2032!

All of a sudden I feel like Hiphopgamer...

ToastyMcNibbles5740d ago

lmao you forgot to add question marks in there jenzo...it makes for a more compelling headline

chanto235740d ago

But that was some funny sh1t...

tda-danny5740d ago

I ripped on ya yesterday, but props for that sir!


ultimolu5740d ago


Have a bubble from me as well.

likedamaster5740d ago

"" lmao you forgot to add question marks in there jenzo ""


+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 5740d ago
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Nintendo Accused of 'Bullying' in Weak Patent Dispute Over Palworld

The article discusses a claim by an intellectual property (IP) expert that Nintendo likely does not hold patents strong enough to prevent the game developer Pocketpair from creating Palworld, a game that some believe resembles Pokémon. The expert suggests that Nintendo's legal challenges against Palworld could amount to nothing more than corporate bullying, as the patents Nintendo might be relying on are not robust enough to stand up to legal scrutiny. The situation could be seen as an example of a large corporation trying to exert undue influence over a smaller competitor.

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-Foxtrot2d ago

Crazy how far they are willing to go over nothing rather than tell Game Freak to get their shit together and sort the quality of the mainline games out.

Personally I'd drop the two game bullshit, make a full on complete game, and take their time making the best game they can without relying on a silly battle gimmick they'll ditch after one game. Gimmicks out of battle is what they should be focusing on, beauty contests, berry making, secret bases, the underground, Seasons, events during day / night and post game content like travelling to a new location or something.

porkChop2d ago

That's the thing, this is why we're now seeing more serious competitors in the genre. Game Freak has just been coasting by, doing the bare minimum in innovation for the last 20+ years. They need to get with the times. Hire more devs, give more dev time to foster creativity, etc. But now that they can't get away with that bare minimum they're trying to sue their competitors out of existence. It's disgusting.

Cacabunga21h ago

Nintendo risks big with this one.. it’s means competition to pokemon and that they dont want

gold_drake2d ago

been saying this since sun and moon.

gamefreak just isnt used to, still isnt used to, the console market. they did well on the handheld space but as a complete 3d developer z they fail miserable

the last two pkmn gens look like gamecube games. not to mention the bugs at launch.

but uve seen the ridiculous anount of copies sold at launch too.

Profchaos1d 17h ago (Edited 1d 17h ago )

Realistically though palworld Pokemon with guns featured so many themes and concepts that Nintendont
There's no way they would make a game where you could use realistic weapons or have pals slaving away.

They're not the same genre at all they just feature similar characters

Markdn1d 2h ago

Can't hide plagerism I guess, Palworld had it easy, even flaunting it, they deserve ever thing Nintendo decides to throw at them.

FinalFantasyFanatic1d 14h ago

I pretty much agree, two editions of the same game shouldn't even been a thing at this point. The foundations are solid, but the lack of content and having a lived in world really let the latest games down.

Profchaos1d 6h ago (Edited 1d 6h ago )

Two editions worked way back in the day as a gimmick hey your mate has different Pokemon in blue than you have in red so trade them but nowadays it's pointless we don't have any of those limitations system links not really a thing anymore and two editions feels exploitive nowadays like they are targeting kids to double dip

badz1491d 12h ago

why would they do that when the fanbase is still willing to buy whatever low-effort and low-cost crap they are churning out? they are out to make as much money as possible with as little investment as possible and say what you want but GF is excellent at that front mainly because the fanbase allows them to. Nintendo is saying nothing because they are making money.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 21h ago
Valkyrye2d ago

posting articles from msn.com now seriously?

MaximusPrime_2d ago

The article is actually Gamesradar's. MSN just used their page like a URL shortened link.

Pyrofire951d 18h ago

Yeah, they've been bullies.

MeteorPanda1d 18h ago

It's straight up bullying with mooney and using the government laws as a tool to do so. They should be fined.

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Dragon’s Dogma 2 Shouldn’t Let Its PS5 Pro Update Arrive Empty-Handed

Entering Q4 and with the impending release of the PS5 Pro and major AAA titles this holiday season, Dragon's Dogma 2 has a golden opportunity for DLC.

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Eonjay1d 23h ago

I have to disagree. Personally, I feel like DD2 still needs a lot of optimization. I really dislike games that try to sell a bunch of DLC when their game is still a mess.

Redgrave1d 22h ago

This, RDR2, Bloodborne.... and of course, Life of Black Tiger.


15 Hardest Games for the Super Nintendo

Who doesn't love a good challenge? If everything was easy, there would be no joy in getting it done. In the realm of video games, the late 1980s and 1990s were the perfect era of "get good" gaming with multiple big-named titles that put a player's skills to the test. The Super Nintendo, one of

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Gamingsince19815d ago

Didn't the snes come out in 1990 in Japan

Profchaos5d ago (Edited 5d ago )

Sure did I can only assume the article is talking about old-school games in general

Also the thumbnail used in the article for super Mario bros the lost levels is a screenshots of the Famicom game